Camel Toe

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This is Biology one zero seven zero, right? Biodiversity?
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© 2018 Chloe Tzang. All rights reserved. The author asserts a moral right to be identified as the author of this story. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a review.

Okay, this is my third story for the 2018 Valentines Competition and I do hope you enjoy this one too. (The other two are "Hanky Panky" and "Screw Your Roses, Asshole." If you haven't read them yet, please do. I'm sure you'll enjoy). The other one I was writing, "Fields of Gold" was a bit too long and involved and it's not going to be finished for a while ... so in the meantime, enjoy ..... Chloe

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It's February 14th. It's my first Valentine's Day in America and I've been here six months and I don't have a boyfriend. Not because I haven't been asked out on a date, la! But the only guys that've asked me out on dates are guys from Hong Kong or China or Taiwan and it's not fair. I didn't come all the way here to go to College to date Hong Kong and China guys. I want to date a big blonde blue-eyed American guy like you see in the movies, la! It's kind of sad really and my housemates are all laughing at me coz they're dating Hong Kong guys and they think I'm being silly.

"Gweilo guys, they all got big cocks la! Split you in half, la!" That'd been Cindy. So crude. She'd probably know though. She's so slutty. Reputation, la!

"Those gweilo guys, aiiyaaah, think because we're Chinese, we're so easy!" Mandy. Mandy, she should know. Six boyfriends. Six months. So easy. So noisy too. Cindy and Shelley joke about her. Mandy's not even embarrassed. Not even worried if anyone sees her. Walked in once and she was doing it on the couch with her date. Not even stopping for a second. So shameless, la!

Shelley? "No family here, I'm having fun, okay la!" No need for me to say anything else.

Cindy. Mandy. Shelley. All have flowers and cards and chocolates and dates for Valentine's Day.

"I can set you up with a guy, Kinky. That Godfrey, he's so hot for you." That was Cindy, last night.

"No thanks," I'd smiled. Godfrey? No way. I'm not dating some guy from Shenzhen. Even if he does drive a Porsche. No way, forget it, la! I am not lowering standards. I came to America to go to college with my heart set on an American guy. Want my first guy to be so special.

"You got a date for tonight, Kinky?" That was Mandy, this morning. "Alistair interested."

"No thanks, I have to study," I'd told her. She knew I was lying. She smiled. Something for her to smile about, I guess. Seventh boyfriend.

Mandy is on Number Seven and me, not even number one. Maybe I am too picky. Maybe I have to do something but still, so sad. Wanting to date a gweilo guy so bad and no idea why I'm not being asked. So disappointing. Of course I am not going to bars and clubs. So easy to get picked up like that but I'm not that sort of girl. Romance. Flowers. Holding hands in the rain. Romantic dates. That's me.

"You'll never get laid if you wait for Mr. Perfect, Kinky." Shelley was so blunt.

"I don't think she's ever done it." I heard Shelley and Mandy talking about me a few days ago too. So rude of them.

So okay, I'm a virgin. I admit it. Of course I know what cocks are for. Virgin, but not stupid, la! I was giving my boyfriend back in Hong Kong blowjobs. That was so much fun, so enjoyable. Not having sex with him though. Saving myself for a blue-eyed blonde guy with a big cock. Must've read too many of my Mom's Mills and Boon. Ever since I am a little girl, I've dreamed about blue-eyed blonde guys. Not dreaming of big cocks of course, that is only recently.

Last blowjob was back in Hong Kong. September, before I come here. Last sight of cock was six months ago on last morning in Hong Kong and no replacement in sight, la! Valentine's Day and I know what I'd like for a Valentine's Day present but I am so not lucky. No luck for six months now. So disappointing, la! But I am positive about not lowering standards. Gweilo guy or nothing. Blue eyes? Blonde hair? Those are nice to haves. Big gweilo is what is wanted. I'll take my chances on size of cock.

Maybe look at feet though. Article I read said foot size and cock size correlated. I have no idea if this is true but I may as well take a chance. Only, so far, no chances to take. Anyhow, so pointless to think about this. So far, no gweilo guy has asked me out on a date so pointless to over think. I am just about saying yes to any gweilo guy who asks me out. If asked.

Oh Jesus, too much time thinking. I am late for class. Valentine's Day and no boyfriend. I am so sad, la! Walking so slow to class, la! Getting there almost late, la! At least I look so hot, I know that la! Dress to attract guys. This is not working so far, though. I know I am so attractive. Question is, why are gweilo guys not asking me out for date. My English is maybe not so good, maybe they just don't like Chinese girls. That's what my housemates say. So bitchy, la!

