Another Life

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How does a husband deal with his wife's past?
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I came across this one when I was looking for another story I started years ago. Everything kind of clicked and I finished it up. - Ahaz

I came home messy and dirty after a long day of work. One of my regular guys had come down with the flu and the crew needed someone to crawl under the house and run the wire. I may be the boss, but I was also the thinnest guy available so guess who got the job? I really didn't mind. After all I figured it was good to show the guys that the boss didn't mind doing the shit jobs if that was what was needed. I had a pretty good crew. I was a master electrician and had three journeymen working under me. Business was booming in the Detroit area as people were moving back in and renovating houses they bought for a song. I love my city, yeah, we have been knocked to the ground a few times but damn if we don't dust ourselves off and get right back in there. I embraced the gentrification because it kept me busy and got my city back on its feet.

Like I said, I was feeling every one of my 39 years when I got home but I had a smile on my face. I figured I could con my wife into one of her au natural massages. I knew I was punching above my weight class when I married my wife but for some reason, she seemed to really love me. I knew I was nothing special, I had to stretch to make six foot, I was wiry but skinny, I had a full head of hair but it went every which way when it grew out, and I spent most of day with thick glasses from years of squinting at wires.

Elizabeth on the other hand was a stone-cold fox. She was five foot six inches with a 32D chest and an ass you could bounce a quarter off. Her face was perfectly heart shaped and her lips were perfect for kissing or for sucking. I thanked God every night that she decided to marry me.

It was her beauty that made it possible for me to talk to her. We met 5 years ago at a community college course. I had decided to get my degree and she was in my business administration class. If you have ever taken business courses, you know that most of what they teach from the book is bullshit. Oh, the theory was nice and sound, but in the real world, things ran differently. Both of us were frustrated because the correct answers for the assignments were not what we had experienced.

She had a ring on her left hand and was so gorgeous that I had no problem writing her off as married and therefore not available. It turns out she had run a catering company in Chicago and sold it for a nice profit. She was thinking about getting her degree and starting up a new business of some sort. I asked why she didn't start another catering business since she knew the ropes and she gave me a sad look and said she was done with that line of work. I shrugged and moved on.

We were in a study group with a bunch of kids, I call them kids even though they were in their early 20's. Liz was 2 years younger than me and we were the old people. One day all the kids ditched the group and we were the only ones left. We went to get a slice of pizza and talked about stuff outside of school. It turns out she only wore the rings to discourage the creeps. By this time, I was used to her and was able to have a conversation. It turns out she had never married, she got caught up running her catering service and found herself single and thirty by the time she decided to sell. I had never been married either, I had a longtime girlfriend who had dumped me after seven years of living together because she wanted to see the world and I was tied to my business. We were Facebook friends and the last I knew she had joined a commune in California growing organic fruits and vegetables and sharing in the free love lifestyle. More power to her.

After that night Liz and I were a couple. We didn't have a hot and heavy romance, instead we had a friendship and bond that seemed deeper than just burning up the sheets. Honestly the sex with her was great but I've had better. I chalked it up to her being so beautiful that she didn't have to try that hard in bed to get guys to come. Don't get me wrong, we had a lot of good and sometimes great sex, but we weren't doing it five times a night while hanging from the ceiling.

When the class was done, Liz decided to open a floral boutique. She invested the money she had from the sale of her former business and went to work doing floral arrangements for wedding and funerals. While she didn't have any contacts in the Detroit area, catering and floral shops dealt with some of the same businesses, so she did pretty well.

As I slammed the door to my pickup, I was hoping I could get Liz to work out the knot I had in my back. That was as tight a crawl space as I had ever been in. I tossed my keys in the bowl and walked to the kitchen to grab a beer or pop. I saw Liz in a bathrobe with her hair done up and her makeup perfect, staring into a glass of wine in her hand. I noticed she was wearing black stilettos and had stockings on. She stood up when she saw me and dropped the robe.

