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"What if I talk to him about becoming an employee? We could give him a month to get his sea legs and if he's working out we could take some time off.

"But, Ian? Could we get married first and do the honeymoon a little later? I want to be Mrs. Turner ASAP and I want a little monster, I mean a cute little girl, growing inside me as soon as we can. A little piece of my prince. In fact, if we're going to do all this marriage stuff soon, can I go off the pill and we can go for the gold?

"Only if you want to though. We don't have to. I don't want you to feel like I'm rushing you. But you know, Ogre, those swimmers of yours aren't getting any younger. And that prostate may be baseball sized by now. And if you want six....Thoughts, Ian?"

"Ouch. And here I thought I still had a couple of years before ED meds and retirement. Sounds like you've been doing some thinking there Ali. About a whole lot of different things."

"I'm sorry, Ian. Ideas have been forming in my head and I was going to talk to you..."

"I think they're great ideas. You've got a better business head than I do, Ali. Maybe we could even open up another office in Pinnacle or somewhere. Help support the local businesses there and we'll need a few associates since you'll be pregnant all the time for the next decade or so."

"Better behold my beautiful body now, Fella, because once the babies start, it won't ever be quite the same. Are you alright with that?"

"Sure. As long as you can beat that thing when I need it. I still can't believe your fascination with that."

"Just because you've been pounding that thing six times a day since you were twelve years old so it's just the same o' same o'. It's still pretty new to me. God, boys are so lucky. All I get out of mine is blood and yuk every month. Well, and multiple orgasms that are way better and apparently last longer than yours. On second thought, I'll keep mine.

"In any event, I'm sure there will still be plenty of other options. I was reading up on it, and since I'm so small and you're such a behemoth, I will likely need C-sections. In which case, my special area remains very special. Lucky you.

"Ian? I didn't take my pill this morning. Could we start working on the first critter?"

Smiling. "Only if it's a boy."

Semester break came and Ron started working. He fit right in and started covering a lot of the business in Dillard, but also gave the couple some time off.

At Christmas Ian and Ali took a few days. Ron covered and even worked until noon on Christmas Eve for last minute computer and gaming sales. Ian's folks came in a few days early and stayed at a bed and breakfast in town since there was really no room in the apartment.

They made the visit and Christmas special. Sledding, skating, they had a big tree and the apartment was fully decked out. Town always went all out and every shop in each of the local towns was geared up for the season. Ali had made stockings for each of them which she stuffed with goodies. They all went to Christmas Eve service and celebrated Christmas together.

Like Ian, they loved the area, loved the mountains, although because of the snow covering everything there wasn't much opportunity to explore. They could not believe the business and all the things the two were accomplishing.

They left on the first, and then it was back to work. Ali walked into the office with a determined look on her face after visiting with a client. "Hey, Ron. Is Ian here?"

"Yea. He's in the back replacing batteries or a hard drive or something."

"Thanks." She walked into the back and shut the door. "Ian, my Prince, we have some things to discuss..."

"What did you screw up now, Ali? You only use the Prince address when there are problems. Like my mom using all three names."

"You ass. Why do I love thee, my Prince? No, my love. There are no problems, only solutions."

"Oh, shit! You're pregnant!"

"No, Ian. I wish, but not this month. First. We need to talk about the business. Ron is doing a great job, don't you agree?" He nodded. "He's enthusiastic, smart, loves putting his computer and gaming skills to work, doing great with the customers, he's already expanded our business especially in Dillard....Agreed?" He nodded.

"So, I would like to give him 5% of the business contingent on him continuing to work with us. That percentage could go up each year that he stays up to a max of 33%, right? One third mine, one third yours and eventually one third his. That way he does better as we do better. We're growing the business together and he feels like more than just an employee. Agreed?"

He nodded. "And, if we don't do that, he'll eventually quit and open his own business that will compete directly with ours. I'm sure you agree."

"Great idea. Let's do it. What's all this 'agree' stuff?"

"I read this book about negotiating. And that's one of the secrets they use. Damn! I guess I shouldn't have told you. So that was the business part. Now....for the personal part."

"No, Ali. We can't do it with Ron right out there."

"Not that, dumbass. Although I could probably make him spit without making any noise. I want to talk about the wedding. I know what I want. First, I want to do it soon. Like in a month, I'm sure you agree."

"Yes, but knock it off." She laughed.

