Besotted in Belfast


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He headed to the lounge, purposely ignoring the other door, which was obviously Summer's bedroom, even though ajar, and he could still hear her in the kitchen. The temptation to see if his suspicion of more pillows, throws and coloured lights was right, but he didn't want to break her trust. Anyway, he could have a peak later, once she goes out.

The sofa bed sat at a jaunty angle, in the middle of the room, facing the large TV in the corner whilst also being able to look out of the window. The thin curtains with star patterns on were closed but allowed enough light through not to be an issue. There was a central light and two side lamps with an up lighter, all draped with various veils of varying colours and astral designs.

"You can sit. Throw some cushions on the floor, if you feel threatened by them." Summer joked as she entered the room with their mugs of tea. She placed a mug on a little table, drawing it near the sofa and the other one closer to her. "A heaped teaspoon of sugar and cow's milk from the bottle."

"Aw, you remembered! Thanks. Cushions aren't a problem, it's the quantity. How can you sit comfortably on them?"

"Easy, I'll show you, but first, let's open a few windows."

She crossed over to pull the curtains back and cracked the windows open. "That's better. If it gets colder later, feel free to close them. These flats can get a little damp with the condensation trapped from the bathroom and kitchen if you don't ventilate them. There's a spare set of keys in the bowl by the TV if you want to pop out, but please shut them before you go."


She settled into one corner of the sofa, wriggling into the valleys created by several cushions, spreading her arms out along the back and the arm. "Simples, heathen!"

Sam chuckled, enjoying the report they both seemed to have. A desire to throw himself into her welcoming embrace flashed across his mind that he quickly shook off. He removed a few of the larger cushions to the floor before settling into the opposite corner. "See, I can cope, but I bet you have more on your bed." He nodded in the general direction of her bedroom.

Summer grinned, "Oh, yes, loads more." She looked sheepish and swallowed. "Do you mind if we have a little house rule?"


"My bedroom is out of bounds." She gave him a wry smile. "As I'd prefer not to have anyone ferreting through my drawers to try on my lingerie." Thankfully, she'd raised her eyebrows and her dimples emerged as her smile grew to a grin.

"Whaat? What do you take me for?"

"I just want to be sure. My best friend, Tina, she's popping round later, returned home early once to find her boyfriend dressed and wearing her makeup."


"Yeah, and to make matters worse, he was more convincing that she was with makeup."

Sam laughed in disbelief as Summer continued. "She's transgender by the way and whilst shy, be warned she is easily led astray... Although, I'd rather not have friends do it and definitely not in my flat."

"That's nice, that you think of me as a friend. Thanks. Is she that bad?"

"No, she's wonderful, but I hate it when people take advantage of her. Not everyone will have her best interest at heart, unfortunately she likes it. But I don't."

Sam mouthed 'Oh!' and shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear that. But no worries, I'm not like that, into abuse that is. There are a few at Uni or should I say, were a few and a mixed bag of pan & bi, but unless they declare it, you wouldn't know and I'm definitely not bothered by it."

Summer smiled, grinning as Sam pulled yet another cushion out from under him to place it on the floor with the others.

"Oh, and you don't have to worry about the other thing, either."

Summer looked questioningly at him, unsure of which thing he was referring to.

"You're several sizes smaller than me, so I would just look silly wearing your lingerie." Sam laughed, having turned it around.

Initially Summer's eyes narrowed, and he caught a glare, but then her dimples appeared along with her smile. "Ah, I see where you're going with that. Thanks. I may have to ask you to stay a few days longer, as I'm still not quite used to being complimented."

"Wait a day or two before you decide, as I've yet to fart and walk around your flat in my boxers, scratching my balls."

Summer's eyes bulged in horror as Sam burst out laughing.

"No, honestly, I won't. I'll respect your space and privacy as I would anyone else's. You've been fabulous taking me in and I don't want to bite the hand that feeds me."

"I'm glad to hear it. So I won't have to bring the lesbo posse home to kick your ass."

Now it was Sam's eyes turn to bulge in surprise. "Is there such a thing?"

"No, but the local LGBTQ plus group is pretty rebellious and can paint a mean placard or two." She laughed.

Sam relaxed and chuckled along. Summer picked up two remotes and explained how the TV and cable channels worked. They flicked through the channels to find a film they could watch over dinner.

