Camp X-TA-C


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"Well? It IS a hundred off the price," she said smiling at Dale. "Come on...chicken," she added with a mischievous wink.

Though somewhat reluctantly, Bob and Dale both soon joined the girls until the five off them stood naked together, with Marsha smiling approvingly.

"First, I'll show you our accommodations and where you'll be staying," she stated. "Please, follow me."


Two weeks later they were pulling into the same dirt road, only this time they'd be staying for the entire week. At first, Bob hadn't been too thrilled to discover that they'd be staying in Tipi's, rather than some sort of luxurious room accommodations. During their tour, Marsha had taken them to where the sleeping areas where, and pointed out the various sized Tipi's, along with the individual amenities offered with each. They had all four decided to split the cost of one of the larger units. There was certainly plenty of space, and to everyone's surprise including Bob's, as rustic looking as they were, they appeared to be both warm and cozy. There was a fire pit located in the middle of the Tipi flooring, and though it was certainly warm during the day, the evenings could become quite cool in comparison. A fresh supply of wood sat outside the Tipi, replenished each and every morning. There beds were spacious, and certainly comfortable with enormous Indian blankets covering each along with an authentic buffalo hide both for effect as well as for warmth. The flooring was a mixture of soft hides and pelts that felt delicious to walk on, and there was actually a sitting area within the Tipi itself for relaxing or awaiting one of the camps many scheduled activities. Located near by, each unit had its own self-contained restroom with running water.

"Where are the showers though?" Dale had wondered after settling in. Joy read their area map only to discover the showers were communal, and open. She laughed.

"I guess they get you naked one way or the other don't they?" she teased. "At least the bathroom's are private!"

"What I want to know, is where do we go for breakfast?" Bob questioned. They had all settled in, the girls already opting to go naked, though both Bob and Dale had chosen to wear brief swim suits in lie of going all natural. Cheryl quickly located the again open-aired restaurant area on their map, and they headed there immediately.

"So, what's first on the schedule after breakfast?" Dale questioned curiously. "Not hula dancing I hope."

"Nope! It says here that it's a 'get acquainted' meeting and that everyone checking in should be in attendance. It's worth 50 points for going," to which she looked up at both Bob and Dale glaring at them, "and an additional 50 points for each person showing up in the nude."

"Hey...I'm almost nude!" Dale argued.

"Not hardly," Joy sighed. "You really do need to lighten up honey if you expect to have any fun here. Come on, where's that naughty adventurous side of you I know and love so well?"

"But what if?"

"What if what?" she asked.

"You know..."

Joy laughed. "Sweetie? If you get an erection because of some good-looking pair of breasts standing nearby, then so be it. Didn't you read the 'bonus' point's category? It said right in there that any men who actually do sport an erection during any of the activities are awarded an additional 10 points. Hell baby, you could be racking up a ton of them if you'd just get into the spirit of things!"

"That's the problem," Bob actually interjected. "I'm worried I'll be too nervous too get one!"

With that, the girls laughed, taking their soon naked boys in tow, and headed off to breakfast.


During breakfast, Dale was somewhat relieved to discover that many of the people in attendance where just like themselves, and most if not all were indeed naked with the rare exception of one individual or another. Additionally, it wasn't the geriatric crowd that he'd been worried about finding either, though there were certainly several older couples in attendance, none of which at least required the use of a walker to get around with. After finishing a delicious breakfast of nearly everything imaginable being offered, they joined the throng of people who slowly made there way towards the main pavilion where they were greeted by a young naked man wearing a short breech cloth.

"Why couldn't we at least be allowed to wear one of those?" Dale questioned seriously. No one bothered answering him however as they were ushered inside, each given a colorful ribbon and told to tie it about their upper arm.

"Mine's blue," Joy, said pleased. Blue was her favorite color.

"Mine's red," Cheryl stated smiling excitedly.

Bob held up a yellow ribbon showing it off as Dale grimaced showing a black one.

"Go figure," he stated less than enthusiastically. "I wonder what we're supposed to do with these?"

