Busty Naïve Punishment Pt. 02


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Over and over I thrust up into her as I hold her ass in my hands. I don't go fast but I do go steady. This lets her feel my cock sliding all about her pussy over and over as I ram into her. I can feel how tight her pussy is as my manhood feels like it's stretching her out. And what makes it just a tad more violating for her, is that the wet sounds of her pussy getting fucked are so very loud.

"And why are they going to do that to you?" I prompt after she repeats her statement a few times without having to be told. Just says the same thing over and over, no doubt seeing it play in her mind. Yeah, her eyes are open and staring at me, but she's really seeing whomever her bullies are, doing this to her.

"Because I have big fat titties," Fat Tits answers at once, causing me to go even faster. I've taken to moving her hips down while I thrust up to make me go deeper inside her. This makes it so much more intense for the two of us.

"I..I...this...this can't be...I...I..." Fat Tits stammers, freaked. She starts to squirm much harder than before, not that she can really move. With me moving her hips and her hands stretched over her head, she can't move much.

"I'm cumming. Oh fuck me, I'm cumming," Fat Tits announces, but not to me. She yells it. The way she yells is as if she wants the world to know. Like she's gone past the point of having any sexual aspect of her life be private. That everyone gets to know that she's just a sex object.

The girl's eyes begin to roll back as the orgasm hits her. Her muscles contract and her body jerks. As this happens, she moans a long, constant moan, revealing what's happening to her. She makes no effort to hide or even fight what she's feeling as she herself rocks her hips to make the orgasm last. To make it even more intense for the two of us, she does this very loud.

"Yes you are. Cumming like a whore. Cumming while naked out in the middle of nowhere. Cumming with your huge fucking tits bouncing," I taunt as I keep fucking her. I say a nonstop string of words meant to do nothing but humiliate and demean. As I myself am getting so worked up, I don't even know half of what I'm saying. I just say whatever comes to mind, making it as insulting as possible.

"Oh fuck," I groan as I unexpectedly cum. My cock unleashes itself, where I shoot stream after stream of cum inside of her. I was still in the middle of fucking her when it hits, causing me to do this while deep inside her.

And once I feel the first stream go inside her, I know there was no point of stopping. What had been done has been done. So I keep thrusting inside that velvet pussy, pumping her full of my seed. I let every tiny bit go inside her, not caring what it may bring.

It her tits that did it. They are pressed against me as I fuck her, only they jiggle and bounce so perfectly. They are that large that they damn near hit her chin each time I thrust. They look like they are going to be shoved in her face. Oh, how I love those tits.

Having finished cummed, I stop thrusting. I'm breathing very hard now, not to mention covered in sweat. Yet as I keep my stance of burying my cock in her, I think of how I didn't mean for this to happen. That I had different plans for tonight. But what's done, is done.

The girl is resting her face against my chest now, clearly worn out. She too is breathing hard, with her moans having stopped to show she's done cumming as well. Except for her, she twitches every so often, as if having aftershocks. I bet she's going to be having those for a long time.

"You...you know..." I say after a few long moments. I then slide my cock out of her, which causes her to gasp. Then she moans a soft moan, as if enjoying the humiliating feeling of being pumped full of cum by a stranger.

Once I'm out of her, I pull my cock back into my pants, for no reason other than to make the difference between us clear, as she's naked as can be, and I'm allowed clothes. She's tied up and on display, while I could walk away at my own pace, looking perfectly normal.

"You are going to look real stupid being topless at school. Can't wait to see them leading you around by that leash, or when they milk that fat udders," I tell her, smiling cruelly.

Fat Tits doesn't say anything to this. Instead she hangs there, looking like she's overwhelmed to the point that she can't even cry. Now the realization is sinking in about what's to happen. And if I did it correctly, she is feeling that she is going to have to do what she said she would. That there's no backing out.

"P-Please..." she begins to beg, not even looking at me. I wait for her to say more after this, but she doesn't. She's still in the midst of whatever she is feeling. It's overwhelmed her and made it hard for her to think or even speak.

"I don't want...I don't want..." she tries again after a very long pause. Then we both hear it at the same time. A noise that changes the entire night. A noise that could possible change both of our lives. A branch breaking.

"Hello? Is someone there?" a new voice asks. The voice is from a female, and it is very close. It sound curious but also concerned, like it is checking out a noise in the night.

Concerned, I turn around, trying to locate this new person. But I don't see anyone. There is light due to the moonlight, but not enough to spot someone if they are hiding. There are a million places someone could hide out here, especially as my eyes aren't the best. Yet as much as I look, I don't see anyone, leaving me to think they aren't on this side of the fence.

"I...I heard someone out here. Are you ok?" The female voice asks, sounding very concern. This confirms what I was thinking. They are on the other side of the fence. The wooden fence is a good twenty feet away, and I think the person is right on the other side.

"I...I am. I was just taking a walk," Ms. Fat Tits suddenly says, surprising me. Her saying this while naked and strung up is quite the sight. It nearly makes me laugh as it reveals just how far she would go to make sure no one sees her like this. As for me, I don't have a problem telling whomever she is that we were fucking but are leaving now.