Today I am ignoring winter weather. Wearing long coat and winter boots but leaving them in locker. Inside is heated and warm. Dressing to show off tight butt. My most attractive feature. Tight butt and long legs and short shorts. Tight shorts. Okay, I know my boobs are small. Small? Okay, I am being honest. Tiny. Maybe some American guy who likes butts and long legs and almost no boobs sees me and asks me on date. I'm hoping so much this works. Six months!

What do they feed these American guys? Surely must be one that likes nice butt and doesn't mind small boobs and has courage to ask a foreign chinese girl out on a date. I have been reading all about Yellow Fever and liking this idea. White guys with Yellow Fever? Please. Ask me. I give you all the yellow fever you want. But nobody has asked. Except that white girl with buzz cut and nose ring and weird eye shadow. No lip gloss either. So scary.

Walking into lecture hall, nobody even looks. I am so sad. Valentine's Day and no guy looking at my butt and okay, I know my boobs are way too small for an American girl, but still, such a hot looking butt. Somebody look, please.

"Check out that camel toe, dude." The two big guys I'm squeezing past to get to the only empty seat left are grinning at each other.

Huh? I look down at the guy who's in my way. The empty seat's right beside him. I'm almost there. "Sorry ... so sorry." My butt bangs the shoulders of the guy in the row in front of us. Aiiyaaah. "Sorry ... sorry ... excuse me."

Camel toe? That's so weird. Am I in the wrong class? I take the empty seat anyway, just about squeaking out loud at the cold vinyl against my skin. Last time I'm wearing short shorts to this class in winter. Heating or not, it's freezing in here and I'm dressed for central heating. Short tight shorts, So tight I am wearing a g-string so there is no VPL. Shorts and a tank top, with a bra of course and I wish now I keep my coat because this lecture hall is cold.

Those shorts are so fashionable back home right now. Make your legs look so good when they're like mine, long and slender. Make your butt look so good when it's like mine too. Not so good when they've got the heating turned down and it's mid-winter.

I look at the screen at the front of the lecture theatre, puzzled. There's no camel toe on the screen. Not even a camel's hoof. Or a camel. Besides, this is my biodiversity class. I hope it is anyhow. I didn't sign up for animal biology. I hope they haven't swapped classrooms and I didn't see the notice.

I turn to the guy that'd made the comment, talking to the guy next to him. "Excuse me, please."

"Yeah?" He grins. Ohhhh, nice white teeth. Nice smile. Really nice smile. A smile that sends little shivers up and down my spine and has me tingling.

"This is Biology one zero seven zero, right? Discovering Biodiversity?" I'd made that mistake before, missed one whole class a month ago coz I was in the wrong room. Also, I can't help noticing the girl on the other side is looking at a Valentine's Day card and smiling so for a moment I'm feeling rather sad.

"You got it, babe, that's what I'm here for," he says, holding out his hand. "Discovering Biodiversity. Hi, I'm Zeke. Zeke Harris. Haven't seen you here before." He's still smiling and it's doing things to me. Nice things.

"I'm Kinky," I say, taking his hand, shaking. "Kinky Ho." Nice hand too. Nice looking guy. Dateable in fact. This guy, he looks like he's got potential. Does he have a girlfriend? I know, at the start of the school year, a girl needs to move fast or the good guys get snapped up. Back home anyhow. I know it's the same here. Guys are guys after all. And I know I didn't move fast enough.

He's hunky. Totally this guy has potential. Nice muscles. Nice muscle definition and I wonder if he has six pack abs. Ooooh. And that nice white skin. Biodiversity is good right? I want to try it for myself. I'm definitely in the right class. I'm smiling at him. My nipples are all perky too and maybe it's not all the heating being turned way down coz somewhere else is feeling hot.

"Kinky Ho? I hope so," he says, smiling. Grinning. "Where're you from?"

"Hong Kong," I say, so puzzled. Why does everyone here say something like that when I introduce myself? Is this some kind of American in-joke or something? "This is my first year at College here."

"When did you get here?" He's really looking at me. Cool. Does he have a girlfriend? Eason and I broke up when I left to come here. That was okay, I hadn't been too serious about Eason anyway. But I do miss making out. Eason was my first guy like that, my only guy, making out, but I wasn't hung up on him enough to miss him. Missing the making out though, that was something else. I'd liked the making out with Eason. Very much, lah! Replacement needed, lah! No making out for six months. So sad, la! I'm just about wriggling on my seat now.

