Blackmailed Bride Ch. 20


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"I definitely prefer to sit, Whore."

"Yes, Mistress." I set my tray down carefully and led her to a comfortable chair. After she sat, I raised her dress and lowered her panties and began dining on her cunt, practicing all Mistress had taught me so she wouldn't have reason to be disappointed in me. She had a screaming orgasm, clearly delighted in my efforts, so another woman raised her skirt and asked me to take care of her. She wasn't wearing underwear. Her orgasm wasn't quite as loud, but still enthusiastic, so I found myself assigned to cunt duty for the next hour, bringing off one after the other. Slut was similarly engaged, as most did not want to wait for me to finish.

While thusly occupied, some women wanted to play with my exposed sexual organs. My cunt and ass were penetrated a number of times by the fingers of our guests. My dangling breasts were played with, squeezed, pinched, stroked and petted. Remembering not to lose focus on the cunt I was licking, I nevertheless had three excellent orgasms, most of them sneaking up on me I was so intent on the woman I was licking. One woman, not content to use only her fingers, licked my cunt and ass with her own tongue. I admit to not maintaining perfect concentration during that orgasm, but the woman I licked was not as demanding as Mistress and didn't notice my lack of attention to detail.

When the guests had more or less been satisfied to some degree, Slut and I were allowed to resume our serving duties. More beverages and snacks were served, though with the ice broken, our bodies were less our own and more communal property, to be handled and mauled as the guests wished. At some point, we quit serving food and drink and began serving sex toys. Slut showed me how to lube up the larger ones ahead of time as our guests were less inclined to think of our comfort. Fortunately, I was very wet at this point and the only time I was needful of pre-lubing was when a rather large butt plug was shoved in my ass.

Things pretty much deteriorated to an orgy at that point. Women picked out the toys of their preference and they were used on them by Slut and I, or in some cases, they were used on us. For the next hour or two, I was licking cunt or fucking our guest with toys until around one AM. I must have had another half dozen orgasms before the night was over. I was proud to say I made it through the evening without needing to suffer a single punishment.

The guests all praised Mistress for her fine slaves, leaving the house quite satisfied and in an excellent frame of mind. Mistress told us we could leave clean up tomorrow, but she wanted to enjoy what her guests had all evening long. Slut and I took turns satisfying her until she'd had enough, then she allowed Slut and I to satisfy each other once. We were all cuddled in bed together, quite tired and sated, but Jolene's voice reminded me of the primary purpose of my visit.

"Mistress," I asked. "Do you record the activities at the Club?"

"You mean on cameras?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"No. That would be quite foolish, don't you think, Whore? Not all people are open minded about our lifestyle. I'm sure it would be quite a stir if it leaked out what we did out there."

"Are you sure, Mistress? Maybe for special occasions, or when entertaining new subs or Masters? You'd never use cameras for something like that?"

"Of course not. The idea is ridiculous. Why, none of the members would be open to such a thing. We all have to give up our cell phones when we enter the building so no one can even consider taking pictures and movies there. No one would stand for it."

"Mistress, I beg your pardon, it being so late and all, but I need to show you something."

"Can't it wait until tomorrow, Whore."

"No, Mistress, I don't think it can."

I got my phone out of my purse, opened the video from my weekend at the Club, turned the volume up all the way and handed it to Toni. The sounds of our sex were loud and clear, from my time in the common room when I first arrived to my last orgasm before we left. Of particular note were my screams when Slut made me cum. Oliver always liked to leave in my orgasms in the videos to increase my mortification at my behavior. Mistress Toni's face got angrier and redder until she was practically spitting in rage.

"It is my belief, Mistress, that everything in the Club is recorded and kept for whatever purpose. This particular video was made to humiliate me and remind me of what my husband will see if I fail to obey Oliver in the slightest fashion."

"Wait a minute. You're not a slave of your own free will? What happened tonight was not consensual on your part?"

"No, Mistress. I have been blackmailed since my wedding day so Oliver could have use of me in whatever fashion he wished. I'm not acting of my own free will. I was told to be here and do what you wanted me to."

"That bastard. I will give him such a piece of my mind..."

"Please, Mistress. I beg you not to, for my sake. I need to find a way to stop him first before you speak to anyone about this, or my life is ruined."