Perfection. Thigh high stockings with a garter belt across her toned stomach. A corset that left her beautiful breasts on display. A black choker necklace that had a fine chain running down between those perfect orbs. But the best loo of all was in her eyes, it was an almost feral look she gave me as she turned around and bent over the table.

"Fuck me," she growled.

All thoughts of my back were gone as I dropped my pants and stroked my cock a few times. I was hard as steel by the time I got to her. I rand a finger in between her legs and she hissed. She was wet enough. I slid six and a half inches as deep as I could in one stroke. She was tight and hot. I bent over her and grabbed the chain from between her tits. I gave it a small tug and then started picking up the pace. She started to push back against me, so I started pounding harder. Eventually it was a full-on rut session, no technique, no gentleness, just me trying to shove my prick as far into her as I could. He gave out a wail and I could feel her come on my cock. I spilled over the edge also and filled her with jizz. She turned around and ran a finger in between her legs catching some of my cum and some of her juices, she stuck that finger in her mouth and sucked. Damn if I didn't stay hard.

She grabbed a nearby dish towel and tossed it underneath her pussy as she got down on her knees. She took my cock in her mouth and gave me the most exquisite blowjob I have ever had. It felt so good I started to hyperventilate. She backed off a bit and let me catch my breath before going back to work. When I blasted off in her mouth, she showed me her come covered tongue before swallowing.

I was left sucking air as she got up from her knees and grabbed a glass of water. She downed it then mashed her lips to mine in a ferocious kiss.

"One more hole baby," she whispered in my ear.

A half hour later I was wedged firmly in her ass. This was the first time she had offered it and I couldn't believe how tight it was. She must have prepared herself because my dick was clean when I pulled out of her a bit. She was grunting and breathing hard, but she kept encouraging me to go deeper and faster. I finally shot my last dribbles of come into her bowels and slumped down. My dick popped out of her ass and a few minutes later cum started dribbling out.

I turned her around and hugged her to me as tight as I could.

"I love you so much," I told her.

I noticed there were tears in her eyes as she looked at me.

"I love you too, no matter what, you need to know that," she whispered.

She ran into the bathroom and closed the door. I could tell something was wrong, but I was going to have to let her tell me. Fifteen minutes later she came out with a determined expression on her face.

"We need to talk," she said.

My heart dropped to the floor.

"I want you to know that since I first saw you in class, I have been totally devoted to you. I haven't looked at another man or woman since that night. The reason I am saying this is because I haven't been truthful with you about my past. When you hear the true story, you may want nothing to do with me. I deliberately misled you because I was embarrassed and ashamed, I didn't know if you would stay with me if you knew the whole truth," she continued.

I had no clue what was happening, how bad was this going to be?

I cleared my throat.

"Baby tell me what you need to tell me and I will do my best to understand. Know that right now I love you unconditionally and will try to work through whatever we have to," I responded.

She took a deep breath.

"When I told you that I started working for a catering service, took it over, and sold it I lied. It was an escort service. I needed money and started going on dates for cash. Eventually it led to sleeping with the clients. When the Madame was hit with income tax fraud, I managed to get my hands on her client list and kept it going. About that time the recession slowed down, and business picked up. I found myself at 28 years old and wanting a different life, so I sold my client list to a couple of long-time workers. As far as I know they are still running it successfully back in Chicago. I put most of the money in an offshore account and used the rest to start up my flower shop. I will answer any question but first let me apologize again for deceiving you, I just wanted to be the wife you thought I should be." she said.

My first reaction was to be glad she wasn't leaving me or seeing someone else. As she continued her story, I guess I went into a kind of shock, I mean my loving wife used to be a whore. I had a hard time wrapping my head around this information. Then she lied to me. I understood why she wouldn't be forthcoming with that information, but she still held back a big part of her life from me. I was having a hard time processing.

"Why tell me now?" I hesitantly asked.

