Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 11


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We started talking and found out Taylor was a Junior at Bennington College, here in Vermont.

"How'd you get here?" I asked.

"Hitched a ride with some other students," Taylor said.

"Marnie and I have to go back to New York City tomorrow. Bennington is on the way. Would you like a ride back with us?"

"Could I?"

"Of course," Marnie said. "We could fool around in the back seat on the drive." Taylor smiled again.

"Where are you staying?" I asked.

"I'm sleeping on the floor at a place not too far from the chalet."

"No wonder you're looking for better sleeping accommodations," I said. "Since you're spending the night and going back with us tomorrow, why don't we pick your stuff up when we leave here."


We soaked for another couple hours, drinking moderately, Marnie and Taylor engaging in another make out session to pass the time. I enjoyed watching them kiss and pet each other. Taylor was getting into it.

I was thinking of calling it quits when Lance showed up again. He was three sheets to the wind. He saw Marnie and Taylor kissing in the hot tub.

"I fucking knew it," he slurred. "I'll bet you paid the bitch to scream."

"Nope. I not only made her scream louder the next time, Marnie and Benjamin made her scream too, and I'll thank you not to call Taylor a bitch."

"Who the fuck is Benjamin?" Trying to wrap his head around what I was saying.

"Benjamin, Benny, the guy surrounded by all the women over there." I pointed.

He turned his bleary eyes in the direction I was pointing and saw three women more or less sitting in Benny's lap.

"Benny, what the fuck!" Lance mumbled. "Crystal, is that you."

"Sure is, Lance, honey," a woman replied, assumed to be Crystal. "You have been replaced in my affections. Benjamin knows how to make love to a woman. No more wham, bam, thank you, ma'am."

"You fucked him?"

"Certainly did, twice. The things he did to me. Oh my fucking God."

Oh, oh. Lance looked like he was starting to come apart at the seams. He was getting red in the face and started approaching Benjamin, his fists balled up. Shit, Benjamin was a lover, not a fighter. Benjamin couldn't even scramble away with the three girls on his lap. I hopped out of the tub. I wished I had something on if this was going to get bad. At least he was drunk.

"Asshole," I said, getting his attention again. "You're not wanted around, anymore. Why don't you leave."

He turned away from Benjamin. "Who's going to make me?"

"Me, if it comes to that. You'd prefer it if I didn't have to make you."

He looked at me again. Thirty or so pounds lighter, three inches shorter, not nearly as defined and hard, though getting there. Plus, I was naked. Naked people don't look very threatening, especially to a drunk. He came at me, the source of all his recent humiliation. A lot of people gasped, expecting a slaughter.

I feinted a kick at his gonads, making Lance twist his hips to protect them, giving me my real target, the nerve on the outside of his thigh, the common peroneal. Much bigger target, much easier to hit, not so well protected as the family jewels. His leg gave way and he dropped to the ground, unable to stand.

"You'll be able to walk again in about ten minutes, though limping. It takes about an hour for the pain to completely end. We can end this here, or go a couple more rounds, but I assure you, the next few rounds will be worse. Sober up and think about it, and don't pick fights when you're drunk. I think it's time we leave, ladies, in case he's too drunk to listen to sense when he hears it."

We dressed as Lance remained on the ground, still groaning. Benjamin shook my hand as we left.


"You might want to leave too. No telling where his anger will turn next. He's not very smart. Benjamin, Crystal, ladies," I said to the others.

"I thought he was going to kill you," Taylor said. "He's a bit of a bully. No one really likes him much."

"Too inebriated to do much real damage to someone who's mostly sober and knows something about self defense. He might have cleaned Benjamin's clock, but he wasn't going to clean mine."

"I think I'm going to start calling you the Trashman," Marnie said. "You keep taking the trash out."

I laughed, hugging her. We walked to Taylor's place where she gathered her things. "Who brought you here?" I asked.


"Is she here?"

"Saturday night? No, she's partying somewhere."

"Do me a favor, since your things will be gone and she won't know where you are. Take a photo of my driver's license, text it to Amy along with a message saying you're getting a ride back to Bennington with me, and if you're not back to campus by four tomorrow, to report you missing. It's a safety measure since you don't really know us that well and you'll just be missing. I wouldn't want her to worry about you before four, or for you to worry if we're a couple of mad killers. Safety tip, I recommend you use in the future too."

Taylor did what I suggested, saying "Mad lovers is more like it."

"I accept that."

