Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 12


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"That gives us the first thing we need to do," Edgar said. "Next we need someplace to question him in isolation which we can torch afterwards."

"A relatively easy problem. Close enough to Geneva you can start questioning soon, but no folks around, maybe a farm. If you have to torch a barn or shed, leave a bundle of cash for the owners so they can easily replace it.

"You'll want access to his computer and phone. William has security protocols on his equipment so if it's stolen by some standard thief, the hard drives are wiped. It won't protect against an expert, but if anyone uses blunt force attacks to get the data, it's destroyed. His devices would probably have similar protocols if he's hiding illegal activities. If you get hold of his devices, you need an expert hacker to clone them. If he has similar protocols, it's tested on the clones first so it won't destroy his equipment, which will be a treasure trove of information. You want someone good. We need to hire someone for that job quick."

"I might know a guy," Edgar said. "The SAS used someone with mad skills on occasion. If he's not available, he might know someone as good. I'll check some sources."

"Mr. Thornhill has got people on the ground in the Bahamas getting your training facility operational," I said. "Construction has already started on the mock up. Smitty gave us a list of the equipment you wanted. You can probably start bringing people in for training in a few days, although it won't be ready for 300 that fast. I understand some of your freed slaves might be looking the place over to see if it looks right. The earlier they get in on the process, the less we'll have to tear down and replace if we get it wrong.

"He's offering the use of his jet for carrying small parties around and we've hired a transport company with a 767 for carrying large groups. I'm assuming you'll need to transport the whole bunch to Morocco at some point close to the assault. We understand you're arranging for air and ground transport in Morocco.

"That's correct."

"I've spoken to someone in the French government. They're making discrete inquiries with the Algerian and Moroccan governments to see what type of help might be available with the right prodding."

"Who do you know in the French government, Richard?" Lynn asked.

"A delegate to the UN who was about to make inquiries with Interpol after their police had limited success finding who attacked your limo and killed the French citizen who owned Yasmine. His name is Armand Depardeau."

"Miranda mentioned the man. He said he was grateful to have met you," Joshua said.

Probably more grateful to make the acquaintance of my wife, but perhaps I helped him slightly.

"I'm going to need help," I said. "William has had three people or more working with him. Myself, Marnie, my new Master, Andre, and sometimes Evelyn and Regina, his other submissive. Computer skills would be helpful, but even someone with phone skills would be good."

"You have a Master now?" Joshua said. "I thought you were heterosexual?" He glanced at Mother.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"No, not at all. Far be it from me to take offense at someone else's sexual proclivities. I was surprised I didn't know."

Mother said, "It's a recent change and I didn't feel it necessary to broadcast it as Richard and Marnie were living in New York and we're here. If it became something you needed to know, I would have told you."

"Marnie wished to have a Master, rather than a Mistress, plus she's more submissive than Dominant herself. She wanted me to participate in sex with whoever came to our bed, so she hired a bisexual prostitute for me to learn male sex with. She eventually asked if I'd be willing to accept him as my Dominant with her. I was already having sex with him by her will, and since it wouldn't seem to materially alter my relationship to my wife with his agreement, we both entered into submission to him. I still prefer sex with women, primarily, but I do have sex with men at my Master's will. It's not substantially more than when I was when submissive to Marnie, except Master is more frequently around. I was already assigned to prepare the men she was having sex with and do clean up on both afterward. I suppose you would call me a woman leaning bisexual now. I don't hate sex with men, but I don't prefer it."

"Let me get this straight," Edgar said, "You're submitting to a bisexual male prostitute?"

"That's a true statement, although he may not be a sex worker, his preferred term, much longer. William has hired him to be my replacement while I'm with you, in conjunction with Marnie. They both know of William's Dominance over Evelyn and Regina and will keep their mouths shut, and they're good. I worked with them for several days before coming. Bill plans on it being a permanent hire."

"When did this come about?" Joshua asked.

