Anna's Taboo Christmas Gift


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Anna's jaw firmed as she yanked the door open. I'll show him. She walked through the racks of lingerie, her eyes flickering back and forth. She didn't know what she was looking for. She only knew that she would know it when she saw it.

Oh. Yes. That.

Anna was smiling when she came out of the store. "Find what you need?" Jimmy asked.

"Yup." She shook her bag, the contents safely invisible. "Some of my things were getting a know."

"Anna," Jimmy said, his voice sincere. "I can live the rest of my life without knowing the state of your underwear. Really. I mean it."

She laughed, her breath pluming in the cold air. "Did you get the wrapping paper?"

"Yeah." He held out the bag for her inspection. "And bows and ribbon, too."

She looked inside. "Sweet. We'll need those."

"Do you need to get anything else?"

She shook her head. "I'm done."

He made his voice plaintive. "So you're not getting anything for me?"

Anna arched her brows. "Unlike some people, I know how to plan. And in the mornings, while you've been busy keeping your bed warm, I've been ordering your Christmas stuff online. It should start getting here tomorrow. Wednesday at the latest."

He snorted. "Show-off."

When they got home, he suggested that Anna might want to find something else to do while he wrapped her gifts. To his surprise, she agreed without complaint. Seeing how the entire house was littered with them, it only took a few seconds to find a box of the right size. He sat down at the coffee table and wrapped the sweaters, making sure to keep the receipt in the box in case Anna didn't like them. He smiled as he pictured her delight when she opened the box. It reminded him of Christmases past, when he had 'helped' his little sister open her presents, when Anna had been too small to do anything but fumble at the wrapping paper.

He labelled the presents, slapped a bow on top, and strung red and white ribbon around them, for good measure. The pile of gifts under the tree was still pretty meager, and he made a mental note to try and think of something else to get Anna. Even something small could do the job, as long as it was something she would appreciate.

"Are you almost done out there?" Anna voice floated downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm done," he called up the staircase. "You can come down if you want."

He was putting away leftover bits of wrapping paper when a Winter Queen entered the room.

"Anna." It was a whisper through shaking lips.

"Do you like it?" Anna spun in place, making the hem flare around her hips. "I saw it and I couldn't say no."


Absolutely indecent.

Calling it a negligee was like calling Valentina Belmonte 'a woman.' Yeah, sure, it was technically true, but it didn't even begin to convey the sheer, visceral impact.

It was the purest white imaginable, held together with gossamer thread and wicked fantasies. Clinging like a second skin to her slender, gorgeous body, the lace was formed in a pattern of innumerable snowflakes, so it looked as if Anna, as she walked forward, her hips moving in a slow, seductive sway, was constantly in the process of emerging, naked, from a winter storm. Constantly emerging, but never becoming fully visible. It was a goad to the imagination, making you wonder what she looked like with nothing on at all.

Jimmy stared at his sister, and felt his heart begin to pound in his chest.

"It's...what, Jimmy?" She looked up at him, blue eyes shining. "Come on, say something."

He swallowed.

"Well, if you're not going to do anything with your mouth, maybe I should find something for it to do." Anna drew closer, her breasts almost touching his chest, as she lifted her lips towards his.

"We're not under the mistletoe," he croaked.

"Like I care about that."

And she kissed him again, and this time Jimmy could feel her wanton, carnal heat. Everywhere their bodies touched, he caught fire. Anna was moaning into his mouth, lifting her leg to rub at his hip. His cock hardened in an instant, and his sister, his little sister, was stroking it with her palm.


But he didn't push her away. Instead, Jimmy broke. He reached down, clasping Anna's ass in his hands. With one swift move, he lifted her up, pulling her against him, and then turned to the wall, holding her there with his weight and with the strength of his own body.

"Enough, Anna." He glared down at her, at her wide eyes, her parted lips, her heaving chest. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

She looked back up at him. "I think I'm trying to seduce you. And not doing a very good job of it, if this is what happens when a girl kisses you."

"No." He shook his head while he pulled down the straps of the negligee. His sister's breasts sprang free, large and firm and lovely and as golden-skinned as the rest of her. No tan lines, his mind gibbered insanely. She must go to a tanning salon. "That's not good enough. Tell me why."

"Jimmy." Anna swallowed, her throat bobbing. "You're scaring me. A little."


