Bedroom Conversations


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"You are that honey, you are exactly that!" I said. And it was true! Peggy's orgasms grabbed my dick like a tight fist.

"Gail said Margie pumped her ass when you examined her."

"Margie did not pump her ass!" I couldn't believe Gail told her that.

"Gail said she did!"

"Well ... when I reached up deep to feel her ovaries she lifted her hips up to give me better access so I could get my fingers deeper. Maybe that's what Gail saw."

"So she DID pump her ass! Gail said she was breathing hard like she was about to cum."

"Most women breathe hard during a pelvic examination."

"Yeah, they do! Especially when YOU do the pelvic with those soft hands of yours."

Peggy was chuckling now. She thought it was funny that Margie got sexually aroused during her pelvic examination.

"Gail said Margie was about to cum. She said that you put your thumb on that hard clit when you went deep and Margie was pumping her ass, rubbing her clit on your thumb, and she would had popped one off if you hadn't moved your hand."

"Oh I don't think she was that aroused."

"That's not what Gail told me," Peggy said laughing.

"Well ... okay, she was aroused. Margie gets that way every time I examine her."

I remembered the times I had examined Margie in the past -- she always turned on. There was no question she would have had an orgasm if I had left my thumb on her clit a little longer.

"God that's funny!" Peggy laughed. "She's always so damn dignified at the club. It's fun to imagine her turning into a horny bitch, laying there with her big thighs spread, pumping her ass, and humping your thumb, with Gail standing right there watching that big loose pussy get juicy and start to drip. She must have been really hot to have done that!"

"Yeah, she was hot. She always gets hot when I examine her, even with Gail standing there. She can't help it. But baby, don't you dare say anything to her about it. It's too personal and she has no idea you know about it. Okay, Gail told you the truth. Margie was pumping her ass, that big clit was as hard as a rock, and she WAS about to cum."

"Does she always do that?" Peggy asked, fascinated by Margie's reaction.

"Always," I said. I wish Gail had not told her, but now that she knows I might as well tell her the whole story.

"Has she ever cum?" Peggy asked with a chuckle.

"No," I said. "Close sometimes and a couple of contractions now and then but never a full orgasm. But she'd cum every time if I left my fingers in her long enough."

"How often do women turn on like that when you examine them?"

"Not very often - but every now and then a gal does that. That's why I always have Gail standing by the examination table. To be sure it doesn't get out of hand."

"Just don't let Margie spread those fat thighs without Gail standing by," Peggy said, laughing. "According to Gail, Margie's hot for your bod. Good night dear."

"Not for my bod honey, for my hand! Good night dear."


"I had coffee with Gail again today," Peggy said.

"Oh shit! More sex talk! That's all you gals talk about," I said.

"We talked about Pat flashing her tits and prancing around naked for you. Gail was well aware of Pat's exhibitionism -- she's seen it before with other doctors. That's why she left the room for so long. She wanted to give you time to enjoy the view."

"I didn't enjoy the view."

"I told her that and she thought it was funny. She said I was to tell you to enjoy looking next time. Besides, she said you should remember that Pat enjoys having a man look at her body in a bikini at the pool and having a guy looking at her buck-naked is even better."

"Some women are like that," I said.

"Gail says you're doing her a favor to look. Beside darling, I don't care. I trust you. Just go ahead and enjoy the view. You're always looking at her in that bikini by the pool."

"You're right! She looks great in that bikini! The way she walks around and poses. Her long legs ... and the way those long legs just ... well you know what I mean ... she just looks sexy."

"You crazy bastard! Naked on her back in your office with her legs spread and your fingers in her pussy she's all business! Prancing around the pool in a tiny bikini she turns you on! Jesus! When a gal's married to a gynee-doc, how the hell does she explain crazy things like that to other women?"

"Yeah, I do like to watch her in a bikini, but somehow ... it's hard to explain ... it's not the same in the office. It's just, well, you know, it's different."

Peggy laughed. "God it's fun being inside your head! Yeah baby, I know it's different. That's why I trust you so much."

"You have lunch with some very interesting women," I said.

Peggy chuckled. "Yeah. One likes my husband to play with her pussy, another likes to strip down and jiggle her tits at him, and God knows about the other three. What do they like?"

"You know I don't like to talk about my patients."

"I'll just ask Gail. She'll tell me."