"Because my past has come back to bite me," she responded bitterly. "One of my clients was Xavier Stone, his dad owned Corrugated Steel. He was pretty vanilla with a size complex. Most guys with the smaller dicks were like that. Anyways, he screwed the wrong woman and got tossed out of daddy's business. Later I heard he would get the shit kicked out of him every time he set foot in the Detroit area. He had a personal assistant named Jacob who is now working for Fred Thompson's state senator's campaign. Jacob was in the shop a few months ago and recognized me. He asked if I was still escorting on the side and I told him no. Apparently, he went back to his boss and told him about me because he came back in this morning and told me to get a few women together for a fundraiser his boss was having. He also told me that I was going to be his escort for the night."

I saw red. I wanted to beat the shit out of this little pissant.

"What did you tell him this morning?" I asked.

"I told him to go pound sand, the closest he was getting to this pussy was going to be when I dropped him like bad habit and kicked the shit out him," she replied angrily.

My wife got hit on a lot. She was beautiful and she radiated sexuality. There was always someone sniffing around her and she always put them in their place. It didn't matter if she was in a grocery store or at a family barbeque, if you were rude to her she would let you know exactly what she thought of you in no uncertain terms.

Finally, the tears she had been holding back broke through. I could tell this was hard for her. I sat on the edge of the bed and tried to collect my thoughts. I was in information overload right now and needed some time to process. I instinctively reached my arms out to her and she ran into them.

We ended up laying down in the bed and she cried herself to sleep within 20 minutes. I looked at her slumbering form and I knew I was still in love with her. I just needed a plan of action. I pulled the covers up over her and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. I wandered downstairs and made myself some coffee.

I grabbed a notepad and started writing things down. As far as I could see there were two issues. First was how to handle her deceit. I could understand not bringing up her past when we were dating. I could also understand that there was probably never a good time to tell your significant other that you used to be a whore. So, on some level I could understand her not telling me. On the other hand, I thought we could tell each other everything and now realized that she would fail to tell me something if she thought it would embarrass her enough. While I didn't think she would ever step out on me, if she did would she tell me? Until earlier today I thought I could trust her implicitly, now I wasn't too sure. Surprisingly the sex didn't really matter to me. I wasn't a virgin when I got married and neither was she. If she hadn't done anything with anyone else while we were together, I could chalk the physical sex acts up to being in the past. What did bother me though, was that I felt like there was a lot she was leaving out of our relationship. We had a good but rather vanilla sex life and obviously she could do a lot more in the bedroom. I would have to talk to her about that.

The second issue involved our response to Thompson. That solution actually came to me quickly and I gave a chuckle. He messed with the wrong guy's wife.

That is what it boiled down to isn't it? She was my wife. I loved her and was sure she had been faithful to me since we met. If I found out otherwise, we would be over but I truly think she has been. I wasn't going to leave unless the conversations we had turned out very poorly. But the conversation had to be held. I thought about what to say and how to say it as I absently doodled on the pad of paper. I felt a pair of arms circle me and felt her bury her face in my hair.

She sat down across the table from me and stared. Damn she looked beautiful.

"Well I am not running for the hills, so that has to tell you something," I said with a grim smile.

She didn't smile back. I could tell she was in agony over this.

"Ok, let me start off by saying that I knew you weren't a virgin when we got married so the amount of people you slept with doesn't really bother me. Especially since we didn't get married until our early thirties. There are two things that bother me the most and the rest is just annoying stuff. The first is that you didn't tell me about your past. I understand not leading with that information, but we have been married for almost 10 years now and I would have thought you trusted me enough to let me know. I also understand that the past is the past, so I am not really blaming you for not telling me," I told her.

A little fear was gone from her eyes.

"I have to tell you though that my confidence in you is shaken a bit. Maybe there's no reason for it but I can't help what I feel. Now I have to wonder if you would be truthful with me if you did something embarrassing and thought I would never know," I continued.

