Amber the Office Slut Pt. 02

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Amber meets a client.
5.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/01/2017
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Amber was led down the side of the open plan first floor office, the 15 or so staff at desks around the office standing or turning in their chairs to see her crawl by. She was acutely aware of the way her bum wiggled from side to side, and she felt her skirt riding up by her hips, her full behind and pussy lips on show to all who cared to look.

Claire gave the leash a little tug as they reached the elevator, which thank god, Amber thought, was the one at the back of the building. If she had chosen to parade her out of the main doors into the lobby Amber was sure she would have screamed and bolted for an escape.

"Sit, Doggy." Krystal commanded with a snigger. Amber sat back with her bum resting on her feet. This was a game they had played before and she knew the ladies loved to treat her in this humiliating way.

For Amber, the scariest part of this whole experience had been realising how hot it made her too. She shuddered as she thought back to when Claire had sent out the company wide email with Amber naked on her office floor, kneeling in acceptance. It had briefly detailed Amber's new role on Fridays and given details of how to send appointment requests for "The Office Slut." Amber's mouth had been full of the taste of Claire's sex, as she had gone down on her under her desk whilst Claire wrote the email.

That following week Amber had been questioned up and down by every girl there, and as instructed, she had told them the story of how Claire had discovered Amber had a fetish for public exposure. It had happened in a bar, and thinking back to those first few weeks sent a shiver down Amber's spine. Amber had been instructed to make sure anyone who asked about it knew that She was the dirty one, the pervert as Claire put it, and that Claire was simply helping her realise a fantasy.

She was shaken out of her quiet reverie by Krystal who leant down and slapped her ass as the lift pinged onto the ground floor.

"Come on, in you get doggie, can't have you sitting here in a puddle of your own excitement can we, you will cause the cleaners no end of bother with the carpet."

Amber scurried forward and turned next to Claire in the lift, as Krystal smiled down at her with the wicked grin that amber knew meant she was in trouble later, Krystal was the most frequent of the girls to book her on Fridays, and made a point of being nasty to her all week too. Amber, for all her protestations (when she could protest, which wasn't possible today after being ordered to silence) was always made uncomfortably hot and red in the face by some whisper or comment from her. Each time she got a text from Krystal it was some disgusting filthy name calling or reminder of what she had been doing, and each time it made Amber blush and come over in a wave of red hot guilt, and it was that shame and guilt that made her so wet between the legs so often these days.

Claire had bought it out of her, it was true, and when Amber was made to tell the story of it to all and sundry it was Claire who got the credit and Claire who Amber had to thank.

The first time she knew that she enjoyed being exposed, or made to humiliate herself, was in a bar, slightly too drunk for a works do as usual, and the 25-year-old Amber had been sat at the end of the night with Claire, who seemed at the time remarkably kind and caring. But after the others had left and it was just them, Claire and Amber had been chatting and Amber had felt like she could tell her anything. She was also desperately attracted to the older woman.

Claire had always had an authority about her which Amber found intimidating in an exciting way. Loosened up by a few drinks she talked about all sorts of personal things, and Claire had asked about women and Amber had reminisced about a lesbian relationship from a few years back.

They had kissed; or rather Amber had lunged at Claire, her boss, awkwardly pushed herself across to her in the booth seats. She had regretted and worried about the kiss instantly, but being drunk she hadn't thought too much about it before. Luckily, it seemed at the time, Claire reciprocated the kiss in a gentle and wonderful way, Amber even now could feel that first kiss.

Then things had changed a little, and Claire shuddered again on the lift metal floor as she remembered Claire taking the dominant position even there after one kiss, telling Amber she would need to ask for permission if she wanted to do that again, and ask nicely, and then, later, telling her she must do other things, things Claire would never normally have considered doing in public, but things that excited her greatly.

To Claire's credit, and to Amber's shame, she had arranged a meeting the following day with her to "verify the facts" as she put it, coldly. Even then at a Saturday Brunch she seemed cool and collected and ever so in control, and Amber felt a little like a frightened puppy. That second day had sealed Ambers fate, when she looked back, confirmed everything to Claire and opened Amber's eyes to what she could do, what she was willing to do.

