Blackmailed Bride Ch. 09


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Shit! Why couldn't he at least leave me alone during my honeymoon.

"Is it your blackmailer?" Stan asked. I nodded. "What's he want this time?"

"I don't know yet."

"Why don't you ask him."

What do you want? I texted him.

You need to ditch your husband again unless you'd like to perform your task in front of him.

What task?

Before you leave, you need to go to a nightclub I'm familiar with.


You'll find out.

How do you expect me to get away from my husband on my honeymoon?

Figure it out or you know what will happen.

He texted a photo of me participating in yesterday's task, his black cock in me. I must have been having an orgasm. The look of pleasure on my face was undeniable.

"He refuses to tell me what he wants, although I'm sure I can guess, but I have to find some way of getting away from Tanner."

"I might be able to help you with that," Stan said.


"I'm having a poker game with some other people I met here. I could invite Tanner to the game."

"Some more swinger friends?" I asked.

"Two of them are. Two of them aren't, but you don't have to worry. It's an all guy poker game."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. Anything to help out."

"When's the game?"

"Tomorrow night. Maybe Kathy could help you out again. She'll just be in the way at the poker game, unless she wants to be part of the final pot for the winner."

I could picture Kathy, laid out on the poker table, the winner taking her as part of his winnings. "Why don't you ask Tanner, see if he wants to join you? It would be helpful," I asked.

"Sure thing."

Fifteen or twenty minutes later, Tanner and Kathy returned, talking about all they'd seen while snorkeling. We talked about what we'd seen underwater as well. Tanner was particularly fascinated by the octopus. He hadn't seen one, although he did see the speckled brown eel.

"Are you folks about ready to try waterskiing now?" Stan asked.

"I'm definitely in," Kathy said.

"Sure, I'll try it," Tanner said. "I've always wanted to give it a shot."

"How about you, Brooke?" Stan asked.

"Let me see how difficult it is before I give you an answer."

"Get all our stuff in the boat," Stan said. "We'll have to leave after we're done."

We carried everything out to the boat and stowed the food, although Stan gave us all more water before stowing the cooler. He hooked lines to the overhead bar and unloaded a couple of skis. He threw the line out the back of the boat along with the skis. Kathy got in the water and I could see her putting the skis on her feet. Stan tossed her a flotation vest and asked her to put it on in case she should get knocked senseless.

"Is it that dangerous?" I asked.

"Not really," Stan said, "but better safe than sorry. Kathy's a good skier. She's never had any problems, but things do happen and I don't want her drowning."

I nodded. "Tanner, I want you to keep an eye on Kathy. If she falls for any reason, let me know and I'll cut the power right away. Brooke, Kathy wants to slalom, so she's going to drop a ski. Keep an eye on the ski for me so we can recover it after she's done skiing."

"Okay," I said.

Stan and Tanner pulled up anchor by playing out the rear line and pulling on the front line until we were over the forward anchor, at which time it could be pulled up and then the rear line until Stan could pull the rear anchor in too. He started the boat and idled it forward until the tow rope was tight. Kathy was sitting down in the water with the front tips of her skis out of the water in front of her and the rope between the two. She gave a thumbs up signal to Stan and he gunned the motor and she rose out of the water like naked Aphrodite rising from the sea. She stayed on two skis for awhile, getting used to the boat and the equipment. She jumped our wake a few times and once did a reverse somersault on one of the jumps, landing smoothly on legs like coiled springs.

"She's beautiful," I said.

"Yes she is," Stan said. "Keep an eye out, she should be dropping a ski shortly."

Stan was right. She kicked off her right ski and put her right leg on the back of the left ski. She started doing a lot more wake jumps and some leans into the water so low it looked like she could lean over and kiss it, throwing up huge sprays of water. She did a few more flips and somersaults, as graceful as any gymnast. Tanner couldn't take his eyes off her. I would like to have watched her more closely, but I could only risk short glances in order to keep my eye on the dropped ski. Stan kept in the general area so it was easier for me.

"She's dropped the tow rope," Tanner said. I risked another glance and saw Kathy sliding to a slow stop and drop into the water. Stan cut the power immediately and started circling towards Kathy, stopping to pick up her other ski first. We pulled up near her and Kathy said, "Fuck, that was great. Who's going next?"

