Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 13


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"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Tell me about Beth's treatment," Sahar demanded.

"I can't talk about a patient," Dr. Kline said. "Everything we talk about is confidential."

"Fine, we'll talk. Tell Dr. Kline what you said last night, Richard."

He looked at me expectantly.

"I know Beth was very strong and helped the other two women a lot when they were at Mahmoud's. It seems that she's lost that now that they're free. Instead of being strong, she's fragile. She's given up her strength and despises herself now. Something she couldn't do as a slave and be useful to Hannah and Jìngyi. I only thought of it because Sahar said that what helped her was her determination to help the other slaves she was freed with, to protect them at all costs if anyone tried to enslave them again. It helped make her strong when she despised herself and didn't want to go on living. Beth knows the women are safe now and won't be harmed any more, so she can feel the despair and disgust she didn't allow herself to feel at Mahmoud's."

"That's very perceptive. Did you take a lot of psychology classes in college?"

"Just an intro and a business psychology course."

"I slapped Beth last night, Doctor," Sahar said. "She started crying after the muster and I took her to my room and asked her what was wrong. She said that 'everyone tried to save the old Beth, but all they got was me'. I asked her who me was. She said she was the fucking whore who didn't even enjoy sex and a nasty slut who would fuck anything and still be empty inside. I know what they planned to do to her, and what they did to her. The way she's feeling now is how I felt when I was a slave. I didn't feel worthwhile, that everyone would despise me as much as I despised myself if they knew what I'd done and I wanted to die. The only thing which kept me alive was my need to protect the others.

"So I slapped her. She dropped to her knees and begged me to fuck her. When I slapped her again, she asked me to shit or piss in her mouth. I slapped her again and she begged to lick my asshole. I slapped her once more and she pleaded to know what I wanted from her. I told her I wanted her to fight back. I slapped her again and she just sank to the floor and begged me to stop. That's not the Beth we heard about who bit two cocks off to protect her friends.

"Beth protected the other two and she doesn't need to protect them anymore. She has no value, no worth to anyone any more. She wants to die. The person she needs to protect now is herself, but she's worthless and doesn't deserve protection. That's what's wrong with Beth. If you can't get her to fight for herself, she'll die."

"What happened to you? What did they do to you?" Professor Kline asked.

"I'd rather shoot myself than ever tell you what I was made to do. I might try to kill you if you tried to force it out of me. I still despise what I did."

"Worse than what happened to Beth?" he asked.

"A thousand times worse."

What could have been worse than being hit by a stingray barb until your back was chewed up, made to eat shit, drink piss, and be raped for 72 hours straight? I could see Doctor Kline was wondering the same thing. I remembered Sahar was a virgin when taken. Whatever had happened to her had been to someone raised pure for the first eighteen years of her life.

"I will talk to Beth and the others about some of this," Dr. Kline said. "You may be on to something."


"I don't want anyone else but you having sex with Beth," Sahar said. "You will know how to make her feel good, not just a fuck slut."

"How do you stop it. She practically assaulted me."

"I can be very persuasive," Sahar said. "She'll be lucky if her own hand will masturbate her."

I laughed, but apparently she was very persuasive. I was in Joshua's cabin when she came in asking if he was trying to sabotage her sex life. Joshua didn't have a clue what was going on and told her so. He suggested Dr. Kline might be telling people to lay off her until he gave the okay like he had for the earlier freed slaves. She left his cabin with a full head of steam.

"Do you know what's going on, Richard?"

Since I didn't know for sure Sahar was cock blocking Beth, I could honestly say I didn't have a clue.

I was working in my room later that afternoon to give Joshua and Miranda some privacy. Beth showed up again and apologized to me for being so aggressive with me the first time we had sex. I told her I accepted her apology and she asked me if we could have sex again. I told her I was busy and she should find someone else.

"I've already checked with most everyone else. Everyone else is also working or busy."

I suggested she wait until they weren't busy. Refusing to accept that as an answer, she kissed me and put her hand on my cock. I plucked it off and warned her she was getting aggressive again.

She pretty much begged me to have sex with her again and reminded me of her first blow job. Since her last blow job had pretty much sucked, I told her that wasn't much of an incentive since she didn't suck cock like that anymore and everyone gave better blow jobs than she did.

