Ashley Ch. 02


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"I have no problem with that. How about you guys," dad inquired.

Ashley, apparently, had other plans for the rest of the night. "Would it be okay if Brian and I split up from you guys instead?"

"Um, yeah, sure." Dad looked down at his youngest daughter. "But what about Nikky?"

Nikky glanced over her shoulder at Ashley. I did the same and caught Ashley giving the twelve year-old a wink. "It's all right," Nikky said, turning back to dad. "I'll go with you and mom."

"Hmm, in that case, meet here at the fountain at eight-fifty?"

Ashley jumped to my side and hooked her left arm around my right, mashing the side of her breast into my bicep. "Yep, sounds like a plan."

Dad promptly led his group to the next course. "Okay, have fun. We'll be heading this way."

Ashley shoved her golf stick into my chest. "And we'll be heading that way." Not wasting any more time, she escorted me to the course opposite our parents. I turned my head behind me to see the trio disappearing behind some animal-shaped hedges.

We rushed by the first two holes before stopping in a brightly lit area surrounded by water. Ashley unraveled her arm from me and ran to the pier overlooking the expansive pond. After taking a moment to admire the view, she turned around with her hands behind her on the railings. "It's just you and me now, Tiger."

I hopped onto the wooden platform and surveyed the lush landscape. For a mini golf park, it had some spectacular scenery. Everything looked smaller, but still very impressive. "How did you do that?" I asked, laying the sticks against the rails.

"Do what?" My sister spun around to face the pond. She crossed her arms in front of her and propped herself on the barrier, pushing her breasts up alluringly.

Captivated by the plum-sized orbs, I blindly fished some coins from my pocket and held them out to her. "The thing with Nikky. It's not right for her to want to hang out with mom and dad. But you gave her a wink and then she decided to go with them."

"It's no big deal." She picked up a dime from my hand and tossed it into the water, unaware of what I was gawking at. "Nicole doesn't mind doing me favors. She and I have a special bond."

I tore my eyes away and threw in a nickel. "I hope it's nothing like what we have."

"No, you perv!" Ashley slapped me on the shoulder, almost making me drop the rest of the coins. "I do something for her - help with homework, give advice on boys, clothes - and she does something for me."

"Oh right, sisterly stuff." Her answer was what I had been expecting, although my shoulder could've done without the bruising. "So which hole do you want to go to first? How 'bout that one, with the roller-coaster loop."

"Do you really want to golf right now? 'Cause that's not why I asked Nikky for a favor."

As I handed her a club, she frowned at me with gross dissatisfaction. "Ash, whatever you're thinking about has to wait. There are still people around."

"Not for long. Most of them are heading back to turn in their sticks and balls." Ashley poked the front of my pants with her club for emphasis. "Come on, just trust me."

I looked around and unsuccessfully spotted another soul within a hundred feet of us. A part of me wanted to see what she had in mind, but the other half thought it'd be better to wait an hour until we're in the safety of our bedroom walls. "I mean it, we really should wait."

"Fine," Ashley sighed, "be boring. But I get to go first." She stomped to the next hole, leaving me behind to chase after her.

Over a bridge and around a sculptured bush of an elephant, my sister declared she wanted to test her golfing prowess on a hole with a large ramp and wide water pit. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, I carefully watched my sister from the side as she prepared her turn. She held onto each end of her club and stretched her arms far out behind her, jutting her shapely breasts through her blouse. She twisted her body sideways, keeping her arms extended, and exposing more of her midriff. Properly relaxed, my sister bent over at the waist, lower... and lower... and lower, until her left hand touched the ground to settle the ball, and her skirt rose high above her knees. Before I could jump off the bench and run behind Ashley to get a view of her delicious derriere, she straightened herself up and looked over at me.

"Are you okay, Brian? You're pretty quiet."

"I'm okay," I answered strenuously.

My self-control had completely disintegrated. Fifteen seconds of staring at Ashley's limber figure was all I needed to cave in to my primal urges. But if I were to succumb to her worldly charms now, that'd just give her permission in the future to suggest even more crazy ideas.

Self-control... self-control... I needed some self-control.

Ashley swung at her bright pink ball and sent it bouncing along the green, but the awkward animation prevented it from crossing over the water successfully. It splashed into the clear blue.

