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"None of that, yet, you two," she smiled. "We have a long evening ahead and you two are too important a part of it to be wearing yourselves out so early. I know you are young and vigorous but stamina is what is called for tonight, not enthusiasm!" She took her son's elbow and pulled him off in the direction of a tall, blond Amazon and her even taller red-headed husband while Mr. McAllister, palming Deserea's entire left ass-cheek in one hand, directed her towards a slim, white-haired gentleman sitting in a full lotus position off to one side.

"Master-r-r Har-r-rold," Angus' lowland burr rolled like a well-tuned motorcycle, "May Ah pr-r-sent t' ya Deser-rea Smythe-Jeffer-r-rson."

Master Harold opened his eyes and smiled up at Des. In an incredible, but unconscious demonstration of strength, he smoothly rose to a standing position by merely pushing up from his ankles then stepped forward and took her in his arms.

"Sweet Deserea," he murmured, "the stories of your beauty are completely understated. I don't think any of us had the slightest idea of just how utterly gorgeous you really are. Joining with you will be an honor we will cherish for a long time to come." With that, he put one hand behind her head and one on her bottom and pulled her into the warmest and longest kiss so far. When the clinch finally ended, she was left gasping for breath and the heat that had begun with Justin was like a furnace. She felt the silk between her thighs go from slightly moist to nearly sopping. Her parents' friends, it was turning out, were really hot!

From Master Harold she was handed off to the diminutive Nguyen's, who kissed her together while running their hands over her belly and butt simultaneously. Deserea, feeling both bolder and now quite turned on, squeezed Chelsea's backside in response and slipped her fingers just inside the front of Mark's trousers. That brought a belly laugh from the bespectacled mathematician and an appreciative giggle from his wife.

"Our Novice is really getting into the swing of things, Mark" teased Chelsea, shaking her shoulders to make her jewelry ring, "You'd better get into her early before she's completely worn out!"

"Hush, woman, you've had too much champagne!" Mark chided his elfin wife and turned to Deserea, "Pay her no mind, dear, at a Gathering you only do what you want with whomever you want. This is a sharing, not some crude gangbang."

Deserea blushed. "I began to figure out at the spa that I was being brought here to get laid. Mom was upset with my choice of males at school and I have to admit that I was, too. Now I find out how vast her experience really is. Given how happy she always seems to be, I guess what's good for the goose should be good for the gosling. I was told that Justin was off-limits for some reason but I guess the rest of you are going to do me up properly, except for Daddy, of course."

Chelsea reached up and took each of Deserea's dark breasts in a hand and began to stroke them. "Except for Daddy? Maybe for your first Gathering, dear, but your father's amatory skills are not to be missed, even by his offspring. Eventually you will do just like all the rest of us. You'll walk up to him and purr 'I'm yours' and he will respond 'You're mine' and, believe me, you will be! Just like you will be for every other man here, even Justin in time. And in time you will belong to the women, too, just like you did to Jasmine and just like we all belong to each other. Tonight, though, only the men will sample your abundant delights. Start with Master Harold. He will bring you into the fold the way he has for all of us. Now just one question . . . have you ever been sodomized?"

"Uh, no, I've never had anyone ask me to take it back there," came the reply, "but if someone took it slow . . . "

"No!" Both the Nguyen's were emphatic. "At a proper time, with a proper person you will submit but tonight you will remain a virgin there. We'll pass the word. Now go get some more to eat and meet everyone else. Try it on your own. You know how it's done now."

Between nibbling samosas, slices of rare beef with horseradish, delicate egg rolls, and the crispest and sweetest of baby vegetables in vinaigrette, Deserea exchanged kisses and increasingly intimate caresses with the towering Andersons and the smoldering Ramirez's. She thought that if Sven's phallus matched the rest of his 6'4" Viking build, her pussy was in for a serious workout tonight. As for Raul Ramirez, the Argentine looked ready to tango as well horizontally as he could on his feet. She imagined that neat mustache rubbing her left and right labia while his tongue cha-cha'd up and down the cleft between. By now the champagne and the atmosphere had done their work well. The silk between her thighs was completely wet and she was sure that if anyone had looked, they'd have seen the dark area of damp expanding with each step she took. If only she could get some time alone with Justin . . .

