Bum's Rush Ch. 07


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I got my feet under me and pushed up - into her.

I cupped my palms to her cheeks - just under her ears - and raised my elbows up & out - supporting her head & shoulders and, basically, spitting her between my lips and my cock.

I brought her lips to my own and then started shoving my hips forward & backward between her thighs - driving my cock in & out of her tight pussy - moaning into her mouth as her vaginal muscles gripped & grabbed at my pistoning rod.

I ran out of air and rested my forehead against hers - as I continued to rapidly piston my prick into my sister's tightness.

"Fuuuuck Miiiiiikey!" she moaned as I pummeled her pussy.

Her tightness got tighter, and her eyes got wider. As I continued to pound into her, Megan's eyes started fluttering and rolling back into her head.

Her body started trembling and she jizzed me; I kept fucking her. My climax was coming and it was going to be powerful. I fucked and fucked.

Her frame relaxed and her middle wasn't getting supported.

I lowered her chest to mine - her head lying on my shoulder - and still I fucked her.

I moved my hands to her ass and gripped her tightly - using my arms to slam her pussy down onto my cock as I drove my hips up to meet it.

I blocked out the wet smacking sounds of our bodies slapping together. I was pushing - reaching for that blessed friction that would push me over the edge.

It was so close ...

Megan's pussy twitched one last time - as I drove deep inside of her - and my release came.

I continued to slam her body onto my cock as semen fountained from my prick. Our juices were foaming and splattering everywhere and still I fucked her body & sex onto my spewing rod.

As I felt the last of my seed fire into my sibling's vagina, I pulled her close, and kissed her hard.

A minute or two later, she giggled and said, "Fuck Mikey! You been saving that one?"

I squeezed her and kissed her again.

Once I had my breath back, I stood her up, wiped us down, changed the sheet, and welcomed my naked sister back into my arms.

She snuggled into me and I was immediately asleep.


The hut smelled like musty sex.

Since it was already raining, I helped Megan get the laundry to the lagoon. We cleaned it, ourselves, and then brought everything back to the hut.

I grabbed some breakfast and headed to check on Nina.

"What is THIS shit?!" she said, when she saw me, looking up at the overcast sky.

I laughed and said, "It'll last most of the morning. It normally clears off after that."

"You never told me about this," she growled.

"Sorry," I said, raising my hands in surrender. "You forget how many mornings I've woken up here. It's just part of the deal."

She gave me "the look". She was standing at the architect's station again - where someone had hastily fashioned an awning that was mostly keeping the rain off.

"I really am sorry," I told her. "We always do our laundry when it's like this and I was in the middle of helping Megan get the bedding cleaned when I realized I hadn't warned you about the rains. It's usually just like one day a week. You'll get used to it." I couldn't help but laugh.

She lunged at me and bit my jaw.

"Damn! Girl! You horny or something?" I asked, laughing.

"That's none of your business, asshole," she retorted.

"I AM sorry, Nina," I said, "I jogged all the way up here to check on you once I realized I hadn't told you."

"You ran an hour to come up here?"

"It's only about 40 minutes if you're running," I said, smiling.

She shook her head but finally smiled. "Alright, fucker. You can leave now. It'll clear by noon?"

"Usually," I said.

"I hate you," she growled.

"I love you too, Cuz," I replied sweetly.

As I turned to leave, she called out, "Nice, fucking outfit, by the way." I turned to see her eyeballing my backside with a suggestive smile.

I looked myself over. I bore more semblance to a Native American warrior from 300 years ago than I did to anyone from the city I'd been born & raised in. I shrugged and said, "It's practical."

She chuckled and shook her head.

