Blank Space

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Mindy wakes up next to a strange man.
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Mindy's pillow was all wrong. She didn't know anything else yet, but she knew that. It felt weird, soft and smooth against her cheek She slowly levered her eyes open, squinting just a bit as she got used to the early morning daylight. Definitely silk. Red silk. She was in a bed with red silk pillowcases. She wasn't ready to make a more ambitious conjecture, but she was pretty confident about that.

She didn't have red silk pillowcases in her bed. So this wasn't her bed. She was definitely starting to piece it together now. She was in a strange bed, and it was morning, and...Mindy noticed the sound of sleepy breathing next to her, not quite snoring but definitely the sound of a person in the bed next to her who wasn't awake. She rolled over very slowly, so as not to disturb them. Yep. Strange bed, strange man.

He looked kind of cute-sandy blond hair left a little bit long so it flopped over his face, slender build, decent chin. Sweet, but not really the kind of guy she'd go home with and...she peeked underneath the covers. Not the kind of guy she'd go home with and get naked with. But apparently she had. The evidence was pretty hard to argue. So last night, she'd met a guy. A guy named...named...she looked at him again, hoping maybe his face would jog her memory or he'd have a tattoo of his driver's license or something, but nope. Mindy had gone home with a complete stranger, they'd gotten naked in bed together, and...had they done anything else?

If they had, she couldn't remember. Mindy very carefully started edging herself out of bed; if she couldn't piece together anything about last night, she didn't want to have an awkward conversation with someone whose feelings might very well be hurt if she admitted that whatever they'd done, she couldn't even remember doing it. If they'd done anything.

Mindy inched her leg a bit further towards the edge of the bed and felt a distinct wet spot underneath her thigh. Okay. So they'd definitely done something. Had it been good? Had it been awkward? Had they used protection? Mindy had a lot of questions and absolutely no answers. She had a lot of questions about why she had no answers-she didn't remember getting drunk. She didn't ever get drunk. Maybe that was the problem? Maybe when she got drunk she did stupid things without remembering it, and she just didn't know it because last night was the first time she ever did it? But then why didn't she feel hungover now?

She'd figure it all out later, Mindy decided. For now, it was time to get out of bed and find her clothes and get out of this apartment before-

"Hi," a sleepy male voice said next to her.

Mindy looked over. "Hi," she said. "Um...good morning." She rolled over to face him and pulled up the covers a bit around herself, trying to figure out if there was a way to wrap the sheet around herself unobtrusively. It didn't seem likely.

He rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow. "Good morning," he said, smiling at her. When he smiled, Mindy had a little bit of an inkling why she went to bed with him last night. It was a very nice smile. "How're you feeling?"

"Um..." Mindy smiled nervously. "A little, know, surprisingly good, considering..." She sighed. May as well pull the bandage off, she decided. "I'm sorry, I don't remember a single thing about last night. It's just a total blank space. I'm really sorry, I hope you don't think that I normally get blackout drunk and go home with complete strangers, because I really don't, but..." She winced. "I don't even know your name."

Mindy wasn't sure what reaction she was expecting, but she definitely didn't think he'd find it funny. He clearly did, though; he didn't laugh, but his smile widened and his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Grant," he said. "Grant Lyons. And you don't remember anything? Anything at all?"

Mindy closed her eyes tightly for a moment. "I remember going out," she said. "To No, not a club. A coffee house. There was someone reading poetry..."

"And playing guitar, yes," Grant said. "What happened next?"

"I..." Mindy pushed at the blank, sticky fog that obscured the edges of the memory. "I remember talking to you. You were sitting next to me, you were reading a book...I can't remember much else, though. It's all foggy."

"It's okay," Grant said soothingly. "Just imagine yourself walking into that fog. The closer you get to the memory, the more distinct it becomes, doesn't it?"

"Um..." Mindy opened her eyes and blinked slowly. It was kind of strange, but Grant was right-the more she thought about it, the clearer the memory got around the edges. Still totally blank in the middle, but the coffee house felt almost more real to her than the bedroom now. "I remember liking the book, it was...Tolkien, but not 'Lord of the Rings'..."

"It was 'The Silmarillion'," Grant replied. "See? You can remember if you just keep trying."

Mindy nodded, but she wasn't really looking at him. She was staring straight ahead, seeing the coffee house in her mind's eye. "And I remember, we got talking about the movies, you asked me if I liked them, and I..." She paused, exhausted by the effort of pushing back the mist in her thoughts. She'd never imagined that just remembering something could be so tiring. "I said I liked the bit in the tavern. Where Frodo used the Ring."

