AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 301-310


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She wanted to be that for her own kids. Be the kind of Mom that her's was.

Could she do that with Robbie, not being his wife? Living in a Polyamorous harem situation?

The sex would be amazing. The lifestyle would be amazing. But wouldlife be amazing in ten years? Twenty? What would she miss out on, if she were to jump into this wild thing that had formed between the girls and Robbie?

Too many questions with too few answers. Zenya took a deep breath and tried to relax. She wasn't going to make a decision that night, and Robbie had made it clear she didn't need to make it tomorrow.

Some more of his dick would probably help, though...

Chapter 310

Heather took another deep breath and unclenched her teeth, but inevitably felt her jaw tightening again. Sherry was asleep, curled up at the edge of the bed with her back to Heather, and the taller woman knew she'd probably gone a little overboard. Sherry wasn't injured or anything, but Heather had turned her frustration on her and the hate fuck had been pretty rough. The smaller girl's back and ass were still red from the spanking and scratches, and Heather had no doubt that she'd be feeling her holes ache in the morning.

She was still wearing the strap-on as she lay in the dark with her hands behind her head, the rubber cock standing proud. She'd have to take it off eventually to sleep, but for now, she just felt powerful with it on and hated the fact that shedidn't feel that way outside of this stupid cabin.

The whole trip had been a fucking mistake and she never should have agreed to it. Hell, she should have told Cattie she couldn't come and just put her foot down. It really wouldn't have been that hard to get Sherry into bed without the trip, but Heather knew she'd gotten greedy. The idea of hooking up with some pretty mainstream slut on the trip, and then getting some bonus clout by leaking the info in a few months to drum up drama and views, had been too tempting. But instead of hooking up with any of them, she'd been treated like shit from the jump.

And it was all that fucking bitch Cassidy's fault. Robbie might have been the fucking tool used to drive a wedge between her and Cattie, but Cassidy was the one who brought him on the trip, and let him cheat on her openly. Cassidy had been a bad influence on Cattie during their entire relationship. Every fucking time Cattie went out of town to a Con and met up with Cassidy and Roobie she came back less pliable, less subservient. And she was Heather's fucking sub!

She'd made the accusation that Cattie had cheated on her before, and Cattie had always denied it. Maybe she'd been lying the whole time.

Heather started unstrapping the strap-on from around her hips, grunting softly in the dark. Tomorrow was going to be a shit show. Cattie was going to need to ride back to the airport with her and Sherry, and Heather wasn't going to hold back. She'd tell that black-haired cheating cunt exactly what she expected from her moving forward. She was going on fucking lockdown. No more even texting any of these bitches from this trip. Heather would control her social media and platform. And no more playing the innocent cocktease - Cattie was going to film with Heather for her OnlyFans, full face, and jump her career forwards and start making more money.

With the strap on off, Heather tossed it to the side and then rolled in the opposite direction, shaking Sherry by the shoulder.

"Huh?" she said, confused as she was woken up.

"Come here," Heather said, using her size and strength to manhandle the smaller girl around the bed until she was between Heather's legs. "Eat me out, I can't sleep."

"I'm tired. It's late," Sherry grumbled.

"Shut up and get licking, little slut," Heather said, scooping one of her powerful legs behind Sherry's head and pulling her into Heather's pussy. Sherry was muffled for a moment as Heather smirked and thrust with her hips, grinding her clit up and down Sherry's face, then backed off to let the girl breathe. "Do it," she ordered. "Your Mistress demands it."

"Yes, Mistress," Sherry sighed

"Better," Heather grunted. A good come or two and maybe she'd get some sleep.

- - - - -

Ginnie winced a little as she reached back and felt at her asshole. She was in the shower, having woken up after the monumental fuck she'd had with JC knocked her asleep.

At the time Terra had offered the hookup, Ginnie knew that the others were planning on their 'Cock Roulette' game, but two five-minute turns with Robbie hadn't seemed like a great deal compared to all night with the South American hottie. Or maybe he was Puerto Rican? Ginnie wasn't really sure.

