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"What is it, Mom?"

"The bakery's on fire. We have to get down there and see how bad it is. How could this have happened?"

But Jonah knew. Jonah knew and he blamed himself. Anger filled him, but he suppressed it. "Come on, I'll drive. Let's go see what we're dealing with, how bad the damage is."

They pulled up to the front of the family owned bakery. The front window was gone and smoke still floated through it. The fire chief stopped them from entering. "Fortunately, it's just the front window, display cases, and the floor and stuff. A lot of smoke. It's going to stink for a while. Looks like someone threw some gasoline through the window to get it going," the fire marshal said.

"This is a crime scene so we're going to have to close the shop to investigate it for several days. But after that you could have the contractors come out and look at things.

"Right now though no one can touch anything. OK? Any idea who would have done such a thing? It's crazy. Everyone in town loves this bakery. I for one, hope you can get it going again pretty soon or my wife is not going to make my life very pleasant."

His mom turned to him, "Noel?"

He nodded, "Or at least her brothers. She says she didn't know anything about girls not dating me and said she never had a date either. I don't know though. Hard to believe her. The whole family is screwy.

"You two take the car home and get some sleep. I'll spend the night here just to make sure no one decides to walk in the front window or finish things off. Tomorrow I'll get some plywood to close things up to protect the store from the elements while you call the insurance folks and all that sort of stuff."

And, he thought to himself, tomorrow I'll take a little side trip a few towns over and get a few things. The time has come to even the score.

Two nights later he was on the hill above Noel's family's used car dealership. He was certain there would be no security cameras pointed up this way, but just in case, he was dressed in black with a ski mask and enough clothes on to make him look like he weighed 250 lbs. or more.

He fastened the water ballon slingshot between two trees and got out his dozen gas filled balloons. The first one was placed in the sling, he pulled it back and released. It flew and landed directly on one of the cars on the lot below.

One by one he fired the balloons onto the cars trying to keep them close together. Then taking a flare gun, he fired into the area. With a whoosh, the flames spread everywhere and a dozen or more cars immediately burst into flames.

He was fearful that the security footage might determine the direction the flares came from so he carefully examined the area to ensure nothing was left. Took a branch and brushed away all the footprints and turned to go.

He didn't linger, but instead ran three miles to the park stripped off his outer clothes, rubber gloves, and all of his stuff, rolled back an old dead log in the park by the lake and stuffed everything into the hole he'd excavated earlier, covered it all with leaf debris and rolled the log back into place. He carefully smoothed everything around the log and then ran home, snuck in and went to bed.

All hell broke loose at Noel's. She'd cried herself to sleep over the burning of the bakery. Her brothers had denied it, but she knew they were the guilty ones. Too many smirks and hidden high fives.

"That fucker just burned up the car lot. We've got to get down there and then that asshole is going to learn lesson he'll never get over. Oh, and sis just in case you had any stupid thoughts about still liking that guy, well, you're not going to want him once we get done with him. You probably won't even be able to recognize him."

"Kyle. Don't! Please don't! You don't know it was Jonah. I'll never try to see him again or anything. Please! He'd never do anything like that."

"And just to make sure there's no misunderstanding, I'm taking your phone and computer. See ya, Sis."

"Lock her door too, Kyle. Better yet, get one of those big old timber screws we got in the garage and run one through her door and into the jam. That way we don't have to worry about her pulling some rescue attempt."

"Sure, Dad."

Jonah was on his morning run to the lake when the car pulled up and four guys climbed out. "Set the phone up over there and start it. Oh, Jonah. You've been such a bad boy. My dad is not happy with you. Not happy at all. Twelve cars totaled and more damaged. You're going to have to pay."

Jonah looked at him with a puzzled look. "What? Oh, the phone, Jonah? My dad didn't think he should come. Had to deal with the police and stuff, you know. Just like at the shitty old bakery."

"I don't know what you're talking about. What cars?"

"Jonah. Jonah. Jonah. You torched the cars, not sure how you did it, doesn't matter. We're here to teach you a lesson. One that you will never forget and I'll bet you're never quite the same after.