It took all three of us carrying stuff, but we got it all back to the hotel.

"Have you eaten?" Marnie asked when we got back to our room and put everything down. She started taking off her clothes, as did I.

"Only snacks since breakfast."

"Order something from room service," Marnie said.

"Is there some reason you're stripping now, if we're eating?"

"We're not eating," I said, "you are. We ate. Marnie and I are submissives. The man she was with before, Andre, is our Dominant. It's expected that as his submissives, Marnie and I both be naked anyplace it's safe for us to be naked, where we won't be arrested or would freeze to death. I don't know if you noticed or really looked at the jewelry Marnie is wearing, or what I'm wearing. It has a meaning. Our Master pierced her and put her in those chains. Marnie is a BBC loving, hotwife, who loves sex with other men in addition to her husband.

"I'm what is known as a cuckold. I'm not an unwitting cuckold. I know and accept our Master's Dominance of my wife, and of me. Normally, I can't have sex with Marnie, or any woman really, unless my Master has had sex with them first. Nor can either of us have sex with anyone unless he grants us permission. We can't masturbate or orgasm without his permission. Everything and everyone Marnie had sex with while Andre was here, was with his express consent.

"When I arrived, he left, leaving us with permission to have sex with each other as much as we want, and to include other men and/or women in our sex lives if we wished. This permission lasts until we get home. As submissives who don't have control of our sex lives anymore, we're both highly sexed individuals, who have learned to enjoy sex with others. Hence you and Benjamin last night, and you again tonight."

She was silent, thinking. "Does that mean you have sex with Andre too."

"I have sex with anyone Andre wants me to have sex with, and that frequently means him. It means other men as well. I prefer women, never having had sex with a man before my submission started a few months ago, but I've learned to accept it, because he is my Master."

She ordered her food and I gave her a ten for a tip. When her order arrived, Marnie and I went into the bathroom until the waitstaff left. As she ate, she asked a lot of questions about how we discovered our submissiveness, how we became submissive and how Andre became our Dominant, all of which we answered honestly.

"How many people have you had sex with?" "Dozens." "How many at once?" "Three in me at once," Marnie answered, "many more than that in a day." "We had eight in bed on New Years Day, all of whom we had sex with over the course of the day," I answered.

"I thought I was somewhat promiscuous," Taylor said.

"It may be considered slightly less promiscuous if we're fucking, because we're not doing it of our own volition," I said, "as it might be considered if we're deciding to fuck them all ourselves. That's been taken out of our hands. We're more like one or two at a time people, like we were last night and tonight. So we'd generally be roughly as promiscuous as you were."

"Fair enough."

By the time she finished her meal, we'd answered most of her questions.

"You seem fairly rational to me."

"We are rational. Submissiveness is an emotional state of being, like Dominance is for that matter. Being submissive or Dominant meets emotional needs in the parties involved. We meet those needs in our opposites. We're not crazy, and in fact, in some normalized psych testing, proponents of D/s score as sane or mentally healthy as any other groups. Because we get those needs met with people we trust, we don't have to externalize those feelings as some people might. Lance might be an example of someone who wouldn't be the way he was if he had healthy emotional outlets for whatever it is that drives him. I don't feel the need to push others around, or even be pushed around. I've got someone to submit to that meets my needs. I don't have to back down to someone like Lance because he isn't my Dominant. I've got one I'm satisfied with."

"Enough chit-chat," Marnie said. "I'm a sex slave who hasn't had sex since before supper. Since you're done eating, Taylor, why don't you eat me so we can see how much you were paying attention to our instruction last night. Once I'm satisfied you have a clue about how to pleasure a woman, you and I will sixty-nine while Richard fucks you. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do. After I clean up your cunt, we'll turn over and he can fuck me while you're licking me. I love that almost more than anything."

Marnie lay on the bed with her legs spread and Taylor proceeded to show her how much she did pay attention. In ten minutes, my horny wife was cumming. In twenty, I eased myself into Taylor's pussy. Damn if she didn't like it as much as Marnie did. When the tables were reversed and I was fucking my wife, the only thing which made her hesitate was licking my cum out of Marnie's cunt. A momentary hesitation only, since she realized she'd blown guys and now she'd licked women, and this was nothing more than a mixture of the two.

After a shower, we went to sleep, fucking again in the morning. Taylor and Marnie enjoyed another hour of togetherness in the back seat of the Tesla on the drive to her college. I got the feeling Taylor was a firm believer in bisexual and group sex before we got to Bennington.