Throbbing, exotic music started from somewhere and Maria Ramirez stepped out into the center of the patio. Flashing her eyes around the group, she began to sway to the beat and to roll her hips while running her hands slowly and sensuously over her torso. Deserea saw that Justin, who had just been told by Victoria to go refill their champagne, was transfixed. Maria saw it too and cocked her head to one side, stuck out just the tip of her tongue and licked her lips at him. Her bells rang louder as her hip rolls grew more lascivious. Justin took a deep breath and drew on deeper layers of duty to refill his and Victoria's flutes. He turned to walk back to her . . . and froze. While the boy was watching the erotic Cuban, Ms. Smythe-Jefferson had unfastened her belt, removed the only piece of cloth she still wore and refastened the belt around her. Utterly naked except for her jewelry, she dropped her chin and raised a predatory eyebrow. Taking her glass from Justin's right hand she pushed him gently down onto a comfortable bench and settled herself across his lap. "Left hand for the alcohol, my darling," she murmured, "and right hand for the lady. You're mine!" She pulled the youth's right hand over to her waiting breast, squeezed it to start him fondling, and took the boy's face in both hands. She opened her mouth and kissed him with such fervor that Deserea thought steam might erupt from his ears.

Her voyeurism was interrupted by a strong pair of hands that firmly grasped the cheeks of her butt then rose to her belt. She felt the clasp being opened and the silk pulled away before her accoster refastened the belt. Master Harold reached around Deserea and pinned her arms to her sides while grabbing a breast in each hand. Her jewelry jingled as he bounced and squeezed the mahogany globes, while rubbing the underside of the darker nipples. The girl slid her hands behind her and fondled his member through the loose trousers. Then, as she felt his right hand descend from her chest to the folds between her thighs, she tugged down on the older man's waistband and thrust her hand inside it to catch hold of his manhood. She leaned against him with arched back and turned her head to look up through half-closed eyes murmuring, "I'm yours."

"Yes, Deserea, you're mine for now. Fortunately the night is young because you have much to learn." His finger slid into her slit and delicately stroked the swollen labia and the clitoris between to bring bell-ringing shudders from her. Squatting down he lifted her in his arms and carried her across the yard to a large cushion near a heater. He put her down and taking her back in his arms kissed her long and hard. He sucked her lips and licked the inside of her mouth until she could hardly stand and hung from him whimpering softly. Again his fingers entered her.

"Yes, you are ready," he smiled, "come."

Slipping his trousers off, Master Harold sat with his legs again crossed in the open lotus. His cock stuck up, hard and glistening. The adept reached over to one of the many dispensers scattered around the yard, removed a packaged condom and handed it to Deserea.

"No one here uses birth control pills, Deserea, as we find they reduce desire. Instead a large supply of these provides sufficient safety. Put it on me, please. Then sit on my lap facing me. We will ride the Wave."

Doing as instructed, the girl spread her nether lips with eager fingers to accept him and in a single movement dropped onto him. "Ooooooh . . . ", she moaned, and closed her eyes. All her suspicions were confirmed. She had been brought to the Gathering for sex and would be "laying a train" as her cruder friends put it. It seemed a lot better idea now than it had at first.

"Open your eyes, Deserea", instructed Master Harold. "Put your arms around my neck and focus on my right eye. Do not let your mind wander, but concentrate on my eye. This is very important. Now rock your hips up and down. You will be rubbing your clitoris against my pubic bone. As you do, breathe very deeply and slowly. Inhale through your nose; exhale through your mouth."

Ching! Ching! Ching! Ching! Every time she pushed down on his wonderful penis the bells rang on the jewelry. Now she understood why her mother had been so particular. Their music added an ethereal note to the sensations flooding up from her pussy. Locking her eyes on her instructor/lover's, she saw that he was matching her breathing. Wetter and wetter she got as she moved faster and faster.

"When you feel yourself close, lover, start to pant."

Close? She was almost there, already! "Uh, uh, uh, uh . . ."

Harold's eye and member became her complete world as she rocked faster and faster until she screamed and stars flew through her head. Again and again the climax roared over her until she sat sobbing with her head on Master Harold's chest.

