Brooke Gets Humbled Ch. 03

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Brooke goes on a little adventure in her office building.
3.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 01/29/2024
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After the little episode in Brooke's new office, I am glad to report that Brooke seemed to be acting a little nicer to everyone in general... Well, everyone but a certain secretary that happened to walk in on us last week, this seemed to have taken everyone by surprise for a bit before things settled down.

Not only that, but management seemed to be more amenable to giving me more work with Brooke, work with clients that were considered high end, which hopefully meant more acclaim for me in the long run.

Today I found myself once again in the break room preparing my lunch, and just like last time, Brooke and her usual posse were seated near me.

"Yeah, I have to work overtime tonight, me and Jared have some client contracts to finalize..." Brooke seemed to be hesitant to bring this up, rightly so seeing the looks the other ladies were giving each other upon hearing Brooke's plans, this more or less confirmed to me that Helen did not, in fact, keep the events of last week quiet, I wasn't sure how much of the story she shared, but it was clear that she shared enough to give these ladies an impression.

"I guess you don't need to leave work to have fun." One of Brooke's friends hid her grin behind her mug, clearly enjoying Brooke's experience vicariously.

Brooke proper, however, was not quite as thrilled with the events as all the ladies, although she didn't quite seem dissatisfied, and more conflicted in my opinion, considering her deep blush at the mention of it.

"Oh shoot," Brooke suddenly snapped back into reality, remembering something she had to do "The McCarthy info packet, I was supposed to finish that by today..."

I felt a touch of panic, McCarthy Systems was another client me and Brooke shared, and this was the next critical bit we had to finish to make sure that the clients weren't dissatisfied.

Brooke seemed to be thinking a bit, probably on what to do about this conundrum, before coming to the path of least resistance:

"Screw it, I'll just call them and apologize for the delay," Brooke massaged the side of her temple in frustration.

I wasn't upset or anything, after all, we weren't working overtime for shits and giggles, we were swamped with work as it is and one thing missing here or there was bound to happen.

However, the beginning of an idea was beginning to form in my head.

Later that day, around the time when people who aren't working overtime have left, I was sitting in Brooke's office working with her to finish our workload of contracts.

It wasn't anything particularly taxing to do, but there was just a lot of it, it took nearly two hours to finish the bulk of the work we were aiming to finish.

Seeing the load lightening, Brooke finally sighed and stretched her arms upwards and arched her back, turning to me and saying:

"How about we take a break?" Brooke asks me.

"Sure, why don't you get comfortable?" I said, I had already taken my suit jacket off, so I figured I'd offer the same, at least for a start "why don't you get comfortable? Take that jacket off."

"Oh I'm-" Brooke began before stopping herself, I assume realizing exactly what I meant when I said that, she proceeded to take her jacket off like I instructed.

"Do you feel more comfortable?" I asked Brooke, who nodded, suddenly blushing in response to what she knew was coming. "Good, stand up and take your skirt off."

Brooke smiled faintly, she looked a bit nervous as she stood up, but as she unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the ground, revealing a black set of panties peeking out from beneath her white dress shirt, she looked a whole lot more excited for what's to come.

"The shirt seems to be making you uncomfortable." I noted to Brooke, who began fiddling with the tip of the shirt "You should take it off."

Brooke once again simply obeyed, she began unbuttoning her shirt from the top to the bottom, at first I could see a black bra that matched her panties, it was a relatively plain set of underwear, maybe she was embarrassed by that?

"I should have worn something different." Brooke mumbled to herself, confirming to me that she was indeed a bit embarrassed about her choice of underwear.

"Yeah, you should definitely take it off." I nodded, talking like a concerned friend, Brooke bit her lip and reached back to unclasp her bra, letting them fall off and revealing her luscious breasts, and without missing a beat, Brooke reached down and pushed her panties down her hips, revealing her bald mound.

In response to her finally being naked, I stood up and walked slowly towards Brooke, when I got close, I reached out and gently pinched a nipple, causing Brooke to draw in a sharp breath.

"Feeling more comfortable?" I asked, and Brooke nodded, I continued to tease brooke's breast, I began kissing her neck, and she started to moan, my other hand didn't stay still, it began caressing the rest of her body, and after some teasing, on of my hands finally reached down to her thighs, and sure enough, her clit and lips.

Brooke was now moaning, and I didn't hold back much, I toyed with her little joy button as I kept the assault on the rest of her body on, I was doing my best not to give her any hickies.

I was about to lose myself as well in playing with Brooke, but I pulled myself back, knowing that this was only meant to be a small break, Brooke looked disappointed that I simply stopped halfway through, so I had to remind her:

"Break's over, we have to get back to work." I said, barely able to hide my own disappointment, Brooke turned around and reached for her clothes. Naturally, I stopped her, this time she actually looked confused, but only for a bit, realizing that I wanted her to continue working just as she was, absolutely naked and horny.