"We torched your stupid bakery because you hurt my sister, again. She's just about as dumb as you are you know. We make sure you can't date anyone and we make sure no one can date her. Life is good. We'll figure out who she can marry soon enough, but...well, let's get back to business.

"Jonah, last time we just beat you up. This time we're going to break some bones and well let's just say you won't be eating anything solid for a while."

"Look, Kyle. I did not hurt your sister, I don't know anything about the cars, and I'm asking you not to do what you're planning because I fear that YOU all will never be the same. So let's take a few deep breaths and let the authorities handle it."

They all laughed. Kyle had been easing his way towards Jonah and swung at him. With a left. Jonah shifted almost imperceptibly and the fist went wide. Kyle swung back with his right and Jonah let it go by then kicked him in the belly, then hard in the face breaking his jaw, then hammered on the outside of his knee watching it bend in a way it shouldn't. He teetered and fell as Jonah went back to his starting position.

The others stared, but then recovered and charged. But instead of retreating, Jonah surprised them and moved forward punching, kicking, blocking, spinning, weaving, breaking. In moments it was over. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, this is Jonah Baxter. I would like to report an assault near the park and these guys admitted to torching my parents bakery. I need a policeman and a couple of ambulances. No, I'm fine. Yes, I'll stay here." He went over to see if there was anything he could do to help.

"Here's the phone, Officer. Rather than me telling you what happened, why don't you watch it? Nuts the phone is locked. Here, if I may, let's try this. He walked over to Kyle and swiped the phone while he held it over his face. It opened up and he found the video, started it and handed it to the officer.

"So how'd you learn to fight like that?"

"This same band brothers beat the heck out of me in 9th grade. I figured it might happen again so I had to do something. I tried to stop them."

"Yes, yes you did. Are you going to be around?"

"Yes, for a few days, but then I'm supposed to start school in Colorado. I can come back, I guess, or do Zoom or whatever you need me to do."

"We'll be in touch. Looks like we have at least some of these guys for arson. Do you want to press assault charges?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Well, it'll be up to the county attorney what charges he wants to charge them with. We'll be in touch."

The phone rang and Noel heard her dad answer it. "DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! Those fools! Shit! Let me call our attorney and head down there. Idiots!"

Noel smiled. " 'At a way, Jonah."

"Mom, I'm going to call the school and stay here to help out. You're going to need a lot of help getting the shop back in shape, inspected, and then cranked up again. And we have to do it since it sounds like the insurance guys could take a few months or more to settle it."

"Absolutely not! No way. I won't hear another word about it. Your dad and I can handle it. I know you think we're ancient dinosaurs, but we can manage this. So, please, we've done all the things we've done just so you can pursue your dreams. Just as we pursued ours and opened the bakery."


"No discussion. We'll miss the heck out of you, Jonah, but you will break my heart if you stay. So please, give me a hug and get out of here. And call me to let me know how things are going. Every day. It'll take you three days or so, over 1800 miles, but at least it's interstate all of the way until the end. Now give me a hug and get the heck out of here. And have a great time. It sounds so exciting. I wish we could have helped you moved in, but..."

"Not a problem, Mom. You have to be here. No other option. Love you."

Hours later, Maria Baxter was still sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes. She could already feel the emptiness in the house. Where had the years gone? How could Jonah be gone already? She was looking at his baby pictures. It seemed like only yesterday that she'd brought him home from the hospital. The last of her babies. She'd dreaded the empty nester phase and here it was.

The doorbell rang, she wiped her eyes, blew her nose and slowly opened the door. A young woman was standing there. "Yes? May I help you, Miss?"

She looked nervous, anxious, but took a deep breath and straightened herself. "Mrs. Baxter, I'm Noel Carter and I..."

Maria gasped, then, "Well, Miss Carter, don't you think you and your family have already done enough damage?"

"Yes, Ma'am, we have. And that's why I'm here."

"What could you possibly want? Do you want to finish the job, beat me up or something? Why are you here?"

She wilted for just a moment, but then stood tall again. Head up, locking eyes with Mrs. Baxter."I want to help. I want to pay restitution. I...Oh, God, Mrs. Baxter, I just..." She put her hands to her face and a sob escaped her lips, but she gathered herself together.