"Shhh," Joy told him as they found a comfortable seat, taking them just as Marsha the camp director approached the podium.

"Welcome Camp X-TA-C!" she nearly shouted not even bothering to use the microphone that had been provided. "I am sure that most of you by now have had a chance to settle in, read through the programs, and hopefully sign up for many of the activities and events. For those of you who do, and who will participate, we'll be awarding some very valuable prizes during the last nights stay here. So it's worth your while to try and participate in as many functions or activities as you can. There will be plenty of competition, excitement, not to mention some fun surprises along the way for those of you who do!"

There was a nervous chitterling amongst the gathering, to which Marsha smiled, then calmed everyone in saying, "I know you're all wondering about the colored ribbons." Most everyone had already tied them around and about their upper arms as they'd been told to do earlier. "Behind me, through the opening you'll find six colored flags. Locate the matching flag of the color you're wearing, then form a single file line, man-woman, man-woman. Everyone understand that?"

Everyone did.

"Ok then, everyone follow me and I'll explain the rest of it to you all shortly!"

Stepping out into the warm sunlight, Dale saw that there were indeed six colored flags at the head of what appeared to be six lanes marked carefully within the soft grass of a long open field. Taking his place in line between a tall buxom looking woman with long blonde hair, and a rather petite, though slightly older woman than he was made him immediately nervous and apprehensive. And just as Bob had feared, the last thing he needed to worry about was sporting an erection. If anything, it was just the opposite and he had to fight to keep from dropping his hand down in some vain effort to conceal his discomfort. Many, if not most of the other men stood naturally, very relaxed. No doubt many of them having come here a second, if not third time already, and very much aware of whatever it was that was about to take place. The only good thing was, none of the men seemed to be aroused at the moment at least.

"As I mentioned to you all earlier, this is a 'get acquainted' type of activity, both for brand new participants as well as those of you who have been here with us before. But it's a great way to meet some of your fellow guests, and begin to shed some of that shyness and inhibitions that many of you have brought with you."

"Ah oh," Dale thought to himself, catching a knowing smile and a wink from the Petite older woman standing behind him.

"Don't worry," she whispered knowingly. "It's actually a lot more fun than you think!"

Dale quickly learned along with everyone else, that they were about to participate in a very unusual relay race, with the winning team each receiving ten points towards the final nights total accumulations.

"Now then, I want each of you to lie side-by-side, head to toe...male, female, just as I explained earlier."

"This should be interesting," Dale mused, looking over to see his wife standing in the next lane across from him. Only she wasn't looking his way, she was staring down at the very firm tight buns of the six-foot Adonis standing in front of her.

"Now obviously the object of this race is to finish first, but you have to over come the human obstacles, standing in front of you as well as behind you, and this is the way you're all going to do that," Marsha began.

Marsha then went on to explain that this relay race would require the last person laying down in line would then be required to roll over the top of the person in front of them and continue to do so until reaching the end of the line where the next person in line at the back would then do the same until the first person was once again the last person. At that point the second part of the relay race would begin with the traditional "leap-frog" until once again the first person had become the last person jumped over by everyone else.

"At the end of the race, both the 1st and last place teams will then join with me over here," she indicated. "So, everyone take your positions in your lanes and listen for the whistle to begin," she finished.

Moments later, the race began.


Dale had already calculated that there were at least twelve members per team, though curiously, on two of the teams there were more females than males participating. At the sound of the whistle, he lay waiting for his teammates to roll over the top of him until it was his turn to do so as well. The sound of laughter all about him told him that many were finding it a bit more difficult than originally expected. Seconds later, the older gal behind him suddenly rolled over the top of him, and then it was his turn. By the time he had taken his kneeling position for the 2nd part of the relay race, he glanced over to see how his wife's team was doing, only to discover that blonde haired Adonis in front of her, also kneeling, was happily showing a large firm erection.

"Damn!" he thought to himself as one of the camp workers walked by taking note of it. And as he did, he also noticed as Joy knelt on the ground directly behind him that she was taking note of it too, and smiling!

