Blackmailed Bride Ch. 12


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I tried to think of what we had in the fridge. "A bratwurst?"

"Good guess," he said.

"Oh, God, I'm going to cum."

The idea of Tanner fucking me with a bratwurst had me crazy with lust. I was pumping my hips up against his hand going nuts with desire. I climaxed, my pussy pulsing on the sausage. When my body stopped shivering, he fed it to me and I tasted my cum and his on the brat. After I took a bite, he did too, chewing it, then licking my breasts, leaving my nipples greasy and slick.

"Guess this next."

Something else pushed into me, thicker than the last one, thicker than Tanner. The outside was bumpy and it was relatively rigid, but not hard. Tanner pumped it back and forth, encouraging me to orgasm again.

"A cucumber. You're fucking me with a cucumber."

"Yes. Do you like it? Do you like being fucked like this? Helpless, unable to see, legs spread open, unable to stop me from fucking you with whatever I want?"

I trembled wildly. It was crazy, it was insane, it was bizarre and twisted, but Tanner had me so hot right now, I couldn't stop myself. I climaxed again, moaning, crying his name, a confused mess. My orgasm over, he fed me the vegetable, warm, salty skin, heated by friction and my body; cool, crisp interior. He took a bite as well.

"Delicious," he said. "All food should taste this good."

I thought we'd be done now, but I felt something touch my clit and I thought it burned, and I cried out, thinking he was burning me. Suddenly, icy cold and I realized it was an ice cube. He slid four cubes into my pussy and they started to melt immediately, cold water leaking out and running down to my ass. Then his cock was in me again, pumping, thrusting.

"Oh, shit, that's cold," he said.

"Serves you right. I can't believe you put ice cubes in me."

"Feels good though, doesn't it; the mixture of hot and cold, the friction, the water."

It did feel good. I was ready to cum again, the water leaking out becoming warmer by the second. Tanner grunted and sent another flood of cum into my pussy. He didn't stop thrusting until I followed after him, shaking hard as I flexed around him. We were both panting wildly, gasping for air. Tanner rolled to the side and more water leaked from my sheath.

"We're going to have to change the sheets," I said. "Water, cum, food grease, and heaven knows what else."

"But it was fun, right? You had fun, didn't you?"

"I enjoyed it. Very creative, but quite demented. I'm really starting to wonder about you, Tanner. You have to let me go now. I need to go to the bathroom."

He took off my mask and untied my legs. I started flexing them, trying to get the blood circulating again after being held spread apart for so long.

"Uh, where's the key to the handcuffs?" Tanner asked.

"What do you mean, where are the keys? Weren't thy in the cuffs or in the box?"

"They weren't in the cuffs, and I don't see them in the box."

"How could you lock them on me without knowing where the keys were?" I asked. "If I don't get out soon, I'm going to pee all over the bed."

"Maybe they don't need a key," he suggested. "Kind of a 'Gerald's Game' failsafe."

"I don't understand the reference. What's 'Gerald's Game'?"

"'Gerald's Game' is a Stephen King book. Couple who's marriage is in a little trouble go up to their lake cabin when all the tourists are gone. They're going to try a little bondage for fun and to reinvigorate their marriage. He dies of a heart attack after she's secured to the bed and she almost dies of starvation and thirst before she figures a way out. At least, I think she got out. I don't remember anymore. I'm not sure if there wasn't a dog or a wolf in there too, maybe a burglar. All very Stephen Kingish, of course."

"Well, you better check or find a whole bunch of towels, because I can't hold it much longer."

He started playing with the cuffs and all of a sudden, one of them released. "There it is. Kind of hidden by the fur lining."

I pulled the empty cuff around the headboard slat and ran for the bathroom.

"Don't you want me to take the other one off?" Tanner called after me.

"It has to wait for more important business," I shouted back. "Mother Nature calls."

I made it to the toilet with seconds to spare. As soon as I sat down, my bladder released.

Wiping after I finished up, I returned to the bedroom and Tanner showed me the release mechanism on the cuffs. "In case I have a heart attack at the wrong time."

"Please don't joke about that. Help me change the sheets, then we both need to take a shower. I'm a mess."

"But a sexy mess."