"Oh, ok. You sure? I thought I heard you yelling and crying," the new voice says. Whomever the voice is, they think that something bad is happening. No doubt wanting to make sure that there's not someone out here getting murdered or something. It's very commendable, but also annoying.

Smirking, I tip toe back to Fat Tits. I do this slow and quietly as I don't the new girl to hear me. I want her to think it's just Fat Tits by herself here.

Once I reach my big-boobed victim, I move behind her, making her move forward just a little as I take the space between the tree and her body. This move confuses her, because she doesn't know what I'm doing. In a way it looks like I'm trying to hide, which is stupid as I'm so much larger than her.

"Answer her," I whisper into Fat Tits' ear, only right before I say this, I cup both of her tits. Holding them I lift them upward, as if presenting them for her to suck her own nipples. But then I jiggle them in a lewd and embarrassing manner.

"Y-yeah. I was just t-t-talking out loud," Fat Tits lies as I jiggle her tits violently. This makes me smile hard as I can't even imagine how humiliating this must be for her. To make it worse, I start to smack her breasts together to make a soft clap sound.

"Oh, a midnight walk. I understand. I go on those a lot. You have to be careful with those. Lots of weirdoes and evil people out," the voice tells her, sounding not as concerned. Seems this new chick actually believes Fat Tits despite the weirdness of everything. At this point, I've let go of Fat Tit's breasts and now am pinching her nipples.

"I know," Fat Tits answers, then winches as I start to lift her tits again, but this time by the nipples. Higher and higher I lift them up, stretching her tits and nipples as I do. As I lift to block her view partially, I jiggle those huge fun bags.

"You sound familiar, do I know you?" The new voice asks. Fat Tits doesn't respond to this because she's biting her lip with her eyes closed as I lift her own tits as high as I can. Thinking she's had enough, I let go, allowing her breasts to bounce down and her nipples to be free.

"I...I don't know," Fat Tits answers, sounding tired and out of breath. If this new woman wasn't nearby, I know she would be begging me to stop. That her breasts have had enough. And what would I say to this? Easy. I've only just started.

"Jean? Jean is that you?" The new girl asks, making it sound like she recognizes Fat Tit's voice. Hearing this makes my heart leap. I know it should make me panic, but instead it makes me think of a new, horrible act to do. Oh, to use her in front of one of her friends?

"I'm-" Fat Tits starts, clearly about to say no. But I put my hand over her mouth to get her to stop. Then I whisper in her ear to say yes. That she is whomever Jean is. To accent this demand, I squeeze her boob hard.

"Y-Y-Yeah, it's me," Fat Tits then says, going deeper into whatever rabbit hole I'm taking her into.

I then slowly undo my pants again. I go very, very slow to not make any noise. Whoever the new woman is, I don't want her to know that anyone else is out here. She needs to think it's just two woman enjoying the night.

"Hi Jean. I thought it might be you. I know you like to walk. Oh, it's me, Billie, duh," the woman introduces herself in an upbeat manner. Her mood changes to be very upbeat now. It sort of makes me wonder if this new chick has a crush on whomever Jean is.

With my cock exposed, I place my hands on Fat Tits again, but this time on her bare ass cheeks. My cock is already hard again from being able to humiliate Fat Tits like this. That she's going to do whatever she can to make sure this new woman doesn't know the truth of what is happening.

This time Fat Tits knows exactly what I'm thinking and tries to move. She even tries to turn to look at me, no doubt to tell me that she doesn't do that. That me trying that is going too far. But I hold her firm.

"You sure you are ok Jean? You are acting really weird. And how you get over there?" Billie asks. This makes Fat Tits stop, as she knows any more movement will give her away. Fat Tits knows that if we are found out, she will be seen like this. That people will find out what she did, or what happened to her. That her innocent little life will be changed forever.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just having a weird night. Trying to get my head clear," Fat Tit answers in a more convincing way while turning to face away. This is very impressive, mainly because I part her legs and ass cheeks as she talks. And as she knows she can't make too much noise or be found out, she takes it.

Grabbing my cock at the base, I then position it right at her ass. I have to bend my knees to do this, but I manage to line myself up perfectly. And the entire time, she doesn't move or struggle. She is as quiet as she can be to risk making too much noise.

Holding her hips to make sure she can't move, I begin to insert my cock...in her ass. Instantly she squirms in reaction, but can't really move thanks to me holding her hips. Keeping her in place, I slowly start to insert my cock in her most private of places while this new chick has no idea.

"Do you want me to walk with you? It might be safer," Billie offers while I continue to insert my dick in Fat Tit's ass. I have made some progress now, almost getting my entire cock head inside of her. I keep going, making sure to go slow.

"NO!" Fat Tits responds at once, making it very clear she doesn't want Billie to come around. This makes me smile as I hear the terror in her voice. That Fat Tits feels her life would be over if anyone saw her right now.