But those memories had to go back into the recesses of Amber's mind for now, as the lift pinged again and they arrived at their floor. This was a second floor rented out in the large office space by the company they all worked for. There were less office staff here, mainly meeting and conference rooms for selling to clients and brainstorming.

There was a big creative meeting going on in one of the glass fronted conference rooms, and as Amber was led by on her leash and she looked to the side and saw a gaggle of staring faces, grinning at her humiliation.

Mary, one of the senior executives glanced across and shook her head, waving the meeting back to order from her position at the front by a whiteboard. Amber shivered again and felt the heat of her pumping blood across her body and the moistness between her legs. That was always the way with the women who seemed to utterly disapprove of her behaviour,

Claire had been clear in her email that she was taking responsibility for Amber on her Friday adventures and that people who had things to say about it could come to her, but as far as Amber knew the disapproval started and stopped with the glares, the withering looks, the comments behind her back. Claire had never told her about any complaints, but then, why would she?

Floor 2 held all the meeting rooms in one large section, and Amber was led into room 2.6 and the door was shut behind.

"OK Amber, you are here for an important meeting, we have a client coming in and I don't want him to leave unhappy, so you are to provide us some waitress services today, and some entertainment."

Claire spoke quickly as she paced about the room setting the table straight and moving a couple of chairs. There was a long opaque glass table and a large TV screen sat at one end, a sofa and a couple of comfier armchair seats to the side.

"Stand up Amber!" Claire instructed, coming to the end of the table where they had left her after entering. Amber stood and keep her arms at her side, her gaze down, trying not to meet Claire's eyes.

"Now, when Mr. Braithwaite gets here..."

Oh god, it was a man!? Amber thought her anxiety growing.

"...You are to follow instruction like a good girl, understand?"

Amber nodded, keeping her mouth buttoned up

"And Amber, tell me what is the one thing you aren't to do, under any circumstances?"

Amber looked up for a second into Claire's smiling, almost friendly face, although it was hard for Amber to see her as anything but a harsh mistress. She felt panic for a second before deciding to keep quiet and look back at her shoes.

"That's right, good girl, keep quiet. No words, no complaining. Mr Braithwaite won't like that, and I will like it even less, and you don't want to do anything I wouldn't like, do you?"

Amber shook her head, remaining mute should be easy enough, she thought.

Krystal was using the computer and getting a presentation on the screen ready, Amber was ushered to the end of the room and told to wait, standing there like a decoration in her tiny schoolgirl skirt and tied up shirt.

After Claire had left to collect the visitor it was just her and Krystal left alone in the room. Krystal was tall and slim, with long red hair, young and pretty, just like Amber. She had a style to her clothing and hair that made her seem intimidating and in charge. She wore a smart suit with a short, straight skirt and pulled it off brilliantly. She was smart, sarcastic and confident, more so than Amber could ever imagine being, even though they were around the same age.

Krystal finished with the keyboard at the meeting room table and left the presentation up on the screen, Amber could see the title "Advertising to Women" with a stock photo they used of a happy woman out enjoying her life. A sales meeting then, it seemed.

"Aren't you a little bundle of fun today, Amber?" Said Krystal as she walked over. "I love your outfit! Here, let me fix your hair, that nasty ball gag has messed you all up."

Krystal ran her hands back through Amber's blonde hair, smiling all the while, she fussed over the hair until her hands reached Amber's shoulders, and then they began to stroke down towards her chest.

"Let me tighten this a little for you." She gripped the knotted shirt below Amber's boobs and gave it a few sharp tugs, pressing Amber's cleavage higher as she tightened the shirts grip on her chest.

"Mmmm much nicer." Krystal murmured almost to herself. Amber's silence had become the norm already and she was taking advantage of her tacit agreement. Her hands gently cupped Amber's breasts and pushed up and in, and as she did her grip tightened and Amber felt her thumbs come down on her nipples, pressing into and rolling them as her hands moved back, and then she went back a rolling pushing and then a pinch, tighter and harder this time.

Through the shirt Amber felt the sharp pinch as Thumb and forefinger now rolled her nipples, and she looked into Krystal's face as she tweaked them extra hard, and Amber sucked in a sharp breath, Krystal grinning as she stared straight back at the silent girl, enjoying her game.

