Can There Be Peace Ch. 03


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"I understand Mistress," Baby Girl replied in a terrified voice.

"I expect you to be, the girl I fell in love with. The one I killed my mother to reclaim. Before you freak at how hard it was for you to watch, just remember I had to act." She reached out and rested her hand on Sandy's chest, "What did we learn in the army?"

"Our squad is our family and family looks out for family." Baby Girl said softly.

"That's right, family watches out and protects our family. You are my family. You and your three sisters are the only family I have now." Karen said softly. "I can't lose you. Even when I hated you; I loved you more." She paused, "We don't need to go to the cemetery do we?"

"No Mistress," Baby Girl said and meant it. "We don't even need to go to the driveway. I'm yours and no one will ever change that."

"Good girl," Karen said. "Feel like joining your sisters in the living room? I have a reward for your good job teaching them. Other than the little bobble which I forgave."

"If it pleases you Mistress, a girl would love to join her sisters in the living room."

"If you keep talking in third person you are going to get tickled instead."

"Sorry Mistress."

"It's okay. Now look at me and tell me your name. I want to hear you say it."

"My name is Baby Girl," Baby Girl replied with a smile. "Your Baby Girl."

"And don't you forget it," Karen said bending down to kiss Baby Girl tenderly.

In the living room she motioned Baby Girl to get on the machine and buckled her wrists and ankles in. Turning it on she stood back and smiled, "There is a point where pain and pleasure combine. Cum Baby Girl." She smiled as the girl mewed and bucked up and down on the machine. Reaching to one side she turned the nob up to five and hear Baby Girl throw her head back and go nuts bouncing up and down. With how she was bound, no matter how the girl tried she could not get off it.

Karen went to the kitchen poured herself another cup of coffee and came back. "The wetter you are, the more it stimulates you and shocks at the same time. That in turn excites you and the cycle continues until it reaches maximum and then stops. "Your sister once lasted an hour before it finally stopped. "How long do you think she will last tonight? Closest guess gets to go next."

Cat looked at Baby Girl lost in pleasure and said, "Half an hour max."

"Not even close sis, fifteen minutes," Little Bit said looking at her in wonder.

"Five minutes," Red said looking at Karen. She walked over and poured herself a cup of coffee and said softly, "That really happened didn't it Mistress."

Not looking at her Karen replied just as softly, "What makes you say that?"

"Tom told me about it. Apparently his Sergeant confessed that she had caught a sadistic mass murder hurting her girlfriend and she had killed the woman and buried her where no one would find her." Red said softly. She reached out and touched Karen's arm. "I glad for both your sakes you did it. I only wish I had been there to help."

Cat turned and said, "We all do."

"And for the record your whispering abilities suck." Little Bit said looking at them.

"Five minutes," Karen said looking at her watch. "This isn't an endurance test Baby Girl, enjoy yourself," She said loudly.

That was what she wanted to hear and Baby Girl orgasmed in pleasure. The machine ramped up in speed and electrical current running across the rubber cock and she was off and running. She mewed in pleasure knowing Karen finally forgave her. At the fourteen minute mark she finally passed out as the machine gave her one last large shock.

Moving forward Karen released her and lifted her up off. "Next up Little Bit," She added, "Cum for me pet," as the girl straddled the rubber cock. While she was buried on it Karen quickly bound her wrists and ankles and started the machine back up. "How long Cat?"

"Fifteen," Cat said looking at Red.

"Ten max, Little Bit is a fire cracker waiting to blow." Red replied. True to her prediction Little Bit slumped over at ten minutes. As she was bound to the machine she looked at Cat, "Bet you a nickel I last longer than you."

Before Cat could reply, Karen said, "Tonight is about having a good time dear. Later we will work on endurance." She kissed the girl and started it up.

Cat waited until Red was into it before asking softly, "Mistress, what really happened? Why does she still haunt you?"

"The whole time, once she realized I was unstoppable, she critiqued me." She looked at Cat, "I was punishing her and she kept telling me what I was doing wrong. Teaching me how to kill her slowly and saying I was not worthy to be her daughter. I finally lost it and cut her throat because I couldn't take her abuse anymore." Karen looked at Baby Girl, "The first time I tried to get her to remember, she completely lost it. Tommy had to help me calm her down and I made him swear never to tell a soul."

"We'll help you fight her," Cat said. "We all will."

"I just want us to be happy together," Karen said softly. About that time Red gave out a loud cry and slumped forward. "Last but not least..." She unbound the woman and laid her out with the other two and turned to Cat, "You're up dear."

As she impaled herself on the cock she asked, "Mistress, how long did you last? I'm assuming you have tried it."

"Just shy of two hours," Karen said starting it up.

"Did you say two hours?" Little bit asked getting up slowly.

"Just under it yes pet." Karen replied sitting down near where Little Bit was kneeling and looking at her in wonder.

"How did you manage it?"

"Practice," Karen replied. "By the time Christmas rolls around, you will be able to beat my best time. Each of you will."

Baby Girl looked at Cat humping the machine and then up at Karen. "If you say so Mistress."

If she says so what?" Red said rolling onto her back and looking at the ceiling. "That was nice...."