"But you didn't tell me why," Grant said. "Not then."

Had she told him later? Mindy struggled to remember, but the fog resisted her semi-panicked attempt to rifle through the whole night in search of a single moment. She didn't think she would have, not even if they'd gone out and gotten drunk. That was a little too intimate to share with a stranger, even a charming one.

"And what happened next, Mindy?" She blinked again, realizing she'd gotten completely lost in thought. Almost literally-the fog in her mind was so thick that it felt like it would be terribly easy to wander in it forever without guidance. So easy to get lost in the warm, blank mist...

"Mindy?" She started in confusion, suddenly aware that she'd simply been staring straight ahead for a minute or two without saying anything. She inched her hand out from between her thighs, hoping Grant wouldn't notice. "Mindy, what happened next?" Grant prompted her again, his voice warm and gentle.

And that reminded her. "You said you liked it too. The scene." Her voice felt thick, like it was difficult to talk. She felt so worn out, like all she wanted to do was lie back and close her eyes and fall asleep all over again, but she forced herself to remember. "You said it looked like he was hypnotizing himself. With the Ring."

Mindy remembered more than that, but she didn't put it into words. She remembered trying hard not to look guilty, even though Grant had stumbled onto the exact reason she'd loved that scene so much. The way Elijah Wood's eyes had fluttered, the way his struggle to resist had been written all over his face...and the way that he looked when his willpower crumbled and he finally gave in. Mindy whimpered a little at the thought before she caught herself. She hoped Grant hadn't noticed.

"You liked that, didn't you?" It almost didn't sound like a question. It sounded like Grant knew. Mindy wondered for a moment why he didn't just tell her what happened, but she didn't have the energy to think about it. Every time her thoughts wandered away from last night, from finding the heart of the blank space in her memories, she only got lost in the fog. Lost in the warm, thick, engulfing...

"Mindy. Focus for me, please." Grant's voice was there again, guiding her. It was so good to have someone to guide her when she was this deep in the fog. "What did you say?"

"I lied," Mindy breathed. "I pretended I hadn't noticed that before, hadn't...thought about it..." She squeezed her thighs together, squirming rhythmically. She had thought about it. She'd thought about it a lot, while daydreaming or masturbating or as a silent fantasy in the heat of sex. She'd imagined herself there, staring at the Ring, fixated on it, trying to keep her eyes open, and always always always losing the struggle and collapsing helplessly into trance. She whimpered again, not caring this time if Grant heard.

"And what did I say, Mindy?" Grant's voice led her on deeper to the next memory. It felt so real to her now, like the fog had thickened all around her and the only thing she could see was last night.

"You said you probably thought of it that way because...ohhhh..." A surge of heat built between her thighs as the memory burst into her mind, a pleasure that ached to become something more. "Because you're a hypnotist..."

"That's right, Mindy," Grant responded. She felt him shift a little, his erection brushing up against her thigh, and she realized that she'd closed her eyes at some point and she couldn't remember when. She also didn't remember when she'd started pinching her nipples. "You were very interested in that, weren't you?"

"Uh-huh," Mindy replied, her voice distant. Her pussy was throbbing now, sticky and slick with arousal, and it felt just like last night. She remembered so clearly now, trying not to let it show. Trying to play it cool, pretend that she was only casually interested in this man's unusual hobby while she slowly soaked her panties with desire... "I asked...what it was like..."

"And I showed you, didn't I?" Grant's voice poured into her ears like warm honey now, and Mindy remembered just how good that felt. He had such a natural voice for hypnosis; it was so soft, so tender, so enticing. Mindy couldn't imagine why she hadn't noticed before. "I asked if you wanted to be hypnotized..."

"...and I nodded," Mindy finished. She remembered now. She hadn't trusted herself to talk. She'd been too afraid her voice would crack with excitement. Had it showed? Were her nipples as hard last night as they were right now? Had he known all along what she really wanted? She remembered feeling like the desperation was written on her face, like her blush had spelled out her desire in a flush of heat. She was hot all over now, too. Maybe he was going to hypnotize her again.

"You nodded," Grant repeated, "and I took out a gold ring tied to a piece of string." He reached out and rested a hand on her belly, petting her in slow circles. "I held it up in front of your eyes, and your gaze locked onto it instantly. I barely even had to say a word."

"I was...hypnotized..." Mindy's voice sounded unsteady in her own ears, husky and slurred with arousal. "So nice," She felt Grant's fingers gently insinuate themselves between her thighs and she opened wide for them.

