Bum's Rush Ch. 08


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~~~ Week 53 ~~~

As we awoke with the light of the new day, Megan nudged me with her elbow and signed to me that the baby was kicking. I kissed her and held her close. I laid my hand on her stomach and felt our child moving inside of her.

I signed to her that it was officially the anniversary of our arrival on the island. Her eyes grew misty, and we shared a long, passionate kiss. I hugged her tightly to my body. I could not imagine anything better than this, right here. Well, I guess I should amend that. After watching Paul's son being born, I could think of one thing that would make this even more perfect.

One of the youths found me and Paul and signed that we needed to come to the lagoon. When we got there, we found that we had another shark that had taken up residence in the area and we were going to need to deal with him. We took the dinghy out, as before, and when he came in to bump us, we used the spears to kill him. We towed the carcass back to shore and got it drug out of the surf as a few other sharks came in to prowl through the area to see why there was blood in the water. They cleared off as soon as the currents carried the remnants of the skirmish away. We carted the beast to the butcher for him to render.

Paul and I continued working on the dining tables for the communal area. It was so quiet. The only sounds were those of our work, the jungle, and of people moving about. I signed to him, asking how things were going with the new baby. When he signed back that they weren't getting much sleep I laughed - which sounded odd in the silence. He grinned but then covered his mouth, signaling to me that I shouldn't be doing that.

After that, I stopped asking him questions that I thought would lead to me cracking-up again. I don't know that laughing was against the "rules" - but I definitely hadn't heard any of it from the others. The village children still played, much like normal, but things were just quieter all-around.

We worked for another day before one of the trap-checking groups sent a runner to get Hal. I noticed the commotion and decided to tag along to see what was going on. It turned out that the trap had snared a large crocodile. That, in itself, wasn't unusual. The unusual part was that a large python had decided to take advantage of the limited mobility of the reptile and was in the process of squeezing it to death. I dearly wished I had my phone. I was pretty sure this was a once-in-a-lifetime picture.

Hal used one of the compound bows and shot the huge snake. It writhed and twisted as it died. Next, he killed the croc. When the snake finally went still, ladders were lowered into the pit to retrieve the two animals. I half-expected the snake to start writhing again when they tried bringing it up, out of the pit. Often, they do that when you cut their heads off. In this case, Hal had shot it in the brain. I wasn't sure if that had interrupted muscle responses or what - but the monster remained still. As much as I wasn't fond of snakes, I really didn't have a reason to be shirking my duties - so I helped carry the beast to the butcher's hut. The rest of the team worked to get the crocodile out of the pit and bring it along behind us.

~~~ Week 54 ~~~

The end of the solemn ceremony was coming. I could smell the moisture filling the air. Tomorrow, the rain would come, and we would begin the time of cleansing, renewal, and celebration. Most of my thoughts, over the next day and a half were of the end of our self-imposed celibacy. I was already in heat for my sister, and I knew Miriam's secret fruity beverage would lead to a night filled with incestuous sex. I was already aching for the lecherous liquor - and the sexy side-effects - and it was still more than a day away.

We butchered and dressed one of the hogs, dug a pit, filled it with coals, and got the pork-roast started. My mouth was watering - just thinking about how it was going to taste. Everyone assembled at dinner and Micah signed to everyone that our celebration and holiday would begin the next day.

In the morning, the rain came, and we headed to the lagoons to shower and clean our clothing. I scrubbed myself clean - spending the whole time thinking about how I was looking forward to getting dirty with my sister. At lunch, she swatted my hand when I reached for her a couple times. She was grinning wickedly. I could tell she was ready as well. My blood was on fire.

By dinner time, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only male in the village that was walking around with a perpetual hard-on. I undressed Megan with my eyes as she helped the rest of the women lay out the buffet for the evening meal. We had shark steaks, snake kabobs, crocodile stew, fish stew, and - of course - more roasted pork than anyone could eat.

As much as I had been looking forward to the meal, I barely even remember what I ate. The kids were sent off to bed and the big jars of fuck-juice were carried out. I was already nibbling Megan's neck and biting at her earlobes - whispering in her ears about how I was going to devour her - and then fuck the living shit out of her.

Megan filled our tumblers and I downed the first one in one go. The purplish juice dripped from her mouth and chin - down her chest - running between her breasts. She shoved me away and laughed as I launched myself forward to attack her - hoping to lick her body clean. She took me by the hand, stopped to refill the tumblers, and then we headed for our hut. We didn't join the others for the dancing. The only dancing I was interested in tonight was the Horizontal Mambo.

My sister giggled and laughed as I licked, nibbled, and sucked every part of her I could reach. She laid on our mattresses and writhed as I devoured her. I slid her top up and attacked her breasts. I was kneeling between her thighs. Her heels were pressed against my ass, pulling me in tighter and tighter.

Once I had worshipped her breasts, I kissed my way down her swollen belly, sucking on her now-inverted navel for a moment, looking up - hungrily - into her lust-filled eyes. I growled and moved to her abs - then her mons - then her clit - her slit - and her entrance.

I worked her up and down with my lips and tongue until she came. I lapped at her slit and worshipped her vulva until she came again.

I pushed her knees to the sides of her distended stomach - opening her sex to me. I pulled my breechcloth to the side and rammed my aching cock inside of her - cumming almost immediately. I growled as I fucked her while my cock pumped her full of my forbidden seed. My spunk frothed around our joining.

When I had finished, she begged to taste us, and I brought my wilting rod to her mouth. She licked and sucked me until I was hard again and then begged me to fuck her once more.

I rolled her over and she got her knees under her. I fucked her like an animal until I came inside of her once more - roaring as I flooded her pussy with my gooey offering.


I awoke, in the middle of the night, to find Megan riding my cock. I didn't need it, but she gave me a sip from my mug. I adored her breasts with my lips, tongue, and mouth as she fucked herself on my willing prick. I kissed her hard as my spunk blasted inside of her. We cuddled and fell asleep again.


As the sky began to lighten, she fed me the last of my juice and sucked my cock into her talented mouth once more. I squirmed as she sucked me. I pushed her away and begged her to let me fuck her again. She said she was a little sore, but she wanted one more load.

She climbed on top of me, and I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers as she slid back and forth on my cock, sliding it in and out of her tightness, bumping it against her G-spot. She moaned and came all over me. I groaned as my cock lurched and I began filling her, once more, with my naughty nectar.

We joined several other couples at the lagoon - to clean up after all of our celebrating. After our bodies and laundry were clean, we dropped our things at the house and went to tend to our chores.

Rowe had almost everybody, who was available to help, gathered at the wheat fields. One of the plots was ready to harvest. We spent most of the day getting the crop in, the straw collected, and the kernels of wheat ground into flour.


Megan and I made a trip to the resort. We spent some time visiting with Johnny and Nina. The resort was filled with cousins, enjoying the rewards for all of their work to get the thing built. We checked in on Macy, Nettle, and Hestia. Things were progressing well. Macy thought it would take about six months to get the language fully transcribed. Hestia reported that the village girls were doing well with their studies and were very happy with their duties and the quarters at the resort.

Hestia said that she had tried living at the outpost village for the first few days, but it just became too much of a chore - trying to keep herself supplied with her normal food (and other needs) from home. She had joined the others in the staff housing and was sharing their meals. She still fully intended to return to the village when she was done with Macy's training - but - for now at least - she was living at the resort with Nettle. It was nice to see the two of them working together so well. Nettle had finally, it seemed, turned into the big sister that Hestia had wanted and needed.