"I...I just want to be alone, you know," Fat Tits tells Billie through gritted teach as I inch deeper inside her. Then she groans as she feels my cock going maybe halfway inside of her.

What makes this all the more special and a hell of a lot harder, is that her ass is so tight. I really am having to force my way inside of her as she's that damn tight. In part, it is because off her clenching, but even when she relaxes, I have to put a lot of force to get my cock in.

"I...I...broke up..." Fat Tits states after a moment of pause. She still has her teeth gritted as she makes whatever lie this is. The way she says it is like there's more coming, but nothing else is said.

"Oh no. You broke up with Suzanne? I thought you two were getting married?" Billie responds, sounding shocked. This nearly makes me laugh out loud as of all the things she could have said, this was the wrong thing.

"Y-Y-Yep," Fat Tits groans as I finally get all of my cock up her ass. Now I press my body against hers, making her feel every inch of my cock as it violates her. I want her to remember this moment for the rest of her life. The night she took an old man's cock up her ass, just because she felt that her tits were too large.

"W-W-What are y-you d-d-d-doing?" Fat Tits suddenly says, nearly in a panic. But it's not from me pulling my hips back and then thrusting forward. It's not from me starting to fuck her ass at all. Fat Tits panic is coming from Billie.

There's the sounds of someone trying to climb a wooden fence. At least that's what I think it is. Like someone has grabbed the top of the fence and is trying to walk up it with their feet while lifting themselves up. It would take a while and you would have to be in good shape, but that's what it sounds like is happening. That Billie finally figured out that more is happening here.

"OMG," Billie says, extremely loud. She's so loud and shocked that I would be surprised if no one else heard her.

At this, I lean over a little to look from behind Fat Tit's head to see a face appearing over the fence. It's the face of a mid-20s woman, who is staring wide eyed at us. She's too far away and it's too dim for me to really see anything of her, but I can tell her eyes are wide at what she's seeing.

"Tell her what I'm doing," I tell Fat Tits as I haven't stopped thrusting my hips. I keep rocking my hips back and forth, fucking her tight ass. I was only able to move a little at first, but now I've been able to move my cock about, I've stretched her open so it's easier. Now I can actually fuck her properly.

"He's...fucking...my ass," Fat Tits whines like she just got in trouble. She breaks down crying now, but not from the pain of her ass getting fucked. It's from her own humiliation as another stranger someone sees her like this. A stranger sees her naked, her tits bouncing as she's ass fucked, still tied to a tree and looking pathetic.

"OMG," Billie repeats and then drops down and out of sight. I laugh at this, loving Billie's reaction. I think what made Billie leave is that I reached from behind and shoved Fat Tit's big boobs up and into her face. Shoved them up, and then slapped her face with her own big tits.

Fat Tits just pouts, but I feel how hot her body is. I would bet anything she is about to cum again. That the humiliation is just too much for her. That the extreme nature of what is happening is exactly what she wanted.

Sure enough, Fat Tits arches her back and moans. It's the same moan as before, showing she is getting close to having an orgasm. Over and over she moans, with them getting stronger and faster. She's going to cum at any moment now.

"You have to see her," Billie's voice is heard right after a sliding door is heard. Right after, there's the sound of other people. I can't tell how many, but there's a lot of them as it sounds like a riot with all the footsteps running.

Preparing my toy, I grab her hair so it is completely out of her face. I then hold it behind her in a tight grab, laughing as I do as she won't be able to hide her face. She won't even be able to bury it against her arm as I make her face forward. Then I fuck her ass even faster.

You would think I would be scared that I'm about to go to jail. That Billie or someone else has called the cops. But I'm not. In fact, if I got arrested, I think it would be worth it. Much like the way Fat Tits must feel at the moment, I too am overwhelmed by what I'm feeling. Only I'm getting high off how much power she's giving me.

"Let's make those tits really bounce," I whisper to Fat Tits as head after head pops up over the fence. One after another Billie's friends manage to climb the fence enough to see what is happening. Each one looks, to which their eyes widen too. Doing a brief count, I see at least eight women watching me fuck Fat Tits.

Getting even drunker off what I'm feeling, I start to fuck her much harder, no longer scared about making noise. This causes Fat Tits to orgasm, her loud moans echoing out as the crowd watches her being anally taken.

"We've only just begun ladies. Don't worry. She asked for this for having such big fucking titties," I tell the crowd, letting them see that I'm not some young man that could be her boyfriend. That I'm a dirty old man doing as I want, and I want a hell of a lot more.

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Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btaken8 months ago

So hot to be controlled by a sadistic older man who abuses me❤️❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I love the plot and the mental fucking - almost better than sex! I can’t wait for the next chapter

billie34cbillie34c11 months ago

All it takes is for one of the new group of viewers to take a picture on their phone and her humiliation is secured for the foreseeable future. Please make it happen.

hitmebabyhitmebaby12 months ago

Loved the callbacks to your previous story!

FlowingHoneyFlowingHoney12 months ago

this is some next level psychological manipulation and it is SO FUCKING HOT good work

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