"What? Afraid you'll say yes to more than you want? Second, I want your folks here and whoever else you want." He nodded.


"I know it's winter. And I know I'm talking about February...and I know it's risky...But I want to get married where I met you. At the bottom of the rocks. I've checked with the state forestry folks and we can get special permission to take snowmobiles along the trail. So it should only take a few hours to get there instead of two days. Or more, depending on how your folks do. With me so far?"

He just sort of looked at her. "I'll take that as a yes. I've already checked into the rentals. With the snowmobiles we can pull sleds with tents, food, a stove. Whatever we want! We can have a big tarp to lay on the ground. I'll wear my white dress and I'll look like a snow queen! With flowers in my hair and a bouquet of evergreens....For when I marry my prince.

"Ian. I just don't want to wait until summer. Please?" He was still looking at her with some skepticism. "And it's cheap, Mr. Tightwad."

"What about a minister, Ali? Do we talk one of them into coming into the woods with us in February? In the Rockies? Ali, we could end up like the folks at Donner pass."

"Oh quit being so dramatic. We know how to stay warm in winter. And if it gets too bad we come home. There aren't any dangerous hillsides so no avalanches or anything."

"But who will do the ceremony?"

"Actually, our state allows us to marry ourselves. It's called Solemni...Solemnization. How do you like that word. Five friggin' syllables. See how smart I'm getting? As long as we send in the proper form within 60 days after we do it, with the check, of course. Then we're married. I suspect you and your folks wouldn't be up for that. So...

"Our state also allows people who have been ordained as a minister by that online church to do the ceremony. Ron has agreed to become ordained, if we pay the fee. He could do the ceremony and either stay overnight with us or just head back."


"No, Ian. I really think this could work....What! You said OK?" She dashed forward and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. This month I'm only going to release an egg that will accept male sperm. But after that it's only accepting X sperm. And to be sure I'm putting a filter on my cervix.

"Thank you, Ian. And I guess I should tell you...Your folks are coming in for that first weekend in February. I've already scheduled their flights and rental car. I've lined up snowmobile rentals, winter camping stuff, have a list of food and all the supplies we'll need. All my checklists are on my Excel spread sheets. Aren't you proud of me?"

He was shaking his head. "So, my dear. I'm guessing that you figured with your new found negotiation skills I would say yes."

"Well, I know you want to make me happy. And you said it really didn't matter to you. And I have a number of ways to reward I just kinda figured.... Ian, look, I just want to be Mrs. Ogre Turner as soon as we can. I know things are a lot more relaxed nowadays, but I don't want to be waddling around with a big old belly when we get married..."

"You mean, you're going to let yourself go. And get real fat?"

"Ian. I'm not even going to acknowledge that question. I believe you're the one with the little roll creeping over your belt from all my super fine cooking. I am so friggin excited! I'm gonna bust. Ian I will be the best wife. I will work really hard to always make you happy...."

"Relax, Ali. Give me a kiss. No. No! We're not doing that here...."

"Oh, come on. It'll only take a few minutes and if you tell me when you're ready, I'll take it all in my mouth so there's no evidence. Then back to work like nothing happened. Nice and relaxed. Now let me at that zipper! You deserve a little reward."

On her way out she gave Ron a thumbs up and a smile. "Go get ordained Minister Ron."

"That poor guy. He never had a chance did he, Ali?"


They arrived at the parking lot at the trail head early in the morning. The sky was clear except for a few gray clouds that made their way over the mountains and dropped a few flurries now and then. The air was in the 30's and no single digits or foul weather was expected this weekend. They'd lucked out.

Three snowmobiles, each with a packed sled behind it loaded and prepared to hit the trail. Ian and Ali in front to break trail, his folks in the middle, and Ron in the back to keep an eye on Ian's folks who were snowmobile rookies.

The trail was easy to follow. Enough snow for easy passage, but not so much they were bogged down. The woods were quiet. A few birds as the morning warmed, but the deer had moved out to their winter feeding grounds and the smaller critters were sleeping. Except for the noise of the engines, all was quiet.

The fir and spruce with their shades of green provided color to the forest and were in sharp contrast to the drab and forlorn, sleeping aspens and maples. "Isn't it beautiful, Ian? Thank you, thank you for doing this," she yelled in his ear as they went.

What was usually a two day walk took just over three hours. "Ali! My Lord, girl, you fell down that? You're lucky you just ended up with broken legs. And, Ian! You carried her up? All the way up those rocks with her on your shoulders?