"That was very good, dear," her mother's voice came from behind her, "Now do it again. Only this time, when the orgasm hits let yourself relax completely. Master Harold will hold you up so you won't fall off. Get it right and eventually you will cum and keep cumming for a long time."

"Yes, do it again," instructed Master Harold, "and remember, keep looking at my right eye."

Do it again? And maybe again? All evening long? The obedient girl rocked, breathed and stared at her Master's eye until just as the first tremors hit, went completely limp. The sensations were like nothing she'd ever even heard of. Lights seemed to flash around her, tears flowed down her cheeks and more than anything else in the world, she loved Master Harold. "I love you, I love you," she blubbered, covering his face with kisses.

"I love you, too," came the soothing reply and Master Harold cradled her in his arms, stroking her hair and kissing her face.

Victoria's voice came warm over her shoulder. "Which is, beloved, exactly the idea. Of course you love him. It is the Wave of Bliss, the most intimate thing two people can to with each other. You were not brought here for sex, but for love. By the end of the night you will have a harem of men who absolutely adore you just as all of them have a complete set of wives who worship the ground they walk on. Now up you get. Professor Nguyen is next and he is positively drooling in anticipation. Besides, it's my turn with Master Harold, now."

Reluctantly Deserea pulled herself up and off the adept's still solid manhood and out of his embrace. Irrational as she knew it to be, she felt abandoned and more than a little jealous that that gorgeous cock would soon be buried in her mother's love canal instead of her own. Victoria hopped over onto her hands and knees, arching her back and thrusting swollen, glistening, wet labia back at Master Harold while her daughter turned into the waiting arms of Mark Nguyen.

"You're mine" came the now familiar phrase as he bent her backwards lifting her up onto her toes. His mouth was hot and his tongue seemed hard as oak as it thrust down her throat before she could even respond. Amazed that she could be so wanton with a new man when she had just fallen in love with another, Deserea sucked eagerly and flattened her belly against his. His fingers dug into her buttocks and he pulled her free of the ground grinding his hips into her.

Finally, her relaxed his grip and lowered her body back to earth, her head still swimming with the passion of the kiss. "I'm yours," Deserea gasped, "God, am I yours! Let me onto you, make me love you. And you wife was right, get into me quick!" She pushed him down onto the bench then dropped to her knees. Grabbing his erection she shoved it into her mouth and sucked. The helmet felt like velvet to her tongue and she ran it around the entire head paying especial attention to the frenulum, flicking her it back and forth with the tip. She was not stranger to oral sex from the late, unlamented first semester at college but the blowjobs her hookups insisted on had no comparison with this. ". . . not for sex, but for love," her mother had told her and she believed it now, oh did she believe.

Just as it seemed time to slip on the fresh condom and ride her new lover into ecstasy, a sound broke through her blissful concentration. Ching-a-ling, Ching! Ching-a-ling, Ching! Master Harold was plunging into Victoria's vagina in a rhythm, making her jewelry ring. He was playing her like a musical instrument! Deserea's vision swept past her mother's glazed eyes to find all the women on hands and knees in a circle around her with men behind them joining in the beat. Ching-a-ling, Ching! Elizabeth was managing both Charles in her mouth and the horse-hung Sven behind, spit-roasted fore and aft, the only one who didn't seem to be watching her. Before the girl could wonder what had happened to Justin, Professor Nguyen pulled her to her feet and commanded

"Dance for us, Deserea. Dance, girl!"

Elizabeth had said she would be the hit of the evening, Des recalled, and now seemed the time to show what she could do. Raising her hands above her head and shaking her shoulders in time to make her bells join the others she slapped her feet on the pavement and swung her hips. Ching-a-ling, Ching! With bent knees she spread her thighs to show off the swollen labia and protruding clitoris, a promise to all the men what delights they would soon be enjoying. Turning slowly she arched her back and pushed her butt backwards as though to say, "It may be virgin tonight, but soon, guys, soon it will be yours!"

Orgasmic cries erupted from the impaled women again and again as she danced and spasms shook the men's bodies in response but still they kept the rhythm. Ching-a-ling, Ching! Ching-a-ling, Ching! At last, with sweat pouring off her skin and lubrication flowing from her pussy, she stepped over the bench and buried the mathematician's phallus into her dripping womanhood. Staring deeply into his right eye and breathing deeply, she began to rock until the Wave broke over her again and again. "I love you, I love you . . ."