"Aww, man. That sucks," my sister pouted. She made her way to the ramp and kneeled down onto her knees. Reaching in with her golf stick, she pulled the ball closer and grabbed it with her hand.

Boy, did she look cute. I should've offered to get the ball for her, but I was so hypnotized by her childlike behavior, I could only think about how much I cherish her.

"It's your turn," Ashley hollered from the ramp, using the bottom ruffle of her skirt to dry her ball.

"Coming!" I prepped my shot by doing a few practice swings. My pants had gotten rather tight and I figured loosening my limbs might also loosen up the slack.

Keeping my eyes on the ramp and Ashley's creamy legs, I propelled my upper body forward in one powerful motion. Just as my club was about to collide with the ball, I looked up my sister, and my knees unhitched at the sight of her. Holding her pink golf ball between her thumb and main finger, she had the round object pressed against her scarcely parted lips, kissing it like she would a fresh, crimson strawberry, which further appeared like she was sucking on the tip of a long and hard treat.

My imagination works in strange and mysterious ways. I sent my ball soaring over the ramp and into the bushes to the side.

Moving her hand away from her mouth, Ashley said, "I guess it's my turn again." She sauntered toward me and bumped me with her right hip.

Screw self-control, screw self-discipline. I wanted Ashley to take me under her wings and do whatever she pleased with me. Whatever my baby sister wants, my baby sister gets. Does that make me weak if I want to give in to her frolicking? I've told her thousands of times I'd do anything for her, and no matter how troublesome it may have been for me, I've proved it, just to be rewarded with her smile. So why am I restraining myself from something we both wanted?

Like a brainless loon, I watched Ashley take her turn again. The only thing that registered in my sex-filled mind was the splashing sound of her ball plunging into the water. "Grrr, I'm starting to really hate this hole," she growled. "Can I have do-over? Brian? Bry?"

"Huh? Um, sure. Let me, ah, get your ball, too."

As I shakily kneeled over the ramp and peered at my reflection in the water, I came up with the perfect plan to win my trophy sister while retaining the last shred of sanity I still had. Well, not really a plan, but a goal. If Ashley wanted to have some fun, then we'll have some fun. I just needed to wait for an opening.

Below the shallow river was an undersea graveyard of neon-colored balls previous golfers had left behind. Seeing as how I had no intention of rummaging through thorny bushes for mine, I snatched Ashley's and an extra one for me. After drying them against the side of my pants, I handed my sister her ball. "Here you go, Ash."

Quietly standing behind Ashley, I waited for her turn with the patience of a kid next in line to the most death-defying, physics-bending roller coaster this side of the galaxy. Except my sweetie gives an adrenaline rush far greater than any measly park ride. Fully aware of what I was doing back there, Ashley bent her knees as she lowered the ball, offering me no quick peeks of her tushie that time. She swung at the ball and it hopped along the ground, hitting the incline and rolling back down to us. It stopped at her foot.

Here goes nothing.

"You're not hitting it right, Sis. You're making the ball bounce when you really want it to roll. Here, let me show you how to do it." I approached my sister and held her bare waist, resting my chin on her left shoulder.

Ashley immediately straightened her back against me. "Your hands are cold."

"Sorry. Let me warm them up." I slid my fingertips along her skin and under the bottom of her blouse. Her body was strikingly soft and inviting. Her mouth opened, but the water jets from the fountains drowned out whatever sound she may have made. My hands circled slowly above her stomach, feeling every restrained breath she took.

Ashley whimpered, "Brian... not now."

I whispered 'ok' into her ear, a tad shocked to hear her say no. It's unlikely she had a change of heart or agreed with what I said earlier, especially with her recent teasing. I held her hands as she clutched the stick and moved my right foot between her legs to position the ball.

"Tighten your grip," I instructed. Her hands clenched. "Now bend over a little bit." She did and my body stuck to hers like glue. Her amazing butt pressed into my groin and lively cock. "Ready?"

Ashley nodded, her hair brushing against my cheek. Turning her body with mine, we swung at the ball together. It cruised smoothly onto the ramp and over the river, stopping inches from the hole. "Not bad," she said, keeping her eyes on the ball.

"Thanks. But I'll need to redo my stroke." I released her from my hold but she didn't move. "Ashley?" Peering over her shoulder, I whispered into her ear, "Ash, it's my turn."

"Oh... kay." After a few seconds of hesitation, she finally stepped forward and headed to the other side.