"Stop calling me Mistress. Stop right now."

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"You're not a voluntary sub. I thought you were doing this because you wanted to, not that you were being forced to. You're not a slave, so don't call me Mistress. Call me Toni, and Slut, remove her collar and cuffs."

"Yes, Mist...Sorry, Toni. I may have to work at it a little. I'm not used to calling you Toni." Slut got the key and removed the symbols of my bondage.

"I can't just let this go by. Other members of the Club will be outraged. This is horrible."

"Toni, I'd like to introduce you to some friends of mine. They're waiting outside. We want to stop Oliver, me more even than you. Right now. Everything Oliver has recorded is stored somewhere, waiting for him to use it. We want to find and destroy those files, or you might not like the result and I know I won't. My life will be ruined. Everything I've done at Oliver's direction since my wedding will be put on the internet, ruining me, my reputation, my marriage, my friendships, everything. He may have the same capability to ruin you or other members of the Club. We...I...don't care about the Club, what happens there and who's involved as long as it's consensual, no one should give a damn. But my being there wasn't, and there might be others in the same boat as I am, especially if Oliver introduced them to the Club. Will you let them in? We'll explain everything including exactly what we need from you to stop Oliver in his tracks."

"Yes, I'll listen to them. Slut, you better put clothes on and give me my robe." Toni looked at me. "You might want to put clothes on too, unless they've already seen you naked."

"Unfortunately, they have, but I'd prefer they not see it again."

I knew they were already waiting outside the door, because Jolene had heard my conversation, but waited until Slut and I got dressed, and Toni put on her lounging robe, before I called her on the phone so Toni wouldn't know they'd been listening.

"I can let you in now," I said, then hung up. I went to the front door and let Jolene and Jackson enter.

"Toni, this is Jolene Baxter and Jackson Hart. This person is Toni and she's agreed to give us fair hearing before deciding what to do. This is her submissive, Ess," not wanting to call Slut by her known name in front of the others. "We have quite the story to tell, so get comfortable as this may take awhile."

Jolene pretty much acted as the spokesperson, with Jackson and I adding comments where my agreement and his expertise was needed. We pretty much told her everything about what we knew or suspected without going into the details of my blackmail.

"We don't care about your Club, Toni," Jolene was concluding. "It's not about a BDSM club. We know many people enjoy your particular lifestyle and we're not going to change any minds or hearts when it comes to sex. The only thing we're concerned with is finding out where Oliver is hiding his blackmail material and destroying it so he no longer has a hold on Brooke's life. Jackson has the skills to trace the wireless signals from the hidden cameras in the club to their repositories, and then see where Oliver sends his material from there. Once this information is destroyed, you can do whatever the hell you want to Oliver and anyone else who knew about the cameras. Brooke wants to kill him, but will be satisfied with getting him to stop. We need the opportunity to do so. All we need from you is the address of the club, and your agreement to do nothing and tell no one until we've done our thing."

"Why doesn't Brooke know where the Club is? She was there."

"She wasn't paying attention. As this was her first involvement with BDSM, she had other things on her mind. At some point, Brooke may have to go back there, because we need to know specifically what Oliver does with her material. If Oliver doesn't take her back to the Club, perhaps you could volunteer to take her yourself. We need to know what he does with the material he records of her and if it's different from what he does with everything else."

"I agree with your plan," Toni said, "and I won't do anything to jeopardize it until you tell me it's okay."

"Thank you, Toni," I said, kissing her. "You're a lifesaver."

She gave us the address to the Club and we got ready to leave.

"I'm going to miss you, Whore," Toni said, waving goodbye.

"I'll miss you and Slut, too," I said, "though not quite in the same way. Goodbye Mistress Toni."

"Goodbye, Brooke." She closed the door behind me. It was four-thirty in the morning.


Jackson drove me home in my car, so I could sleep. His vehicle was still in my parking lot because he and Jolene had gone together in hers. Jolene's vehicle was nondescript and blended in like a blind spot in your eye. Jackson drove a cherry red Corvette which stuck out like a sore thumb. I still had to go to Oliver's today and he was expecting me to service him today and tomorrow both.