I turned and headed off, into the rain, to return to my sister-wife - hoping to get back in time to check on the piglets before the midday meal.

~~~ Week 40 ~~~

Megan rode with Paul and me as we headed back to Panama City to see if his new leg was done. We grabbed breakfast (Paul's a whiner) and then dropped my sexy sibling off to visit with Alma while the two of us went back to the medical facility.

Megan was also going to call mom to try to convince her that she should have the baby on the island.

An hour later, Paul and I returned. My sister had a solid "we'll think about it" commitment from our parents. Paul had a new custom-fit leg. He was even faster with this thing.

We got back to the island and Paul & I hiked over to the construction site to check on things. When Nina saw his new leg, she gave him a thumbs-up. By this point, most of the villagers had learned - from Megan and me - how to interpret that sign. He returned it.

I showed him the plans & drawings, interpreting and answering questions. We walked with Nina and toured things. We took the elevator down to the pier - which had four ships moored to it - Nina's houseboat, two bunk-boats, and a big workboat bringing in supplies & equipment.

Paul told me he wanted to take the stairs back to the top. Of course, it turned into a race. He beat me - but not by much - and we were both waiting at the top when Nina arrived in the lift. She just shook her head at us.

We watched a guy with a big skid-steer who dug up palm trees and moved them around like they were toys. Paul was drooling. We'd never really have a use for something like that at the village - but it's hard not to want something like that when you see it working.

I asked Nina if she was going to have any use for the fresh-water tanks I'd bought for when they stayed at the huts. She didn't think so. I asked her about putting them on a stand - and running a water-line with a shut-off to them. My plan was to hook them together and use them as a water-warming reservoir that we could turn into a shower. She scribbled a second note next to the first one about running water to the huts.

As Paul and I turned to go, Nina told me that Johnny would be coming in the next day. I told her not to make too big of a mess on the bed or the housekeeper was going to want a raise. She punched me in the arm and told me to go away.

The builder and I were back at the village in time for dinner. Paul excitedly told Naomi about how much better the new leg was. She came over and gave me a hug. I kissed her cheek and told her that it was nothing at all and that Megan and I were happy to be able to help.

The way Nina had talked - the last time we'd been home - Megan and I were making money faster than we could ever spend it. I really wasn't exaggerating when I had told Naomi that it was "nothing".

The piglets were still drawing a large crowd of unattended children. All of the moms knew where to find their kids if they weren't on the playground.

After checking on the baby pigs, Megan and I headed to bed. I rooted around with my snout between her thighs until she came twice. She pulled me up for a kiss and then talked me into spinning around and shoving my stiff prick down her throat.

I groped her breasts and rubbed her baby-bump as she sucked & swallowed my penis until I was primed to fire. Then I stood over her - on my hands & knees - as she stroked my cock and sucked my balls until I exploded all over her fabulous tits. I looked between my legs - between our bodies - to watch her lust-filled face as she vigorously milked the jizz from my cock. My sticky spend splattered onto her chest twice before she caught the tip of my prick with her tongue and sucked my dick back down her throat.

I grabbed a towel, cleaned up the goo that she hadn't already rubbed into her skin, and then pulled her into my arms for kisses & cuddles. Our child snuggled between us, and we fell asleep.


After breakfast, Trace, Paul, and I headed to visit Hestia's home. We were almost to the edge of the village when Megan hollered for us to wait up. Miriam had made a new dress for Brook. My sister was supposed to deliver it. I was pretty sure that it was just an excuse for the village matron to allow Megan to visit our friends.

Almost two hours later, we arrived at the village. Hestia came running to greet us, bringing several excited children with her. Brook came out and hugged Megan and the two of them went off to visit - or work on the midday meal - or both.

Hestia's father greeted us with a forearm-grasp and the two of them - he and his daughter - took us to where they wanted us to build the playground equipment.

The chief called over several older teens and younger warriors. He told them that they were reporting to us until we dismissed them.

After he headed off, we showed them Paul's sketches and told them that they would be testing things first - to make sure they were safe. Soon they were nodding and smiling and ready for some work.