"Do you want sheets or you are happy with a sleeping bag?"

"Ha ha, I've done my fair share of sofa surfing, so a bag will be okay."

"Good. I'm sure you can work out how the bed folds out."

"yeah, I'm a dab hand at them. Once I fight the cushions off, thanks."

Summer jumped up, but before leaving asked, "do you want to call your family, just to let them know you're safe?"

She pulled her phone from her front pocket.

"Er... No, I'm not sure I feel that brave yet."

She tapped at the screen, unlocking it, and handed it to him. "I insist, as part of your terms and conditions of staying here. I'll not have your mum's worries playing on my conscience."

She handed her warm phone to him, giving him a stern look, showing him this was not optional.

"Okay, thanks."

She watched him dial before heading to the doorway, but waited, watching him.

Sam dialled his parent's land line, as he couldn't remember their individual mobiles. He listened for the ring tone, whilst conscious of Summer's gaze. The phone carried a hint of Summer's perfume, which comforted him as the other end of the line rang. Butterflies ran through his stomach as he wondered who would answer.

'Hello.' He breathed a sigh of relief, hearing a familiar voice.

"Mum, it's Sam."

Summer smiled and disappeared as his mother poured out a torrent of words, displaying the anxiety she'd obviously built up about his wellbeing.

"I've been worried sick. Are you in Belfast, you okay? Is this your new phone number? You couldn't have gotten it so soon, could you? Are you at Carol's?"

"Mum, mum. Yes, I'm okay and in Belfast. Peter wasn't there but a friend of his was house sitting. But they have a cat, so it didn't take long before my allergies kicked in. His friend offered to put me up, and she's letting me use her phone."

"I'd forgotten they had a cat. Is she happy about having you stay? Have you offered her some money to help with expenses? You make sure you tidy up after yourself, as she won't want to follow you around like I have to."

"Mum! No, she's cool about things. I've brought us pizza for us tonight."

"Well, you be nice to her. There's post piling up here for you. We've a couple from university, a thick one from Dublin, and a few usual circulars. Do you want me to open them?"

"Er... No, I'll deal with them when I get back."

"Oh, there a thin home office one. Do you think it is about your passport?"

"I don't know, as I have mine with me. It may be worth opening that one."

He waited as he heard tearing paper in the background.

"It's just saying to notify them if you've lost or had your passport stolen. Do you want me to call the emergency number here for you?"

"No. No need as I've not lost it. Mum, I'll call you when I get my new phone number."

"Okay, oh, there's something I been meaning to tell you, but I won't keep you if you're using someone else's phone. Take care, don't leave it too long before ringing back. Thanks for letting me know you're safe. Bye, love."

"Yeah, mum I will. Bye."

He rang off, feeling a little guilty but pleased they'd not opened the letter, giving him some breathing space to think over what to do next. Summer appeared promptly after the call, carrying a large sleeping bag still in its holdall and tossed it at Sam.

"I know it's not the Hilton, but it's all I got or you can have my winter duvet if you get chilly!"

"Ha ha. Beggars can't be choosers but I doubt if I need anything else, it looks like a serious bag! Oh, thanks." He handed back her phone, already missing the faint scent of Summer it had on it.

"Did you speak to your mum?"

"Yes, thanks."

Summer paused, eyebrows raised, expecting him to relinquish a little more information.

"Okay. Obviously they were worried, so phoning them has eased that, thanks."

She raised her eyebrows again, with her hands landing on her hips, suggesting that she wasn't moving until he'd divulged everything.

"No, they haven't opened the envelope from the university and neither have I said anything. I'll wait until I decide what I am going to do and tell them when I get home."

This seemed to satisfy her, and she relaxed as he looked the sleeping bag over.

"It's Four season rated, and it is clean. Tina bunks in with me when she stays, so I can't remember the last time it was used."

"OoooOoo, You & Tina?"

"Ah, no, don't go there." She blushed profusely and avoided looking at Sam, who placed the bag with the discarded cushions.

Sam grinned at her, so when she looked at him, as he jiggled his eyebrows, she could read his mind.

"Na-huh." She shook her head, clamping her lips together.

"So you had a fling? But are now best friends or just friends with benefits?"

"Mm-Mm." She shook her head again, making a zip gesture across her thin lips that were now locked together.

A bell rang in the kitchen. "Saved by the bell."