She looked up at him, and smiled wickedly, her legs wrapping around his waist. He caught his breath as she rocked against him, just a little, her groin pushing into his crotch. "You're hard."

"Standing at attention," he grated, trying to ignore her movements.

"Mmmm." As he watched, her nipples peaked, slowly growing stiff, standing out from her breasts like little pink buttons. She moved against him again, slower. "I can feel it."

"Anna." Jimmy mind was a whirlwind of conflicting desires. He wanted to strip Anna naked and sheathe his cock in her. He wanted to shake her until she came to her senses. He wanted to peel her clothing away and make love to her until the sun came up. And he wanted to run away screaming, terrified of what she was offering. "Tell me why."

"I told you already. Earlier tonight." Her eyes were luminous. "I love you."

"That's...not an answer."

"You want another one? Here." She moved a hand between her legs. When she took it away, her fingers gleamed. "Look at it," she demanded, her gaze suddenly fierce. "You make we so wet I can't stand it. When I look at you, all my body wants to do is get ready to screw. I love you. And I want you. The mere thought of fucking you is almost enough to make me cum."

Somehow he tore his gaze away from his sister's fingers, wet with the proof of her desire. But that meant looking down at her heaving, golden breasts. Each breath she took made them ripple slightly. "And you can't find some other guy to screw?" The question was meant to come out sarcastic. But instead it sounded weak. Afraid.

Anna lifted her chin. "I could find a dozen guys inside of ten minutes. And you know it.

"I don't want to fuck, Jimmy." Her soft, compassionate voice forced him to meet her eyes. "I want to make love.

"With you."

Chapter 6

"I'm not...I can't..." Her brother shuddered, the movement seeming to rattle his bones. "I'm not going to make love to you tonight, Anna."

"Well, of course not," she said keeping her voice light, though inside she was on fire. The feel of Jimmy's hands on her ass, the casual strength he was showing to hold her against the wall, made her pussy burn with need. "All we've done is a little kissing so far. I'm not going to let you screw me unless I know you're good at all the other stuff.

"So," she said, holding his eyes. "How about we go upstairs? And do some of the other stuff?"

"Other stuff?"

"You're not stupid. I think you can figure it out."

He stared down at her for a long moment. And then, without saying a word, he turned, his hands still cradling her as he headed for the stairs. Anna laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. As he carried her upstairs, she spared a moment to hope that her negligee survived the trip. Granted, the way her brother reacted to it made it worth the price. But she hoped she hadn't spent over a hundred dollars on a piece of lingerie that got ruined less than ten minutes after she first put it on. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of her brother's cock rubbing against her pussy. The only problem was that his jeans were still in the way, and that denim barrier was going to rub her raw if he wasn't careful.

When they finally reached the bedroom, she wiggled. Jimmy took the hint, and she slid down, her bare feet finding the thick carpeting. He reached for her, but she put a hand on his chest, stalling him. "Wait."


She smiled, and reached for the buttons of his shirt. "Let me undress you."

She had always loved this, loved the first time she was with a man. It was like unwrapping a Christmas gift, uncertain of what inside. Every time was different, but they were all lovely, each in their own way.

Jimmy closed his eyes, his breath coming in sharp, uneven jerks as she removed his shirt, taking time to kiss his chest along the way. His belly was flat and lean, his torso almost bare of hair. But a thick trail led down from his navel to below the waistband of his jeans. She combed her fingers through it, watching through lidded eyes as he flinched in surprise.

She put one hand on the button of his jeans. The other she let lie gently against his crotch. He was still hard, and Anna could almost feel the hot pulse of her brother's heartbeat through the cloth. The proof of his arousal excited her further, making her belly go hot and fluttery and her pussy so wet she risked a glance down, half-expecting to see a tell-tale trickle down her thighs.


His voice was hoarse. "What?"

"I told you the truth, earlier. We are not," she said, with a very light emphasis, "making love tonight."

His brow wrinkled slightly. "Okay? So what are we doing?"

"Everything except making love," she smiled. "I just wanted," she continued, unfastening the button and drawing down his jeans, "to make sure that we both had the rules straight."

"Rules, huh?" He smiled down at her, the expression mischievous. "So this is a try-out?"