Beth put my hand on her breast. I pulled my hand off. She told me she was desperate. Remembering Sahar really did want me to have sex with her again and make sure it was as nice as I could make it, I told her I'd have sex if she let me tie her to the bunk. When I told her to take it or leave it, she took it and I tied her down after she stripped off her clothes. Apparently, the slaves at Mahmoud's didn't shave themselves. Maybe the slavers were afraid to give them sharp objects. She had pubic hair, though it was still short. Then, needing to finish what I was doing, I left her tied down and went back to work. I figured it wouldn't hurt her to stew for a bit.

She berated me, called me names, tried to get out of my ropes, then squirmed around thrusting her hips and moaning to make me take an interest and fuck her already. She was doing a pretty good job of it as my cock was stiffening as I was finishing up my work. I couldn't say I wasn't looking forward to it. Then I got a call from Marnie.

"Hi, Marnie. Good to talk to you again. Are you spending the day fucking again?"

"Richard, I got your text. You're not coming home soon?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I can't come home now. I've made arrangements for Hannah and the others to go for cosmetic surgery in Switzerland. Joshua still needs my help. He's not doing great at the moment."

"I can imagine. Andre would be very upset if either of us up and left him. He misses you, Richard; almost as much as I do. Everett and Herbert aren't really enough for him. I think they're too submissive. He likes when you sass him a little. We are spending another day in bed. We didn't get nearly as much sex as you were getting on the ship, and he's trying to make up for it. What about you? Are you still getting fucked now everyone else is back?"

"Yeah, I'm going to be fucking Beth shortly. She's a little out of sorts. She's giving up her collar. Says she can't be with Joshua anymore."

"Why is that? Everyone thinks she's a perfect submissive? She seemed to love it. Most of what I know about submission came from her. Submission would be a lot easier than the slavery she just went through. I would think she'd be more submissive, not less."

"We're not really sure. Everyone has their own ideas. Of course the whole captivity thing was pretty traumatic, but it's not like she wants to give up sex, which might be something you might expect after something like that. She wants to have sex with everyone. She can be pretty insistent. I had to tie her onto the bunk so I could get some work done. I don't think it's because Joshua is a Dominant and she can't abide the thought of being submissive anymore. I think it's more she feels she can't be submissive to one person anymore, that she'll fuck anyone and Joshua would no longer have control of her. I almost think it's a question of fidelity, like a marriage. She wants to be obedient to her Master, but doesn't feel like she can be anymore. That she'll screw around with other people behind his back, and she cares for him too much to do that, so she'd rather give it up."

"I'm sorry you're not coming home now. Know that I love you, Richard, and I'm looking forward to your return." She giggled. "I can't live on big black cock alone."

I smiled. "I love you too, Marnie, and I plan on coming back as soon as I can. Give my best to Master."

Hanging up, I looked at Beth, naked and tied for my pleasure. "You do look nice lying there. Very sexy."

Beth watched closely as I removed my clothes. I think she expected me to immediately plow her pussy as hard and aggressively as I could. She was wet enough and parted her legs a little wider. I had other plans.

Since the first time she'd fucked me had been rough and fast, this one was going to be slow and easy. She was not a cum dumpster and I was going to prove it to her. I gave her the very best oral sex of which I was capable, and I've had several women tell me I was quite good now. I played with her a long time, bringing her to a nice plateau and letting her simmer there for awhile, then dragging her up the next slope. Being tied down, she had no control and I could do pretty much anything I wanted. What I wanted was for her to forget the way she was treated at Mahmoud's, and remember how good sex could be when you wanted to make it great. I wanted to make this exceptional. I owned her pussy.

When she finally tumbled off the cliff, Beth screamed. She had no way to muffle herself. If her legs hadn't been tied apart, she might have strangled me with her thighs. They kept trying to close, and couldn't.

Apparently, we made enough of a fuss that Joshua had to see what I was doing in here. I saw his eyes flare dangerously when he saw I'd tied Beth to the bed.

"She asked me for sex, Joshua, and I told her she couldn't have any unless she let me tie her down," I explained, hoping it was enough of an explanation.

Joshua didn't clarify with me, he asked her. "Is that right, Beth."