We changed the sheets. I threw out the rest of the food. I no longer knew what had been inside me, so it all went in the garbage. We showered. Tanner wanted to have sex again after, but I told him enough was enough. I could feel his erection behind me as I fell asleep.


After Tanner left at seven, I got the box of plugs and took the second largest out. I didn't have lube; had never needed it. I did have vaseline, so I got some. This plug wasn't too much larger than yesterday's, but I still wanted something to help me get it in. Smearing on the vaseline, I put it against my crinkled rosebud and pushed it in. Not painful once inside, it was nevertheless uncomfortable, though I found myself becoming quickly accustomed to the feel of it. I took the picture and ensuring there was nothing in the photo to identify me, posted it to pluggedbimbobabes. While my face was not visible, I now knew my bottom with a plug in it would exist forever on the internet.

I ate a bit of breakfast and headed to Shizuko's. I arrived just as Erin was going out the door, dressed in some gym attire. I gave her a hug and asked how her tryout had gone.

"They said I needed to work out more, develop more strength and stamina. Thought I'd gotten by on my genetics and height okay, but if I want to play in the pros, I needed to get better. So, everyday I'm off to the gym for weight work and aerobics in the morning, a pick-up game in the afternoon. They said if I kept working at it, they'd take another look at me in three months."

"It looks like the work is paying off. You look fabulous."

"So do you. Apparently marriage agrees with you."

"It does."

"Suki told me what you're doing. I hope I get back before you're done. I'd like to catch up."

"If we agree on some poses, I might be here for awhile."

"Terrific. Ta-ta."

Erin let me through the door and I found Suki rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I don't usually get up this early. If you're going to insist on this ungodly hour, I'll need to change my sleeping habits," Suki said.

I needed to be out of the house early, before my blackmailer could find me, so I doubted I'd want to come later.

"I want to be home in time to make supper for Tanner, so if we're going to do this, it needs to be on the early side."

"Do you need to eat anything?"

"Been there, done that," I smiled, "but if you need something, go ahead."

"Just toast and coffee. I'm not a morning person."

"So, I figured."

While she made what she needed and ate, we talked, catching up on the last three weeks. She asked about the honeymoon and marriage to Tanner. I asked about her new commission and how her painting was going.

"How's the sex with Tanner?"

"I'm very happy with the sex," I said. "Tanner is a wonderful lover, most of the time."

"Most of the time?"

"Yes. Let's just say he can get a little eager at times and be a touch rough. Not violent, but hard and demanding. It can leave me sore. Sometimes, I don't notice it when it's happening because the sex is so good, but I wake up with sore lady parts."

"But you like it enough, you'd be unwilling to play with the girls."

"Pretty much."

"Damn!" Suki said.

"Tanner told me last night he'd like to have a threesome with me and another woman."

"Really? Do you think you'll do it?"

This might be an opportunity to explore whether Shizuko was involved; to see how curious she was about events.

"I don't know. I don't want to. I'm an old fashioned girl. Til death do us part, the whole nine yards, but life can take some unexpected twists. You never know what can happen."

I wondered how she'd react, if she'd ask why I said that, but she kept the conversation directed toward herself. "Tell me about it. I never imagined myself as a lesbian when I was little. I mean, I knew I was different from other girls, but I thought it meant I wasn't maturing as fast as my classmates and eventually I'd start being interested in boys. Never happened. It was girls all the way."

"Do you think you could ever do it with a guy?"

"I'm a gold star lesbian. I'd hate to break my record."

"What's a gold start lesbian?" I asked.

"No cock ever. Pussy all the way."

"Is Erin gold star too?"

"No. She might even be a little bi leaning. She loves it when I use a strap-on with her. She'd been with three or four guys before we got together; ten or twelve other girls, too. I was the more inexperienced of the two of us. I'd been with only three others before her. Of course, we've both been with others since."

"You don't practice monogamy with each other?"

"No. We're confident in our relationship with each other, so either of us can be with someone else we find attractive, but most of the other times have been with others as a couple. Erin stays away from guys for my sake, but, other than that, she's free to wander."

"So, you've been in threesomes before?"

"Or more, but only with girls. We'd hoped you'd party with us, but there's no accounting for taste. Let's get started. Why don't you take your clothes off and we'll get you posed over here in the light."

She hadn't taken the bait. Not at all interested in why I said strange things happen. Of course, she could already know about the strange things, so didn't need further information. Maybe I should leave the detective work to the experts.