"Well, Sharon and Trish are nothing special, they just spread their legs and lay there quietly. But Lois can be interesting sometimes."

Peggy giggled again. "Lois? Oh my God! Lois! Tell me! Tell me!"

"Not tonight dear. You just look at her across the luncheon table and try to imagine what she does."

"Give me a clue at least," Peggy begged. "I'm gonna ask Gail.

"Okay, I'll give you a clue: Gail can't see her do it, but Lois is a very horny woman when her legs are spread and my fingers are inside her. If you're good to me I might tell you about it another time."

"Shit! And I know what you mean by 'good to you,' you horny bastard! But I'll do it if you tell me about Lois."

"And you always do it so well. Good night dear."

"Good night."


I was almost asleep in the dark bedroom when Peggy spoke.

"I had coffee with Gail after she got off work today. She told me about your new patient."

"My new patient?"

"Yeah. Dr. Grassley, Dr. Pamela Grassley," Peggy said in that super-sweet voice that told me there was a problem brewing.

"Oh, you mean Pam?" I said.

"So you're on a first name basis already," Peggy said in an irritated voice.

"Darling, all the clinic doctors are on a first name basis. Dr. Grassley is a new member of the clinic staff. She just completed her Chief Residency in general surgery at MU. She was at the top of her class and she's an outstanding young surgeon. The clinic is lucky to get her."

"And she's got big tits!" Peggy said in a loud voice.

"Well, I don't know what you expect me to say about that," I said defensively. This conversation was going in the wrong direction. Downhill!

"And she's got long shapely legs and she wears short skirts and high heels -- not low heeled shoes like the other female doctors wear."

Peggy was mad and I did not know why.

"Well I don't know why she wears high heels," I said. "But ..."

"She wears high heels to show off her long, lovely legs!" Peggy said. "That's why I wore heels like that when I was twenty-eight!"

The room was pitch dark but I knew exactly what Peggy's face looked like. I had seen that expression before when she was pissed. But why the hell was she pissed?

"Darling," I said softly, "you seem upset. Why are you ..."

"Upset? Upset? Why would I be upset?" Peggy was really angry now. "Why the hell should I be upset? You played with her tits and her pussy all afternoon. Why the hell should THAT upset me?"

This was ridiculous! Pam had asked me to do a pelvic exam and a breast exam. She had selected me as her gynecologist, just as she had selected Dr. Adams as her general internist. All the docs in the clinic had selected other docs to provide care. They say that a lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client -- the same goes for doctors. I was just doing my job. Why was Peggy so upset? What the hell had Gail told her?

"Darling," I said softly, "did Gail say something that upset you?"

"Gail said a lot of things that upset me!"

"What in the world did Gail say?"

"She said that Pam has really big, firm breasts with large nipples that got hard as rocks when you examined them."

"Women's nipples often get erect when they are examined. I don't see why ..."

"Gail said you took your time examining her breasts!"

"Well of course I took my time. I wanted to be thorough and not miss anything. Not on another doctor -- especially a surgeon!"

"According to Gail you didn't miss a thing! Gail said that was one of the longest, most detailed breast exams she had ever seen you do."

"That's an exaggeration!" I said defensively, although as I thought about it I had spent more time than usual.

"And Gail said that the pelvic exam you did was something to behold -- those were her exact words -- something to behold."

Peggy was wound up and really angry now. Was she jealous? How could she be?

"Gail said Pam asked you if she was doing her Kegels properly and you just stood there with your fingers in her pussy while she went through her routine."

I remembered how tight that young vagina was and how firm her Kegel contractions had been.

"Gail said you took a long time -- a very long time -- before you told her she was doing her Kegels properly."

"Well ... I ... I wanted to be sure."

"Of course you wanted to be sure! You bastard! That young pussy was tight squeezing your fingers wasn't it?"

"Well ..."

"Answer me you bastard. It was tight wasn't it?"

"Yeah it was tight. What's wrong with you Peggy? You can't be jealous! You've never acted this way about a patient before."

"Jealous?" Peggy was almost shouting now. "Jealous of a sexy twenty eight year old bitch with long legs and big firm tits and a tight pussy who wants you to check out her equipment and feel her Kegels. And after you've finished playing with the bitch she tells Gail that you have the most wonderful soft hands she's ever felt? How the hell could THAT make me jealous?"

"Darling get serious! She's twenty years younger than I am."