Summer got up and kept her back to him.

"I'm looking at your bum." He laughed, but she'd already disappeared.

Her arm reappeared in the doorway, waving two fingers in a Vee shape at Sam, causing him to snigger.

"Love you too, landlady!"

Sam waited with bated breath, unsure if he'd pushed their rapport too far. He listened to the usual kitchen noises of an oven opening and pizzas being sliced and placed on plates. He heard a microwave ping and the rattle of knives and forks on china.

Summer's voice rang out from the kitchen, without any hint of prejudice. "Did you want one of your ciders now, lodger?"

"Please." Sam got up and headed to the kitchen, at least to offer to help. Plus, to see if he could do some damage limitation.

He found Summer with everything all under control. "Can I help?"

She glanced at him, grinning, telling him everything was okay. "No, that's fine. I've grated extra cheese on both of ours. Did you want any tomatoes or coleslaw on the side?"


She soon handed him a tray, with his pizza on and a pint glass containing his favourite amber fizzing liquid.

"Thanks, gorgeous." Sam winked.

"And yet, still you push the boundaries."

"Yes. Sorry." He grinned an apologetic smile, wondering if he had now burned the narrow bridge between them.

She didn't release the tray, but stared deep into his eyes. "It seems to be a habit of yours... But I think I'd be disappointed if you stopped." She then released her hold, smiling.

"Phew, I thought I'd gone too far." Sam returned to the lounge and heard her answer.

"You were close..."

As Sam settled into his third slice of pizza, Summer finally joined him with her tray. He waved the paper kitchen towel she'd tucked under the plate to wipe his greasy hands in. "Nice professional touch, thanks."

"Only the best for my lodger."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

As he continued, Sam caught himself watching more of Summer eating than watching the film. He found himself drawn to her, imagining kissing and undressing her. Once more, he scolded himself and refocussed on the TV.

As he finished, he thought of a way to impress her. "Er, I'm sure Belfast is safe, but would you like me to walk you to and from work?"

Summer swallowed her mouthful and sighed. "That's really sweet of you, but Tina and I work together and as she lives two buildings over, we walk together."

"Phew, that saves me getting up and leaves me able to remain a couch potato all night." Sam shrugged and selected another slice.

Sam finished before Summer and got up to ask. "Would you want a cup of tea?"

"No, we won't have time. We'll get a coffee at work."

"You've time for your cheesecake, though?"

"I'll have it when I come home, or tomorrow, as Tina will be over any minute."

Sam took his tray out and began washing everything up. He'd barely finished when Summer appeared, smiling in the doorway with her tray for Sam. As he took it, a bell rang in the hall, followed by an electronic voice calling out, and Summer ran off down the hall. "Hi." "Zzzz Tina, Zzzz." "Yeah, I'm buzzing you in, now."

After a few minutes, Sam heard the front door open and as he returned to washing up, he heard a European accent reply to Summer's Belfast accent. The two chatted at a hundred miles per hour, with Sam only catching snippets. He caught her explanation of his bad luck and why he was there.

Tina didn't sound convinced. There followed what seemed to be a lot of furtive whispering that Sam didn't want to hear and was happy to give them their privacy. He began drying up and putting everything away as their voices got louder until a tall, thin woman appeared in the door frame.

"Hi, Sam, I'm Konstantina, Tina to everyone."

Sam eyed her up and down. She had long black hair, beyond shoulder length, and must have been a shade taller than Sam at maybe five-foot-ten. He remembered Summer's warning and could see a few masculine features in her, although she had larger breasts than Summer. She wore a typical bar uniform of tight black skirt, black tights, shoes and a black polo with a 'Belfast Student Union' logo on her left breast.

Sam put the tea towel down and met her with his hand outstretched. Unlike Summer's, her handshake was firm with a flick to finish. That was more common in mainland European. "Hi, nice to meet you."

Sam also noticed that she wore more makeup than Summer, but didn't look as confident.

Summer called from behind. "You two get to know each other whilst I change. I won't be long."

"Okay." They both replied.

Tina asked politely about Sam's experience in Dublin. She explained that she and Summer were thinking of island hopping around Greece. Sam couldn't help but ask about her accent, not quite French, nor Italian, and definitely not Baltic.

She laughed and admitted to being Greek, but clammed up, not wanting to share her story further. After which she seemed to withdraw into herself. Sam remembered Summer warning him about her being shy.