Not wanting to leave Ashley alone for any longer than necessary, I speedily took a swing at my ball; it stopped shortly behind hers. Nearing my sister, I asked, "Need help for this one?"

She stood ready beside her ball. "I think I can handle it myself if it's just six inches away."

"That's not what I meant..."

Putting the ball successfully into the hole, Ashley quipped, "See, told you so." She turned her back to me as she bent over at the waist to retrieve her ball, keeping her knees together and her legs perfectly aligned. This had the marvelous effect of raising the back of her skirt high above her calves, high enough to show the bottom curve of her butt cheeks. This time, I had the perfect view to see it happening. And as high as her skirt went, so did my erection.

When Ashley stood up, letting what seemed like a full minute pass by, she immediately paced to the next hole, abandoning me with solely the tantalizing outline of her backside to keep me company. She didn't even look back.

"Wait up," I called after her. Not bothering to finish the hole, I grabbed my ball and ran to her side.

"This one looks like fun. Two jumps, a bridge, lots of corners. There's even a castle at the end."

The course was much darker than the others, with the only source of artificial lights coming from the castle and in the water. All I could make out was my sister's silhouette and the glowing golf ball between her fingers. "Yeah, this one looks like it'll be a good challenge."

Ashley dropped her ball onto the starting mat. "You can help me with this swing."

"It'll be my honor. I'll do anything for my princess." I gave her a small bow before positioning myself behind her.

It may have been dark, but she had no problem seeing that. "Oh god, you're so cheesy." My giggling sister adjusted her grip on the club.

Gingerly putting my hands on her elbows, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

My princess trembled. "Right now, a good thing."

I caressed the length of Ashley's arms, enjoying every inch of her supple skin. Bending over her left shoulder, I brushed away as much hair from her neck as I could with my nose. She tilted her head away from me, exposing more of her skin to my hungry lips. "A princess needs to be treated like one," I whispered. Diving forward, I devoured her flesh.

Ashley arched her spine but I kept my lips on her neck. There was an abrupt clang of metal hitting the ground. I felt a slender hand on the back of my head, driving my kisses harder into her.

Ashley's breathing became rapid. "I thought you didn't want to do this now."

Speaking into her neck, "I changed my mind."

"Maybe I changed my mind, too."

My lips traversed to her cheeks. She turned delicately toward me and I swiftly covered the corner of her mouth. A weak gasp escaped her lips. "You didn't change your mind," I told her.

"I couldn't if I wanted to," Ashley murmured. With her back still arched, she leaned forward, nudging her ass into me. She turned her face closer to mine. "Is that a golf stick in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

I quietly chuckled. "Who's the cheesy one now."

By then, all rational thoughts had left me. I didn't care where we were anymore. I didn't care how much trouble we could be in if anyone, especially our parents, caught us. Time stopped its flow and everyone else was nonexistent. Ashley was the only one deserving of my attention.

Reaching down with my right hand, I pulled up the side of her skirt, settling my fingers on her outer thigh. Oh god she felt smooth, more so than glass. My other arm wrapped around Ashley's waist, pulling her into me. I slipped my left pinky inside the top of her skirt and felt the frilly trimmings of her panties. I don't consider myself an expert in the subject but I knew it had to be something our parents wouldn't approve of.

Ashley absorbed everything I did to her body in silence. She made no effort to take control of the situation. My hands and lips were free to roam wherever I pleased.

"Still with me?" I whispered.

A brief nod answered my question.

As I ran my left hand over her taut abs, her chest rose in a single deep breath. I stopped under her two golden apples. "Fuck, Ashley, you're so sexy and hot."

"And you're so slow."

"Sorry. I can't get enough of--"

Without any warning, Ashley roughly grabbed my crotch from between her legs, forcing a gasp out of me as my aching cock pulsed in her hand. She swamped my open lips in hers, penetrating my mouth with her tongue. How quickly the tables have turned!

I could only imagine what we looked like that instant. The moonlight barely illuminated our lust-filled faces. Our bodies were fused together in one long continuous shadow. To top it off, a grand castle provided our fairy tale backdrop.

Ashley groped for the zipper on my jeans. She bluntly pulled it down and inserted two fingers through the slit. Fumbling for the opening of my boxers, she prodded my raging erection. Her chilly touch on my hot cock had me lurching onto my toes.