"Tanner was hoping we could do some quick sketches today to maybe pick out some poses for the actual works."

"I was planning on doing that anyway. It gives me an idea of the direction I want to go. I use charcoal though, not pencil. I like the darker lines. It's more dramatic and tells me more. Put your clothes on the stool over there."

I removed the clothes and folded them, stacking them out of the way.

"Brooke, what is that thing in your ass?"

Shit! I'd forgotten all about the butt plug, it had stopped even registering in my consciousness. I suppose some version of the truth needed to be said.

"It's a butt plug."

"I know what it is. Why is there one in your ass?"

"You girls all convinced me I might enjoy having anal sex. I read up on it and it suggested using plugs to help prepare you for the act. I'm trying to get my bottom ready for Tanner. He's quite large."

"Does he know you're going to give him your ass?"

"No. I'm trying to surprise him. Do I need to take it out so it isn't in your sketches?"

"I can ignore it for the sketches. They won't be that detailed. They'd have to come out for the real works as it will ruin the lines, at least while I'm doing your buttocks."

"Good. I want to surprise him."

Suki came over and posed me. She was professional at all times, never making me feel as if she wanted me for anything more than a model, even though I knew she did. Each sketch took fifteen or twenty minutes to do, then she'd move me into a new pose for another one. We broke for a lunch of fruit and salad, then back to work. As I posed for her, we talked about lots of different things. I asked her why being with other people didn't hurt her relationship with Erin.

"We love each other. I think we'll always love each other. Everyone else is just pussy, a way to get off, like masturbating. We couldn't be upset if the other one masturbated."

"But is it? Is it really no different than masturbation? There are feelings and emotions involved with being with others." I'd felt emotions when I'd kissed Kathy and Stan, but I liked them anyway, so maybe there was a difference. "You can't fall in love with your hand or a vibrator. How does the other person you're with feel about being nothing more than your sex toy?"

"I never gave it much thought. Look, they all know how committed Erin and I are to one another, especially if we're having sex as a couple. If they expect more than some momentary pleasure, they're deluding themselves. We certainly never promised them more. On the other hand, we don't see anyone else more than one or two, maybe three times, max. I suppose if you continue seeing someone, you could develop deeper feelings for them, but we don't want to. We're happy with each other. We can have our cake and eat it too. If I find someone attractive, I can have sex with them without messing up my relationship with Erin and if I need a more emotional connection, that's what I have Erin for. It works for us."

"I met another married couple on my honeymoon. They were in an open marriage, having sex with other people. I didn't see how they could do it without jealousy, knowing their spouse was fucking other people."

"Fucking, Brooke? I've heard you use that word maybe twice before since I've known you."

"That's what it would be, wouldn't it? You can't call it making love anymore, because it's not for love; it's for sex. Slam, bam, thank you, ma'am, and be on your way."

"But wouldn't you want it if you could have it? Have sex with anyone you found sexy without emotional repercussions and recriminations? Just enjoy the moment and know Tanner wouldn't care, wouldn't say anything because he was free to do the same?"

I had enjoyed myself, having sex with other people, despite desperately not wanting to. The sex was good no matter how much I hated the circumstances, or even the persons I was having sex with. Guys 1 and 2 had been jerks, but they still made me cum buckets. The black gentleman had been kind and considerate and a fantastic lover. Would I have enjoyed my time with him more if I wasn't worried about Tanner finding out and leaving me? Probably. It would have been nice having a choice in the matter. I would never have chosen the dicks in the club, without worrying about the time limit imposed on me. But I'd felt jealous when Tanner kissed the nearly nude Kathy. It was why I'd started kissing her myself, so he wouldn't be kissing her as often. I suspected he was jealous of Stan and it was why he couldn't wait to fuck me before they left. He was showing Stan I was his, not Stan's. I might be able to kiss Stan, but I was Tanner's to fuck. I didn't know how not to be jealous, and neither did Tanner.

"I don't think I could do it. I would hate for Tanner to have sex with another woman, and Tanner's told me he could never forgive me if I was with another man."

"There goes your chances of being in a threesome, because it has to be one or the other. I guess that means we're all put together differently, though I admit I would be devastated if I thought Erin was falling in love with another woman. The sex itself means nothing."