We fed Taylor again before dropping her off at school.

"Thanks for everything," Taylor said. "It's been an unusual, but highly satisfying weekend."

"Don't be a stranger," Marnie said. "You have a long weekend and want to see the big city, let us know. We'll welcome you with open arms and open legs. Expect lots of fucking."

Taylor laughed. "I might take you up on that. Had a hell of time this weekend."

We both kissed her before she walked away.

"Another bitch I probably need to worry about," Marnie said. "You collect them like stamps."

"Come on," I said. "She's a college girl."

"So's your other coed cunt who apparently taught you how to give better oral sex. She's only about three years younger than you. It's not like you're robbing the cradle."

I laughed and she smiled at me. We started our three and a half hour drive to New York

"Do you want a blow job?" Marnie asked. "If you can ignore your orgasms enough to give me mind blowing sex, you ought to be able to keep your mind on the road through one."

"We'll give it a try," I said, agreeable she might make at least twenty minutes of the drive more enjoyable.

Turns out it was thirty.


Master wasn't there when we got home, still working, if sex for money can be considered working. I suppose if you had no control over it, it would be, but Andre pretty much set his own schedule. He got home at 9:30, walking in to find us in the bedroom, not doing anything because those were today's rules. Once we got home, all dispensations stopped.

"I can't wait to slide my big black dick in your hot cunt, Marnie," Master said.

"Before you do that, Master, I believe Richard has something to show you," Marnie said.

"What would that be?"

"Master, if you let me help you with your clothes, I believe I can make it all clear to you."

He looked at me. "Fine, show me what you want."

I helped him remove his clothes, Marnie leaving us alone for the moment, eager to see what Master thought of my newly discovered talents. I got him naked, smelling sex with another woman on him, his Jane, sweet arousal and wild sex. I pushed against his shoulders, encouraging him to lie down. I began my seduction, Marnie gone, Taylor gone, only my Master and his pleasure on my mind. Beginning with soft kisses, I tempted and beguiled him, captivated and enchanted him.

I played his cock like it was a horn and I was Louis Armstrong; played with his balls like I was Sandy Koufax. I delayed his orgasm for over a half hour, until he was straining off the bed, his cock as hard as adamant, soft as velvet and aching for release, nearly tortured, I'd sucked him so long. So much precum had pearled on the tip of his cock, he might have filled a glass with it. I finally flicked my tongue against the heart shaped groove attaching the crown to his shaft at the top of his mighty prick. As soon as I felt his rod swell in my hand, I engulfed his cock down to the root, feeling him blast a cup of cum down my throat, sliding up to swallow it, then sliding back down to collect more of his offering, until he was empty and I no longer felt him pulsing on my tongue.

Master was speechless, gasping for breath. I lifted his legs, opening his ass for me. Marnie put some lube on it so I could slide in, taking him while he was still struck dumb. With long, deep thrusts into his rectum, I fucked him, kissing, playing tongue tag, surrendering to the sex he enjoyed with me, feeling his cock swell between us, hard and wet with my saliva. I sped up, ignoring my need to cum, fucking him the way I'd fucked Marnie and Taylor earlier in the day, only him, only his pleasure mattering. As I climaxed, my lips were locked on his, surrendering my mouth to his questing tongue, only his for that moment in time.

My cock began to shrink and Marnie was ready with a warm, wet washcloth, cleaning us both, Master still lost for words, bereft of speech, not knowing what to make of me, what I'd managed to do.

"What the fuck, Richard!" Master finally said.

"Wasn't that amazing, Master," Marnie said. "That's what oral sex was like with the woman who trained us, Beth Wilson. Richard figured it out with the help of his coed slut, Vickie. His cunt licking is like fifty percent better than it was before. Was that not the best blow job you've ever had?"

"Yeah, but what's different. It was almost the same."

"Focus, Master. I've always been distracted by my situation, my submission. Why is there a cock in my mouth, what is Master doing to my wife, am I doing the right thing by submitting, thinking about work tomorrow, whatever. All those things getting in the way of single minded purpose. How can I give the most pleasure to the one I'm having sex with? Unable to concentrate with the complete surrender to another's pleasure, Beth had - total focus - on that one thing, no matter what was happening to her. Realizing I could have that focus too if I quit worrying and surrendered to my position as your sex slave. No longer concern myself with being Marnie's husband, being her brother slave instead, don't concern myself if I'm having gay sex occasionally, don't worry if Marnie loves you...."