The weight of my upper body pushed Ashley down further. I raised my left arm over her chest, clutching her right breast in the palm of my hand. It was the first time I had ever touched her so explicitly. The ample mound was young and ripe. It filled my grasp perfectly, a match made a heaven.

As I kneaded her breast, Ashley managed to unleash my cock from its cage. In my zealousness, I wanted nothing more than to let her do whatever she desired with it, but my haunting flicker of reasoning returned, urging me not to. Could I really do this?Should I really do this? I honestly hadn't been expecting my cock to be involved in our petting. We were reaching a point I didn't think I could follow my sister to.

Ashley sensed my reluctance. Parting our mouths, she sternly whispered, "Don't you dare think about stopping now."

"Furthest thing on my mind," I replied, reuniting our passionate lip-lock. It's too late to turn back now. I just gave her my word.

Ashley fondled the head of my shaft beneath the safety of her skirt. Her thumb rubbed diligently over the sensitive tip, coaxing a droplet of precum. The base of my cock pressed against the burning crotch of her underwear. It was excruciating to be so close with only a thin piece of fabric separating us.

I needed to find another way to sate my cravings, fast. Removing my right hand from her creamy thigh, I hurriedly grabbed her other breast, my arms forming an 'x' over her chest. My sister moaned wildly as I savagely squeezed her boobs, her pert nipples pricking my palms through her top. "You're not wearing a bra."

"I hope that's okay with you." A smile graced her lips.


"Good." As if my erection wasn't under enough pressure, Ashley closed her legs, smothering it between her bare thighs.

"Oh god," I yelped. My cock was now completely enveloped in tender flesh. The heat emanating from her was immense and it swept through my tense muscles. She felt extraordinary, unlike anything I could've ever dreamed of. And this was just the feeling of her thighs. I'd die from pleasure if I ever get to explore her internally.

Ashley moved her hand from my shaft to the back of my right calf. She sunk her body lower, dragging me with her, and laid her other hand on her knee for support. I grunted as her ass drove into my crotch. Nearly losing my balance, I had to let go of her chest and hold onto her waist.

It took me less than a second to realize the position we were in. My conscience couldn't believe it but there was no denying what my eyes were seeing. Here was my sister, normally so demure and poised, bent over in front of me, with my erect cock snug between her legs. Her long blonde hair had fallen away from her neck, revealing the silky skin along the top of her back.

Subconsciously, I started to rock my hips into her. The thrusts were short, nothing too conspicuous. I didn't have the faintest clue what came over me. It isn't something a person does naturally, is it? Being a virgin, nothing could've prepared me for this situation. But come to think of it, how many guys have found themselves with their cock under their sister's skirt? It may have been because I was a virgin I felt I had to do it, to see what I've been missing out on all these years.

My princess swayed steadily with my movements. Each time I drew back, her skirt would lightly cling to my shaft, hiding it from sight. The overwhelming temptation to flip her skirt up and actually see my cock thrusting into her was almost too much to bear. I'd be able to find out what kind of panties she's wearing. But the image of Ashley being used like this while still fully clothed was just too visually erotic to give up.

My sister glanced over her shoulder. "Ooh... fuck. How do you feel?"

Words jumbled out of my mouth. "I feel... it's so... like I died and went to heaven."

Her voice was low. "Your cock is burning my skin. It's rubbing my pussy so good."

Damn, I love the way she talks. I wondered what she would say when we do it for our first time together. At our rate, it could've in five minutes. "Your skin is burning my cock.Yourpussy is rubbing it so good."

"Hey... you're the one banging my ass."

"And it's banging me back." An exaggeration, but I liked the sound of it more.

Ashley dropped her head. "I'm a nympho. Is that so terrible?"

"I like nymphos best of all." The thought of her with an uncontrollable sexual desire would undoubtedly spur even more salacious dreams. But how much truth was there to what she said? Apparently a lot going by her latest actions.

Our forbidden tryst seemed more and more surreal by the second. Everything we have done -- rather, everything she has done to me -- was beyond my wildest fantasies. Besides the taboo nature of our relationship, there was definitely another aura of excitement from our surroundings. The fantasy scenery, the wandering strangers, the extra background noises... they all made our act more thrilling than if we were alone in our bland house. The mental aspect overtook what I was feeling physically, and physically I was already in a huge rush.