"I'd like to go next," Tanner said. Stan tossed him a jacket and told him to put it on.

Finishing with his jacket, Tanner jumped into the water next to Kathy. "Have you ever water skied before?" Kathy asked.

"No. Snow skiing only."

"Not quite the same thing," Kathy said. "You want to keep the same flex in your legs to absorb impacts, but snow skiing you carry a little of your weight forward. In water skiing, you want to keep your weight just behind your center of gravity. The tow rope will feel like it wants to pull you out of your skis, so you need to compensate by leaning back a bit. Not much, mind you, only a little." She helped him adjust the foot slide bindings, and get in the skis.

"You need to lean back and let the boat pull you up. Keep your arms straight; don't try to pull yourself up. When you get up, just try to stay in the middle of the wake to start. Make sure you're comfortable with your balance before you try making any turns. A few small S turns in the middle. When you're fairly confident with those, start making them wider and wider so you cross the wake. By turning to the side, you can actually go faster than the boat is, but it also means when you turn back to the boat, you'll have to give up some of your speed and you'll be gliding without any tow and when the boat catches up with your speed, you'll be yanked by the tow rope, so be prepared. You got all that?"

"I think so," Tanner replied.

"Let Stan take the slack out of the tow rope, then lean back, ski tips out of the water, arms straight, knees bent. Let the boat do the work. Give Stan a thumbs up when you're ready to go."


Kathy told Stan to take out the slack and we crept forward until the rope was taut. Stan said, "If he falls or lets go of the rope, tell me to stop."

I said, "I will."

Tanner gave a thumbs up and Stan cranked the motor and Tanner got about half way up and then nose dived into the water. He didn't let go of the rope and got dragged for about fifty feet before I remembered to say stop. Stan cut the engine and Kathy went swimming up to him. She was saying things I couldn't hear because we were too far away. Tanner was nodding to whatever she said. He got into position and gave Stan another thumbs up. This time, Tanner got up and was skiing for about five seconds before he started to tip backwards and he flopped down, sitting on his butt. Tanner dropped the tow rope this time and didn't get dragged. Kathy started swimming up to him and Stan circled round to bring the tow rope within grasping distance. Kathy got in Tanner's face and was talking to him again. Again, I couldn't hear what she was saying, but Tanner seemed to be paying close attention.

They got Tanner all set up and he popped a thumbs up and Stan gunned the engine and Tanner came up to a standing position. I was somewhat surprised to see Tanner with an erection, almost full blown. I wondered if skiing was that exciting or the water flowing over his privates was getting him turned on. This time Tanner stayed up for over two minutes and was doing to easy S turns in the wake. It wasn't until he tried to go over one of the waves, he lost his balance and fell down. Stan went and picked up Kathy first as we couldn't get her while Tanner was skiing. She climbed on board the boat and we headed for Tanner who was waving he was okay. We reached him and Kathy asked if he needed more help and Tanner said he was getting it and to let him try himself. We circled around until he could catch the tow rope. Stan took in the slack and when Tanner gave his thumbs up, Stan hit the gas. Tanner came right out of the water without problem. He still had a bit of a hard-on, though not as pronounced as last time.

"Your husband has a nice cock," Kathy said.

It was odd hearing her talk about Tanner's penis like this to me, but I remembered she was accustomed to other men's cocks and might be this open about other men's equipment all the time.

"I like it," I said simply, not wanting to encourage further speculation about his manhood. She glanced at me and saw me blushing and put her hand on my arm.

"Speaking generally, of course. Not like I have specific knowledge of his prick."

"That's what I assumed," I assured her.

This time he stayed up without issues for about fifteen minutes and didn't stop until he dropped the tow. I called out a stop and Stan circled around to where Tanner was floating. He was grinning from ear to ear. "That was great," he said. "I loved it."

"It looked like it," I said, referring to his erection, though I don't know if he realized what I was referring to. When he came up onto the boat, he was still somewhat aroused.

"Are you ready to give it a shot?" Kathy asked.

"Yes, I'd like to try."

"Put on a jacket," Stan said.

Kathy helped me get into the life vest, making sure it was snug around my breasts. I jumped into the water and Kathy jumped in with me. She helped me adjust the foot bindings for my feet. She was floating right behind me.