We got two sets of swings built before the noon meal. Hestia insisted that she serve the construction workers. She recruited several more of the older girls and they helped distribute the food and drinks. It didn't take long before the teens were laughing that the kids were just jockeying for "dibs" on trying out the equipment first. When Hestia caught wind of it, she stuck her tongue out at them - but she didn't deny it. I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead. I whispered to her that she needed to be careful not to act like her sister and she growled at me. The men that were sitting closed laughed and I hugged her again and told her that I loved her and that I was just giving her a hard time.

She was still acting a little miffed until I sent a couple of the boys around on the swings and then declared them "open for business". The queue formed quickly and I had the petite princess step up next to me and go over the rules we used - everybody gets a turn, play nicely, and watch over the littles. Those guidelines were pretty much universal but I was worried that - in their excitement to try something new - some rules might get "bent".

Hestia stood between the swing-sets and started directing traffic - not taking a turn for herself. I squeezed her shoulders, told her that I was super-proud of her, and then apologized for all the mean things I'd said to her at lunch. She bit my ear and Megan - who had just walked up with Brook - laughed at me. I looked back and forth between the two of them, threw my hands up dramatically, and stomped off - as the three of them cackled at me.

We had a couple slow-downs with the obstacle course and - by late afternoon - we had decided that we were going to have to stay until the next day. We worked until the evening meal and then called it a day.

Brook & Hestia led Megan and me to one hut - and Paul & Trace to another one. I wasn't sure if it was Trace's old hut or not.

Megan sat on my ass and massaged my tired shoulders. Once she was done, I rolled over to face her and massaged her tired breasts. They were really sore. It took me quite a while to "work out the kinks". By the time I finished, her mouth was on mine, and my palms & fingers were wrapping up her chest-massage.

She tried lying on top of me - stomach to stomach - to fall asleep like we normally did - but our child was making things uncomfortable. We ended up on our sides, facing each other. I brushed her bangs out of her face, kissed her softly, and closed my eyes.


Paul, Trace, and I looked back over the project, made a couple executive decisions - and then went to eat breakfast. Once we'd been fed - again by Hestia's kitchen-crew - we went back to work - assigning tasks to our helpers as they finished their meals and joined us.

Just before the midday meal, we wrapped things up and sent the workers through the course. The kids lined up - excited for the chance to be next. I pulled Hestia aside and asked her if she thought we'd have time before the meal - or if we needed to hold off. She said it would probably be best to wait - to avoid having angry moms. I nodded to her and she went to inform the masses. There was a little grumbling until I growled loudly - at which point they all squealed and ran off to find their families, giggling and skipping as they went.

After we'd eaten, I told Hestia how we'd done the first run at our village - oldest & fastest first - and then the smallest and slowest would be less likely to get trampled. She agreed and started queuing everyone up by size and age. Once she said we were ready, I called her to the front, made some sort of silly proclamation - and then told her to show the others how it was done.

She blazed through it and then came over to give me a hug. From that point on, the two of us signaled each person in line when it was their turn. About a third of the way through, I tagged off to Paul. He finished about another third and then Trace & Hestia finished the rest. After that, we stood back and just kind of watched things - to make sure our work was standing up to the onslaught.

An hour or so later, satisfied that we were okay to leave, we checked in with Rumor - who thanked us for our work. Megan and I gave Hestia and her mother hugs - and we headed off - with a word of greeting & thanks for Miriam - from Brook.

Back home, we (Megan) delivered the news - and the two of us got hugs from Miriam. Micah nodded his thanks to Trace, Paul, and me - and then we joined our families for the evening meal. Trace's girlfriends were excited to have him back. I tried not to listen but one of the women seemed to be unhappy about missing her night with him. The second one, obviously, didn't want to wait either. It sounded to me like Trace was going to be a busy man after dinner.


When we woke up, I told Megan I was planning to run up to say hello to Johnny. She told me she would tag along.

We ate breakfast and then she ran back to the hut. I made sure I had my gear - spear, knife, rope, sling, and water-skin. I grabbed a second water-bag for Megan - and a small pouch of trail rations - just to be safe.

Megan and I were halfway to the outpost when we came across a small crocodile on the path. I used the technique the teenager had shown - at the feast day - for keeping the animal at bay. Within a couple minutes, we had worked our way around the large reptile and continued down the path.

"I thought about coming to see you," Johnny said, when we arrived.

"Unless you can kill or avoid a five-foot crocodile," Megan said, "you'd better leave the trekking to us."

Nina raised her eyebrows.

Megan nodded and smiled.

"You killed it?" my friend asked.