"You loved it, didn't you?" Grant teased at the opening to her pussy, trailing his fingers around her inner lips. "You loved it when I told you to watch the ring and relax..."

"relax..." Mindy was right back there, watching the light dance and sparkle off of the metal. Listening to Grant's voice in her ears telling her to do exactly that. It was so easy to follow his voice. So sexy to follow his voice.

Grant's other hand caressed her breasts, cupping them easily and flicking the nipples with his thumb. "You loved it when I told you to go deeper, to watch the ring and feel your eyelids getting heavy..."

"Heavy!" Mindy gasped, bucking her hips into the air hard as the memory hit her like a freight train. All those fantasies that had played out in her mind, all those late night sessions with the Hitachi and at least two boyfriends, and it was happening right there. In her memories, in public, in bed with a hypnotist fingering her clit and strumming her nipples, and she couldn't tell the difference anymore but it all felt so fucking good...

"And then I asked you to tell me something, didn't I?" Grant shifted position again, and she could feel his cock pulsing against her leg. He was achingly hard right now for her. She squirmed again, enjoying the way he tried to hide the arousal in his voice when she wiggled against him. "I asked you to tell me how it felt to be hypnotized."

"I...I couldn't resist," she said. How could she? Every fantasy she'd ever had about trance had revolved around being helplessly obedient to the will of her hypnotist. She'd been commanded to tell him what it was like to live out her fantasy of surrender, and... "I told you I was horny. I said I was deeply aroused and I wanted to fuck you."

"That's right," Grant said. He reached across her body, and she heard the sound of plastic tearing. Then he rolled away for a moment, only to lie on top of her. She could feel his cock pressed up against her cunt, straining beneath the condom. "You wanted me to fuck you."

"I wanted you fuck me," Mindy whimpered, wiggling her body in an effort to draw his cock inside of her.

"You want me to fuck you," Grant said, teasing her, rubbing the tip of his cock all over her labia.

"I want you to fuck me," Mindy gasped, pinching her nipples hard. Her pussy ached with need.

"All you want to do is fuck," Grant whispered in her ear. She couldn't imagine how he had the willpower to hold back for even a moment more. She couldn't imagine having any willpower at all.

"Fuck yes all I want please please fuck me all want to do is fuck want to be hypnotized and fucked so hard so good so wet please fuck please fuck please..."

"Good girl," Grant said, sliding his cock easily into her lubricated pussy.

And then Mindy remembered. She remembered this, his cock pumping in and out of her, his voice whispering in her ears, her nipples scraping against his chest, her hands clutching at his buttocks as he thrust in and out, over and over, her clit tingling with bliss, her voice chanting out helpless obedience as he fucked her, body and mind, so fucking hot so fucking good cumming so fucking hard losing all her will cumming sticky and wet all over the silken sheets fulfilling her every fantasy cumming cumming cumming oh!

And at long last, she remembered him straining his hips with one last, deep thrust inside of her and knowing he was cumming too. He slumped down next to her, holding her close, and asked her a question. "And do you remember what happened next?"

"I asked you if you could make me forget it all," she said. She heard herself say it, not quite believing that it had all really happened. "I asked if you could hypnotize me so deeply that I wouldn't even remember being put in trance and fucked until you allowed me to." She blinked, the memories sorting into place so easily now that she couldn't imagine ever forgetting it.

"Because I'd always fantasized about being that deeply controlled, and I knew it would be so fucking hot." She felt herself waking as she spoke, becoming more aware of her surroundings as her own words completed the commands she'd been given, both to forget and then to remember. "And it was so fucking hot, Grant." She rolled over and kissed, her eyes now fully open. She wondered how much she'd been awake at all before now. "Thank you."

Grant grinned. "I think we can thank each other," he said, his voice still a little unsteady from the exertion. "Don't get me wrong, you've got a wonderful way of expressing your gratitude, but..."

She kissed him again, cutting off his words. "Let's go have some lunch," she said, her hand gently caressing his balls. "Then we can come back here and see if I can find some new ways to show you just how grateful I am."


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MacD7MacD7almost 7 years ago
Just wonderful.

Your writing is beautiful and elegant. Twining your stories around an idea in such a fanciful yet believable way. You hold he in thrall from start to finish every time. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So Sweet!

I've read most of your stories. I like them all. I love how sweet this one is! It was so unexpected. ^.^

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

This is absolutely amazing, I feel very capitvated and weaken after it

iamMasterspetiamMasterspetalmost 9 years ago

I am totally captivated by your story Sir. It's so hard to resist your words. Please make more. I'm yours.

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