I suppose Beth could have royally screwed me over if she wanted to, as pissed as Joshua looked at the moment.

"Yes," she said, a little breathlessly, still coming down off her orgasmic high.

Satisfied, he closed the door and I returned to my agenda. Three more quick orgasms to keep that first one cooking in the back of her head, then the best fucking I could throw her. I worked her over good. She seemed to enjoy it, cumming multiple times, until the ropes were almost superfluous she was so limp.

I didn't release Beth yet. I just held her, a bit whipped myself, snuggling with her, part aftercare, part resting, because I hoped to do this again while she was loose, to see if she could, or if she'd revert back to the savage fucking we'd had the first time.

Wanting to tell her something because of what we might have discovered, letting her know she wasn't as worthless as she now seemed to believe she was.

"May I tell you something that I think you need to know?"

"After a fucking like that, why not." Still hard, brittle, prickly.

"I know you're feeling a lot of blackness inside you now. Sahar says she felt the same thing after she was freed. She despised herself and wanted to die. No matter how black you feel inside. No matter what you were forced to do, you are loved." She started to weep. "You are deserving of love and people care for you and want nothing but the best for you. Don't succumb to the blackness. You have to let people love you and not push them away, when all they want to do is help."

She later told me this was almost exactly what she'd told Hannah and Jìngyi when she was trying to keep them from succumbing in their indoctrination. I started untying her and as soon as her arms were free, she clutched so tightly, I could hardly breathe.

"I can't refuse sex from anyone anymore, Richard. I've done the most vile things," Beth finally said.

I pointed out that no one was really asking for sex as much as she was demanding it.

"I start to feel empty, that I need to have a cock inside of me or I'll be punished."

That was the conditioning talking. I knew enough about Pavlov and his dogs to know it could be done to people just as easily. Casinos used all sorts of conditioning methods to jack up your mood and make you keep spending money, even money you didn't have. It could be used for things other than increasing your gambling habit.

Beth felt like she was worthless and she needed to know that no one else felt she was worthless.

"And rationally, you know that's not true. It's conditioning. You know most of this crew would kill anyone who laid an unjust hand on you. They just proved it to you. There wasn't a single person left alive who had harmed you. It was more than justice, it was vengeance. You've inspired love, and decency, and family, Beth. Most of these people would lie down in front of a steamroller for you. They worked their asses off to save you because you were loved and worthy of their love and their protection. You can work to overcome the conditioning.

"Have sex or not with your loved ones, but if you do, enjoy it. It's an act of love, or at least pleasure. Wasn't this much better than the first time we had sex?"

She agreed. After all, loving sex is much better than animalistic fucking. Not that fucking like animals once in awhile doesn't have its place, but it should be one tool in the toolbox, not the whole toolbox. I'd just proved it to her. I reminded her she was the one who told me it wasn't a contest to see who could cum the fastest. Maybe, while she was at Mahmoud's, she was strong for Hannah and Jìngyi, but when they were safe, she fell apart herself, letting what happened to her, crush her.

"The only person who required your protection after your rescue, was yourself, and you didn't feel you deserved protection. You weren't willing to fight for yourself like you were willing to fight for them. I'm telling you you're worthy to be fought for."

"I don't think I can be Master's submissive anymore," Beth said.

"Perhaps not. Do you think he cares as much about your submission as he cares about you? Has his love suddenly died for you because you won't wear his collar anymore."

Beth was silent for quite some time, thinking. She finally said, "I don't know."

Then I reminded her it wasn't just her Master who loved her. That a lot of other people cared for her and they wouldn't care if she was a submissive or not. Joshua's opinion wasn't the only one that mattered.

She thought about that as well. "Could we have sex again without me being tied down?" Beth asked.

Good. Let's see if she can make love on her own and not revert back to a quasi rape.

"Do you think you can show me how two people who care for one another have sex? How you used to have sex with Joshua?"

"I think so."

"Then I won't tie you down."

I mostly let her take the lead this time around. She got me hard again, but I told her I didn't want to cum too fast and slowed her down. I took a long time to kiss her, knowing kissing was not high on the agenda at the Mahmoud School of Slavery. I went down on her again, not taking as long this time, nor did I let her cum. I wanted her ready for the intercourse to follow, needing it for her release. Having cum once already, when I finally entered her, I could last a long time. We tried a little of this, a little of that. She climaxed easily, gloriously, surrendering completely to her pleasure. While not as loud as her first scream, Beth let me know vocally how much she was enjoying our sex, and I was happy to provide her with it.