When we got to my apartment, I put Jackson in the guest room and I went to my bedroom to nap for a few hours or I'd be useless. Jackson needed to sleep too. He'd been up for most of the night, though Jolene let him nap occasionally as she was the only one I wanted listening to the audio feed. He was going to be working tonight, doing what he needed to do at the Club, plus he had things to do outside Oliver's development. Even though he couldn't get inside the housing development, he could still get close enough to put in a repeater to boost the signal so someone didn't have to sit outside close enough to draw unwanted attention to ourselves. Until he could do his work after dark, Jolene and Mauro would pretend to be a work crew working on the sewers in a van Caponero Investigations used for undercover work.

I got up around 10:00 still pretty bleary eyed. I used the enema kit Oliver provided and used it four times. Three didn't seem enough to me if I was going to suck someone's cock after it had been in my ass. I showered afterward, then woke Jackson up to have breakfast of cold cereal and toast. Done, he fitted me with my earpiece, recharged and ready to go.

"You remember my code phrase, don't you?" I asked before leaving.

"I'm not likely to forget it," Jackson replied.

"Where to next?"

"I'm meeting Jolene and Mauro to set up their computer to catch the signal from the bugs we hope you're able to install, then heading home to grab a few more zzz's before going out tonight."

"Rough weekend," I said. "Not much sleep."

I called Jolene and told her I was heading to Oliver's to give her a head start, then texted Oliver to let him know I was on my way. He texted back that he'd leave the door open and to join him in his study. Jackson got ready to leave with me.

"Thank you again, Jackson. I appreciate all your help." I hugged him, holding on for a quite awhile. He was like a rock, solid and unmoving. Exactly what I needed to prepare for Oliver.

"Take care. Don't do anything which might get you caught," Jackson reminded me, "or all this is for nothing."

"I understand. I'll be careful."

He left and I locked the door behind me, walking to my car.


As he'd said, Oliver had left his door open and I entered his house and went to his study. He was working on his computer. I couldn't see the screen, but his phone was on his desk, so that was good. I set down my purse and removed my clothes. Oliver liked his sluts naked. He never had to tell me to strip. I always did as soon as I entered his house. I folded the clothes and laid them on one of his chairs then knelt down until he was ready to acknowledge me.

He finally finished what he was doing and asked. "Did you have a good time at Mistress Toni's last night?"

"It was okay, sir. I survived, though I didn't get much sleep. I had to go home for a couple hours and nap."

"Did you give yourself an enema this morning?"

"Yes, sir. Would you like me to suck your cock or will you be fucking my ass now, sir?" I hoped they caught the code phrase. I didn't notice anything happening with the phone, though I supposed it would be useless if he noticed.

"I suppose you're ready for some cock now, after a night of cunt?"

I couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice when I replied. "Cock is very high on my list of priorities right now, sir."

Oliver laughed, thinking it was funny.

"Suck my cock, my little slut."

"Yes, sir." I crawled over to him and released his prick from his pants. He wasn't hard yet, so I brought him to hardness. I was aware others were listening to me now, sucking his cock. More shame. Hopefully, it was only Jolene or Mauro, though Jackson had to be on the net when I spoke my code word.

When he was erect he bent me over his desk and speared into my cunt. I was just starting to get wet, not quite there yet, so it was slightly rougher when he penetrated me. I grunted. Thank the lord, he'd let me suck him first, the only lubricant my spit, when he pierced me.

"This is just to lubricate my cock, so I can use your ass," Oliver said.

"Yes, sir," I whimpered.

He fucked me long enough for my cunt to lubricate and get his cock creamy in my fluids. When it was ready, he shifted upward and slid into my bottom. I grunted again.

Knowing I was being listened to, I wanted more than anything not to say anything. At first, I was quiet, letting him fuck me without sound effects other than the slapping of his crotch against my ass. Feeling he wasn't doing a sufficiently humiliating job, he started playing with my tits and clit, wanting to hear me beg again. I was hoping to deny him, but realized any change in my normal routines might be suspicious. Fuck!

"Mmm," I said, "fuck my ass, make me cum on your cock. Fill my slutty ass with your cum."