"Mrs. Baxter. I was supposed to be on my way to nursing school in Washington state, far away from my family. But I can't go. I have to make amends. To you, to Jonah... to the world, I guess. So, as of today, I'm going to nursing school here and will be working as a nurses aide over night at the assisted living facility.

"I know there is insurance and what not, but it won't pay for it all or certainly won't cover the business losses. So I would like to give you one of my paychecks each month to pay you back for what my family has done. It's not much, but I'm living on my own and I, well, I need some money to live on even with my school loans.

"And I'll do anything. Anything! I can help at the shop or clean and cook for you or do your shopping. Whatever, well, whatever I can do between school and work."

She melted, tears dripped from her cheek, "Please, Mrs. Baxter. I have to do something. I feel so guilty. I love Jonah so much and my family has just done such evil things to him."

"You love my son?"

She nodded. "I knew he was the one for me since middle school or before. I know it's stupid. I've never gone out with him or even talked to him much except to say I'm sorry all the time. But he's always on my mind. All I think about. And Mrs. Baxter all I've ever really wanted was to make sure he was happy and my brothers..." She stopped talking.

Taking her hand and pulling her into the house, "Come in, child. Let's have a cup of coffee and chat. I think we have a lot to discuss. Seems there's a lot more to it than I know about."

She smiled, "And as that old announcer used to say, and for the life of me I can't remember his name, 'And now for the rest of the story' or something like that." Noel looked at her quizzically, "Before your time, dear, way before."

An hour later, "So, you didn't know about the fire or the fight before hand?" She shook her head.

"After the cars caught fire, they went to get Jonah. I wanted to warn him, but they took my phone, my computer, and locked me in my room. Actually, they screwed my door shut. I was so worried. I swear I had no nails left by the time my dad went crazy. It was the happiest moment of my life when I found out Jonah wasn't hurt."

"You haven't said anything about your mother."

"My mom bailed when I was five. Too much crazy I guess. I don't remember her much and certainly don't blame her for leaving. I've been planning to leave for years, but realized I needed to finish high school even though I got my GED last year. To be honest, I don't know if they ever got officially divorced.

"I don't blame her, but as a result I became Cinderella. I had to care for four lazy pigs. Cooking, cleaning, laundry. I was the live in maid. I worked all weekend while they watched football or whatever. I guess that's why they made sure no one would date me either."

"Really? Did you ever want to find your mother?"

"I think about it a lot. I hope she found happiness. Soon? Maybe? Not yet. At least Jonah got some first and second dates it seems. Not a single guy ever asked me out. Ever. So, Mrs. Baxter, I want to help."

"No. I'll tell you the same thing I told my son a short while ago, go to school in Washington. We'll manage."

"Too late. Everything is already done and I have a small apartment and stuff. So..."

Maria studied Noel. She liked her. Honest, open, bubbling with energy and excitement, a strong moral compass, a go-getter and she could tell by watching her face that she truly cared for Jonah. She would probably have been perfect for him. Too bad. "OK. It's a deal."

Noel jumped up from her seat and hugged her, nearly spilling her cup of coffee. "Thank you, thank you. I work Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, 7 to 7. I get weekend and night differentials in pay, so it made sense economically. I have class most days, but after school and weekends during the day...I'll make it work."

"When are you planning on sleeping?"

"I hear sleeping is overrated, at least for now." They both laughed. "But, Mrs. Baxter, would you please not tell Jonah? I don't want him to think that I'm doing anything shady, putting you in danger or whatever. I don't want him to worry that I'm up to some thing. Deal? And when he comes home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, I'll just kind of disappear."

"Deal. But remember, just like I told Jonah, your number one priority is your education. And in your case, your job too. And remember, too, that it's a two way street. If you need anything you have to let me know. You're too young to be completely on your own. So if things come up in your life that you need help with, please let me be the person to help you."

Noel teared up again and touched Maria's hand. "Thank you. That's much more than I could ever have asked for. I won't disappoint you. Promise."

"I'm sure you won't. Why don't we go start at the bakery?"

"Great. Do I need to get anything?"

"Nope, I've got it all."