When Beth finally drained me, we licked each other off. Even that wasn't rushed, but languid and lazy.

"Thank you, Richard," Beth said, as we lay comfortably together.

"You're welcome. I was happy to be of assistance. That was more like the Beth I know and care for. You taught me a lot, and I always appreciated it. You also gave me back my mother, when she was so sad and lost after her divorce. Why don't you go show Joshua and Miranda how much you still love them. I know they'd love to meet that person again."

She gave me an excuse about food, and I was sure she was hungry. I was starving myself. We'd fucked through the supper hour, but I think she was also afraid to face Joshua. She knew she was still screwed up and would be for some time. I think she was trying to protect him from the pain she knew she might give him. At the current time, she knew she could love the right way again and was might be convinced of her own value.

"I'd see them now. I'm sure they'll be happy to have food brought to the room, just for you."

She laughed and it was the first time I'd heard her laugh since her rescue. Beth went into Joshua's room and I soon heard the sounds of sex from people in love. It was a good sound to hear.


I heard a light tapping on my door to the Playroom an hour after Beth left. Sahar was standing there in a robe when I opened the door. She pushed her way into my room.

"I heard a scream earlier. Was that Beth?"

"It was."

"Great. I knew you'd be good for her."

"It seemed to work out okay. She's in with Joshua and Miranda at the moment."

"Is there any chance that you and I could have sex?"

"It might take a bit of time for me to get another erection," I explained. "Beth and I went at it for quite a while."

"That's okay, I prefer your mouth anyway."

She opened her robe. It looked like she'd been having sex already. Her pubic hair was matted. She noticed me looking at her.

"I just came from Ranger. You don't mind fucking me after he did, do you?"

"Actually, I'm used to being second. I'm not allowed by my Master to fuck my wife''s pussy, or any pussy, until after Master has fucked it. It's a normal part of my life now."

"What if you want to have children?" Sahar asked, lying down on the bunk and spreading her legs. Some cum leaked out of her. I guess I was going to see what Ranger and Sahar tasted like together.

"I guess we have that discussion when it's time to have children," I said. "Perhaps Master wears a condom. Are you on birth control now?"

"Yes. Went on it right after the first time you and I had sex."

"Good. I told Marnie we'd help support a child, and she was okay with it, but I'm sure she'd prefer I wasn't having children with other people."

"Sometimes, I don't understand you submissives."

"You probably have to be one to understand it."

I got between her legs and got my first taste of her other lover. Not bad. I've had worse. I gave her what she was craving. She used a pillow to smother her cries. We took a little rest to let her pussy cool down and in the quiet, we heard crying in the other room.

Sahar jumped up and grabbed her knife, bursting through the door. I went after her, hoping I could keep her from stabbing anyone.

We saw the three of them holding each other on the bed, all three crying. Beth jumped up when she saw us and fled from the room, still crying.

"Did you hurt her?" Sahar demanded.

"You know I could never hurt Beth," Joshua said. "After I had anal sex with Miranda, Beth sucked my cock clean. When we said something to her, she started crying, then we all started crying. We know why she did it and it makes me so pissed off, I could kill Mahmoud and Abdul all over again."

Sahar looked at the door where Beth left from.

"I think Beth needs to go to The Bahamas sooner, rather than later," Sahar said.

"Why?" I asked, beating Joshua to the punch.

"She's not fighting for herself, and she needs to learn to fight again in the same place she lost the desire to fight, but we blew that place to hell. The Bahamas is as close as we're going to get."

"That's why you wanted it left up?" Joshua said.

"If I could have gone back to the first place I was a slave and burned the place to the ground with everyone in it, I would have. I would have burned it down with me in it. It's not just burning it to the ground, Beth needs to develop the will to fight, to live again. She surrendered her will at some point. She gave up. She needs to get a fire inside," Sahar pointed to her heart, "right here, to regain her resistance. It's one thing to obey to save your life, but you need to hold the fire inside."