"Nah," I said. "We'll just have to keep our eyes open on the way home."


Things were shaping up at the work-site. The jungle between the huts and the space where the liaisons would live was getting thicker and thicker as more and more trees were relocated.

"Any complaints from the housekeeper?" I asked Nina.

"Shut up," she growled.

Johnny looked at me.

"She was getting feisty the other day," I said, smirking. "I think she was missing you. I told her not to leave too much soiled bedding for the maid to deal with when you arrived."

Johnny wrapped his sister in a hug, kissed her softly, and said, "She definitely missed me."

Nina snapped her teeth at him and growled.

He chuckled and kissed her hard.

"Mom's currently holding at 'maybe' on having the baby here," Megan told Nina. "I think she'll ultimately decide to do it. You may need to reassure her that she'll have access to all the care she needs."

Our "cousin" nodded and said, "I can do that."

Since Megan hadn't seen the pier yet, we left Nina at her station while Johnny went with us to show my sister. She was impressed with how big the work-boat and the bunk-boats were.

I asked Johnny how long the houseboat could go without having to resupply. He said that Nina had sent it to Panama City to pick him up, dump the wastewater, and load the food stores and water-supply tanks when he had arrived.

Megan wanted to take the stairs to the top - so we raced Johnny - and each other. I won - but not by much. Megan arrived just before Johnny. As we walked back over to rejoin Nina, she just shook her head at us.

"I can't believe you guys do that shit just for fun," she remarked.

"I made you something," Megan told her, pulling a halter-top and skirt from her pack, and holding it out to Nina.

"Shit! I'm legit!" she said, holding it up.

"It's super practical," I told her, "if you skip the breech-cloth, like Megan does, Johnny can mash you up against any palm tree, raise that skirt up, and pump a baby into you in no time."

"Megan," she said, laughing, "get your man on a leash."

My sister laughed and said, "He already is ..."

Nina's cheeks turned a little rosy. She laughed and shook her head.

"Alright," I said, "we're gonna go jump some crocodiles and head home.

I gave Johnny a fist-bump and turned to hug Nina.

"Next time you come up, bring your swimsuits and we'll go snorkeling again,"

Megan hugged Johnny and stage whispered, "Who needs swimsuits?" She smiled and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

He looked at me and I shrugged.

"I'm calling your bluff," Johnny told my sister.

"Let's go!" she said, not backing down.

He looked over at me again.

"I will if you will," I told him.

"I've got my suit," he said.

"Fine. I will if Megan does."

"You're shitting me!" Nina said.

"Come on, chicken shit," my sister taunted her.

... and that was how Johnny, Nina, Megan, and I ended up naked - in the cove - with the rebreathers and the water-scooters - exploring all of the quiet bay - and out towards the reefs.

We only had one sand shark that got a little closer than I was really comfortable with - otherwise we spent over an hour slowly zooming through all of the areas in & around the bay.

I also checked out Johnny's sister. She was a tight little package. I was still much more attracted to my own sibling - especially now that she was so obviously carrying my child - but my friend's sister-lover was a cutie. She was also pretty terrific. It didn't hurt that she seemed to be outstanding at developing properties into gold mines either.

When we got back to the pier, I told my buddy that his woman was a sexy bitch. He nodded and pulled her in for a hug and a kiss.

"Can I get dressed now?" she complained, giggling.

He let her go but she didn't head for her clothes - she wrapped her arms around Megan's baby-bump and kissed all around her belly-button.

"I can't wait until Johnny and I can have a baby," she said, looking over at him lustily.

I punched Johnny softly on the shoulder and stage whispered, "Dude! I think she wants your body."

He growled and scooped his sister up from behind, sliding his growing cock between her thighs, and grabbing her breasts in his fists, lifting her up so that he could nuzzle the back of her neck.

She cooed and keened as she writhed in his hands.

"The fuse is lit!" I called out to my sister, "Run!"

She laughed and we started putting our clothes back on.

As we headed for the stairs, Johnny was carrying his naked sibling across the gangplank and onto the houseboat. Their clothes were still lying, abandoned, on the dock.

Megan and I laughed as we heard the housekeeper shriek, "Oh my God!" in Spanish - before running out on the deck to escape.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

LOVE IT please keep going

TJSkywindTJSkywind6 months ago

Enjoying the series. Only quibble is that you need to decide on whether it's Luis (which is the original spelling you used) or Luiz, because the last couple of chapters have it going back and forth. It happens.

Thanks for sharing. 5* Slainté

Frankie1952Frankie19527 months ago

Loving this. More please

Coochielover71Coochielover718 months ago

As always loved it and can hardly wait for your next submissions. Keep up the great work.

1stltdan1stltdan8 months ago

Again a great chapter. Thank you.

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