~~~ Week 55 ~~~

A messenger from Hestia's dad informed Paul and I that the kids had been enjoying the playground equipment a lot - and - in the process - had broken a few things. The one-legged villager and I made the long trek to the village and ended up spending the night because the repairs took until the evening meal and there wouldn't be time to return home without traveling late into the night.

When we got back home, we checked on the equipment in our own village and discovered that most of those same things were broken there as well. Paul and I talked about what we might be able to do in order to get certain important pieces to last longer. The challenge was that the equipment - like anything else - was going to require regular maintenance. We would just have to add that to the list of things we checked on consistently.

I spent most of the rest of the week traveling with various work-groups, trying to see what needed to be maintained or improved. I spent some time with the fishermen, the trap teams, and the hunters.

Megan told me that Miriam had her and Heather doing less lifting - and a little more walking - during the course of their daily activities. The village matron was watching them closely - keeping an eye on them as the pair drew closer and closer to the time of their delivery.

I asked Paul how things were going at their hut. He said that bedtimes were starting to become more regular. I asked how Petal was doing and he told me that she was the perfect older sister. Naomi was ecstatic about how things had worked out.

When I asked Megan about Naomi, she said the same thing. She said that the woman still grieved, at times, over the daughter that she had lost - but she was delighted with her husband, her adopted daughter, and her new little boy.

My sister-wife admitted that she and Heather had spent extra time with Naomi, recently, at Miriam's request - getting used to all of what they would need to be ready for when their own babies arrived. Their assistance also helped Naomi out.

~~~ Week 56 ~~~

Miriam told Joshua and me not to be traveling much for the next few weeks. She wanted us to be nearby so that - when our baby-mamas went into labor - we would be available to stand with them. I'm not sure what Joshua spent his time doing but I was helping Paul wrap up the work we'd been accomplishing - building more dining tables around the central fire. We'd also expanded some of the work-spaces in the food-prep area again. Miriam was very thankful for all of our work to make their chores simpler and their work-areas neater and more productive.

Once the tables were done, I started on a couple projects for the butcher. The first job I worked on was another smoke-house. I hadn't realized that the village had been growing but - apparently - the food-production that I worked on with Rowe had been well-timed. We were able to feed everyone - but we needed to ramp up our processing areas a little. I guess that was why Miriam had asked for the work we had done for her as well.

Once the smokehouse was built, I worked on another storage hut. He wanted a root-cellar - like we'd built for Miriam - but I wasn't sure how well we were going to be able to defend it against pests and predators. His food-products smelled a little more appetizing than the root-crops that Miriam was storing.

