Best. Lover. Ever.

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What's on her mind? (flash story)
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If you have read my other stories this one is similar to "The Talk" so fair warning.



We stamped the snow off our boots in the entryway. Together my wife and I had managed to get everything we bought into the house in one trip. I dropped the bags off to the side and slid my shoes off. My wife was bending over taking off her boots and her ass looked so damn fine in those yoga pants she was wearing. I move up behind her and gave her a gentle nudge. She screamed a bit as she lost her balance and caught herself on the overstuffed arm of our couch. I stood behind her so she couldn't get up easy and started undoing my pants with my left hand. My right hand slid up her sweater and pushed her bra up and over her tits. I gave a gentle squeeze then went to tapping her nipple.

"Corey what are you ..." she managed to squeak out before I had my pants around my ankles and her yoga pants halfway down her thighs.

She was wearing a thong but I just pushed that to the side and leaned down to give her exposed pussy a lick. I gently slapped the inside of her thighs and she instinctively spread her legs a little farther apart. I the reached back into her sweater and started rolling her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I stuck my cock between her legs and rubbed the tip of my dick over her labia up to her clit a couple times.

"Corey, I ..." she started again.

I just gave her a growl. It had been two weeks since we last had sex and I was horny. The kids would be gone for another two hours and those yoga pants had been teasing me all morning. I put the head of my dick against her love canal and pushed in. It was a little tight and dry but I kept going. I pulled out and pushed in again to feel things slide a lot easier. I pulled out a third time and now she was properly lubricated. I started thrusting harder and harder. Normally I'm a gentle and patient guy when it come to love making, but seeing my wife's exposed ass bent over the couch did something to me. This bitch was mine.

"You're gonna take it and like it, bitch," I whispered in her ear.

I took my grabbed her hair with my left hand and gave a gentle tug. She started moving her hips back into me and gave a little bit of a shudder. I figured I was gonna get an earful when this was done but I was too far gone, something had me in full on caveman mode. I almost stopped in shock when she answered me.

"Fuck me like the little bitch I am," she whimpered.

"Whose pussy is this?" I asked as I gave a particularly violent thrust into her.

"Yours, Corey. Always your pussy," she screamed.

I pulled my hands out from under her sweater and grabbed her hips so I could start porn star fucking her. She started moaning and grunting as I was thrusting into her. I could feel the tightening of my ball sack and knew I was about to let loose. I pulled a hand off her hip and gave one of those delectable ass cheeks a good, hard slap. She started really moaning and I felt her stop thrusting back into me I could feel her pussy spasming on my dick but I kept pounding into her. I fucked her through her orgasm. Just as she was coming down and getting back into her thrusts, I gave a loud bellow and unloaded into her. It felt like I came for a full 20 minutes as I didn't even slow down. I managed to push her over the edge one more time as she screamed out her pleasure. I collapsed on top of her for a second then pushed myself up. She turned around fixed me with a lust filled gaze.

I gave her my hand and she pulled herself to a standing position. This was the moment of truth, How pissed was she gonna be? She stepped up and grabbed my head to pull me down for an almost angry kiss. Her tongue was halfway down my throat and our faces were just mashed together. I reached down and grabbed a handful of fine ass. She giggled and broke our kiss.

"No more of that, I have to clean up so I don't drip everywhere. Damn Corwin, you really rocked my world there. You'll have to tell me what brought that on." She said.

She pulled her pants up and walked a little unsteadily towards the downstairs bathroom. She still had one boot on. I pulled my jeans up and caught my breath. I took the groceries and brought them to the kitchen. I started a pot of coffee as I put them away. When I was done, I grabbed two coffee cups and waited for the coffee drip to stop. Just as it did I felt two arms wrap themselves around me as Gina gave me a tight hug. I poured two cups of coffee and handed her one. We both like ours black so there was no need to get any sugar or cream. I sat down on a chair at our table and she surprised me by hopping in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her tousled blonde hair. We held each other for a few moments then she pulled away to look me in the eye.

"So what was THAT all about? I am not complaining, I just want to know what I have to do to make it happen more often," she said with a smile.

"Well it has been a couple weeks and you have been teasing me with those yoga pants all morning. When I saw you bent over taking off your boots I couldn't help myself. I needed a piece of that ass right then and there. I figured it would be easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission. When you started getting into it I figured it was okay," I replied.

"More than okay, I forgot how much fun it could be to be ravished. Don't get me wrong, I love those nights you spend hours making me squirm, but damn if it ain't fun to just let go and FUCK!" she responded.

I gave her a tight squeeze.

"Can we talk about why it's been so long? We haven't gone so long without at least a quickie since the twins were babies. Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, no I don't think so at least," she replied, "I have had some stuff on my mind but I don't think that has affected us at all."

