An Exquisite Ensnarement


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The two vine ends that were at his cock now slithered around the shaft in a loose, twisting grip. Just below the foreskin, they squeezed carefully and begin to roll the skin back and forth lazily over his corona. Guruk stifled a moan as the strange creature was seemingly jerking his cock with its vines. And it wasn't a poor excuse for a handjob either: he had previously had some experience with those before. Instead, this creature and its vines had not only an incredibly cozy, snug grip... but the perfect rhythm of motion to keep the sensations pleasurable.

He almost didn't notice when another vine stealthily crept up below him and went straight to his hairy sack. This vine began cradling, rolling, and gently massaging his big balls with enough enthusiasm that even the most eager of lovers would struggle to match.

Guruk could scarcely believe how things were escalating. By this point, any doubts about how well the creature could handle his junk were quickly erased. It was very good at all of this. If he had the stamina of a pathetic human he wagered he probably would already be emptying his load under these kinds of ministrations.

And even for him, a powerful orc, it was a struggle to maintain his composure. He didn't want to appear weak, but as the vines continuously tugged at his shaft and lifted and pushed his balls, he wanted nothing more than to loudly moan. To give in and express just how disturbingly proficient this creature was at working his dick.

Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. The pace of the vines never faltered. They rolled up and down his shaft. Untiring, unrelenting. But they kept the motions unpredictable, mixing them up to keep things exciting. One moment they might give a slow squeezing roll to the head. And the next it was several, rapid tugs. Sometimes they would only pull at the shaft near the glans. Other times they covered and jerked at the entirety of the length, leaving none of the cock untouched. The vine at his balls was similarly random in its motions. Tugging, lifting, massaging, all with the one constant that it felt like pure bliss.

By now the tip of Guruk's dick was profusely leaking like a broken faucet. The sticky precum continuously dribbled from his slit before being mostly caught by the roving first tongue of the creature. Some of it instead became lube for the vines which jerked him, creating lewd, noisy squelches. Either way, the Xal ensured that not a single drop was ever wasted.

The very sight of that long tongue flicking eagerly through the air to catch his precum was almost as enjoyable to Guruk as the actual sensations his dick was being subjected to. And each time it caught any, the tongue pulled back into its insatiable maw and made slurping sounds that sent thrilling chills down his spine.

He found himself curiously looking down further past his dick to the gaping maw reveling in the taste of his fluids. He studied the three thick, lengthy, tongues, the lack of teeth, and finally the wide gullet at the back of it all. Guruk couldn't help but begin to lewdly entertain the idea of getting his cock inside that inviting mouth. To have it swallowed down by that gaping throat and properly milked of its big pent-up load. He shuddered at the enticing prospect, and his tugged dick gave an agreeing spasm and spat out more pre.

It was almost as if the creature knew what the huge orc wanted. Or it was merely coincidence when the head of the creature rose up so that its smacking, slurping maw shifted upwards to stop directly in front of Guruk's thoroughly drooling cock. Its snout seemed to purse towards the glans as if it was an involuntary reaction to try and suck upon it.

The first of its tongues pushed at the base of the ample cock to lift and direct it towards its gaping mouth. Meanwhile, the vines wrapped around the shaft began pumping it at a ramping pace, working his foreskin effortlessly up and down the glans.

As the tip continued to drip from the vigorous stimulation, the creature's mouth leaned in closer and the second of its powerful tongues glided out. The wet end of it waggled up and down at the cockslit, all too eager to collect the fluid the meaty organ was giving. The constant lapping tongue and tugging at his shaft made the orc grimace with pleasure. He was very impressed; it sure knew how to work a cock. Whether that was through experience or if it was just some kind of natural instinct, Guruk hadn't the faintest idea.

Just as he had gotten used to this continuous sensual assault on his dick, the creature changed its approach. The two vines gripping the shaft pulled the foreskin back taut and held it there. They followed this by undulating against his shaft in a pulsating, squeezing maneuver. Guruk grunted and tried to instinctively thrust between the vines while they pressed and tightened, but to no avail. His body was still firmly held, suspended high above the ground and hanging in place.

