Batgirl '68 Meets the Man from Uncle


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"Oh, gosh!"

"Sorry, Batgirl. Needs must."

"Perfectly understandable. Do, oof! Continue."

Batgirl never considered this exploit any different from the many other daring escapades she had been subjected to. It was simply a job to be done. But, oh! Napoleon's hard boner felt divine as he fucked her the best he could.

"It's working!"

The chair began to scrape noisily on the dirty floor underfoot, and as it rocked in the intended direction of the bomb, Solo found himself embedded fully in Batgirl's muff.

"Oh, oh, oh! You're rather well endowed, Mister Solo."

"Thanks. Never had any complaints as of yet."

Batgirl's pussy leaked juices around Napoleon's sizeable organ as it burrowed in and out of her at a fair rate. Her tits bounced up and down as her body was pushed into the frame of the chair. They both groaned as her delicious slippery quim payed lavish tribute to his surging prick.

"You know, we should get together after all this is over and compare crime fighting techniques." Said he as he paused to regain his focus.

"That's a bit fresh, Mister Solo. After all, we only just met. Let me think about it. Now, fuck me harder with that big cock!"

Napoleon humped into her a little more urgently, lifting himself up onto his toes and giving the plucky girl urgent hammer thrusts. Batgirl's pussy was whipped into a foaming lather as she lubed up nicely from the power fuck. The thrill of feeling that throbbing cock made her eyes flutter and her heart pound as she savoured the ripples of excitement he sent through her.

"Almost...there. Just a few more determined thrusts."

"Oof, off, off. Oh, my, gosh!"

Solo gathered all his momentum and managed to push and grate the chair with the bound Batgirl to the far wall. Fully impaled, the Dominoed Daredoll came. Not once, but twice, and her pale body glistened in a fine sheen of perspiration.


"Good girl, Batgirl. We got this. Just, a little, further."

Solo redoubled his efforts as he mindlessly fucked the Bat-Babe and moved then ever closer to the target.

"Only, three minutes left, Mister...Solo! I'm so...stuffed!"

"Oh, damn!"

Solo grunted as he came. In a blinding flash, he erupted and sent wads of cum inside the courageous female vigilante.

"So close," said he as his strength waned and he dribbled from his already wilting dick.

"You two look a sight, I must say."

Both Solo and Batgirl looked up wearily at the sight of a fair haired man in a turtle neck sweater defusing the bomb on the wall.

"Illya! Sorry I can't shake hands, I'm a little tied up right now."

The Russian born UNCLE agent released the pair of them and toyed with the time bomb.

"Crudely made, yet effective nonetheless."

"Illya. I'd like you to meet Batgirl."

As Solo looked about for his and her clothing, Batgirl stood up with heaving shoulders and jiggling tits. Despite her state of undress, she gave him a bashful smile, immediately thinking him to be quite cute with his wavy blond mop of hair. He had a boyish carefree look about him, although the planes of his jaw were severely set.

"Hi. Thanks for saving us."

"You're quite welcome." He said with a twinkle in his eye.

His eyes lingered on the naked loveliness of Batgirl. Her up lifted breasts were high and perky, topped off with two cherry red hard buds. She had the tiniest of waists, and her stomach was flat for the most part, aside from that slight rise of womanhood. Her thighs were muscled and taut, but in an attractive way, and her backside was perfection. Her bush of pubic hair, he imagined was usually trim and neat, except in this circumstance it was decidedly tacky and dappled with cum and pussy sweat.

"Well, we lost them."

Napoleon drew his pants on and looked at Batgirl as she wriggled into her spandex outfit. He was more worried about the safety of his boss than he cared to admit. As all three emerged from Emperor World it was dusk, and the area was still deserted. Solo saw that Illya had driven up to Gotham in the ultra modern gull-winged Piranha vehicle.

"All is not lost, my friends. I saw that there was a blue half truck parked here not too long ago, and I took the liberty of attaching a tracking device to it."

"What makes you think that's our target?" Wondered Solo.

"By the telltale picture of Penguin on the door."

"The Pengytruck!" Announced the fully recovered Batgirl. "I'll follow you two on my Batgirl-Cycle."

"Then, let's go!"

Solo watched the girl kick her right leg over the purple motorcycle with the bulletproof window guard edged in a kitsch fringe. She used the electric kick start and revved up the engine.

"A bit flash," he thought as he and Illya leaned back slightly awkwardly to enter their low-slung car.