"In early December. I attended a charity ball with William and Evelyn. Regina sat at my table. Bill asks me to pay attention to what people talk about at these affairs as there may be good information to be learned there, profitable information. I overheard some men talking about a slave auction as I made my rounds. Knowing your experience with slave trafficking, it piqued my curiosity. I shot a photo of the people at the table. I know they sometimes have mock slave auctions for charity, but neither Bill nor Evelyn were aware of any mock auctions scheduled, and they're tuned into the charity scene.

"I sent the information to the Congresswoman. She confirmed it was an actual slave auction on the dark web and that the men in the photo included a deputy police commissioner and an assistant district attorney. She asked for Bill's help, especially because you needed lots of money to even get into the thing and it was short notice. He didn't feel he could go himself. Miranda asked if he'd give me the money and I could go. Bill knew I was too submissive to go as a buyer and I suggested Master as the buyer and Marnie and myself as his submissives. He had plausible means of having money, blackmailing a rich client, the attitude and street smarts to carry it off, and he knew the DCP as a precinct captain he'd had sex with before, so if the DCP was running security screening, he'd know and accept Andre as a prostitute going into business for himself.

"Bill gave him a crash course in Dominance/Owner behavior, and we went to the auction. Marnie and I had wireless spy cameras in our asses so we could get footage of the whole thing for prosecution purposes, including the DCP fucking my ass and the ADA getting sucked off by Marnie. Since Marnie had already requested I consider Andre as a Master we could both submit to, the days leading up to the auction were a trial run for our joint submission to him. When the auction was over, I felt I was capable of submitting to the man and agreed he would be acceptable. We worked out the details of our submission and he's been our Master since."

"Miranda told me it was mostly your idea, pretty much everything was suggested by you?"

"I knew Andre from our previous dates with him, knew he had a Dominant nature and he could pull it off. Marnie and I were already considering him as a Master. It wasn't a huge leap in my mind to suggest it. It worked out. We rescued nine young virgin women, including two who were underage, five of them Mahmoud's branded slave captures. I think they recovered most of the other slaves sold that night as well. A few foreign buyers managed to escape capture and arrest."

"Still, it was a clever move," Edgar said, "shows quick wits and an agile mind. No wonder you've already made suggestions which may be helpful in capturing that bastard, Schultz. Welcome aboard, lad. Seems like you're a good fit for what we need right now. You're not bogged down in a military way of thinking. I'd have hunted the bastard down and run a snatch and grab off the streets and probably had half of Switzerland after us. This seems like a much better plan we can work with."

"You're welcome."

"Give me a day to set this up and we'll tell Miranda to make contact with Schultz," Edgar said.

"We've got a number of people who are willing to help you, Richard, beginning with your Mother," Joshua said. "Angelique is anxious to get her wife back, and Delphine her Mistress. Sherry will help whenever she's not engaged in nursing. Dave, in personnel, knows what to do to run background checks on individuals and put them on the payroll. Fatima doesn't have much to do when the ship isn't moving and she's volunteered to help. You tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you."

"Could you tell me what you're thinking about in terms of the assault. Since I have no military experience, it might help me figure out what more I need to do to help."

"Yeah, sure," Edgar said. "It's only rough so far. We need more intelligence and it needs to be refined after we get it. I'll get input from some of the others. I have a lot of experience on the crew I need to take advantage of." He pulled up the drawing they'd made of the fortress which had been used for the blue prints. "The attack has to occur at night so they can't see us coming. We should have an advantage in low light gear. Circadian rhythms usually dictate the least amount of alertness at night and all except the men on watch should be asleep. There are guard towers at the five points of the star, and guards at the gates, here and here. We want to take all the guards out at once so no one can give the alarm and wake everyone else up. The ones in the towers we can snipe from the outside. The ones at the gates have to be taken from the inside. We hope to parachute a couple of snipers onto the roof of the building without alerting anyone. They can take out the interior guards. After that, we enter through the gates in four man teams and start clearing the building, trying not to shoot any of the slaves."

"Can your paratroopers land softly enough no one hears them?"

"We think so. Modern parachute equipment makes for pretty soft landings. We'll have to practice on our mock ups to see if it can be done. I'm most worried about winds. Wind in the mountains can be a little unpredictable. We have no way to duplicate that in the Bahamas."