"Marnie doesn't love me. I'm her Dominant, that's all."

"I do, Master. I love you a great deal, as much as I do Richard."

"No, you can't. I won't let you. You'll ruin everything."

"That cat's out of the bag, Master. I know she loves you. But she also loves me. I know that. I can accept she can love you as much as she loves me. Just as I'll love my child as much as I love her. It's possible to love more than one person. It happens. Scott loves Julia, Lisa, Rhonda and Becky. Perhaps it wasn't planned that way, perhaps there's a touch more love for one over the other, I don't know. They all love one another, it doesn't even seem to matter if it's an unconventional, polyamorous relationship. You see how much they care for one another. Sam loves Marcia and Chantelle. William loves Evelyn and Regina. The only difference is we've flipped ours on it's ear. Instead of one man loving multiple women and them loving each other, Marnie loves multiple men. Is that any different? Only the genders have changed. The only reason it should make any difference to me is if she stopped loving me.

"I worried about it. I heard her say she loved you. I don't even know if you heard her, but I did. I was worried what it meant, if she'd fall out of love with me because she loved you instead. Letting you go with her to Killington was killing me, inside. Surrendering my place to you, letting you work your big dick magic on her without me being there to remind her she still had a husband. You go off and I don't know what I'm going to get when I see her again. Will she still be my wife or another BBC bimbo who could care less about me.

"Instead of being alone and worrying about her new love for you, she arranged for me to have sex with a different woman every day. You arranged for me to come up early and gave me more time with her. To let us fuck to our hearts content. That's when I realized I didn't have to worry. Marnie still loved me, and cared for me, and wished me to be happy, even in her absence.

"You didn't say, fine, I'll take the whole week in Killington and tough shit, Richard. I don't give a flying fuck what happens to you and your relationship to your wife. Neither of you treated me like I wasn't there, that I didn't count. If I matter, if I count to both of you; I don't have to worry. I can be myself, I can focus on being pleasing to you both, to maximize the pleasure I give you or anyone else.

"For the first time last night, Marnie fucked another man and I didn't think about it, didn't let it consume me, worm its way into my brain and affect me. I fucked another woman with all of my focus on her, despite Marnie fucking right beside me.

"I even know why you love this so much, why you don't want Marnie to love you; why you're afraid if she does, it will end our relationship. We're the family you never had, the people you love to come home to, the people who care about you, who love you back and want you here. You don't have to worry any more. Marnie loves you, I accept that she does, and accept our submission to you. Unless you change, unless you do something to hurt us, we're your family. You don't have to worry about losing us. We are your home."

I'd never seen a grown man cry before, not a hard ass like Master and not like this, gut wrenching sobs which seemed to tear him apart. He broke down in front of us, unable to stop. We both put our arms around him, held him, and let him cry. It took a long time before he could stop.

When he did, he said, "If you ever tell anyone how I cried just now, I'll have to kill you both. I mean it. I order you not to tell anyone."

"Yes, Master," we said, kissing him.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not really my thing, don't like the m/m stuff at all - but well written, good English.

Does not deserve the abuse from the wankers, wrong category? wtf? Putting The Great Gatsby on the wrong shelf turns it into a pile of shit? Fuck off.

5*, redressing the balance.

Dixon (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

@Anonymous Re: "Author you're delusional." - You're correct. O didn't read this, just popped in to give a one-bomb. if I had time, I'd one-bomb all the earlier chapters.

think it's significant that in the other categoIries he scores well over 4, usually over 4.5, in LW he struggle to break 3.5. I'm sure he didn't suddenly become a worse writer, it's just that these stories aren't appreciated in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Author you're delusional. Just because somebody clicks on your story doesn't mean they read them. I bet the majority of readers don't bother reading your garbage. You started a story with fetish, continued this in loving wives and you think we're actually going to go back and read all the others? Besides any story that starts with fetish and gets put in LW gets an automatic one star rating from many readers without reading a single word. We love to bombard you fetish writers with negative comments, since we know you and your sick followers will go nuts defending your fetishes. Don't want negative comments and low scores don't post your garbage in this category. 1* doing my part proudly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

1* for wrong category. Fetish belongs in fetish, not LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Author the only one that needs help is you for writing such garbage. Who in their right mind thinks turning a wife into a whore is a good idea? And why the hell would any author change a story from one category to another in midway. Start and finish a story in the same category. Who is the idiot here?

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