The plump glans at the top of his cock seemed to swell even bigger from the squeezing further down the shaft. The Xal hungrily eyed that thick, pink mushroom cap. Its gaze never left, and it smacked its open 'lips' together on its working tongues, continuing to create filthy slurping noises.

The previously lapping tongue wound itself directly around the corona of the captive orc's cock, securely tightening itself there and keeping the cockhead poking out and bulging. The end of the lengthy tongue was still able to reach further along and wiggle across his cockslit to continue to clean off the seeping fluid. Both of the extended greedy tongues took turns swiping across the end and occasionally rubbing against the spongy surface.

Guruk found himself continuously surprised by this thing beneath him. Certainly, no woman he'd ever been with had a single tongue with these kinds of enticing capabilities, let alone three. But then again, the most that his dick had usually gotten was a quick lick or two to wet it before a typical mundane fuck.

This creature on the other hand was anything but typical. It proceeded to tighten around the shaft with the vines and then underneath the head with its wound tongue in a smooth one-two squeezing rhythm. While doing this, the same tongue's tip gently swept back and forth across the cockslit like a living, mopping pendulum.

Guruk began to realize that he was sweating quite a bit. Perhaps from the summer heat, or the erotic assault. Potentially both. Either way, a wet sheen was starting to cover his body, making the thick black hair across his form glisten in the gentle sunlight.

"Guuuuh..." The orc panted lightly. "W-will you suck it now...?" He blurted out, bluntly making his need obvious. So much for being resolute and unwavering. He could barely stand watching the tongues and vines work in tandem tirelessly at his cock. The sheer appearance of their eagerness to please was almost as much of a turn-on as the actual contact.

Instead of responding, the creature moved on to another tantalizing method. Its two gripping vines on his dick retracted into the grass as the primary tongue unwound from its encircling hold and slithered down the veiny shaft to the hairy base. This gentle caress alone made Guruk quiver, but it wasn't finished quite yet. It lifted his cock by the base, angling it up until the head of it poked into the paunch of his belly. The entire underside of his cock was now appropriately aligned with the open large mouth directly underneath it.

With the orc's penis held properly in place, the tip of the first tongue had now decided to occupy itself by working into the hefty balls further down. It writhed against his sack, wetly matting down the black hair and cleaning them of their sweat.

Guruk could now feel his own hard dick prodding into his gut. The sticky end drooled against his hanging hairy belly, a continual reminder of how unsated it was. He didn't know what to expect next, but just as he was about to guess he felt another warm, wet caress that easily forced a guttural gasp.

The second tongue of the creature had flattened itself wide and extended again from its mouth. In one broad, slow stroke, it reached up and slid the flat of it against the entire underside of Guruk's upright shaft; a huge lick from base to tip. The wet tongue meticulously pressed against every inch of the bottom of his cock, with the mildly rough texture tickling at every little nerve ending along the way. It ended the mighty lick with a deliberate flick of its tongue tip against the orc's all-too exposed frenulum; a simple testament to the Xal's knowledge of sensitive anatomy.

His cock could only give a hard twitch in reaction to the drag of that tongue, especially when it rolled off the head. Guruk was amazed that he hadn't already emptied his balls all over the Xal by this point. Was it this strange being's doing that was inhibiting his release? He still felt a slow climb towards a powerful orgasm -- and all the joy leading up to it -- but the climax somehow felt more distant than it should... even considering his impressive orcish stamina in the bedroom.

The second tongue swooped back in for another taste. It maddeningly dragged up along the lengthy shaft at a slow, purposeful pace. It deliberately made sure to caress every inch of its underside, and left a warm, wet trail of saliva in its wake. Upon approaching the top of the bulging glans, the tongue paused the lick, keeping itself flat and pressed against the shaft while instead curling the end against the orc's precum-slicked frenulum before dancing against it left to right.

Guruk groaned loudly and clutched at the air. His dick throbbed repeatedly at the tongue's rocking motion, dribbling more and more fluid out in increasing frequency. Below his shaft, his balls were still getting lazy licks from the first tongue, which seemed more than happy to wet the entirety of the hefty, hairy sack.