"Twenty years younger! And THAT'S supposed to make me feel better? Right? You bastard! She's looking for a husband -- that's what she's doing and she's showing you what she's got to offer - showing you the merchandise."

"Why in the world would you say that?"

"Gail said she wasn't married. Springfield is a small town -- damn few eligible bachelors live here! She makes twice the money most men her age make and no guy wants his wife to make more than he does. She's twenty-eight and her biological clock is ticking. And she is one good-looking bitch! She'd like nothing better than to walk off with a wonderful guy with soft hands. And Jesus, baby, you're really a handsome guy and I'm just ... I'm just ..."

"You're just the most beautiful woman I know and sexy and fun and you've got a great body that I love to play with. No one in the world could ever take your place, and darling you know you can trust me!"

"Yeah I know that. But it still pisses me off when you have so much fun all afternoon with a beautiful, smart, sexy woman twenty years younger than me -- with big firm tits and a tight pussy. I don't want to get fucked with you thinking about that sexy young bitch!"

Which was another way of saying that I was not gonna get laid tonight! Then, suddenly, I remembered something very important.

"Darling, I'm not thinking about her. There's something Gail didn't tell you."

"What didn't Gail tell me?"

"Like a lot of young gals these days, she shaves her beaver."

"Oh my God!" Peggy gasped. "She showed you a naked snatch?"

I chuckled. "Naked as a jay-bird! Shaved clean!"

"And you turned off like you just walked into the operating room."

"I turned off."

Peggy started to laugh.

"Jesus! I would like to have seen that! The bitch spreads those lovely legs and shows you her special jewel all shaved naked for your pleasure and you turn off big time!"

"That's what happened."

Peggy chuckled and then said softly, "Honey, reach over here and tickle this hairy thing. With your soft hands it's gonna get user friendly in a couple of minutes."

I could feel her move in the darkness to spread her legs. I remembered how sexy she looked walking around the bedroom naked in spikes that set off her lovely legs. She did that a lot because she knew it turned me on.


It had been an exhausting day -- five cases and over eight hours in the operating room. I closed my eyes and drifted off in the darkness, glad that Peggy had forgotten about Dr. Pamela Grassley.

"Honey, what is ceftriaxone?"

That woke me up! Her question hit me out of the blue. What the hell was Peggy asking this for? She could easily look it up.

"It's an antibiotic, honey. Didn't you look it up in the PDR?"

"What's it used for?" Peggy asked, ignoring my question about the PDR.

"In older adults, mostly for hospital acquired pneumonia and the pediatric guys use it too -- for meningitis I think," I answered.

"So you don't use it?" Peggy asked.

What the hell was this all about? She was running me in circles.

"I rarely have occasion to use it except ... except ... "

"Except when?" Peggy asked firmly.

Then it hit me.

"Why do you want to know the answer to that question?" I asked. Something was obviously going on here.

Peggy lay silent for a moment before she spoke.

"Lois told me that Carolyn Ames picked up a prescription for a big dose of ceftriaxone from our pharmacy," Peggy said.

Lois again. It always starts with Lois. She knew every drug every member of the club was taking. What the hell was this all about?

"Who wrote it?" I asked.

"A guy named Morgan from Joplin."

"I know him. Dr. Morgan does GYN - solo practice in Joplin."


Peggy was waiting for my answer. She must have already looked this up but she wanted me to confirm what she had discovered so she could be sure.

"I think you already know the answers to your questions, dear. Am I right?"

I could feel Peggy nod her head yes as she lay quietly next to me in the pitch-dark bedroom.

"I just want to be sure," she said softly.

"Okay," I said with a big sigh. "Ceftriaxone is a third generation agent that gynecologists use to treat drug resistant gonorrhea. Most guys use it up front now, because the disease is very often drug resistant to start with. I don't see much clap in my practice."

"That's what I thought," Peggy said. "Where the hell did Carolyn get the clap?"

"There's a more important question than that," I said.

"What's more important than ... Oh shit! You mean has she given it to Rich?"

"Yeah," I said. "Or did he give it to her. Who's been playing around?"

"Well none of us has any idea," Peggy said.

"What the hell does 'us' mean?" I asked.

Then my mind flashed to that damn luncheon group. They sometimes had lunch on Tuesday. This meant that six nosey, gossipy broads were in on this secret which meant that it was hardly a secret any more.