"The car," she blurted.

"What?" I asked.

"I told you a couple years ago that some guy hit my car in the parking lot. It really was me. I was looking at my makeup in the mirror and my foot slipped off the brake and onto the gas. I hit the other guy and hid the accident report from you. I just paid the fine and hoped you would never find out," she said in a rush.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Something never felt right about that story. I think it was the way the car was damaged or something. I thought about it for a second and actually had a bit of relief. That was the only time I thought there might be some deceit in her and I had pegged on it. I have never felt that way about anything else she told me. I was 95 percent sure that she hadn't lied to me before. The only problem was that this morning it was 100 percent.

"So that is that, my other big concern is our sex life. What we just did is in the top five of my sexual experiences. Knowing you are capable of letting go like that, why is we only do a couple positions? I know I am the definition of average and I feel like I don't get your motor running," I said

Her perfect face frowned a bit and could tell she was considering her words.

"Kevin, you need to know something. Of all the guys I have ever been with you are the only one who has ever made me look forward to having sex. Yes, I have had orgasms with other guys, but I have never been excited about having sex with anyone other than you. I guess I have been selfish. When you are on top of me and I can feel your weight and look into your eyes and know that you love me, I get wet just thinking about it. I also was worried that if I started breaking out weird sex acts and positions you would peg to my secret. I am so sorry if you feel that I have been neglecting you. If we move forward, I promise you nothing is off the table," she responded with all sincerity.

"I'm not looking to piss or shit on you or anything," I replied. "I was just hoping for some more blowjobs and maybe try some more anal. Maybe some light bondage. I just want to do more stuff with you."

She nodded her head vigorously.

"Can I ask that before we break up, we at least consider counseling?" she asked in a small voice.

"Baby, I am not looking to break up with you. I love you and as long as you have been exclusively mine since we have been together, I don't want this to break us apart."

She came around the table and sat in my lap. I held her as tightly as I could.

"What about Jacob and Thompson?" she asked.

I smiled at her.

"We'll sic Greg on them," I replied with a smile.

She smiled but her face got red.

"That means he'll know about my past," she said uncertainty.

"I would put money on the fact that he already knows, and there is no way he could ever be disappointed in his favorite aunt," I said with a smile.

My nephew Greg was good with computers. I could turn mine on and use the internet and email. One of the reasons I was at the school where I met Liz was to brush up on my computer skills. I was happy that I could do Quickbooks and order materials online. Greg was a whole other league.

He once called himself a white hat hacker. He made a lot of money from business to try and break into their systems. He also had a few government contracts, but he never talked about those. Liz and I had been married a year when he turned eighteen and was about to graduate. There was a big blow up because he had been caught making out with another guy. Nobody knew he was gay. The family all took sides on the issue. Some of the more vocal opponents were threatening to boycott the family reunion because they didn't want their kids to become gay by associating with him. Like being gay was contagious. I thought I was doing a favor when I went to bat for him and was right in the middle of it telling people to back off and arguing over gay rights.

Liz was the only one who actually talked to him. There were all sorts of opinions being thrown around our family and Liz became his confidant. Things died down then briefly flared up when he brought home a girlfriend from college. It turns out that he was bisexual. I figured it didn't matter what gender he was attracted too, it was his life and his choice. I think Liz and I were the first to accept him for just being Greg.

Anyways, we came out of it with a nephew who would do anything for his aunt Liz. A nephew who had a very specific set of skills.

We gave him a call and headed over to his apartment. He was eating cereal at 9 o'clock at night and looked like he just climbed out of bed.

"If you were having trouble with your AOL account, I could have helped you over the phone," he joked with me.

We bantered back and forth for a few minutes and then came around to the reason for us stopping by.

"Greg, I ran an escort service before I met your uncle. Now there is a guy and a senator trying to blackmail me into getting back into the business. If we give you names could you help us get information to get them to back off?" she asked.