Sam changed the subject by asking what she was doing at college. She excitedly confirmed she and Summer were in similar media classes, which was how they met. But it surprised him to find out that she wanted to be in front of the camera as a presenter.

Sam tried his best not to judge, but was relieved when Summer called to say she was ready. Tina slowly joined her in the hall. Sam followed them out and was pleased to see Summer, also in a polo top but in black slacks rather than a skirt. She gave him a wave over Tina's shoulder.

"See you in the morning. Don't stay up late." She giggled.

Sam hoped he'd hid his disappointment at seeing her loose top that hid any shape as he waved back. "You girls enjoy yourselves, but be good, and if you can't be good, be careful!"

Tina turned and scowled at him as Summer laughed. "Don't mind him, Tina, he's a heathen."

She didn't look so sure and followed Summer out. Sam, unable to appreciate Summer's backside, enjoyed seeing Tina catwalk out before the door closed behind her. He didn't feel like eating his cheesecake alone, so headed back to the sofa, film and his cider.

The evening wore on and after finishing his drink, he tidied up, making sure he left everything as he'd found it. After checking the bathroom for a spare towel, he stripped off his jeans and, after inspecting his thin socks, agreed with Summer's comment to bin them.

After a long blissful shower he returned, passing Summer's bedroom that attracted him as the forbidden fruit it was, but he maintained his promise and ignored it to change into a clean pair of boxers and a T-shirt in the lounge.

After casting the cushions aside, he soon worked out how the sofa morphed into a bed. He needed to pull it back to allow room all the way around. He had hoped the sleeping bag would smell of Summer. The smell of a generic washing powder greeted him as he slipped into her bag and tried to find something to watch, but resorted to the music channels.

It didn't take long for him to drift off to sleep. But rather than the deep, fruitful sleep he desired, he tossed and turned with dreams of Dublin and, oddly enough, walking naked through the streets of Belfast with Summer.

After more fruitless attempts, he gave up trying to return to sleep to find it was barely midnight. He skimmed the channels once more and after various late night news programs mixed with chat shows, he found a film he liked. Long after that one finished, and he began a second, he heard the front door open and snick closed. He heard a sigh of relief, then bare feet padding down the hall.

A tired, bleary-eyed Summer appeared in the doorway, smiling. "Still up?"

"Yeah, worrying about what the kids are up to! Do you want a cup of tea or anything?"

"Very funny! No, we had a late night drink once the bar was all closed up. Anymore and I'll be up all night on the loo. See you in the morning, but not too early, please?" She turned to walk away.

"Yeah, of course. Summer?"

She stopped to look back at him, unsure of what he was going to say.

He peered out of the sleeping bag, smiling at her. "Thanks, for today. You've been too kind and I appreciate it."

She smiled and padded off. He heard her use the toilet, then her bedroom door click shut. He knew that he'd be able to drop off to sleep now, so killed the TV and turned over, drifting off to a solid sleep.

Sam slept in as long as he could before his bladder made the final decision. To be on the safe side, he pulled his jeans and T-shirt on before padding up to the bathroom. Not hearing any other noises in the apartment, he sat down, rather than cause a thundering waterfall, although he did flush.

On his way back, he carefully put the kettle on, trying to keep any noise to a minimum. As it boiled, he tidied the lounge. He quickly sorted himself out and repacked everything into bags. He returned the bed to being a sofa before replacing all the cushions.

Seeing it was nearly ten, he drew the curtains back to see some blue sky peering through between some thick clouds that charged across the rooftops that made up the horizon. People were up and about with a surprising amount of traffic for what he assumed was a backwater estate.

Once he was happy that the lounge was back to a 'before Sam state', he returned to the kitchen, being ultra careful not to rattle any utensils or knock any china as he got mugs out and poured himself a cup of tea. He had a quick sneak through the cupboards to see what he could rustle up for breakfast, as he felt quite peckish.

He heard the bedroom door open, the pad of bare feet, and then the bathroom door close. He quickly reboiled the kettle and waited patiently in the kitchen.

He didn't have to wait long before hearing the door reopen, so he could call out. "Morning, would my esteemed landlady like a cup of tea?"

He paused, giving her space in her own flat, and then she appeared, hair obviously brushed, without makeup in a dressing gown, and fluffy pink slippers.