Batgirl saw the twin rocket launcher tubes in the gullwing doors. Who knew what other devices it had concealed within it. Solo fired up the ignition and the motor purred accordingly.

"A bit flash," she thought as they sped off at speed, with her in hot pursuit. The souped up engine vibrated against her well fucked loins, and Batgirl purred in her post coital bliss.


Act Three- Batgirl's identity is finally revealed. Or is it?

For weeks leading up to his planned visit to Gotham City, Alexander Waverley had been plagued by doubts about his decision. The whole of America had learned of the many odd villains that had pestered the local police department, not to mention his old friend, James Gordon. It had taken some time for the shrewd head of UNCLE to accept his friends invitation to visit. Of course, there was always Batman. Or Batgirl, come to that.


As the sun began to rise, the UNCLE car and Bat-Cycle arrived in a dilapidated district of Gotham. The Pengytruck had pulled up behind one particular house. Without speaking, Napoleon Solo motioned for Batgirl to go to the front. She nodded as he and Kuryakin scaled the brick wall that led to an overgrown garden.

"This way."

Solo pointed to a small trapdoor, through which the two UNCLE agents entered the house. They found a narrow, underground corridor that wound along to a door, the bottom of which filtered light from within. Illya put his index finger to his lips as they paused. Solo nodded. More than likely, the door had to be connected to an alarm system. He pointed up above the door to the skylight window. Illya put his thumb up and jumped onto his friends back as he stooped down.

"What do you see?"

"Mister Waverley."

At that, the weight left Napoleon's back as Illya dove through the upper window. Then the door opened from the inside, and both had their UNCLE Specials drawn. There, in the middle of the room was Waverley, tied to a wooden chair, and obviously drugged. As Solo looked into the watery eyes of the older man, with his grey hair and striking dark eyebrows. The fair one led the way down a section of corridor that turned through ninety degrees. They rounded it briskly, only to be confronted by a couple of THRUSH agents.

"Back!" Ordered Kuryakin as they were spotted and bullets hit the wall by their heads.

Solo threw down a tiny capsule which exploded and filled the corridor with knockout gas. As the thugs clawed at their watering eyes, they slid to the floor in seconds. Barely had all three returned to the first room, they saw three more heavy set men. Early thirties, and dressed in black suits.

"Give us, Waverley." Said one, in a low voice.

"Three on two," noted Solo who crouched down in action mode.

"Make that three on three, fellers."


The cowled female crime fighter leapt up onto the back of the nearest adversary and chopped him in both temples with her gloved hands. As he toppled, she went into an overhead roll and came up fighting. Illya dodged a fist, approached his thug and gave him a kick to the solar plexus. Batgirl was like lightning and dragged the man's suit jacket down from his shoulders, thereby pinning his arms to his sides. She then gave him an almighty kick in the rear end and sent him crashing into one of the advancing agents.

"Look out, Batgirl!"

The plucky girl felt a weight on her back, and an arm wind itself tightly around her neck. As Napoleon looked for a angle, the agent behind Batgirl tore back her soft cowl and red wig, which resulted in her guarded features being revealed.

"Maude?" Exclaimed Solo at the exposed face.

"Maude Waverley is Batgirl?" Chimed Kuryakin as he recognised, or so he thought, the features of Alexander Waverley's niece behind the cowl.

Batgirl fought the mist in her eyes, jabbed the THRUSH agent behind her in the ribs, and left it to the others to pulverise him. Barbara Gordon had to think fast on her feet, as she covered her head once more. The Men from Uncle had not met her before, and had come to the conclusion that her spitting image, Maude Waverley, was really Batgirl. Rather than come clean and own up, it suited Babs to continue with the illusion.

"Let's get the boss to safety." Suggested the Russian.

As the UNCLE agents headed out, Penguin and Chickadee turned the corner of the street to see Waverley being rescued.

"Curses! Foiled again!" Cackled the career villain.

"Come on, Pengy. Let's rush 'em!"

Penguin rocked on the balls of his feet and rubbed his chin.

"Not this time, sweetie. I have an headache. To the Pengytruck!"


Act Four- Double jeopardy for Barbara Gordon.

Barbara arrived at the Gotham Claridge's Hotel and was warmly greeted by the doorman in his top hat. She took the elevator to the third floor and knocked on the door of room number 11.

"Well. Here goes nothing."

"Hi, Maude. Come on in."