"Did you hear what I told Tanner?" Kathy asked.

"The first briefing. I didn't hear what you said after he fell down each time."

"The first time he fell, he was trying to pull himself up and he overbalanced and he face planted in the water. Let the boat pull you up. It will get you up just fine without you trying to tug on the rope. The second time, he balanced too far back on the skis and they started slipping out from under him. He could have used the rope to get his balance again by pulling forward, but he didn't realize he could tug on it now he was up, so he went backward. Stan isn't going too fast, so it probably wouldn't be too bad, but it's possible you'll have water pushing up into your vagina if you squat down like that. Let go of the rope. You'll make it worse if you get dragged behind the boat. It won't hurt you, but it will be darned uncomfortable."

"Good tip."

"Get in a nice sitting position with your knees flexed, arms straight, let the boat do the work, okay?"

"Got it."

"Thumbs up when you're ready."

I got into what I assumed was the proper position and gave Stan my signal. The boat accelerated and I started rising out of the water. I actually got up the first time and was standing balanced behind the boat. I stayed right in the center of the wake. Stan started making a wide turn and it caused me to move toward the right side. I still wasn't comfortable steering myself where I wanted to be and when I went over the wave, I started tipping and I dropped the rope just before my feet started going one way while my torso went the other. I waved I was all right and they went to pick up Kathy before coming back to me.

"Great job, Brooke," Stan said. "You did better than Tanner did."

"Not in the turns," I replied. "I still haven't figured that out yet."

"Do you need me to get in the water with you, Brooke," Kathy asked, "or do you think you can get back up on your own?"

"I'm okay to try again."

Stan swung around so I could grab the tow rope and he slowly pulled out the slack. I got myself into position once more and gave the signal. I was back on my feet again and being towed. This time I started some slow turns behind the boat and since there was no one else in the water, Stan could keep going in pretty straight lines. I grew more confident and started making larger turns, even going over the wake wave several times without issue. I went for about twenty minutes, and my legs and arms started getting a little tired. I didn't know how to signal them I was ready to stop, when I realized all I had to do was release the rope. I dropped it and Stan immediately turned back to me.

They got close enough to speak and asked if I was alright.

"Just getting tired," I said. "I wanted to stop."

"Kathy, do you want to go again?" Stan asked.

"No, I'm good. We've probably all had enough sun for the day."

"It is pretty late. We'll get back maybe twenty minutes before our dinner reservations, but it's nothing a couple drinks can't fix," Stan said.

I handed up the skis, and Tanner helped me into the boat while Stan brought the tow rope in. Everybody lost their floatation vests and they were stowed away. Kathy gave Stan and Tanner another beer and she gave me a water, taking one for herself. On the way back, Stan worked with Tanner in driving the boat. Kathy and I had a seat in the front.

Kathy handed me the tanning lotion and said, "You need to put more lotion on. It probably washed off in the water."

I smeared it all over my front as well as I could without removing my suit. I handed it back to her and asked if she could put some on my back. She dutifully smeared it all over my back, pausing before putting it on my buttocks. "Go ahead," I said. "You're husbands already felt them up." Kathy laughed and spread lotion on my buns. She asked if I'd put some on her as well. I put lotion all over her back and butt, doing a thorough, though not unprofessional job of it. She had a nice ass and it was a lot less hairy than Stan's. I handed the lotion back to her, but I couldn't watch when she spread it all over her front. I felt like a voyeur, though I could see Stan and Tanner didn't have the same compunctions I did. They watched with interest. I could almost tell where she was spreading the lotion by watching their eyes.

I heard Stan ask Tanner if he wanted to play poker with a few of the guys tomorrow night.

"I don't know, Stan. It's my honeymoon. I've already skipped out on Brooke once to play golf. I don't think I should."

I spoke up, "Go ahead, Tanner. I don't want to stand in the way of you're getting together with the guys once in awhile." I felt a knot in my stomach as I said it, knowing I was doing it to free up time for another task my blackmailer was imposing. "Kathy can hang with me while you boys play your games."

"As long as you don't use it as another excuse to get stinking drunk, Mrs. Mason."

"No," I said, "I promise I won't be getting drunk." Although what I'd be doing would likely be a thousand times worse, I thought.