Noel helped them rip out the old cabinets and counters, display area, and floor then helped them replace it all. She scrubbed, sealed and painted the walls while they got supplies and prepared to cook. Within two weeks they'd been reinspected and were ready to bake. There was plenty of laughter and story telling as they enjoyed each other's company. The three grew close quickly.

Together with friends from the nursing school, Noel created Facebook, instagram, and other sites for the bakery and populated them with photos of the store and their offerings. They also put up fliers all over the place promoting the reopening.

The grand reopening was on a Saturday so Noel could be there. She welcomed old and new customers to the store, helped them with their orders, and kept up a constant banter with the folks. She loved it. She felt useful. And appreciated. An entirely new feeling for her. One she'd never felt at home. There she'd just felt used.

By the end of day one, they were sold out of nearly everything. Bread, cookies, rolls, donuts...Maria had posted photos of the opening and as they closed and locked the doors her phone rang. "Jonah! How are you? It's so good to hear from you. What's new?"

"Congratulations on opening up so quickly. How'd you do it?"

"Well, we had a lot of help. And we almost sold out today."

"Terrific. I can't believe that after all these years you have a website and social media.."

"Uh..more helpers. I think it's really going to help our business. We can advertise, post sales, new offerings. We never would have thought of half of this if it weren't for No...uh, if it weren't for so many of our helpers."

"Speaking of helpers, Mom. One of your photos shows this dark haired girl that actually looks like Noel. Was she there?"

"I'm not sure I even know what she looks like, dear. I'll get the yearbook out and take a look. That was just some random customer, I think."

"With an apron? Mom, you have to remember to be careful. I know the sons are in jail pending trial right now, but her dad's out and she...well, the whole family is psycho. So just be careful, OK?"

"Alright, so how's school going?" And then the questions started. Classes OK? Your room? Are you eating alright? Make any friends? Do you like the place? Meet any nice girls? Noel heard the last question and a piece of her heart broke again. She knew he was going to find someone..and it wouldn't be her. But she just wanted him to be happy, right? No! Hell no! She was the girl to make him happy, but how?

As she clicked off her phone, she turned to Noel, "We never could have done all this without your help. The insurance company is still fiddling about with our claim. So thank you." And she wished there was a way to get Jonah interested in her. They would be a perfect couple. "Tell you what, Henry, I'm not cooking tonight. You're taking Noel and I to dinner."

"I would love to, Maria and thanks for the offer, but I have to head off to work. I have to be there at 6:30 or so. Which reminds me, here's the money from my check just like I promised." She pulled a check out of her pocket and handed it to her.

"Oh, Hon, no. You've done so much..."

"A deal is a deal, Mrs. B." She hugged them both and teared up again, "Thank you, just thank you. You have done more for me than you could ever imagine. So, are you baking tomorrow?" Maria nodded. "May I help. Maybe teach me a few things. I can cook, but never baked. Well, cookies and and boxed cakes for birthdays and such."

A flash of anger filled her face and she stiffened, remembering all the things she had been forced to do for her family, but then relaxed. "See you tomorrow and thanks again. For everything, it means more to me than anything."

Maria sighed as she left, "Henry, I swear she's the daughter we never had. Her childhood must have been awful, but she's somehow managed to become such a wonderful young woman."

As Jonah hung up, he was troubled. "Swear to God that's Noel. That hair and that shirt sure look familiar.." And his mother had been too cagey and shifted topics too quickly. What the hell?

Noel became part of the family and was with the Baxters or at the shop whenever she had time. She was becoming quite a good baker and loved it and loved helping Henry prepare the goods to sell. They shared a lot of hugs and friendly banter. Thanksgiving was coming up. "Noel, turkey day is coming up. Jonah just told me he wasn't coming home. So you'll join us, right?"

"Oh, Mrs. B, I would love to, but I'm actually working a double on Thursday so folks can be home with their kids and then I work again Friday night. I'm sorry. You'll save me some leftovers right?"

"We'll do you one better. You'll need to get some shut eye Friday, so why don't we just have the turkey and fixings on Saturday. I'll record the parade so we can watch it and...well, it just wouldn't be the same without you, Noel."