Solo ushered the smiling young woman into the fairly large room. She was no stranger to opulence, being acquainted with millionaire Bruce Wayne, but this was quite a layout, even for UNCLE'S top agent in Section Two. He took her little coat and Barbara smoothed out her white linen sleeveless. He was pleased to see she had chosen a form fitting number that hugged her curves nicely. The thin shoulder straps virtually left the entire portion of her upper body deliciously bare. Only five three in bare feet, the brunette had chosen to wear a pair of three inch heels to boost her height.

"Maude." Said Illya in way of greeting.

Barbara smiled weakly, not knowing what to expect as she sat on the sofa, only to find herself sandwiched between the two hunky UNCLE agents. It had been Alfred again, who had provided her with the name of the hotel they were staying in for the duration, and she felt obliged to show up. Best keep up the charade if she intended to save her true identity.

"Glad you could make it, Maude." Said Solo as he pressed his leg to her left thigh.

"Or, should we call you Batgirl from now on?" Wondered the fair haired chap with a wry smile. "Is it Gotham you go to every weekend?"

"And that costume? Did you make it? It really does things for you."

"Do you know who Batman really is?"

"Look how innocent she looks all dressed in white."

"Look. This has been most unfortunate, guys." Answered Barbara as she pretended to be their friend in the UNCLE organisation. "Can you just forget what you saw. Please?"

As she spoke, the ever suave Solo reached down and lifted the hem of the very short dress Barbara wore, and she gulped as he bared her splendid thighs. AND a glimpse of her pretty underwear.


"Sure thing, Batgirl. I mean, Maude. But you need to treat us first."

"Oh, I see."

So, it was like that. Presumably, Maude has a thing going on with Napoleon, and maybe even Illya. There was no doubt that Barbara liked the company of men. After all, she and Napoleon had already been intimate, although he had no idea if it were she he had fucked. As both virile and good looking men pressed tightly against her ripe body, the closeness of their warm bodies made her wilt and Babs recognised that familiar tingle rising in her loins.

"Guys, guys. Both of you?"

Solo leaned in and kissed her left cheek, as they touched and teased her. A caress here, a fondle there. She felt Illya's hand stroke her inner thigh and her hand came on top of his and guided it to the crotch of her dampening panties!

"Yes. Both."

Napoleon joined in, do that three eager hands cupped her pulsating muff. As the Russian fingered the delicate shoulder strap of the little white dress, Barbara spread her hands out in search of their stiffening cocks. Through half lidded eyes, the horny girl cooed lightly as both UNCLE agents nuzzled her neck and cheeks.

"" She muttered breathlessly as the front of her dress was drawn down to reveal her oh, so perky tits.

The two aroused men had deftly unzipped their pants, and Babs gasped as the palms of her hands caressed a pair of swelling organs that throbbed hard in her fists. Illya nibbled on the nipple of her lush right boob, and the sensitive nub stiffened from the delightful feel of his white teeth. She arched her back into him as Napoleon pawed at her left melon, thumbing the well defined tip.

"Oh, my goodness!"

Barbara looked on the pair of them drooling like two puppies, and thrilled to the sense of her own sensuality that had brought them to a helpless state. She ran her fingers through Illya's mop of soft hair as he sucked on her tit harder.

"Down to business."

Napoleon was sweating under his suit, so he stood up and stripped off. His friend and ally did so too, and Babs took a moment to check both men out. Nice! She thought at the sight of both fit men, with their trim builds, sinewy muscles in their legs and tight buttocks, and well defined abs. It was only now, despite having had Napoleon Solo, that she actually saw his cock for the first time. And she was highly delighted at what she saw. He fingered his prominent erection and it was obvious that he liked the attention that Barbara was giving him.

"Remember this, Maude?"

Barbara licked her lips at the vivid memory of his big dick stuffed up inside her. Although he was referring to some previous encounter with Waverley's niece, the same applied to her. He stood back and let Illya take the initiative. Babs ran her hands over the fair haired Russian, palming his well toned physique. Her blue eyes lowered to his dick, now incredibly hard and aching for attention. He remained silent and enigmatic as she dipped and came down to crotch level.

"You have a nice cock, Mister Kuryakin."

"Illya, please."

Her slender fingers curled around the base of his erect member, and she planted a big kiss on the bell end. He groaned as she opened her mouth to take in half of the rigid pole, keeping him upright with her two hands. She began a hands free blowjob, sliding up and down and lapping at him with her slithering tongue. Her perma-pout was perfect as she tightened her purchase on his quivering boner and engulfed the swollen tip. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back as delicious ripples resonated through him.

"I told you she was good, huh!"