He was so cute she had no choice but to kiss him. It rapidly grew heated, until it almost hurt to pull herself away. "If you like," she said, trying to hide her excitement. She bent down for the always-tricky process of removing a man's pants without ruining the mood. Shoes, socks, and jeans were soon lying in a heap, and she flowed back up Jimmy's body, tugging at his boxers. "Let's get these off you, big brother," she whispered teasingly.

She pulled back the elastic waistband, peeking down into the depths of his boxers like a little girl checking her stocking to see what was inside. And this was a stocking-stuffer all right. Or maybe a stocking-stiffy, she giggled naughtily to herself. Long, hard, and thick. Everything her fertile imagination had dreamed of, and then maybe an inch or two more.

She pushed her brother back onto the bed with tented fingers. When he was laying flat, she jerked the boxers off, and now he was gloriously, resplendently nude, lying there like some ancient Roman god painted by Rubens or Botticelli.

He reached for her, but she pushed his hand away. "Let me," she breathed. She couldn't put into words her need to touch him, explore him, to convince herself that this was real.

So she did. With his head propped on a pair of pillows above her, she learned Jimmy's body, exploring it with hands and eyes. From the arches of his feet to the crown of his head, she made herself familiar with his lovely male form. Fingers gliding over warm, smooth skin, she found out what made him flinch with trepidation, and what made him hitch in his breath with pleasure. She dropped kisses on his body like snowflakes, and when she caught his phallus in her hand, the throbbing, virile heat of it made her pussy spasm in mute longing.

He turned to her, yearning, and she found herself lying on her side, staring into his eyes. "I love you."


"Jerk," she laughed. "Now kiss me," she said, wriggling close.

There was no hesitancy this time, no holding back. If Jimmy still had doubts about what they were doing, he kept them to himself. Which was a relief. Anna didn't want a long, dreary argument about the various moral, ethical and legal pitfalls of incest. All she knew was that she loved Jimmy, he made her hot, and she wanted to fuck him.

But not yet, she moaned as they kissed. Who would have thought her brother, so smart and self-controlled, would be so skilled with his mouth? He didn't shove his tongue down her throat, or maul her lips. But his mouth was sweet and warm and loving and woke a fire in her groin. And when he dropped his mouth to her breasts, she thought she would lose her damn mind. He didn't go straight for her nips, like most guys. Instead he roamed around her breasts, licking everywhere, and when she finally lost patience and grabbed the back of his head and forced his mouth to her nipples, he responded with tongue-swirls and long, sucking pulls that made her reach down between her legs and start fingering herself.

When he lifted his head from her chest, her nipples were wet with his saliva, and so stiff she thought they might explode. "I love your breasts," he murmured, nuzzling them with his cheeks. "They're big. But still really firm. Not floppy." He gave the left one an experimental squeeze, and she arched her back, filling up his palm with her tit. He looked down, where her right hand was busily frigging herself. "Am I that bad, that you need to get yourself off?"

"No." She pulled his head close, kissing him again. "You're so good that I can't keep my hands away."

He blinked at her uncertainly, and she stopped trying to explain, instead pulling him close. It wasn't enough, wasn't near enough, even if she was plastered against him from head to toe. She flung one leg over Jimmy's hip, and there, there was what she needed. His cock, pressed into the plump, horny mound of her pubis, forbidden and taboo and oh so fucking good. She kissed him again, more urgently, and began to rock against him, loving the sparkles of pleasure that erupted as his hardness pressed against her flesh.

Oh, God. She moaned, deep in her throat. Her clit was stiff as a button, and every grinding motion of her hips against Jimmy's shaft made her more excited. Unconsciously, her brother began to move with her, their motions matching. Slowly he moved lower, her pussy riding higher, and then she threw her head back and keened as her lips split and he rubbed against her wet furrow.

It would be so easy. Jimmy was in the palm of her hand. He wouldn't try to fuck her. But Anna knew if she lost control, if she allowed his cock to slide into her pussy, no power on heaven or earth would be able to stop them.

But it wasn't the right time. Somehow she knew that, with bone-deep conviction. Yes, they could fuck tonight. And they would probably enjoy it. A lot. Already, she felt the first shakings of a climax, one that would unmoor her good sense. But were they truly ready? Would Jimmy accept their taboo love for the miracle it was? Or would he retreat into the shackles of what society thought was right?