We went back to work on the contract, Brooke clearly distracted not just by the current state of undress I imposed on her, but also thanks to the stimulation she went through just before and has to endure now.

Thankfully, getting Brooke horny may have lit a fire under her, she was working extra hard, and as far as I could see, she was on point and quite focused, I debated actually forcing her to work naked from now on, but that was too much... For now.

Finally done with the contract, Brooke let out a giant sigh of relief, she looked at me expectantly, wanting me to pick up from last time, sadly, I had a little trick up my sleeve:

"Oh, we're not done just yet," I said, resting my chin on my hand as I took an envelope from my briefcase and tossed it in front of Brooke on the table "the McCarthy packet?"

Panic and confusion washed across Brooke's face, probably worried about not having time to do it, so I set her mind at ease:

"I figured you might have been a bit too swamped with work, so I took the time to prepare it for you, now the only thing left is to take it down to the mailroom." I clarified what I intended to do, or more accurately, what I intended for Brooke to do.

Brooke herself at first seemed thrilled that I took a load off of her plate, but hearing the last part took her a few seconds to process, and her face went from elation to absolute sheer terror at the thought, and I couldn't blame her.

I was asking her to deliver it to the mailroom herself, and as she imagined, I wanted her to do it naked.

"So here's what I'm going to do," I said, getting up and grabbing my own suit jacket that I had on another "I'm going home, and you can do the same after you deliver that to the mailroom, if you do, there's a present in it for you."

I half expected Brooke to balk at this idea, I knew she liked being exposed in front of other people, or at the very least got aroused by it, but considering how much has happened in what was essentially a couple of weeks, she might simply get cold feet.

But Brooke didn't say a word, didn't look upset or anything, something a lot of people in the company were familiar with before all of this.

I walked out of Brooke's office, only to be followed a few seconds later by Brooke, looking nervous as hell as she clutched the packet like a shield in front of her breasts, she nodded, still not saying anything before running off, I stood there watching her cute butt wiggle away as she did.

Now I did say that I was going to go home, but as you might imagine, I was not entirely honest, no way was I about to miss watching Brooke go brave the mostly empty offices, heading all the way to the mailroom (which probably only had a single person in it at this point in time) and back to get her clothes.

Once I was sure that Brooke was far enough for me to follow without her noticing me, I headed to the mailroom myself, which was not that far all things considered, it was essentially on the other side of the floor that our office occupied, meaning Brooke had to walk across the whole thing, not such a big deal considering almost everyone had clocked out by this point, even the lights were out, the sun setting outside and the janitors were doing their last round, as long as Brooke avoided them, the only person who should see her would be whoever was in the mailroom.

Speaking of which, the mailroom itself had one of those doors with a little window port in it, making it possible for Brooke to essentially hide the fact that she was naked from whoever was in there, she'd actually have to interact with them personally, but generally speaking, whoever was inside should not be able to see Brooke from the shoulders up, sadly this did not go as planned for Brooke as you'll soon see.

When Brooke reached the mailroom, she crouched slightly so as to hide even her shoulders from view and stuck directly next to the door, peeking into the mailroom to see where the remaining employee was, who was definitely still there on account of the lights still being on in the room proper.

"Hello?" Brooke called out, still too scared to actually raise her voice too much, despite it being very unlikely anyone else would hear her.

"Yeah? Who's there?" Now I couldn't see who it was inside the room, but I think I recognized the person whom the voice belonged to, I believe their name was Darren, a middle aged man who'd been working in the mailroom as a supervisor for quite a while now, I didn't know them all that well, but the company wasn't big enough that we didn't know each other, and the mailroom only had three people working there, and all us salesmen generally had to interact with them every so often "Oh Miss Smith, working late?"

Darren's tone did not seem all that enthusiastic to see Brooke, not surprising, anyone coming to the mailroom at this hour probably wanted something that would only add more work to his plate, and if he was nearly done, Brooke probably just added an extra half an hour to his schedule.

"Uh yeah, listen, I know it's a bit late, but we only just finished this info packet that needs to be sent to McCarthy Systems," Brooke sheepishly placed the package on the windowsill, hoping Darren would take it.

"Miss Smith, it's really late, can't this wait until tomorrow?" I could almost see Darren's exasperated face in my mind's eye with how he delivered that line.

"Sorry, but it kinda had to be done by today..." Brooke was already crouched down to avoid detection, which made it more impressive that she was now somehow shrinking even smaller.

"Then you really should have brought it in sooner, shouldn't you?" Darren's voice was now tinged with hostility, not wanting to work more to cover for Brooke's mistakes "if I take a late package, that would make me responsible for any accidents down the line, so why would I? There's nothing in it for me."