"My goodness. I don't know what I think about trying to climb down those rocks. Especially with all this gear. Even if we get it all down to the clearing, how would we manage to get it back up?"

"You're right, Mom. Let's explore a little bit and see if we can find an easier way down to the bottom of the slope. If we can't find anything, we can hook up some ropes and use that toboggan I brought to get stuff down."

"Ian, I reviewed the contour maps for the area and it looks like just ahead there is a pretty gentle slope. Should be easy unless there's a lot of brush and these green tall things with all the branches."

Ian and Ron looked at each other. "...You reviewed the contour maps?"

"Well, of course, wool head. Actually I reviewed them before I hatched this plan. Surprised?" She winked at Kris.

"I'll head up the trail a little further. And look for 'the gentle slope.' Ron, why don't you double back and see if you see anything." Fortunately, a tenth of a mile further up the trail, there was actually a path that led between the trees with a gentle slope that led to the clearing and using this they were able to snowmobile to the bottom.

Ian cleared an area in the snow just at the bottom of the slope and banged some rocks free to create a circle. He started a fire with the wood, they'd brought. "Ali. Why don't you and my folks look for some more dead wood in the woods around us. Ron and I will start setting up the tents and then unloading. These tents pop up pretty quickly so shouldn't take long. I'll get some hot water going too, for coffee, cocoa, or whatever."

In an hour or so they were set up and sat around the fire on rocks they'd freed from the frozen ground and rolled up close. Drinking some hot stuff and having some lunch. Ian handed Ali a peanut butter sandwich with a smile. "Thank you, Ian. I never thought I'd be able to eat these again, but on this occasion, in this spot, it seems so right. Thanks for thinking of it. Don't think I'll eat like five or six though like last time." They all laughed at that.

"So, Ali. It's still early. Do you want to do the wedding now or wait until tomorrow?"

"Ian, I would like to do it at dawn tomorrow. When it first starts getting light and it's the beginning of a new day. Down here, we won't get any direct sun until mid morning, but we could still do it as the forest wakes up. Would that be OK?

"And then, Ron, you could head back if you want or you're more than welcome to stay. Always good to have a man of the cloth around," with a smile. "In the meantime, what if we put those snow shoes on and you can show me how graceful you are, Mountain Man. Kris, Don, warm enough in those outfits we got for you?"

"Well, Ian. I think we need to turn in early. Big day tomorrow." They all agreed and headed for their tents.

Whispering. "Ian! What the hell are you doing? You can't go to sleep yet. You have duties to perform."

"Ali, we can't. My folks are right over there in their tent. They'll hear..."

"Ian, you dumbass. Listen! Hear that! They're doing it right now! Can't you hear them?"

"Ali...NO! My folks are not doing it. I don't hear anything."

"Wait! What did she say? 'Better hold on, Don. I'm going to ride you like a bull rider then you..."

Putting his hands on his ears, "La, la, la, la...I don't hear anything Ali. I can't hear anything you're saying. My folks don't do it. They've never done it. She doesn't have those lady parts. If you're going to do this every time they're around, we're not going to be able to see them."

"Ian. Take your hands off your ears. I told you, your mom says your dad was a real horn dog, still is and they do it all the time! She says that what he likes to do best....well I don't remember exactly, but it had something to do with a door....Made no sense to me. Front door? No! Back door! That's it. She said he likes her back door."

"Ali! Stop. I'll never be able to look them in the face again without visualizing that. For the love of God. First the strap on and now this? I'm going to have nightmares. Hell, I'm going to need counseling."

She laughed. "OK, Ian. Just so you know, there's no way I'm letting you stop when we're that age. I guess you'll have to kiss me to shut me up. Now come here and get to it. But it's true about the horn dog thing."

The next morning well before first light, "Ian. Wake up. You're shaking the snow off the branches with all that snoring. Time to get out of here and start a fire. I have to start getting ready. Get out of here without looking. It's bad luck to look at the bride the day of the wedding." He grumbled and mumbled some unintelligible words. "And send your mom in. She wanted to help."

An hour later she was ready. It was just getting light. A snow colored long dress that hugged her curves. Accentuating her chest and slim waist without being provocative. Long John's and boots underneath. Oh, well, she thought. A sprig of spruce with a few holly berries in her hair and a corsage of fir and berries.