~~~ Week 57 ~~~

Miriam informed the four of us - Joshua and Heather - as well as Megan and me - that she thought we were about a week away. The girls had some false-labor. Miriam used some herbal teas to deal with most of those issues.

I expected sexy-time with my sister to slacken but - if anything - she got more aggressive. She wanted fucked hard - morning and night - with her ankles high in the air - and my cock buried as far inside of her as it would go. She didn't even complain when I brushed or bumped her womb as I fucked her. It was almost like she wanted it.

Her appetite, at mealtimes, had changed quite a bit though. Absolutely all spice had been eliminated from her diet. She ate a lot of warm bread and almost lusted for fruit juices. Joshua said that Heather was going through pretty much the same thing.

~~~ Week 58 ~~~

Megan and Heather went into labor at almost the same time. Miriam quickly got a second bed in the birthing-hut and the two soon-to-be mothers held each other's hands - in addition to their husbands - as they followed the village matron's instructions to work through their labor.

Helpers and attendants rushed back and forth, carrying out the will of the chieftain's wife - as she ran things like a conductor runs an orchestra.

She stood between our women and cupped their joined hands in hers, speaking softly but firmly to the pair. She watched the midwives and relayed instructions all around the work-space. It was an amazing thing to watch - made all the more special because my sister was about to give birth to - if Miriam was right (of which, I had no doubt) - my little girl.

Joshua's little prince and my little princess arrived within seconds of each other. Heather's son was named something like "crocodile hunter". Megan and I jokingly called him Steve Irwin. Megan named our daughter the villager's word for "pearl" - after the islands that had become our home.

The pearl-divers - when they learned what my sister had named our little girl - brought Megan the biggest pearl I have ever seen. It was the color of polished gold - gleaming and sparkling in the sun.

As soon as Heather and Megan were able to stand, they gave each other hugs and cheek-kisses, introduced their children to one another, and then we headed off to our individual huts. It was probably just after the middle of the night but we hoped to get a little sleep.

The next day, we walked an hour and a half north - to the resort - to visit our parents - and introduce their first grandchild to them. Neither Nina nor our mom could get over the fact that Megan had delivered the baby the night before - and then walked more than an hour through the jungle - to come for a visit.

Dad and Nina got their phones out and took pictures of everybody and everything. Mom sat on dad's lap and they both looked at Pearl lying in mom's lap. Mom sat and held Pearl, cradled in her arms. Dad sat and did the same. I think Nina cried more than mom as she held our daughter. Johnny kissed her forehead and promised to give her a baby of her own one day.

Mom and dad insisted that we spend the night in their quarters with them. I'm not sure - the next morning - that they thought it was such a good idea - but it definitely refreshed mom's memory on what she was getting herself into in the next month or so when she was due to give birth to our little sister.

The next day, we headed back home. Miriam greeted us as we arrived at the central fire. She asked how mom was doing and if we'd had a good visit.

~~~ End of Chapter 8 ~~~

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Coochielover71Coochielover715 months ago

Great series. Can hardly wait to read the finale. Too many other author leave you hanging with no conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love this series, looking forward to more.

Carp2021Carp20215 months ago

Great so far keep going

TrampsAnThievesTrampsAnThieves5 months agoAuthor

[ScottishTexan] I'm not quite sure why you would pick up a story at chapter 8, but I guess that's your perogative. In previous chapters, I've introduced the techniques that Hal employs to guarantee success of his warriors while mitigating injury. Consider the following: the smugglers who've encountered these warriors before never survived to go back and describe how they failed, the "brains" of the human-trafficking operation uses cannon-fodder (who may have guns but aren't exceptional strategists) as their muscle, the cannon fodder in this chapter have never encountered resistance before, they're traversing terrain with NO visibility, they're passing through territory that they are not familiar with, they're using tactics not designed for their location, and (as mentioned in the story) the prisoners are resisting -- and have two smugglers each tied up with *making* them walk (ie. "frog-walk"). All of these conditions preface the battle between novice smugglers and experienced warriors -- with the experienced warriors having time to prepare their ambush because the noisy smugglers are tromping through the brush while fighting with their captives. Again, most of this has been laid out before. For chapter 8 of the story, I didn't think it was necessary to repeat things that I thought the reader would know -- or figure out from the context.

Frankie1952Frankie19525 months ago

Awesome again, you amaze me with this story. Every chapter is epic.

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