Don't overdo it either, Brooke. Middle of the road. Not too much, not too little. I climaxed, moaning loudly, ashamed for my audience. He continued fucking me, finally cumming before I reached another myself. He was plastered up against my backside, this cock throbbing inside my rectum, painting it with his sperm, grunting like the pig he was.

His balls emptied, he sat down in his chair and told me to clean him off. My prior indoctrination paid off. I didn't throw up this time. I gagged a little to start, but regained control and licked his cock clean. When he was clean to his satisfaction, he made me stop and I breathed deeply.

"I need to save some of my cum for later," Oliver said. "We've guests coming over in about half an hour, two gentlemen. You'll have to wear your mask, unfortunately. I'm thinking another triple penetration, slut, but we have a little time today. I'm thinking we'll each have to experience all your holes."

"Of course, sir. May I get some milk, sir."

"Can't quite get that taste out of your mouth, huh? Sure, go ahead, then put your mask on."

"Yes, sir." Asshole.

I got off my knees and drank a glass of milk, putting my mask on after. Since I couldn't see, I couldn't move, so once I put it on. I sat on the edge of Oliver's bed, waiting for what came next. I supposed I'd have to beg to be fucked again, to keep up appearances, but hopefully not too much considering I had an audience now.

I heard the doorbell ring and Oliver answer it. Shortly afterwards, the sound of their voices grew loud as they moved down the hall.

"She's gorgeous, Oliver. I'm going to enjoy fucking her very much." His voice was familiar, someone I'd heard before, but not popping immediately to mind.

"I caution you about using names," Oliver said, "if you want your identities to remain secret. Stand up, slut, spread your legs, let them get your full effect."

I stood up as instructed. A hand went onto my cunt and two fingers rammed into my sheathe. Another grabbed a breast and squeezed, more roughly than I was accustomed to, and I gasped.

When the hands left me, Oliver told me to turn around and lean over the bed, keeping my legs spread. I obeyed.

"Have you ever seen a prettier pussy or more perfect ass?" Oliver said.

Oliver's guests agreed I was a totally delectable whore.

"All of her holes are open for business today, gentlemen. You have carte blanche to use her as you wish. As you realize, she becomes quite covered in cum serving three men, and I prefer my bed not become soiled. We'll move this little soiree into the other bedroom, where I have a camera set up to record our festivities. I shall give each of you a video memory of your experience."

"You will black out our faces, won't you, Oliver? We've got a lot to lose if this gets out." The familiar voice again.

"Of course. I'm going to be in the picture too, and have as much to lose as anyone else. This is merely for our enjoyment. Plus the slut. She likes to see herself used by three men. I hope you brought your A game, gentlemen. Slut won't be satisfied until you've cum in all three of her holes."

Being used by three men was right up there with Christmas and my birthday, you dickwads. I couldn't believe they bought his line about having as much to lose as they did. If this wasn't prime blackmail material, nothing was. The egos on them. They'd let themselves be videoed so they could have a fucking movie of their performance fucking a young woman. I thought I was stupid, being tricked into my blackmail. These guys were handing themselves to Oliver on a silver platter.

I was led across the hall and I heard all three men undressing, talking and laughing about filling the whore air tight. I stood there calmly, nothing else to do really. I was their toy and they were going to play with me. I felt myself pushed to my knees and a cock rubbing against my lips. I parted them and felt him push to my throat, half hard and on the large side. I started sucking. I felt another cock on my cheek, leaving snail tracks and I held it, slowly stroking while the other got hard in my mouth, then spitting him out and taking the other one, slightly smaller. He was already hard, so I just moved from one to the other until they got bored with sharing one hole, when all three were open for business as Oliver so graciously put it.

The familiar voice, let's call him Familiar, got on the bed and Oliver helped me mount him. His was the larger cock, so Mr. Familiar. He attacked my breasts, gnawing and mouthing them, sucking my nipples. I was bent over and my rosebud was greased up and the smaller cock pushed into my ass. Not the fullest I've ever been, but I was crammed rather tightly. Oliver took my mouth. I wondered about the sounds Mauro and Jolene were listening to; my mouth sucking Oliver's cock, the wet slap of flesh against flesh as they fucked me. Our moans, our grunts, the exclamations of delight at how tight I was. Tears overflowed my eyes thinking of it.