"I know most of my knowledge comes from fictional movies and books, but can a drone be fitted with some type of weapon to take out the interior guards, or perhaps a silenced helicopter like they used to take out Bin Laden at some height over the compound with snipers on board."

"I doubt we can silence a helicopter enough to not be heard in the mountains with alert sentries, but the drone idea might have some merit. Those can be pretty quiet. Joshua manufactures one the military is testing out. I'd be worried about silencing the weapon we mount on them. Sound echoes in the mountains. We can shoot from roughly eight hundred yards away with silenced weapons for the guard towers, so that's not an issue for them. Something hovering over the compound might sound louder to any who are awake."

"What about a dart gun using compressed air instead of a firearm, using darts with a fast acting nerve agent or poison on it. Those should be fairly silent."

Edgar looked at Richard. "You canny fucker. I've been wondering what to do about the women there. They're sometimes sent out to service the guards. I don't want to hurt them if I don't have to, but them screaming as the guards are having their heads blown off beside them, was giving me headaches. We could shoot them with non-lethal darts at the same time we take out the guards, put them to sleep. Same with the women inside the building. Put them to sleep so they don't give us away until we've cleared the place of the fucking guards. Sort them out later. Joshua, we need to put your engineers to work on converting a few ARQ-151's to fire darts. We need to look into getting some air rifles, in addition to our other weapons, maybe what zoo keepers use to sedate their animals without getting into the cages with them. I'm thinking of five man fire teams, four with rifles, one with an air rifle."

"I'll put the engineers on it, tonight." Joshua looked at me. "Richard, I can't thank you enough for coming. I know it's a hardship leaving your wife."

"Beth helped me too, Master. In addition to figuring out what was going on in my marriage, she helped me understand submission just as you helped us understand Dominance. Who knows what might have happened without her intervention. I'd do it just for the friendship you have with Bill. Saving a number of other women forced into slavery, is icing on the cake. I couldn't refuse your request for assistance."

Mother put her hand on my arm. "Thank you, son. I knew I raised a great young man."

"It's getting pretty late for us," Joshua said. "Not much sleep for the last several days. Your bags have been moved to your room. It doesn't have any closet space because Beth didn't have a lot of clothes. Feel free to hang up your things in my closet. You're welcome to pass through my room to get in and out of yours. You can also enter and exit through the playroom. I have some fast calls to make to various engineering teams to get started on what we need. Grab some food, visit with Lynn. We'll probably be up early tomorrow."

"As you wish, sir."

Mother led me to the mess where Reggie gave me a hot meal. Despite the lateness of the hour, there were six or seven other people eating too. I asked.

"We've been on a twenty-four hour a day cycle since the women were captured. There's been so much to do. It seems things were headed in a hundred different directions at once. Joshua was lost for awhile, but he's getting better. He feels we have a direction now, a way to find Beth he didn't have before. Edgar blamed himself the women were taken. I don't think anyone else blamed him. This fucker, Randy Andy, who you didn't meet, called in to 'warn' us of the attack. It was just a way to get us to split up as Joshua wanted to protect the women by sending them to safety. Edgar almost lost two of his men in the ambush, and they still fought them off until they ran low on ammunition. It was a well conceived attack plan that didn't even allow them to communicate. They used a signal jammer/blocker thing which didn't allow radio signals or cell phones to work. "

"Tell me about that, Mistress."

"I'm not your Mistress anymore."

"You're a Mistress."

"I appreciate that, but I'm more your mother. I can order you to call me Mother if you wish."

I smiled. "Mother it is then. I wouldn't want to earn a punishment. Have you ever spanked my naked ass?" She shook her head no, with a smile. "Tell me about the attack. We only knew Beth was taken, not how."

Mother told me about the attack and how Beth offered to surrender so everyone wouldn't be killed.

"She told Hannah and Jìngyi to obey the slightest commands of their captors and she'd try to keep their attention focused on her so it would go easier on them. She figured she could fight their programming easiest due to her psychology training and as a submissive, ignore the sex and stuff she'd be forced to do easier than they would. Edgar thought she was incredibly brave."