He glanced between his licked genitals and the singular eye of the creature. It was back to staring intently at the tip of his cock, and all the escaping precum running out of it and down the lengthy shaft. Some of it was being roved up by the big, rolling tongue of course, but not all of it. The alien eye itself seemed to grow further excited the more stimulated Guruk was, with its iris dilating and expanding rapidly.

After an extended minute of getting better acquainted with the orc's shaft, the Xal's second tongue pulled away from it with one final huge wet lick, accompanied by a punctuating lewd slurp. Guruk nearly winced with the prolonged pleasure now starting to ride the line on becoming a bit too much of a cockteasing. He really just strongly craved any kind of release now. But he wasn't sure if that was in the creature's plans quite just yet.

One of the vines from prior appeared from the grass again, just as suddenly as it had vanished. It went straight at Guruk's crotch like before, grasping it by the base gently while the primary tongue which had been propping it upwards diverted itself fully into massaging his big green balls. The orc gulped, watching the vine tilt his veiny shaft back down to aim at the creature's imposing, splayed maw. A large bead of sweat rolled down his temple as he shuddered at the stirring sight of his own dick pointing perfectly toward that inviting orifice below. His heart raced: was it finally time? He could only hope.

The creature's head slowly raised up and in even closer to its target. Its toothless maw began hiking further open with short jerks, revealing the full cavernous, wet inside and the inviting-looking throat at the back of it. Its second and third tongues hung loosely out from the entrance, idly waiting for their next task.

The Xal was clearly displaying how suitable its expansive orifice would be wrapped around his meat. It hardly needed to be as wide open as it was, but likely wanted to further excite the orc.

Guruk could feel the hot breath rush out from it and blanket the oozing tip of his dick. He tried his hardest to thrust his pelvis towards that nearby oh-so-inviting heat, but the carnal instinct was denied; his captor remained in complete control.

The orc's vain attempts did cause his body to somewhat shift about in the air though. Naturally, this included his cock, which bobbed about like a shaken, plump green sausage. One that was about to get devoured, with that open mouth inches away being an obvious indicator. The mouth followed the bobbing cock easily, slowly leaning in towards it.

By now its maw had expanded to an unnecessary size, partially opening and closing repeatedly if it was a snake anticipating a meal. It moved in further and further until Guruk's cock entered the cavernous maw but did not touch the tongues or walls. For the orc, it felt like an eternity had passed just waiting for something to happen next. The Xal huffed more and more warm air upon the end, making Guruk squirm uncomfortably. But then, a single large dollop of his cock's cream fell from the slit and onto the surface of one of the plush tongues underneath. And that was all it took.

A deep, primal thrumming noise rang out from the Xal's throat as it suddenly recoiled its two hanging tongues and snapped its mouth shut around the glans of Guruk's cock like a steel trap. If the creature had teeth this might have been painful, but instead, there was nothing but a cushion of soft flesh to greet his dick. The orc gave a husky roar in frenzied enjoyment and couldn't help but try and continue to desperately cram his dick further inside, flexing his butt and shoving downwards. But the end of the mouth had a powerful hold on his tip, and it wasn't long before it began giving the orc one of the things he craved most; powerful suction.

The mouth pursed itself tightly around the glans. Its warm, wet interior pressed and fully encompassed the bulbous head. For such a previously large mouth, it seemed to perfectly mold itself to match the shape of the orc's meat inside it. Guruk couldn't resist needily crying out as it began to suck upon the end. Never in his life had he felt such intense stimulation from sex, and it only continued to fill him with an obsession for more.

The mouth continued sucking on the head in steady, perfect intervals. Not too fast, and not too slow. The tight seal it formed never once loosened either. Suck. Pause. Suck. Pause. The third tongue of the creature suddenly entered into the equation by curving upwards and dancing against Guruk's glans, matching the rhythmic pace of the suck perfectly. It properly kept the end wet, yet clean of any errant precum.

This kept up for a modest duration before the mouth of the creature pulled back sharply off the end of the cock with a snug, wet pop. Some saliva flicked off of the shaft as it bobbed about in the air briefly before the hungry maw dove forward and quickly slurped the end back inside with barely any reprieve.