Replied Kuryakin to the grinning Solo as he wallowed in the many sensations received from her combined lip and tongue exertions. Solo tapped Barbara on the top of her head and she turned her attention to the impatient UNCLE agent.

"Share and share alike."

Babs slid her hands around the backs of his legs and worked upward to squeeze his clenching buttocks. The hot brunette used her pink tongue to flick out at the head of his cock, tilting her head and spiraling down half of his length. His thick girth surged in and out of her warm and receptive mouth, and he loved the soft little whimpers she made as she bobbed back and forth.

"Mmm, oumm, ummm!"

Barbara inhaled through flared nostrils as she deep throated him, sucking him in fully and burying her cute nose in his dark pubic hair. Her shoulders heaved as she gave him long, pumping strokes that threatened his undoing.

"That was great, Maude."

The admiring, and very horny agents sat back on the sofa as Barbara drew her dress down and stepped out of it. Then with a slight hesitancy, she pinched the waistband of her panties and eased them over the jutting contours of her taut cheeks. Her eyes remained always on their erections which they rubbed in tandem, drinking in her superb naked form.

"Come on, Maude."

"Choose one, Maude."

Eager to test out the scrummy Russian, the female crime fighter lowered herself onto Illya's lap, wiggling into position and elevating her firm ass so that she was raised over his knees. He clenched his jaw and put his hands in the small of her back as she sheathed his rod and emitted a satisfied moan.


She began to ride on his stiff cock and thrust down on him firmly and quickly. His swollen knob was a dream as she impaled herself on it again and again. No novice, Babs moved her hips to and fro with each stroke and ensured her hard clit rubbed on his pelvic bone. Her juices leaked out and lubed him up nicely.

"My turn."

Barbara Gordon fell atop of Illya's smooth chest as she looked at Napoleon. She slid off of the quivering Russian and sidled over to the other. She flung a lithe leg over his left hip and guided his hard on to the moist entrance of her pussy. The far head stretched her open as his dick filled her and his massive balls rested against her rounded ass.

"Oh, Napoleon!"

Babs dug her heels into the carpet as she fucked him with smooth gyrations, letting his generous organ plunge the very depths of her steamy muff. Each time she accepted his entire length, his balls slapped noisily on her backside. She slammed down with increasing ferocity as Solo held her hips and started to push up at the same time.

"Any more for me?"

Barbara looked over her shoulder, whilst still impaled on Solo, and saw his companion wanking his dick. She got the message and hopped off of the dark haired agent and got on her hands and knees, facing the back of the sofa. Illya grasped her tight cheeks and pressed his face into her, slipping his tongue between her plump labia and probing her wet pussy.

"That is so, OH!"

His tongue work was sensational as he moved up and down from the top of her pussy slit to her tiny puckered hole. His jutting erection brushed her right inner thigh, and Babs rocked back urgently to make him put it in. the inscrutable Russian moved in behind her then, and mounted the girl from Gotham with a single thrust. Her head dipped forwards as she took his cock deep inside her.

"I love this cock!"

The smooth head, the stiff shaft, and the incessant throbbing inside her brought her off in no time. Barbara made a shrill yelp from her orgasm, unable to hold back the raw and primal passion that consumed her. And still he fucked her, rhythmically thrusting into her hard so that his hips slapped against her rippling bottom.

"Oh! Oh, keep doing...that!"

Then she was empty, pussy gaping, as she was turned sharply to her right so that Solo could partake of her well fucked muff. Barbara felt his mushroom cock head push in and the hot brunette pushed back against it. Needing no encouragement, despite the welcome acceptance, the Man from UNCLE seized her by the waist and drove in and out of the screaming girl. As he went in, he pulled her back to him so that he was inside her to the hilt.


Barbara came again in wave upon wave of pleasure, drenching her lover with her resulting fluids. He pulled out and Babs rolled onto her side on the seat.

"Hey, Maude. Remember our thing?"

"Thing?" She mumbled with her hands between her tingling thighs.

This might be tricky, thought Barbara.

"Well, now's a good enough time, don't you think?"

"Right." She answered warily.

Trying not to look stupid, Babs demurred until both UNCLE agents loomed over her. Ah, I think I get it now, as they furiously tossed off, aiming directly into her face. Both agents grunted as they came on cue, spraying her with huge blasts of cum that bathed her face and throat. She gasped as her eyelids became glued shut from the thick spurts. Her mouth opened to receive jet after jet and she gasped for air as the back of her throat was hit.