Minister Ron stood with his back to the fire. Ian, dressed in a tux standing to the right. His folks a little to the side took photos with their phone as she walked out. The hem of her skirt dragging in the snow. She stood opposite Ian who then came forward and gave her a kiss. "You look so beautiful, Ali."

"Thank you, Ian. Thank you for so many things. Thank you for making me the happiest woman ever and I will work every day to make you the happiest man."

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here...."

After the ceremony, they kissed and then Ian walked over to Ron's tent and brought out a large box. He set it down on a small stand they had brought with them and said, "Go ahead, Ali. Open it up." Inside was a tiered cake with a figure on top. An ogre. She lunged forward and kissed him.

"You will always be my prince, Ian. Thank you. Let's save the top tier for our anniversary and then dive into the rest of it."

Shortly after, Ron packed up and left for home, "I have a date and don't want to miss that." But so did his folks, "We need to give you two some privacy. We'll see you when you get back. And," whispering to Ali, "I'm afraid I'm going to break my dear hubby if we stay and listen to you two again." They both laughed. "Thank you, Ali for bringing my son back to life and to me."

The newly weds enjoyed the day and each other and as dark fell, "Ian I need to pee. Would you carry me to a log and set me down for old time's sake?"

He looked at her and gave her the 'what the heck' look. "Alright, if you want me to."

"Just kidding, my dear husband. Man, how I like the sound of that. Mrs. Turner can do it all by herself." She went outside the tent and fifteen minutes later he heard her scream with excitement and heard her run for the tent. She dove inside, directly on top of him. "I didn't think it was possible, but you have made me even happier. Look!"

He gave her a blank stare as she held something before his eyes. So close he couldn't focus. He shrugged his shoulders, not understanding what he was looking at.

"What am I going to do with you, Ian? It's a pregnancy test! AND IT'S POSITIVE! I'M PREGNANT! And... it's a girl."

He hugged her tight. "This is great, Ali. But how do you know it's a girl?"

"It has to be. And her name is going to be Autumn. Because that's when you rescued me and changed my life....then Winter, Spring, Summer. Each with her own season. And if there are more, we switch to Willow, Lily, and so on."

"I should have known you had a plan. Really? Autumn?"

"No, it's a great name, she'll love it. She'll be born in the autumn. And every season of her life will be a time we remember together. And each year will be another stage in her life that we can experience with her until we're so old...

"And you'll be the best father. But you can't spoil her! Well, not too much."

"And if they're boys?"

"Easy. Ogre Turner junior. Ogre Turner the second. Ogre Turner the third. You get it. They're boys. They always have nicknames anyway. Right? I'm sure you would agree." They both laughed at the recollection.

Dubiously. "Yeah, sure."

"Now, get those britches off so I can grab hold of that ugly thing and give you a proper thank you. But, I'm leaving my top on because it's friggin' freezing in here. Warm me up, my Ogre prince.

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AnonymousAnonymousless than a minute ago

I would have forgiven them for my own sanity but would not have had anything to do with them, ever. The rest is too unbelievable. LM

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Thank you for the story. It is hard carried by Ali, who is a complete riot and probably my favorite character of anything that I've encountered on this site. I've read "Jackson" before this, but there she comes out a bit unhinged, rather than funny, because of lack of context.

On the other hand, the beginning feels completely fabricated and unbelievable. The whole betrayal thing feels like such a contrived addon too. It's never properly addressed emotionally from Ian's standpoint and I honestly believe this story would have been better without it. Ali is the focal point of the story anyway and she has enough shit to overcome without Ian's betrayal business. In fact, her issues are never addressed properly either. They are almost glossed over in favor of Ian's. The end result is, instead of a beautiful story of healing and redemption you have a somewhat jumbled mess of it.

Ali was still worth reading it tho.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Another story I like to read every so often to cheer myself up, Thanks.

WillmottWillmott18 days ago

As Sandur said.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Cute story for the most part. Bringing any of his family back into the story with anything other than him expressing intense hatred is inconceivable. Just having the author write that Ian's parents loved him simply doesn't jive with their treatment of him. "I love you so I'll let you marry a cheating whore who's fucking your brothers". Yeah, totally acceptable. The bullshit about having Allie think of the cheating cunt that did such damage to the guy she claims to love as a friend and also telling Iam he has to go talk to his backstabbing, hateful parents for closure is fucking outrageous. Totally off the reservation.

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