With Terra's blessing, she'd set her sights on JC and flirted hard, making it obvious what she wanted. He'd responded, and she'd dragged him down to her room.

The sex was damn good. He was muscley in the right ways, super hot, and willing to go down on her. She'd even been impressed that JC had stuck to his agreement with Terra about no vaginal sex despite their obvious problems and likely break up. Ginnie, happy to just have a quality dick all to herself, had happily complied with the Anal request and they'd fucked like rabbits.

Now, though, with JC still asleep in her bed as Ginnie cleaned herself up, she couldn't help her own wondering. Leia, one of her oldest friends, was falling in love with Robbie. Terra was falling for Robbie. Hell, most of the girls on the trip were, and he was getting into relationship territory with, like, most of them.

But not with her.

Is there something wrong with me? She thought, chewing on the inside of her lip.

The sex with JC was great... but for some reason the stuff she'd done with Robbie had been more satisfying. And they hadn't even actually had sex! There was something about Robbie that just...

Ginnie sighed and rinsed her hair out, then felt back at her ass and winced again. Tomorrow was going to be a bit of a bitch to sit for so long. Anal had probably been the wrong choice.

- - - - -

Ami sighed happily, slowly falling asleep. Curling up next to Robbie, his arm around her and his warm chest against hers was heaven.

They hadn't had sex, though he'd shown that he was more than capable of making her come her brains out without even putting his penis inside her. She felt warm and tingly all over.

She loved him.

If things lasted, she would have sex with him for sure. She just needed to know he loved her enough to make it work long term, and long distance, before she gave herself to him like that.

He'd make her first real time special. She knew that without a doubt.


Thanks for reading! Votes are awesome, comments are even better!

If you enjoyed, make sure to catch the rest of the series! And if you're a fan of these short chapter stories, make sure to check out my The OF Girl series.




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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Thank you for not choosing the fairy tale trope. Maintaining a relationship with one person is hard enough, but six, seven, or maybe eight is a logistical nightmare on its face, not to mention balancing the emotional dynamics. If it sounds hard, reality will be harder still.

Congratulations also on the Heather front. A story can’t be great without a good villain. You have patiently and organically made me despise her. I want nothing more than to see Heather attack Cassidy only to have Robbie put her in her place, physically if necessary. Heather thinks she’s strong because she can push around smaller women. She’s enough of a narcissistic bully to think she can do the same to Robbie. Self-perception doesn’t change biology.

To TwistedDave,

Heather displays certain psychopathic tendencies that six hours of therapy won’t fix. She combines a deep narcissism with violent outbursts. She would need a whole team of therapists and years to make her fit for society.

JohnBJohnJohnBJohn3 months ago

I'm really enjoying this, thank you!

Strat05phereStrat05phere3 months ago

I really hope we get an epilogue set a couple of years in the future so we can see where everyone ends up and how they all fit into each other's lives.

sensual_baconsensual_bacon3 months ago

Great series!! I've been following it closely and I love what you've done with it with 1 major caveat.. USE THE APP MORE! This might be the best time to do so! Everyone's sure of what they want but also at a turning point, maybe bring more of the "inner circle" people in on the App and have them be super into it or use it to help smooth the transition to the model mansion.. There are a million ways to use the app that fit within Robbie's morality that are also interesting and creative: sense and heighten pre-existing fetishes, create new dynamics between the evolving "sorority," use it as a "role assigner" for the evolving household, maybe use it on cassidy for some ironic revenge to make her unable to pursue any of the other girls independently like she's worried she will. I'm just saying this is the "mind control" category.

TwistedDaveAuthorTwistedDaveAuthor3 months ago

Quality is still high. Thank you. The blow out with Heather should be a doozy. Hopefully Sherry to pump sand after the abuse that night. Heather needs a 6 hour session with a good therapist.

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