"Sounds like it."

"Son, how are you doing? I had a long chat with Andre, and he seems fairly nice, but I know you can't be particularly happy about the gay sex."

"I hated it more when it started, before Andre. I'm getting used to it and I can't say I don't orgasm from it. Even though I'm not particularly fond of sex with other men, I mostly enjoy his sex. He's actually quite good at what he does and he's as willing to suck my cock as I am his. It's a two way street, not all him using me. I actually care for the big lug. I know he cares for me, even though he likes pulling my chain. He makes Marnie happy too, and that's worth something.

"He'd say he'd kill me for telling anyone this, but he cried when I told him it was okay if he loved Marnie and she could love him. I told him he had a home and we were his family. He's never had one. He was afraid when Marnie told him she loved him, afraid I'd kick him out, tell him to leave."

"Does Marnie love him?"

"Yes." She looked at me with a look of pity. "It's not like that, Mom. Andre hasn't replaced me in her heart. She still loves me and she shows me how much all the time. She just added Master as someone else to love. Think of it. I know you love Björn. Don't you also love Manuel and Sherry? Did you quit loving me when Alexandra was born? I think it's possible for a person to love more than one other person, and it's not the end of the world if they do. In his way, he loves me as much as he does Marnie. He's capable of it as well. He cares for both of us. He doesn't want to hurt me, take Marnie away from me.

"Manuel loves Sherry, but he also loves you as his Mistress. He gave Sherry permission to be with you on your wedding night. It didn't make him love Sherry less because he did. I think I've reached the point where I feel like Beth did, completely surrendering herself to her submission and loving everyone she cared for. She was never jealous of those she shared her Master with. She loved them equally. It sounded as if she was still trying to protect her friends. What could be more pure and beautiful than that."

Mother leaned her head against mine, forehead to forehead. "Are you happy?" She asked.

"I'm feeling quite content, yes. I'm actually having sex with quite a few other people and I like them, enjoy their company. Marnie doesn't begrudge my having sex with others any more than I do. She calls a couple of them my girlfriends because they enjoy being with me. I feel close to them, think of them as friends as well as lovers. Neither of us is feeling possessive of the other, as long as we know we each still care for the other."

"Yasmine is willing to have sex with you if you need company," Mother said. "Darla is always looking for a good screw. You don't have to go without while you're aboard."

"Will we have time for sex?" I asked.

"I can't imagine not having sex anymore, even if I have to squeeze it in between the cracks. It's like eating and sleeping. Everyone needs to recharge. By the way, you're looking good. You took my command to exercise to heart."

"Yeah, I didn't want Alexa spanking my naked ass or whipping my cock and balls."

Mother laughed. "She'll need to fulfill her Dominant streak at some point. I think she'd be good for either a man or a woman submissive, maybe both."

"Like mother, like daughter," I said. "It's still relatively early New York time, and even though I got up at zero dark thirty this morning, I slept some on the plane. I'd like to go down to the gym and work out a little. You reminded me I haven't had time to do any exercise lately. Maybe I'll hit the treadmill for an hour."


"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, son. I'm so proud of you. You had some good ideas tonight. I could see Joshua become more hopeful by the minute."

I kissed her cheek and went down to the gym. There was a woman pounding a heavy bag, really laying into it, fists and feet, knees and elbows, making it pop. She looked sculpted out of iron, not muscle bound, but wiry and whipcord tough. I watched her for a few minutes. She stopped, the sweat dripping from her, and wiped her face. She looked at me.

"Lynn's son?"

"Yeah, Richard. Are you Sahar?"

"That's me. Do you know a martial art?"

"I took Aikido for several years."

"Aikido. I don't know if I've fought anyone who used Aikido before. You want to spar?"

"Give me fifteen minutes to get warmed up and I'll give it a shot."

I warmed up and stretched, using the exercises I used to use when I took the classes. When I felt warmed sufficiently, I joined Sahar on the mat where she waited, bouncing up and down on her toes. I bowed, assumed a stance and waited. She started to circle and I turned to face her, remaining balanced.