Amber knew her nipples were perfectly visible now through the thin shirt material, no bra and barely a top to cover herself, and about to meet a stranger, unable to explain herself. Her hot blush came back in full force across her whole body as Krystal chuckled to herself, moving back to the table.

Claire returned shortly after, with Mr Braithwaite, apparently, in tow. He was a tall man, in his mid to late forties, Amber estimated, who smiled happily as Claire introduced her as "The girl we spoke about."

"Take a seat Mr Braithwaite, we will talk about what we can offer you here." Said Claire, taking a seat herself on one of the chairs against the wall, whilst Mr Braithwaite was led to sit on the small couch.

"Amber, why don't you fetch us some drinks from down the hall?"

With that, Amber was sent off to grab coffee for the three of them as Claire began her spiel about the past campaigns and statistics. As Amber scurried out the door and down to the refreshments area she wondered how much of the meeting would be a sales pitch and how much would be her "entertainment."

"Must be Slut day again, hey Amber?" said one of the Secretaries as she headed back to her office with her drink, giving Amber a slow look up and down with a smirk on her face.

Amber did her best to keep out of the way and made he drinks as fast as possible, as horrible as it was being in that meeting room it would be even worse out here facing the stares and comments of the entire office.

It wasn't long after getting back with a tray of drinks and biscuits that Amber found herself front and centre. Pausing after talking about a magazine campaign from last year, Claire turned to Mr Braithwaite with a glint in her eye and a smirk, she said "...of course this isn't all we offer, as you can see from the lovely Amber here, our company is very free spirited in its thinking"

"I must admit, I was very intrigued by your mention of Amber on the phone, Miss Hawthorne."

"Oh please, call me Claire!" Claire waved Amber over in front of them "Amber, show this gentleman your lovely tits, will you?"

Amber had a sudden clear flashback to their first brunch together on that Saturday, Claire saying those exact words, she remembered. But it wasn't time to reminisce about past humiliations, she was here for a brand new one it seemed. So, Amber did as she was told, she reached up the knot of her white "school girl" shirt and began with fumbling fingers to undo it. Her breath quickened and her breasts rose and fell as she loosened, and then completely undid the knot.

Her ample round tits were out and the shirt hung in wrinkled mess at either side of her body

"Oh my!" was Mr Braithwaite's apparently approving response.

"Throw that out the way you won't be needing it." instructed Claire, and Amber did as she was told and shrugged the meagre covering of her shirt off and down her bare pale skin of her arms, throwing it the side onto the unoccupied armchair.

Mr Braithwaite adjusted his seating position, straightening his back, never taking his eyes from Amber's marvellous tits.

"Hold them up for us, dear," Said Claire, and Amber did as she was told, taking her boobs in cupped hands and lifting them up, squashing them together.

"She is most... compliant?" murmured the impressed Mr Braithwaite

"Oh yes. Amber dear, turn around. Krystal, if you please?" Claire waved her hand in my direction and Krystal got to her feet and paced across the room

"Of course, Claire, always happy to play with Amber here."

Amber turned, her back to the potential client, and she felt Krystal's hand at the small of her back "lean forward dear." Krystal murmured, before reaching down and lifting the tiny, last covering of her short skirt up and over her bottom.

"Oh wow!" Was Mr Braithwaite's response, now from behind Amber. She shut her eyes and tried not to think too hard about it, which of course, was impossible.

"She does have a lovely arse, doesn't she Krystal?"

"Yes Claire, it's so nice and firm!" and Amber felt Krystal's hand grip her left butt cheek and let it free, and again on the right. "And so very spankable" and then a quick sharp slap against the left cheek.


"Mmmm lovely!" said Mr Braithwaite.

SMACK against the right cheek now, and then back and forth again. Amber was shaken by the fourth hard slap and took a small step forwards.

"No-no-no, come here Amber" said Krystal, and took a grip under Amber's bare midriff, to hold her steady, as she slapped her butt cheeks twice more each.

Amber was close to tears, not just from the humiliation but also the realisation that ever since her nipples had been tweaked, since she had been made to crawl here in front of everyone, she had been on an ever-increasing rise of heat and wetness between her legs, and now bent over she was sure it was obvious to everyone that her bald pussy was sodden, just as her buttocks were reddening.

"May I?" Amber heard the man's voice say.