"Mistress says we will hit the two-hour mark by Christmas," Baby Girl said looking at her sister.

"No way," Red replied rolling over and slowly getting up to kneel next to Baby Girl. She looked up at Karen, "That is not possible Mistress. Is it?"

"If I can do it, you can too." Karen replied.

"Mistress, please forgive me for saying but I have to call bullshit on the two-hour claim." Little Bit said. She smiled, "I guess you will have to go next and show us."

At first Karen clouded up. How dare she accuse her of not telling the truth. But then she realized Little Bit wanted her to ride and enjoy herself also. "I guess I will," Karen replied with a little smile. "But in the future find a better way of calling BS. I don't want to take it wrong and get upset with you girls."

They watched Cat ride and finally slump forward and off it just over fifteen minutes. Releasing her Karen bound her ankles and bent back to start it. Once it was running she slipped her wrists in the cuffs and said, "Note the time." The first orgasm came quickly but then she was able to get control of herself and just enjoy the ride. After about fifteen minutes she noticed Red watching with wide eyes and said, "You have to try this blindfolded. It really adds to the pleasure."

When Baby Girl said softly, "Thirty minutes," Karen let go and rode her way through another orgasm. She kept it there by focusing her mind on watching the girls watching her. Baby Girl's look of hunger coupled with Little Bit's happy smiles excited her and she had to turn her attention on Red and finally Cat who looked surprised. "Forty five..."

At the one hour mark all four girls were speechless and Karen rode through her third orgasm. "This is when it gets hard," she said brokenly. She was fighting the need to cum actively. "Your body says one thing and you have to fight to keep from cumming." Again, the words came slowly spread apart by pants of pleasure.

She had her eyes closed and letting the pleasure take her when Karen suddenly remembered her mother standing over her and laughing, "You're no better than any of my other sluts."

Karen hissed, "I hate you so fucking much... one day I am going to rip your heart out and eat it." She stopped humping the machine and opened her eyes to see the wide eyes of her girls. Of all Baby Girl was the worst shocked. She was there kneeling and watching Karen's punishment. Locking eyes with her she smiled, "I beat her at her own game that day didn't I?"

"Yes Mistress, she gave up at the two hour mark." Baby Girl replied. She suddenly laughed, "I was so proud of you Karen for doing what I could not."

She looked at the others, "She was taunting me and saying I was no better than her slaves. I lost it and the anger, rage against her was what saw me through until she gave up and turned the machine off." Karen paused, "But now I don't have to prove anything to her anymore and can just enjoy myself." Closing her eyes, she let herself go and the orgasms began to flow together until her mind melted in a puddle of pleasure.

Karen woke in the bed with all four girls trying to cuddle with her at once. She could see sunlight coming from the bedroom window and wondered how to get up without disturbing them. She was still wondering when Baby Girl opened her eyes and smiled at her. She in turn woke Cat and the pair of them got up which allowed Karen to slide out. As she stood to hit the bathroom she heard Cat waking the other two.

Coming out of the bathroom she looked at the four girls, "It feels so wrong to use a toilet to pee in. I miss my morning shower." She paused a beat, "Who's up for their morning run?"

"Run?" Red asked looking at her sisters.

"Mistress keeps saying she's going to take us on a little five mile run." Cat replied with a smile.

"I'm game," Little Bit smiled.

"And you used to run cross country track too," Red shot back.

"Baby Girl?" Karen asked.

"Think you can keep up this time Mistress?" Baby Girl said with a small smile.

"Only one way to find out," Karen replied. "Down to the end of the driveway and back twice. That's about three miles total. Any other suckers?"

"I'll pass," I need shoes and something to wear other than a dress," Cat replied.

"Me too," Red said.

"Cat you and Red make breakfast." Karen said. She paused and then added, "After we eat I want to get Red's stuff picked up and hers and Little Bit's car dealt with. Then we'll go shopping for cross country shoes and workout clothes for you four." Looking at them, "There is more to life than playing around. I want us to stay in shape and I hate diets."

She paused and then said, "Ten minutes, outside." She went and dressed in a clean set of fatigues and put her boots on. Going out she found Little Bit and Baby Girl stretching and giggling.

"Dare I ask what the joke is?" Karen asked joining them.

"Someone, and I won't name who, failed to make it to two hours last night like she said she could. We were just joking that she needed to practice along with the rest of us." Baby Girl said with a smile. "Face it Mistress, it would be fun to just let go and be one of the girls riding that machine all night long."

Karen smiled in return, "Yes you're right. I do need to practice and what better way is with my four girlfriends, lovers, and sweet submissives." She gestured down the sloping driveway, "Do what you can. I don't want you two dropping dead on me." She started down in an easy jog.

While Baby Girt kept pace with her, Little Bit took off like a gazelle down the driveway. She was about half way down when the girl waved as she jogged by on the uphill side. Again she was about half way up when the girl waved on her second downhill run. She realized Baby Girl had fallen behind at some point but saw she was only fifty or so feet behind her. Karen about caught up with Little Bit half way up the second lap but the girl catching the sounds of her feet on the gravel managed to keep the lead to the end.