This time though, the mouth's end clamped over the sleeve of the orc's foreskin before drawing back and tightly blanketing the glans with it and holding it in place. Then, it deviously stuck the end of its third tongue inside that tightened sheath of skin and began probing about. The tip wiggled and pressed experimentally at different points as if testing for the best spots to rub into or against.

"G-hhmph!" Guruk grunted nonsensically. The pleasure-tickling tongue sure knew how to get a reaction. And the precise control it had over each tongue was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Buried between the foreskin and the glans, the tongue wormed its way deeper until it could go no further. It wiggled repeatedly against the stretched foreskin before it began to spiral around the fat head over and over. It started uncomfortably slow before ramping up the pace until it was rapidly tracing deep circles around the head. A simple yet effective motion, bringing about intense enjoyment... especially when the tongue lapped against and around his frenulum. Guruk could finally feel his balls begin to ever-so-slowly tighten.

Just as he was beginning to bask in the pleasure of the twisting tongue swirling over his glans repeatedly, the creature's method's changed once again. It loosened its mouth just enough to let the pulled foreskin become slack and drew its third tongue back down to rest. Then, that single iris atop its stalk flushed from green to red and met Guruk's gaze. It seemed to contract and pulse erratically, almost as if to send a wordless, lusty message.

Guruk snapped his gaze back down to his enclosed dick when he began to feel a new development. The creature's mouth began inching forward down the shaft, pulling it into its hungry depths like it was climbing along a rope. The red iris now focused directly on the cock's hairy base like it was setting itself the target to aim for. As more and more of the thick shaft was pulled inside the accommodating maw, its walls wrapped tightly around each invading inch to trap and pleasingly press against them. And with each forward press, the creature sucked hard on what it had taken inside; a perfect vacuum of warm, wet flesh.

What would normally be too much for an average humanoid mouth to take was no trouble at all for the Xal. It didn't hesitate, didn't gag, and was seemingly unphased by its groaning and shaking captive who was getting his dick completely sucked down. The Xal simply kept its clamping mouth tight on the shaft and continued wetly sliding along it with zero interruption.

Guruk could tell that it wasn't content with some of his meat inside its mouth. It clearly wanted all of his impressive cock inside, no matter the size. Which the horny orc certainly had no complaints about!

His sack on the other hand continued drawing tighter to his body. The long tongue that was lapping at his goose-egg-sized balls lovingly stroked at each orb as if in agreement with them getting close to release. It enthusiastically writhed against the wrinkled sack to ensure the entirety of it was perfectly warmed by its wet saliva. Then, taking advantage of its prehensile nature, it wound up and around the fuzzy base of Guruk's balls, gently tugging at them while the tongue tip flickered against the concave crease.

While this was happening, the maw of the creature persisted in inching its way down the thick shaft. Much to Guruk's annoyance, it almost seemed like the mouth purposely slowed its descent the further it went along. But with more than half of his meaty shaft enclosed by the delightfully tight maw, the pleasure remained persistent -- especially when it added in sporadic strong suckles that left the poor orc reeling.

His euphoric groaning and grunting grew louder and louder, with his care in trying to conceal them -- or simply trying to maintain some semblance of dignity -- vanishing. He cast his gaze directly on where his cock disappeared into the mouth-pocket of flesh, and the enticing sight was enough for him to hoarsely groan with need and cause his dick to jerk within its wet, warm prison. He was so close to sheathing it fully in that mouth that the slow pace of it was becoming maddening. He simply had to have it NOW.

With an impulsively desperate maneuver, Guruk once more tried to focus all his impressive strength into thrusting his pelvis down and forward further into the suckling hole of the Xal's mouth. He strained every last part of his powerful muscles in an attempt to overcome the vine's hold on his wrists and ankles, but no matter how much effort he spent, the creature just seemed to be unphased and uncompromising. Only once was he able to make any kind of progress pushing his cock forward, but it was only met with the walls of its malleable mouth tightening deliciously further upon his bulbous glans, keeping it from pushing further in. One of the tips of the tongues which cradled his cock slipped up and quickly wiggled back and forth hard against his frenulum for a moment, as if to teasingly punish the orc for being naughty.