"Six months ago," I smile. My most flirtatious encouraging smile. Hmmmm. Definitely he looks good and he's smiling back. The lights fade.

"No boyfriend?" My heart jumps. Maybe he's interested?

"No." I want to smile but I can't. So sad.

"Hey, Kinky, would you like to go for a coffee after class?" he whispers.

"Sure," I whisper back just before the lecturer starts talking. Heart pounding now. The first time gweilo has asked me, maybe not for a date but coffee? On Valentine's Day. I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend. I'll ask him about that camel toe thing then too. I must have missed something somewhere. I better find out in case it comes up in the exam.

* * *

Zeke's a nice guy. Really nice. I can't believe he shares so many interests with me. It's like I've met my soul mate, which is weird coz he's a gweilo and I've never thought of a gweilo like that before at all. He doesn't know a thing about Chinese people or food or anything Chinese at all except Bruce Lee and Jet Li. He asks all sorts of questions though and we talk and talk and talk. We spend about three hours in the café just talking and I drank far too much coffee then he ends up taking me out dinner.

I'm not exactly dressed for a romantic dinner date and neither is he but he takes me to a really nice bar and grill and we eat steak except he eats most of mine as well as his because it's huge and I drink a glass of wine and giggle a lot and we keep talking the entire time. When he asks me out on a date, I smile and say sure. Friday night. He's going to take me out to dinner. We settle on Italian coz I've never tried Italian food and I'm curious about it. I came here to try different things as well as to study.

Speaking of different things, so now I finally have a date with a hunky gweilo guy and I'm going to get to try Italian food and I'm totally smiling. Score one for Kinky Ho. And it's not just those shared interests. He's hunky in a way I've never imagined a guy being hunky. I mean, there are gweilo guys in movies and things but until I came here I'd never actually talked to any and he seems perfectly normal.

Better than normal actually and I'm finding him rather attractive. It's weird him not having black hair and there's that pale skin of course and that hair all over his arms but it's kind of nice. I wonder if he's hairy like that everywhere. I'd kind of like to find out. I checked his feet as well and, well, they're big but so is he and I can't help wondering about his cock and I know, I just know I'm going to give him a blowjob on Friday night and dinner tastes even more delicious.

When his hand reaches across the table and holds mine, I can't help looking at it. Pale white skin against my ivory. The contrast sends little tremors of excitement through me. Nothing like when Eason used to hold my hand. Zeke's hand's so big and strong as well. Like him. He's so big. I ask him and he tells me he's two hundred and twenty. I'm one ten and I'm nine inches shorter than he is. I like it that he's so big, Eason was only an inch taller than me and he only weighed ten pounds more than me.

It's weird. I look at Zeke and with every glance, he becomes more attractive. Although maybe that's the glass of white wine. It was a big glass and I don't usually drink. I see little features I hadn't noticed before every time I look at him. The blonde hairs on his arms and peeking out the neck of his shirt. Freckles scattered across that white skin. His eyes, so big and round and that strange blue color. That nose, not a cute snub nose like mine. Aquiline. Prominent. Everything about him is big.

I like that. I like everything about Zeke. I can't wait for that date on Friday, I'm so excited. The way he's looking at me, holding my hand, I just know he likes me. And okay, I'm not stupid. I asked. He doesn't have a girlfriend. So okay, la! I've already decided that if he wants to kiss me tonight, he's got the green light. Hook is in, not letting this one go.

* * *

Half the evening's gone, it's getting late and it's time to go. Back to the apartment I'm sharing with my three housemates. We're all of us from Hong Kong, all of us in our first year. We hadn't know each other before we arrived, it was all networking back in Hong Kong. Social Media. It's the best! Zeke walks me all the way home and by the time we're half way back he's holding my hand.

Turns out he lives two blocks over and I'm happy he lives so close. He comes up the stairs with me. He comes inside for a cup of tea when I ask him if he'd like to. Great! None of my housemates are in which is even better because, well, it's not that big an apartment. Three bedrooms but at least I have one of them to myself. Once he's inside the door, I ask the question that's been bugging me. The question that I've been meaning to ask him right from the start.

"Zeke, what's a camel toe?"