"And the 1st place team is the Red team!" Marsha announced minutes later. With the Black team coming in last!" she added with a friendly boo coming from the rest of the crowd. "So, would each of these two teams quickly join me?" she asked.

As everyone else gathered around, she motioned the two teams to take up sides on either end of a large mud-filled hole in the ground. A long rope had been laid out across the top of it. "As you can all see, this final challenge will be a tug of war!" The team who successfully pulls the other team into the mud pit will be given an additional 25 points per person," Marsha stated. So even though the Black team didn't score any points for the relay race, they can at least still score an additional 25 points here if they should win this event. Oh, and one more thing, Marsha paused before continuing. "Those of you not involved in the tug of war? You're invited to go up to those who are, and do whatever you'd like to do to them in some effort to distract them. You're not allowed to help by tugging on the ropes, or forcing them to let go of the ropes, can touch, tickle, or do whatever else you'd like to do to any of them to try and sway the outcome of this particular little event."

Once again the whistle sounded, and Dale began tugging on the rope just as the face of a familiar petite little individual began tugging on something else entirely.


"Did you see that? Did you see what she was doing?" Dale asked his friends after the tug of war was over. And though his team had actually won that event, he was still in a state of surprise at the woman's own boldness.

Joy and Cheryl simply laughed as they recalled the entire incident. Though Dale, along with several other participants were rewarded with additional bonus points for eventually having erections.

"So, what's next on today's agenda then?" Bob asked.

"Nothing much until this evening," Cheryl told them. "Its sort of a free day to take a walk around, relax in the hot-baths, or take a nice walk through the forest, whatever we'd like to do. Later on this evening though, there is something called "Show and Tell" that anyone going to can sign up for once inside."

"Show and Tell?" Dale questioned. "That certainly sounds interesting," he admitted.

"Not only that, but it says here that 200 points can be awarded to the ultimate show and teller!" Joy said grinningly. "This really should be interesting!"


It was just after sundown, and after their evening meal when a majority of the campers began funneling in to one of the main lodges auditoriums. Joy had already taken one of the entry forms on their way in and was reading through it.

"What's it say?" Dale asked.

"Apparently there are two types of entries for show and tell. One is a hundred point award for the best naughty story told, which will be voted on by each of us in the audience. The other is a two hundred point award for the most arousing, naughty sex-act performed live on stage!"

"You're kidding me!" Dale exclaimed. "You're serious? You mean to tell me they're actually inviting people to go up on stage and have front of everyone else?"

"Apparently!" Joy mused thoughtfully.

"Don't even think about it," he told her. But somehow, he knew she already was. Even Bob was hesitant, though he admitted he was looking forward to see if anyone actually got on stage and did anything in front of everyone else. And obviously, someone would...eventually anyway. After all, that's sort of why many of the people came here, to show off, "exhibitionist heaven", he'd called it earlier.

"What are you doing?" Bob asked his wife as he saw her filling out one of the forms.

"I know a very...naughty story," she told everyone. "And I'm gonna tell it!"

"Which one is that?" Bob asked worriedly. "Not the one about your sister and those twins!" he said guessing.

"No, not that one, though that one was pretty good. I was thinking about the time that I met you at that party? When you were still with your old girlfriend?"

Bob grinned. "Oh yeah, that one. That WAS pretty naughty wasn't it?" He admitted openly.

"You never told me about that," Joy prodded her friend.

"Well, you're about to hear it now then," she eagerly explained, handing her entry submission form off to one of the camp workers who was busily gathering up several submissions from the rapidly growing audience.

"Wonder how many are signing up for the show part," Dale whispered in his wife's ear. Glad that she hadn't filled out one of the forms herself like Cheryl had.

Just then the lights flickered, growing dark as a spotlight suddenly appeared on stage. And once again, Marsha's familiar face and still nude body stepped into that light.

"Welcome to our naughty 'show and tell' night," she told everyone. "You'll notice that in each of the arm rests of the chair you are sitting in is a key pad. At the end of the evening, you'll all be asked to type in the number of the contestant who was your favorite naughty story told, as well as for the most erotic, naughty sex act performed live on stage for us tonight!"