Another thing Suki asked about was if I'd used her gift yet.

"Last night, as a matter of fact."

"Who got tied down?"


"How did you like it?"

"It was interesting."

"Interesting? What the hell does that mean?"

"Things happened."

"You can't tell me it was interesting and that things happened without giving me details. Come on, girlfriend, spill."

"It's too embarrassing."

"More embarrassing than modeling nude for your lesbian friend?"

"Much more."

"Now you have to tell me."

"I can't. I could never face you again."

"Oh my God, Brooke. You can't leave me hanging. You have to tell me. I tell you what; don't tell me. Look at the couch and tell the couch."

"If I tell the couch and you happen to hear it, you have to promise me you'll never tell another soul, not Erin, not anyone, ever. If you do, I'll hate you until the day you die."

"I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die."

I looked at her a few moments and seeing she seemed serious, I faced the couch and said, "While I was tied down, Tanner fucked me with a bratwurst and a cucumber, and I climaxed with both. Then he put ice cubes in my pussy and fucked me and I orgasmed some more."

I shut up and waited for her to burst into laughter. Hearing nothing, I turned to look at her. She was still drawing. "Well," I said.

"I thought you were going to tell me you'd done something really bad or strange," Suki said, working on the sketch, apparently unaffected by my weirdness.

"What? That wasn't strange enough for you?" I asked.

"Okay, the bratwurst was a new one on me. How was it?" Suki tried keeping a straight face, but finally started laughing, bending over she was laughing so hard.

I started laughing with her, unable to resist her merriment. "I did say I orgasmed."

"Yes, yes you did. Was it greasy?" She giggled. "Did Tanner lick you clean afterward?"

"No, the cucumber came afterward. The licking came later, much later."

"Oh, I love it. Brooke Grant, the straightest, most prim and proper person I know, fucked with a bratwurst and cumming. I wish now I hadn't promised not to tell. This is too good."

"You don't think the cucumber was as funny?"

"Well, I suppose I would if I hadn't been fucked with a cucumber myself, and a Coke bottle too, a small one, but a bratwurst is pretty damn good." She continued laughing. "What makes it better is it was you. If anyone else told me, it wouldn't be half as funny. So Tanner has a little bit of kink to him, huh? This is so good."

"You've been fucked with a Coke bottle?"

"Right up the old pussy. That was a stretch, let me tell you, even a small one."

"How can you still call yourself a gold star lesbian?" I asked, still laughing.

"It wasn't a cock, that's why."

"So you're not a gold star Coke drinker, but you're still a gold star lesbian?"

Suki started laughing harder. "You got it sister."

"What about the ice cube thing?"

"My ice cubes were up the butt while Erin fucked my pussy with a strap-on. It sure is cold, isn't it?"

"That's what Tanner thought too."

It took five minutes for us to stop laughing so we could get back to work.


Erin got back before we wrapped it up, before I was dressed again, and she also commented on my butt plug. I'd forgotten about it once more.

"Ignore it, Erin. She's just preparing her ass so Tanner can fuck her there." They kissed, reminding me they loved each other.

"Oh." Nothing more, just an 'oh' because it was somehow so commonplace. I got dressed and we started looking through Suki's sketches.

"These are beautiful, Brooke," Erin said. "You could do this for a living. They pay live models $200 an hour for your time."

"What, nude? I'm worried about my face and body showing up now in someone's home now. If every person in an art class was drawing me, I'd be everywhere."

"So?" Erin said.

"It's embarrassing to think my nude body is going to be hanging in someone's house. That people can stare at me in all my naked glory, maybe masturbate to me or something. It's why I don't want my face in the picture. If people could actually recognize who I was, I'd be mortified."

"So? Glory is the key word there. You're glorious, and certainly don't have anything to be ashamed of. I'd love a body like yours," Erin replied.

"You have a great body, tall, athletic, strong."

"My tits are too small. Yours are perfect. Besides, I've done nude modeling. It's no big deal."

"You and Suki have sex with other people. We're not the same."

"I'd love it if you were."

"Tanner said he'd be interested in a threesome with another woman," Suki said, "but Brooke doesn't do girls and Tanner doesn't do boys, so both will end up disappointed."

"I don't really want another man either," I said, "not just another girl. Two seems right to me when it comes to sex. Three seems too many."