So, despite the almost physical pain she felt, she drew herself away. "Do you like oral, Jimmy?" she whispered, their lips so close she could feel his breath.

He blinked at her. "Giving or getting?"

"Getting," she replied with a smile, shifting so her head rested on his flat stomach. "Though," she said, as she flicked out her tongue and ran it up his staff, "a girl does like to feel appreciated once in a while."

A moan was her only answer, and she looked back through her hair at her brother. Jimmy was lying flat, his eyes closed. But his arms were spread wide, and his hands were fisted in the comforter.

Well, that answers that question. Anna loved giving head, but she loved it even more when she knew her man was getting into it. She licked up and down her brother's cock, cleaning off her pussy-juice, until it gleamed in the light and it leaped and strained towards her mouth like it was a live thing. And then, when she could hear Jimmy's breath whistling between his teeth, she took it into her mouth, took it all in, not stopping until his dark, curly pubic hair was tickling her nose.

"Oh, fuck... Anna, you're..."

She waited motionless for half a dozen heartbeats, her brother's cock throbbing in her mouth. A tiny spurt of pre-cum dripped off his slit and hit the back of her tongue as her brother searched for the right word. "You're fucking incredible."

"Mmmmmmmmm." She drew out the moan, drawing her mouth up the length of Jimmy's penis. Suddenly it occurred to her that she was the one who was doing all the work, and that her brother had a mouth she could put to good use. She pivoted slowly, being careful not to knock him in the head with her knees. But when she came to a halt, her thighs were straddling her brother's head, and her horny, drippy pussy was only a few inches above his mouth. She lowered her hips, then raised them again, wondering if Jimmy would take the hint.

But she needn't have worried. By the time she started to lower herself a second time, Jimmy's hands had settled on the small of her back and were pulling her down.

Down, down, down, until she felt his lips on her cleft.

And then the world caught fire.

In must have been a sort of contagious madness, Jimmy thought dimly as he watched his sister blow him. But the flirting and teasing of the last few days had exploded into the sort of completely debauched scene that would have been considered too extreme for even the most hard-core of porn outfits. His sister, his sweet, innocent, wholesome little sister, was giving him the sort of blow-job that only teenage boys thought were the norm. All the way down to his balls, deep-throating him with ease, and then back up, licking around his head in a spiral that made him count in prime numbers to keep from blowing too quick.

But Anna must have sensed how he was hovering on the verge of climax, because in the next instant she had swiveled around until her sleek young thighs were straddling his head. One teasing dip, a second, and before she could raise back up, he was pulling her down to him, his mouth opening wide to feast on her pussy. It was a distraction that kept him, barely, from cumming too soon.

Oh, God. The forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden must have tasted like this. Hot and sweet and delicious with the knowledge that sin was fun. Jimmy licked his sister deep, his tongue sliding between her teenage pussy-lips to explore deep into her channel. Above him, Anna writhed and twisted and sank until she was lying flat on his chest. Her head bobbed in time on his cock, her tongue twisting around his head like a snake made of pure sexual passion. He reached under, gathering her breasts into his hands. They were large and firm and wonderful, and when he squeezed them, his tongue dancing on his sister's clit, she moaned and pushed her groin down into his face until he could feel the press of her pubic bone against his lips.

Jimmy opened his mouth wider, his tongue reaching out. Anna's clit was right where he expected it, but unexpectedly fat and swollen. He gave it a tease, the merest brush with the tip of his tongue, and smiled to himself as she jerked in response, her thighs clamping hard around his head for a moment before they relaxed again. He repeated the motion, and was rewarded with a purring moan that vibrated against the base of his cock in the most exquisitely pleasurable way.

Anna drew back, just a little, and Jimmy closed his eyes regretfully as cooler air hit the bottom of his shaft. But then Anna began to bob on his manhood, slow and sure and steady. It was so far beyond any blow-job he had ever received that he didn't think there was any comparison. It was like the difference between cold oatmeal for breakfast and a great big sit-down meal with pancakes and bacon and orange juice so fresh and cold it made your teeth ache. Every touch of her lips, of her tongue, on the skin of his cock made him want more, and when she withdrew until her lips held only the tip of his shaft, her tongue tracing swirls and circles over his glans, he knew there was no turning back.