There was much cheering as well as snickering coming from the audience as the excitement level grew. Obviously many in attendance had come to one of these before.

"And for those of you who are new here, even if you don't come up and perform for us live on stage, you can still earn a few points even where you sit. Our camp officials will continue to circulate around through the audience, gathering those last minute applications for those of you who may change your minds and wish to participate."

"Fat chance," Dale whispered to his wife once again.

"Shhh!" she cautioned, telling him to be quiet.

"But as I mentioned, for those of you in the audience, who might become aroused and a bit frisky during the performances tonight? Well, dependant upon how frisky, and what you may or may not being doing out there, those same camp officials will be taking note and awarding various points even for that. So have fun everyone, enjoy yourselves, and enjoy the show!"

Moments later the first naughty story teller contestant was announced. Admittedly, all four found the setting quite arousing and extremely stimulating as the first contestant was a female, with enormous breasts and gigantic dark nipples that couldn't help but be stared at. Sitting simply upon a stool, she began to tell her erotic little story, and as she did, they also all noticed that she quite often would reach up fondling one of those magnificent breasts, adding a bit of an unusual dimension to the story telling itself.

"Gonna be hard to beat that one," Bob exclaimed after she had finished. Everyone took note of the fact that Bob sat there with a pretty hard firm erection of his own after the telling.

"Think it was the story? Or watching her touching herself?" Cheryl wondered aloud.

Joy laughed, "A bit of both I imagine," she stated. "But I think she just set the standard for everyone else," she added with a curious look towards her friend.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about that too," Cheryl admitted quietly.

Three more storytellers took their turns on stage, and then Cheryl's name was announced as the last of this particular group.

"Make it good!" Joy encouraged her excitedly; watching Cheryl's sexy nude form make it's way up on stage.

Dale noticed that Bob seemed slightly nervous and uncomfortable. "You worried about what she's going to share with everyone?" He snickered asking him.

"No, not really. It's just that I'm the first to admit hearing all these stories has gotten me very aroused, and to be honest with you, I'm a bit embarrassed about it!" Dale laughed. He knew what his friend meant. Both he and Bob had been shifting themselves periodically, even attempting to rest his hands within his lap as a lame way to conceal his excitement, made worse when he actually had to stand up in order to allow Cheryl to pass. What he didn't think anyone knew, or even saw, was when Cheryl had lightly brushed her hand against his stiff prick as she walked by him. For a moment he thought it an incidental contact, but she had turned, looking at him with a knowing smile even as Joy wished her luck on stage.

Once again all eyes were on Cheryl as she sat upon the stool and began her erotic little tale.

All three of them sat listening, enthralled as Cheryl began to weave the imagery of her erotic naughty little encounter with Bob, all under the nose of his then long time girl friend who was completely oblivious to the first of their "quickie" fucks in the bathroom that evening. Not only was her story telling intriguing and exciting however, but Cheryl unabashedly caressed herself, touching herself throughout the telling, even stopping at times with brief pauses, soft mewling little moans coming from her as she caressed or touched before continuing. Towards the end, she had even incorporated the use of the microphone, which was pretty innovative as she slipped it carefully between her legs, or between her breasts during those short pauses before continuing.

Dale hadn't even realized in the beginning that Joy had actually placed her hand around his cock and had been gently stroking it up and down. So lost in the visuals and the excitement of hearing those naughty, almost dirty thoughts and words coming from his friend, he found himself looking at her through lust filled eyes and the passion and excitement she continued weaving through her words.

"Fuck!" he heard someone else mutter in the darkness behind them. It was as good a compliment as any to her performance.

When Cheryl finally finished just under the allotted time they were given, there was a momentary silence throughout the auditorium, and rightfully so. As Cheryl had finished her worded story even as she seemed to convulse there on stage, as though in the throes of orgasmic relief. Something that none of the other contestants had done. And unlike all of the others, there wasn't just a brief smattering of applause, but roaring, almost defaming explosion of cheering and clapping, many of the spectators actually standing, hardon's in hand in some cases.