"So it has nothing to do with Taylor Jenkins coming back to your work?" I asked.

She blushed furiously. Busted! Let's see how she responds.

"Actually some of it does, he has been back for a little over a month now and I can't get him out of my head," she said softly.

"Okay, let's talk about this," I replied as kindly as I could.

How did I know one of my wife's old boyfriends was back in town? She told me. We had been having dinner and the twins were doing their usual stuffing of the faces. Do you have any idea how much two boys can eat? We were making conversation about her work and she mentioned that Taylor Jenkins had been hired into her Baltimore branch and then transferred over to the Detroit office. I took notice but I couldn't see where there was anything untoward about her mentioning it. I DID resolve to pay a little more attention though.

To be honest what I remember of Taylor was that he was a pretty okay guy. I knew my wife dated him in college and me and my then girlfriend would run into Gina and Taylor every once in a while at a bar or club. Gina and I were local kids, having gone to high school together so we kinda knew each other. It wasn't until the last year of college that we finally connected. We moved in together, got our jobs, had our boys, bought our house, and were the typical suburban couple who had just enough money at the end of the week to maybe eat out at a Pizza Hut. We weren't on easy street but we also weren't going to the poor house. Life was good.

As she was collecting her thoughts, I tried to formulate my plan of attack. I didn't think she was cheating on me. Hell as far as I could tell they hadn't even had lunch together. No it was just that I felt a "disturbance in the force" if you will and wanted to see what was up. I know some people would have bugged her phone, or followed her around to try and catch her cheating. I decided to talk to her, you know, like an adult.

"I don't know Corey, since he has been back he keeps popping up in my head at the strangest times. I don't know why but I feel guilty about it. I've been trying to figure it out. I have no feelings toward him whatsoever but if that is the case why can't I get him out of my head? And what about you? You are the greatest guy despite your love for the Patriots, so why am I thinking about another guy when I have you?" She asked.

I thought about it for a second.

"I am gonna ask you a question and you have to know it is alright to be totally truthful with me. Okay?" I replied.

She nodded her head.

"Is he the best sex partner you have had?" I asked.

The question hung in the air for a good minute. I could see the wheels turning in her head. She was red in the face again so I had my answer.

"Until we got together, yes he was." she said almost defiantly. Apparently I touched a nerve there. I was going to have to go carefully here.

"Thank you for that but I am not mad at all. We have never talked numbers but if you had sex with ten guys before we got together I would only have a 1 in 11 chance of being your best ever. I know those aren't the best odds." I replied with a bit of a laugh.

She got off my lap and looked at me.

"How can you laugh about that? Why aren't you jealous?" she demanded.

"Because I would like to think there is more to our relationship than just the sex act. If that was all there was then I would be worried. However we have a friendship, a partnership that includes finances and children, and a lot more. Honey, I am secure in the fact that you love me and want to be with me. I just want to make sure it stays that way," I said with a smile.

I had to dance over this relatively quickly, there was no way I wanted to get into who my best lover was. I remembered quite fondly Jane Sentsen's magical snapping pussy. The main problem was there were two other guys who would remeber it during the same time we were going out. This was one of the reasons I wasn't overly jealous. I knew I loved my wife and didn't want to cheat on her, despite the fact that she was not the best lay I ever had, therefore my wife probably loved me back and didn't want to cheat on me.

"So what do I do? I'm not sitting around lusting after the guy, I just get these thoughts that pop in my head and I get a little excited," she asked as she perched on my leg again.

I understood completely, I found thoughts of Jane popping into my head every once in a great while.

"Is it possible you are remembering only the good points? Do you recall when I left ABC Warehouse how miserable I was?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Remember a couple years later when my current job was rough how I was thinking of going back and you told me I was only remembering the good parts?" I continued.

She nodded again.

"My god you were miserable there, no amount of pay was worth it," she recalled.

"So you are probably doing the same. You guys aren't together anymore. Why did you break up?" I asked.

"When it was just the two of us he was a douchebag," she replied. "He never tipped when we went out, he said the owner should pay his workers a decent wage. I think he was just cheap. He had this awful habit of burping as loud as he could, whenever he could. He thought it was funny. If he had a couple days off it was nothing for him to wear the same clothes all day and not shower until he had too."

Okay, I was guilty of that last one.

"Wow, you are right, now that I think about it, he was kind of an ass." she said thoughtfully.

"So what you do is remember those things when he pops up into your head. After a while I doubt it will affect you," I replied.

That got me another kiss.

"I love you so much!" she exclaimed.

"I love you too, babe," I said just before I kissed her again. "Can I ask a question? What did he do that was so good? Is it something I can try?"

She blushed and pointed to the couch.

"He did that. I never knew when I was going to be thrown on a couch or a bed or the floor and just pounded. It was great for the most part. But we never had the slow build up love making that I enjoy with you,"she said.