"Of course!" came Claire's enthusiastic reply.

Amber heard him getting up from the low sofa and coming up next to Krystal, now the rough hand of a forty-something man was against her bare behind, the strangeness of the feeling making Amber tingle and her muscles twinge.

SMACK! Another spank against her backside, and another, SMACK! This time with the size of a man's hand coming down on her right cheek. "Oh my, it is firm isn't it!" he commented.

SMACK! To her left cheek now "lovely..." he muttered as his hand rose again.


Amber was shaken each time.

Krystal let her waist go and instead grabbed her boobs now, tweaking her nipples on either side as Mr Braithwaite spanked her, and Amber, for no reason she could reasonably think of anymore, stood there bent over at the middle and let them.

"Mmmm her nipples are so hard now, I bet her pussy is soaking" said Krystal.

"I'm sure it is, she is a dirty little slut after all" said Claire from her chair through a smile

Mr Braithwaite backed off after 6 or 7 more smacks to Amber's lovely round bottom and sat back down, perched on the edge of the sofa.

"Down on your knees now Amber, and turn around so Mr Braithwaite can appreciate you a little more."

Amber was let go by Krystal and her nipples ached with how hard they had gotten. She knelt in front of the man, who was all eyes for her topless form.

"Amber, take Mr Braithwaite's cock out, why don't you, I'm sure he is ready for something a little more...personal."

Amber gulped and took a deep breath. She moved towards Mr Braithwaite's seated legs, her eyes focused on his crotch, she reached out to him, but he moved back into the couch away from her.

"wait, no, wait..."

"What's the matter Mr Braithwaite?"

"Are you sure? I mean, is She sure? I'm not sure if I can do this." He was a little panicked, it seemed smacking a girl's ass was one step, but getting a blowjob in an office with two other women watching was maybe a step too far.

"I mean, is she really up for this? She hasn't said a word for the last half hour." He was looking at Krystal and Claire for clarification

"Oh, she wants it. I didn't want her speaking and ruining a perfectly good meeting, which is why she is silent, but perhaps Amber she can show you she wants it in other ways."

Claire looked at the kneeling Amber and smiled "why don't you show us, show Mr Braithwaite, a little evidence that you really want to take his cock out and suck it, that you really are a little eager slut, Amber?"

She said it in such a sweet and questioning way the insulting, humiliating words soaked in deeper. Amber knew she had one thing that would do exactly what they wanted of her, so she took another breath and looked into Mr Braithwaite's face, he was staring right back at her, a little red in face himself.

Amber reached down to the waist of her little skirt and popped the clasp that kept the band closed, it fell off her hips and she threw it onto the empty chair. Now she turned her back to him once more and, on her knees, leant over, onto her forearms, facing away. Her thick, juicy butt cheeks rose as her head went lower between her hands on the carpet in front as she presented herself for Mr Braithwaite's approval.

"Legs a little wider I think Amber."

Amber nudged her knees apart a little more.

"Wider dear," Instructed Claire again.

Amber did as she was told, her butt now high and her head right down, she lifted her knees one at a time and parted them wider still, her pussy on full show now along with her bottom, for Mr Braithwaite, only a couple of feet away to inspect.

"You see she likes it!" Said Claire, getting up from her chair and stepping across to the side of Amber in her perverse pose. She leant down and gripped both of Amber's upturned ass cheeks and squeezed.

"But the proof is in the pudding, as they say" and she slapped both cheeks at once, causing Amber to judder a little in her position on the floor.

Amber felt Claire's long delicate fingers slide up her thighs, the nails scraping ever so slightly on her delicate flesh, they came to her privates, her pussy, hands either side of her thick lips. Amber felt like she must be leaking fluid all over the floor she was so hot and tingly. Claire gave her a squeeze, pushing her lips together with both hands, before repositioning the fingers of one hand, and then she stroked up from underneath, fingers tracing a line across the soft flesh of her Amber's sodden lips, dipping into her pussy as the lips parted and as Claire's fingers finished their brief journey Amber let out a gasp from the floor.

"Lovely." Claire smiled, "There you are Mr Braithwaite, see," Claire held out her two fingers on her right hand, now glistening in juices from Ambers ever so tingly, most private area. "This is what I like to call The Pudding."