"If you're sure it's okay."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Have fun."

"I'm warning you, Tanner," Stan said. "I won't be as big a patsy playing poker as I was playing golf. I minored in poker in college and I've kept my skills up with a Thursday night poker game every week for four years."

"Bring it on, buddy," Tanner replied. "With Brooke wanting to remain a virgin until our wedding, I've been playing three times a week for the last six months."

I'd wondered what Tanner did when he wasn't with me. Playing poker, huh. Interesting.

"Once you fellows are done playing for money, maybe you'd like to make it a little more interesting," Kathy said, "and play strip poker on Friday night?"

"Brooke?" Tanner asked.

I thought about it. Both Kathy and Stan had seen me topless, and for all practical intents and purposes, in today's swimsuit, bottomless as well. I'd put lotion on both their naked asses and they'd done the same to my almost naked one, if a single string thong could be said to be clothing. I'd played poker with my teammates while on road trips in college, and while not an expert by any means, I could probably hold my own depending on the luck of the cards.

I finally said, "I'm not sure. Let me think about it. I'm not exactly comfortable with it, but there's not much more I can show to anyone here. We'll see how I feel in a couple days."

"It's up to you," Tanner said. "I'll do whatever you think is best."

"We'll be at Gordon's in about fifteen minutes," Stan said. "Probably good to bust out the good clothes."

I went into the dry well and found our clothes. I handed the Wrights their bag and handed Tanner his things from our bag. He put on underwear, some Dockers, a short sleeve dress shirt. I had a wrap around skirt to pull over my suit and a loose blouse to go over the top of my suit. Kathy put on a matching lace bra and panties, and a sexy dress. She took the wheel of the boat so Stan could put on his jeans and polo shirt. We all wore sandals. As advertised, we got there about twenty minutes before our appointment, Tanner tying us up at the dock. They had a firepit with a nice fire burning and several cozy chairs around it. We gave our names to the waitress and everyone got a drink and we sat around the fire sipping our drinks, waiting to be called.

All the sun and exercise this afternoon left me feeling slightly lethargic. I'm sure the texts from my blackmailer weren't helping either. I knew he would force me to do something else I didn't want to tomorrow night and I was dreading what it might be. I felt tired thinking of it. I was fighting a losing battle to maintain any semblance of dignity and modesty and wondered if there was anything I could do to regain control of my life. The longer it went on, the less likely it seemed. Everything I was being forced to do would make me look worse and worse in Tanner's mind and I despaired if my marriage could survive. I was lost in my own thoughts and didn't notice when our names were called. Tanner had to poke my arm before I responded.

"Are you okay?" Tanner asked. "It seems as if you've been in your own little world for almost a week."

I smiled up at him as he helped me to my feet. "I think the sun must have gotten to me a little today. I'm a little tired is all. I'll be fine."

I held onto his arm as we went into the restaurant and made a point of trying to remain engaged in the conversation going on around me. I smiled and laughed in all the appropriate places, made pithy comments when it was called for, and generally tried to fit in. The food was excellent. Tanner started with coconut crusted crab cakes followed by the swordfish filet, and I had the panzanella salad followed by the Thai green seafood curry. Stan had the seafood salpicon followed by the surf and turf and Kathy had the chicken Cobb salad with the grilled lamb chops. I was glad Tanner skipped the asparagus. I remembered Taylor or Tiffany telling me to stay away from oral sex after a man had eaten asparagus. I wanted to be extra special nice to him given I was going to participating in another act of betrayal tomorrow night. No matter what happened the last few times we had sex, he didn't deserve what I going to do.

Before our dessert, I went to the ladies room and Kathy came with me.

"Stan told me you got another text from your blackmailer and it's why he invited Tanner to the poker game."

"Yes. You don't mind coming with and holding my hand again, do you?"

"No, sweetie. I'm happy to help any way I can. Do you know what he wants you to do yet?"

"No. I haven't told him when I'm going to be free. I didn't know Tanner would accept the poker game until on the boat back. I'm sure it will be something sick and disgusting so he can tighten his hold on me."

Kathy patted my shoulder before she applied lipstick. "Stan loves this shade of lipstick wrapped around his cock, more than any other color."