Midnight had passed and most of the Gathering had gone home. The Oppenheimer's were riding the Wave on an ottoman beside the fireplace, reinforcing their marriage. Deserea sat across Angus McAllister's lap with her legs across Sonya's while the big Scot stroked her back with his left hand and quietly fondled tiny wife's backside with his right. Justin held Victoria Smyth-Jefferson's voluptuous figure tightly across his thighs, a stunned-ox expression on his face, while Charles looked on proudly and massaged his wife's feet.

"So now you know the secret, kids," he rumbled "Mac and I are too fond of our polyamorous life-style to risk having it exposed all over town. That's why neither of us has ever run for office and why neither of us ever will."

"And now you know the other secret, as well," Sonya McAllister chirped, "men are just a capable of multiple orgasms as we are. When they learn how to have them, they can make love for hours, either driving us to heights of ecstasy few women ever experience or enjoying woman after woman in series."

"Women, in tur-r-rn, can have or-r-rgasms that last half an hour-r or-r mor-re," responded Alex, "so y'might say it all evens oot in th'end. It just takes instr-ruction, pr-ractice and lots o' muscle contr-rol."

Victoria stopped happily rubbing her face across Justin's forehead and raised that fateful eyebrow, again. "The next Gathering is in six weeks, by luck of the calendar, and that is plenty of time. Tonight you and dear Justin will trade bedrooms and for the next month and a half both of you will get daily instruction in the Tantric arts. He will learn to be multi-orgasmic and to hold himself on the very edge of coming for hours, if necessary. You, in turn, will learn to relax and extend your climaxes out, and to control your vaginal muscles until you can stroke a man to orgasm without moving another muscle in your body."

There was an edge in Sonya's voice as she added "After this evening's performance, she will also perfect her dance until it matches yours, Victoria Smyth-Jefferson! If anyone had any doubts just who Deserea's mother is, they were erased tonight. Poor Elizabeth could hardly finish Charles off, she was so distracted."

Charles dark chocolate chuckle came back "Given that she now has Victoria's coach, it shouldn't take long. And it wasn't only Elizabeth that was distracted, my daughter; I was having very un-paternal thoughts myself! Now, back into the caftan and into that pretentious Rolls your new 'parent's' drive while we pour Justin into the Jag. We're looking forward to seeing both your transformed selves in six weeks."

Deserea watched the Jaguar drive away. She settled into the back seat of the Silver Cloud for the short ride to her new home/training ground. Sonya had been quite clear that there would be no need for her to worry about clothes, for the next six weeks she wouldn't wear any.

"After rising, you will practice yoga for two hours. You will then breakfast and spend time exercising your vaginal muscles. I have several bio-feedback devices for that purpose that will make your mastery of them easier. You will swim for an hour, then lunch. After a nap, you will go upstairs into the studio and practice dancing. We have a good selection of videos of your mother to project life-size next to your image on the wide-screen. Again, this is a bio-feedback technique. In six weeks, you will, like your mother, be able to arouse the entire Gathering to a fever pitch without any of us even touching each other. It is a gift, a true gift. After cooling off and showering, you will have sex in the evening with either me or with Angus, practicing relaxed orgasms. Then a light supper and off to bed. Be assured that you will sleep soundly."

Four hours earlier, such instructions would have outraged the nineteen-year-old. Now they seemed perfectly fine. Now, she was in love.

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highshine808highshine808almost 6 years ago

that a true tantric circle would

rely on the use of condoms.

still a lovely tale *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I too wish I'd had Tantric lessons in my youth.

Again, well told and well written (WT&WW).


It is so sad that even now so many parents are embarrassed or even frightened by their sexuality. Worse yet although many parents (but still too few) invest time and money in their child's academic education, but leave the child's sexual education to chance and happenstance.


<I>-- srgeek --</I>

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

What an incredible read. Wish i'd had such training & love in my youth. Keep writing; you have rare talent. Dan.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

This is so delicious - so loveling, and so incredibly erotic, Manque.

Thank you.

voluptuary_manquevoluptuary_manqueover 16 years agoAuthor
Author's Note

Thanx to Istanbulnoir for editing this. Now that I know how, this sort of note will be at the head of the story where it belongs!

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