She smiled at Little Bit and then Baby Girl as the girl joined them. "I would have taken you if we had done a third lap. The trick is to finish; keep a speed you can maintain." She looked at Baby Girl, "Time was I would have eaten your dust all the way. You're out of shape little one."

"Not much exercise tattooing." Baby Girl replied. "Give me time and I will give our gazelle over there a run for her money."

"Good luck sis," Little Bit said laughing. "But it felt good to run, can we keep doing it in the mornings?" She asked looking at Karen

"Sure, and in a week or so we can run the cross country trail I made."

"If you think I am going to run on that thing Mistress, just punish me now." Baby Girl said. She looked at her sister, "It was a course made to push herself and of course her loyal follower to their limits. Even in great shape we couldn't finish it."

"We can do it now that we're older and in better shape." Karen said. "At least give it a try. Then you can run laps while the rest plays follow the leader."

"You'll not leave me behind," Baby Girl said. "Where you go I follow. Even if it is on that trail of yours."

"I know dear," Karen replied with a smile. "You'll be the one in the back cussing a blue storm."

"Let's go see what your sisters made for breakfast."

They were shopping in the local wally world after having picked up Reds few belongings and closed out both girl's accounts. The cars the pair sold to other students for next to nothing. Karen was walking with them when she said, "You can get workout clothes, and five sets of causal. This is not the place to find something to take you out in. We'll go to the strip for that."

Baby Girl came over and said softly, "Karen can we each pick a gift for you?"

"Going to buy me a pony?" Karen asked.

"Do you really want a pony?" Baby Girl countered. "No, just let us show you we care in our own way."

"Okay you win," Karen said rolling her eyes.

"No peaking until we're home," Baby Girl said dancing back to her sisters.

Karen walked to the front of the store and waited in parade rest while they shopped. When they finally came up front, the cart was overflowing. She was glad they were bonding with each other. Just like her old unit, a strong bond kept them alive and healthy until the end. Walking over she smiled and paid for it not looking at the total. Once outside she waited in the truck while they unloaded.

"Anything that can't wait on putting in the fridge?" Karen asked Cat who got into the front seat.

"No Mistress but that brings up a question. If we had a small freezer we could store more meat and bread than we can now." Cat said.

Karen looked at her, "You would think my parents knew that but we didn't have a freezer. Baby Girl do you ever remember a freezer?"

Baby Girl leaned forward, "Funny that you ask. As much of a survivalist as your father was, where was his food stores?"

"Good question," Karen replied. "There has to be another room or something there we don't know about." She looked at the girls, "Let me think on it while we shop for stepping out clothes for you girls." She pulled in to the strip mall that had the Foxy Lady store and several other ones and leaned against the front of her truck thinking. She went to her purse and opened it to find her last cigar had been broken at some point in the past.

She was holding it when Baby Girl came out of the store, reached in her purse and pulled out one. "I remembered how you liked one now and then Karen. Remember you always told me you helped you think?"

"I do and thank you love," Karen said taking the cigar and kissing Baby Girl tenderly. As the girl returned to shopping, she lit the cigar and thought. The best she could come up with is that he would want it close to the armory. That meant down the tunnel. Knowing the traps to get to her mother's play room, the one's her father set up for his area had to be worse. She needed someone from a demo unit. Someone she could trust because those crazy fucks could not be controlled.

Catching Baby Girl's eyes, she motioned the girl to join her, "We need a demo unit. Got any connections?"

Thinking she shook her head, "No Karen. I guess I get to become your tunnel rat."

"Like hell, I'll go down while you and your sisters go up to the grove." Karen said looking towards where the house was from town.

"NO!" Baby Girl said loudly stepping in front of Karen. "No... I betrayed you once. I won't let you throw your life away like I did."

"You did what you had to baby. Now it's my turn to do what I must," Karen said trying to calm her down. "This is not the place for the two of us to snap. Let it go and we will discuss it when we get home."

"Fine but give me the truck keys. I know you Karen, you would leave our asses here while you go explore." Baby Girl paused and added, "If it were just you and I, I would say fine. It would be a fitting punishment for me. But look at those three girls in there, what will happen to them if you die?"

Karen looked at the them staring at her and Baby Girl, "Good point. We really need someone who is into demolitions and traps. Any ideas on how to even find someone?" She reached into her pocket and handed Baby Girl her keys, "Tell your sisters to wrap it up soon. I want to get home and think."

She closed her eyes and thought. By the time the others were ready she went in and paid and returned to the truck. "We have to hit wally world again," She said heading back. Going in she strode to the camping and hardware area, bought a flashlight that could be worn, more heavy rope, a couple large D rings, various screwdrivers, pliers, nail and cotter pin selections. As she drove home her mind was a million miles away.

At the house, while everyone was bringing things in and putting them away, Karen was putting everything she thought she needed out on the bed. She tied one end of the rope to the corner of the frame and then snaked it back to the gun room. Going to the dining room she sat down and waited unspeaking for the others. As the others came in, they saw her stoic expression, topped (change "topped" to "stopped") talking and sat down at the table.

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Will we see more of Karen and her pets?

Oh... and 5* for you.

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