He looks at me and he laughs. "Kinky Ho," he says, smiling, kissing my nose. Aiiyaah, so cute thing to do. He kissed me. Well, my nose. It's a start. I'd definitely like him to kiss me properly. Okay, honestly? More than a kiss. He's a hunk and I'm really kind of curious about gweilo guys. I'm definitely missing those things Eason and I used to do together and honestly, I want to do more than Eason and I did. Not right away, of course, I'm not easy, but soon and Zeke has potential. So I give him that hopeful kiss me look that always worked on Eason.

"I love that name." He smiles.

I giggle, smile back. I'm not backing away at all, I really want him to kiss me and I'm kind of looking up at him hopefully. What more do I have to do to encourage this guy? Doesn't he understand the look? Do I have to throw myself at him? I'm just about doing that now? Ask him? Maybe he thinks Chinese girls are too conservative or something and he's about to leave and he still hasn't answered my question or kissed me.

"Zeke?" I say.

"Yeah?" He's just looking at me and I know he likes me. He's got that look.

"Uh, you're taking me out on a date Friday night, right?"

He smiles. "Oh, yeah!"

Oh god, I'm going to have to. I can't let him leave without kissing me. Bite the bullet, Kinky, okay la! Go for it, girl. He likes you or he wouldn't have asked you out. So I do. I say it out loud. I'm so shameless but I'm not letting this one slip off the hook. "You can kiss me if you want to. I don't bite." I giggle. "Well, I do, but that's later..." Oh, so naughty of me.

He laughs and then I'm in his arms and he's kissing me and aiiiyaaaah, he's such a good kisser. I hadn't been sure what a gweilo guy would kiss like, but you have to start somewhere and this one is good. Like magic, la! For a big guy, so delicate, so gentle, his lips on mine, his tongue sliding into my mouth, gently probing, exploring, tasting, sucking my tongue into his mouth and my arms are around his neck. I'm pressed up hard against him and his muscles are so hard. Something else is so hard too and his hands are on my butt, pulling me hard against him and I'm moaning and shivering with excitement.

Eason never made me feel like this with one kiss. Eason never felt as big as the big thing that's pressing against me either and when Zeke's hands move me against him, I just about scream with the sheer excitement of it. But I need that question answered before I forget. It might be something important from class. What if it comes up in a test?

But oh my god, la! His kisses. Best ever, I tell you. I should have tried being kissed by a gweilo years ago. Maybe it's just that he's good but I don't care. If he kisses like this, he can kiss me anytime. Anyplace. Anywhere and I blush. So shameless to think that.

"Zeke," I moan, as his hands hold me tight. "Zeke, what's a camel toe? You said something in class about a camel toe in class and I missed it."

He looks down at me and he smiles and his hands are on my butt and he's pulling me hard up against him. "Camel toe? Well, you gotta look in the mirror, Kinky."

His hands turn me round to look at the full length mirror in our little foyer. His hands are on my hips. He's pressing against my butt now. So hard. My knees are jelly. For a moment I think of Eason and what we used to do together not so very long ago and how much I miss that already and I half close my eyes and just concentrate on what he feels like where he's hard against me. Just like Eason used to be except he feels bigger than Eason. A lot bigger. Split me in half big? My heart pounds.

"Look in the mirror, Kinky," he repeats, and I do, looking at his face above mine, looking at myself. Black tank top, tight little white short shorts, so figure hugging. Very sporty and brief, showing off my legs. And my nipples. So visible.

"Mmmmm," I smile. I look so good. Zeke's so hard that he's obviously liking what he's looking at too. I lean back against him as his hands slide up from my hips to my waist before doing what I've been imagining him doing for a while now and cupping my breasts. I shiver, half close my eyes as his hands gently hold me, his thumbs brushing my nipples. Thank god I'm wearing a bra. My housemates aren't home. Maybe we could make out for a while...? I think he wants to.

His hands run back down to my hips, my shorts. "You want to know about camel toes, Kinky?"

"Yes," I gasp, shivering, that hardness pressing against my butt. Oh, his hands are so good and I'm not thinking of camel toes at all. "Yes, I do."

One of his hands leaves my breast, slides down. My eyes follow his hand in the mirror as it moves downwards. Over my stomach, down to my hip, inwards onto my thigh, his fingertips almost touching me where I'm already so wet. Wet the way I was when Eason touched me there.

"Camel toe?" Zeke's smiling and I want to take his hand and move it to where I want him to touch me but I don't. I stand there and shiver instead, just looking at his hand as it rests on me and I'm melting inside. I can't believe how wet I am.