Peggy continued, "I checked the PDR on line from the club and told the gals at lunch what I thought. Not one of us knew about anybody Carolyn had been seeing -- of course she would have been very careful. And, I mean, Rich is a very loving husband -- I mean, we always thought he was."

"Yeah," I said.

"Anyway, the girls are gonna ask around."


That was all I could say. There were going to be a lot of ladies at the club who would hear about this and all of them were gonna be "asking around." I began to think about poor Rich Ames. Rich was an invasive cardiologist at the clinic - and a good one. I had met him many times and served on committees with him but I did not know him all that well.

Peggy and I did not socialize with them. He did not impress me as the kind of guy who would cheat on his wife. Carolyn, on the other hand, struck me as the type. She was always a bit overdressed -- flashy -- and wore a little more perfume than I liked. She usually wore a tiny bikini around the pool that showed off a fabulous figure.

"Well, there's nothing more we can do tonight. Good night, dear."

"Good night, dear."


In the darkness I told her what she was waiting to hear.

"I checked with Art today," I said, "and Rich Ames came to see him yesterday with urethritis. A smear showed the little red bugs. Culture's not back yet, but Art started treatment. If Rich suspected he got infected from some broad he would never have gone to Art or anyone else in the clinic. He probably assumed he had non-specific urethritis, not GC. Art told him he couldn't be sure till the culture came back."

"If Carolyn went to a doc in another town, that makes it look like she's the one playing around," Peggy said.

"I agree," I said.

"The ladies of the club are all on red alert, putting together everything they all know about Carolyn Ames."

Jesus! I thought. If the Spanish Inquisition had a team of investigators like this, just imagine how many Spaniards would have gone to prison!


I was wide-awake. No way was I gonna sleep. I had to know. All through dinner I had wanted to ask her, but I had waited.

"The girls have come up with nothing. Zilch! Nobody has any clue that Carolyn is playing around," Peggy said. "Have you talked to Art again?"

"Yeah, it's GC all right. Art told Rich yesterday afternoon and Rich is pissed. Art and Rich had a long talk. It seems that Rich had not been performing his husbandly chores as often as Carolyn thought necessary and they had a big fight last spring. Art thinks Rich was so busy learning several new invasive techniques that he neglected his duties at home. Anyway, it was a bad fight."

"The girls picked up on that. That was a couple of months ago. That's when Carolyn got that white bikini -- and don't tell me you didn't notice that!"

I remembered that white bikini. So thin that when it got wet you could see her nipples and her beaver! She only wore it once and then somebody must have said something to her. Peggy was pissed that I was at the pool that afternoon. Why the hell she got mad at me I'll never know.

"I'm not sure I remember," I said acting puzzled.

"Don't try that on me you bastard! You notice every good figure at that pool!"

I laughed. "Well, it was about that time that Art says their trouble started. Anyway, Rich called Jim Williams and retained him for whatever the hell this thing is gonna turn out to be."

"Jim Williams? Shit! Margie didn't mention that at lunch today."

"Well of course she didn't. Jim's a very professional attorney. It's none of Margie's damn business."

"None of her business? Margie's his wife and Carolyn is her friend. Of course it's Margie's business. I'd expect you to tell me if you got involved in this thing. You would wouldn't you?"

I didn't answer.

"Wouldn't you?"

"I guess," I mumbled. "Good night dear."

"Good night."


I was nowhere near sleep. I was eager to hear what my loving wife knew. The luncheon group had met today.

"I had lunch with Margie today," Peggy said.

"The usual luncheon group?"

"Yeah, and there's some news," Peggy said.

"There's always news when you gals get together. Gossip - gossip - gossip!"

"It's not gossip! We exchange information," Peggy said firmly. "Anyway, Jim's had a detective agency working on this thing and they've got motel records and checks and all sorts of stuff. Carolyn was really dumb!"

"How the hell does Margie know that? Jim would never share confidential stuff with Margie!"

"He didn't. The detective agency sent a file to Jim at home. It was marked 'CONFIDENTIAL' so Margie figured it was important and opened it."


"Anyway, Margie says Carolyn's fuckin a bunch of kids -- graduate students from the university extension program. She met them taking some kind of class and then she took them to motels as singles and doubles and -- get this! -- triples. She was fuckin three guys in one afternoon! Guys fifteen years younger than she was!"