I watched Brooke's brow furrow in frustration, but thinking on it now, she probably knew what she had to do, she was simply debating if this was such a good idea.

Finally resolved, Brooke took a few steps back and stood up straight, where she stopped, it was not a big stretch to imagine that Darren was now looking at a fully nude Brooke standing in front of him, she clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture:

"Please?" she repeated her request.

Darren didn't talk for about a solid ten seconds, before mumbling something about how he it can't be helped before I saw a hand take the package, leaving Brooke to run off in a hurry back to her office.

Seemingly in the clear, Brooke appeared to relax as she made her way back, however, someone rushed over and delivered a sharp smack to Brooke's juicy butt, and I swear Brooke jumped three feet in the air in sheer panic.

The assailant was none other than Helen herself, Brooke's secretary that was being given cold shoulders and stern looks from Brooke for the past week, now getting to witness her boss in an even more damning situation, Brooke was no longer in the supposed safety of her office, she was caught roaming the company floor butt naked!

I noted that Helen, now dressed in her street clothes, seemed to be sporting a more goth-like style, wearing a black crop top and low-riding jeans, with a darker shade of makeup, lipstick and even piercings in her ear and nose that she probably took out during office hours.

"Well if it isn't the boss lady herself," Helen circled Brooke, now holding her breasts in hand "I thought you might have been naked before thanks to your boyfriend, but it seems like you're a bit of a freak yourself!"

Before Brooke could formulate a response to Helen's gloating, the latter stepped in quickly and slipped a finger into the naked blonde's wet pussy, Brooke let out a gasp tinted with a moan.

"Damn Brooke, you're gushing down there," Helen almost sounded like she was making her voice a little louder each time she talked, maybe trying to scare Brooke a bit "you know, it's kinda unfair, I can't even wear this makeup to office, but you get to run around in your birthday suit? Well, I guess it IS a kind of suit."

Brooke let out another moan, maybe Helen's finger was making her feel really good, and maybe it was the bad joke, I couldn't tell, but I have to hand it to her, she still had her wits about her:

"We can make a deal," Brooke blurted out in a squeaky voice, causing Helen to retract her hand and take a step back.

"I'm listening..." Helen crossed her arms, grinning in anticipation for what Brooke had in store.

"I'll talk to Bill, see if he can give the secretary staff's dress code a bit more leeway," Once Brooke was free from Helen's intrusive digits, she made sure to clamp her hand firmly on top of her bare puss as she spoke, hoping to deter Helen from making more advances "but... Don't tell anyone about this, please?"

"Oh yeah? Sounds like an easy secret to keep," Helen walked back over to Brooke and put her arms around the naked woman's shoulder, squeezing her tightly, much to Brooke's own palpable discomfort "you know, I wouldn't mind seeing you naked more often, you're much more pleasant this way."

As Helen slowly walked the naked girl back to her office, deliberately taking her time to maximize Brooke's own humiliation, I thanked my lucky stars and made my way around the two in an attempt to beat them back to the office.

Not a difficult task, given how much Helen seemed to want to stretch this final walk out for Brooke, while I was making my way at a brisk pace.

The two were rightly surprised (although for different reasons, probably) when they finally came face to face with me standing outside Brooke's office, I figured now was a good time as any to explain to Brooke why I was still there despite saying that I would be leaving:

"Well, I wanted to make sure that you would at least get back here safely, if you'd been gone for too long I'd come looking for you." That was a lie, obviously, but in all fairness, what actually happened allowed me to keep an even better eye on Brooke, but I didn't know how she'd react to me following her and watching what happened.

I thought at that moment that I'd fucked up, as for the first time, Brooke seemed genuinely emotional about the whole thing, nearly at the verge of tears, I thought I'd pushed her too much this time, and the whole situation with Helen probably didn't help.

I was about to apologize just as Brooke grabbed my wrist and dragged me into her office, and before I could even get a word out, Brooke whirled around and gave me a great big kiss on the lips.

I was genuinely taken about, not really sure how to react, by the time I returned the kiss, Brooke had broken it off and started walking backwards, when she finally bumped into her desk, she opened her legs and a hand shot down to her drenched pussy.

Brooke started masturbating immediately, only toying with her clit for a few seconds before plunging two fingers in and pumping away, voice unrestrained, she was moaning sweetly, unconcerned with who might hear or see her.

For that matter, I remembered that Brooke did not in fact close the blinds that looked out onto the office, meaning that right beyond the glass walls, I could clearly see Helen standing there, watching in disbelief and excitement as her boss was basically fingering herself in front of her.

We locked eyes for a moment before we went back to watch Brooke come to what I can only imagine was a very, very satisfying orgasm.

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Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel896 days ago

Lucious breasts? That's weird. You didn't make any reference to Brooke's breast size in the previous chapters...

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