I laughed out loud.

"Honey you have no idea how much fun that is for me. I can bring that to the table as much as you want. I always thought it was a bit selfish to just ravage the maiden but if it turns you on I am all for it," I said.

She gave me a smouldering look.

"Now that the maiden has been thoroughly shown her place what else are you going to do to her?" she asked with a husky breath.

"I think it is time for said maiden to show how compliant she is going to be," I said as I nudged her off my knee and unzipped my pants.

She dropped to her knees and started licking my rapidly inflating cock. All thoughts of past lovers, hers or mine, disappeared.


The Taylor Jenkins saga didn't end there. It turns out he was flirting heavily with all the women at his new job. Gina told me he made a couple runs at her, suggesting they get together for "old times sake". She put him off the first few times then told him point blank the only way she was going to lunch with him was so she could introduce him to her big scary husband who was insanely jealous. He backed off but tried to make life hard for her at work. She finally had enough and went to HR. Her appointment was scheduled for today. I was expecting her to come home all emotional so I sent the kids away to mom and dads and had dinner ready for her. I wasn't expecting a call from the hospital.

"Hello, is this Corwin Jones?" the voice on the other end asked.

"Yes, what is this concerning?" I asked.

"Mister Jones we need you to come down to Detroit Mercy Hospital. Your wife has been admitted into our emergency room and needs you to come pick her up. I can't give more details over the phone. We will tell you everything when you get here," the voice responded.

As I rushed to get her my mind was going a million different directions. Did the bastard hit her? I was going to rip out his spleen through his nose if he laid one finger on her.

I rushed into the ER and quickly tracked down the room Gina was in. There was an older cop going over things with her and her wrist was in a cast. The cop looked up as I entered and walked toward me with a chuckle.

"Don't worry son, she is fine. One of her coworkers got a little grabby with her and she protected herself. I will let the doctor's give you the details but the short of it is she broke her wrist when she punched the douchebag. That's quite the woman you got there. For what it is worth I would press charges on the guy, it might give you leverage in case a civil suit comes. But I am just an old cop thinking out loud," he said.

He gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked out.

I went and gave her a huge hug.

"What happened babe?" I asked.

"Taylor was waiting for me when I got out of the HR office. I went to walk away and he grabbed me by the arm. I was mad and scared so I kicked him as hard as I could in the shin, then I kneed him in the balls. When he wouldn't fall I punched him in the face. That is when I felt my wrist snap and then it hurt like hell. They gave me some pain meds and won't let me drive home." she said.

I could tell she was a little spaced out, whether from the pills or the ordeal but I signed her out and we had a pretty quiet drive back to the house. I drew her a hot bath and asked mom and dad to keep the boys all night. I got my fair maiden in bed and snuggled up next to her. We fell into a happy sleep.


Taylor was fired. His treatment of women at the workplace was was deplorable. He would have been fired even before the #metoo movement took hold. Now it just happened faster. He did try to bring a civil suit against us but it went nowhere. There were plenty of eyewitnesses who saw him grab her and call her a skank.

We decided that twin boys were going to be it. We got a little financial relief when the boys left for college and we got the house paid off. The maiden got ravished many, many times over the years. And I got to feel a magical snapping pussy once again.

Gina had been going crazy at the house with her wrist in a cast. Her company was scared shitless of a lawsuit so they were paying her to not work until the cast was off.

We had finished a round of love making when she turned me over and started doing something with her pelvic muscles. I stayed hard and she literally pulled a load of come from me just by sitting there.

I was shocked and delirious.

"I learned about that on the internet and practiced with a cucumber. Eat your heart out Jane Stensen!" she whispered in my ear.

God I love this woman.


You may ask how Gina found out about Jane Stensen. Frankly I don't know, but when a wife really wants to know something, who can stop her?

This climbed into my head after reading about a wife who remembered how good a past lover was in bed and couldn't get it out of her head until she cheated. I thought about that particular LW trope and the one where the wife like uninhibited sex. I wondered how it could be handled different. Then the thought kept bugging me until I wrote it down. This is the result.

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ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver11 days ago

This is a very realistic story. The now, husband of my childhood friend and first love called me before proposing to her. He asked me to talk to her and remind her our relationship wasn't perfect because he felt like he was competing with a ghost.

Not a ghost just a first love.


AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Bingo! An actual flawed but genuinely loving wife who ultimately deals with an insidious ex looking to inveigle his way back into her life the way such a snake should be dealt with. Also a smart, switched on husband who knows the score and reacts intelligently rather than standing there shouting, crying, puking or masturbating. Go to the top of the class, Ahazura!


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story. Good couple. Communication is key.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower5 months ago

Thanks for qa really fun read!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

But it was never suggested she leave the company? Just think of the bad and hope she gets over it?

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