Can There Be Peace Ch. 05


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"I am going to the hospital to get checked out like someone I know recommended I should." She paused, "Tell the pair that I thought they were in the truck already. It wasn't until I was on my way that I realized I was alone."

"Please turn around so one of us can go with you."

"Whoever makes it to the end of the driveway by the time I get there can come." Karen said hanging up. She had to turn into a driveway to get turned around but finally got headed back to the house and the winner of the foot race that was sure to be happening. Pulling up she saw a mob waiting for her. Stopping they piled in and she said, "I meant one of you; not all five."

"That's not what you said," Baby Girl replied with a smug smile on her lips and Tiffany sitting on her lap.

Karen sighed, "Okay but you have to do as I say." She pulled into the driveway and turned around once more. "Once we get there, Baby Girl, you, Tiffany and Cat go to the wally world. Buy an inflatable mattress, king sized blanket and some pillows... Four big fluffy ones." She paused and then said, "Then once back at the hospital, 4 of you stay out in the back of the truck while one is inside. With the exception of Tiff, the others will switch out. I would love you inside dear but you are supposed to be turning into a fuck bunny and not in a hospital worrying about me."

Reaching the hospital emergency entrance, she said, "If anyone asks about my burnt nipple I'm going to point at whoever goes in with me and say she did it."

"They will take one look at me and I'm going to point at Red," Little Bit said with a giggle.

"You three can come bail me out after you get the bed," Red said shaking her head.

Getting out Karen had Red and Little Bit help her in to the emergency room where they took one look at her and rushed her back. The nurse started to cut her clothes off and she said, "If you touch me with those scissors I am going to take them from you and put them somewhere the sun don't shine. I'll undress when the doctor says so and not a moment sooner." She paused and then added, "Call Doc Johnson and wake his sorry ass up. Tell him Karen O'Malley fell and is in the ER and screaming for him."

"Karen, you have to calm down," Little Bit said. "If you don't they will sedate you."

"Fine but let me strip now... oh wait I'm not wearing panties. Oops." She smiled.

A young man came in wearing a lab coat and said, "What's this ruckus about miss...?"

"Staff Sergeant Karen O'Malley. I simply told your nurse here that if she tried to cut my uniform off when I can remove it that I would be unhappy. I added that Dr. Johnson is my local physician and would like him notified." Karen said sweetly. "I fell on an obstacle course earlier when the tree holding one side of a rope bridge fall over and I fell about fifteen feet." She paused and then added, "Other than a concussion, minor cuts on my back and dislocated right shoulder I felt fine. Now my eye is dilated and on advice I came in to have it checked out."

"You didn't feel the need to come in until now? When did the fall take place?" the doctor asked surprised.

"About noon," Karen replied. She looked at him, "After two tours a little fall like this never kept me off a patrol. Why change when I am home?" She looked at the nurse, "Is someone contacting Doc Johnson?"

"He doesn't have practicing rights here," the nurse said nastily.

"Fine, I'll go where he has his rights." Karen said getting up.

"You can't go anywhere in your condition," the doctor said looking at her.

"Sonny boy, never tell a combat ranger she can't go anywhere she damn well pleases." She pushed by him and was nearly out the doors when he caught up to her. "Miss O'Malley the nurse is calling him now. Please come back inside so I can check you out while we are waiting."

"Not on your life, I would rather die out here than go inside and let you touch me." Karen said hotly. "If I went in you would be able to dope me up on the excuse that I came to you for treatment and became violent."

She looked at Red and Little Bit, "Come on, we're going." She marched off towards the entrance and called Baby Girl, "You better come get us before I walk home. This place is all that dad feared." Karen hung up without letting Baby Girl get a word in edge wise. When they made it out to the street she looked back at the hospital and said, "No wonder he was paranoid." She looked at the pair, "You think I over reacted."

"No Mistress, that's why I tried to get you to calm down." Red replied. She looked at Little Bit and added, "I would rather die here than in there. Truer words I have never heard sis."

"I for one agree, better to die than go there again." Little Bit said coldly.

"Let's go before the cops show," Karen said as she started walking towards home. "When they don't see us waiting they will figure it out." It seemed like forever before the truck pulled up alongside them on the road and the window rolled down.

"Need a ride?" Cat said from the front passenger seat. "Or do you want to hoof it?"

"A ride would be good," Karen said opening the back door and crawling in with the other two. She snuggled up tight against Tiffany and said, "Never dull around me, girlfriend let me tell you."

"Mistress isn't whistling Dixie." Baby Girl said. "So what happened back there that got your back fur up?" she said glancing in the rearview mirror.

"First off the silly assed nurse tried to cut my uniform off. Then this young punk of a doctor tells me they not going to call Doc Johnson and finally he was stupid enough when I said I was leaving to try and stop me."

"So you took him out? Cat said turning around.

"No Mistress just pushed by him and we went out. He tied to con her into returning but she said she would rather die than let him get her in there. He would drug her saying she was being combative and we would have had a hell of a time getting her back out. She was wonderful sister. You should have seen it." Red said looking at Karen.

That was the woman I fell madly in love with. Firm with him and that snotty nurse. God, I wanted to punch her out so bad," Little Bit added.

"I see you're rubbing off on them Mistress," Cat said.

"I always thought my father was bat shit crazy for his paranoid rants. But after tonight I wonder." Karen said to Cat, "Your sister driving can tell you about him. She caught Baby Girl's eyes in the mirror. "Okay you win, no play for me tonight but now you can't bitch that I didn't go to the hospital. If I drop dead, it's my own fault."

She rubbed her sore nipple and added to Tiffany, "At least I got the old standby if I happen to need a pick me up. You ever do that Major?"

"No and I have never seen anyone else crazy enough to," Cat replied.

"I don't know who started it," Baby Girl said. "But the guys in the unit would zap their arms when we got tired. So our crazy sergeant one day said, 'Let me show you pussies how to do it for real.' She pulled up her shirt and zapped her right nipple there in front of them. Well of course I had to follow suit. I was supposed to be the crazy one and she was my Mistress after all." Baby Girl paused, "Sure as hell worked I was wide awake the whole patrol. Every time I seemed to be nodding off, Mistress would say zap time for Sandy and the whole squad would perk up."

Back home, Karen went to the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. Before she could start undressing, the five girls stripped her down and tucked her in. "I want you five to play together tonight. Show Tiffany what a sister's love can be like." She looked at Tiffany, "They have been learning how to pleasure another and could use the practice." As they started to leave she patted the bed next to her and said, "No in here. Next to me." Though she had a headache and her shoulder hurt, Karen fell asleep shortly after laying down.

She woke up with the sun and went to the bathroom and then to make a pot of coffee. To her surprise, Karen saw the others were already up and waiting for her. "You girls never beat me up, what gives? Skip sleep last night?"

"No Mistress, we just set our alarm early." Cat replied.

"It's not right for you to get up first Mistress," Red added.

"In that case you won't mind doing five laps this morning." Karen shot back. "Me on the other hand am going to enjoy a cup of coffee on the porch. Be sure to swing by and wave each lap." She looked at them, "Green is good for the soul."

"Watching us run and turn green you mean," Baby Girl said putting her shoes on.

"Of course," Karen said. She stopped Tiffany, "Not you dear, grab a cup and come out to sit with me." She went out back and sat down. Sipping her coffee, she expected all four had tinkled in her cup and smiled.

"Do you like the coffee Mistress?"

"Yes, it reminds me of good times." Karen said not opening her eyes. "Here we were in hell, scared every moment we would die and my bright point of the day was when Sandy would bring me a cup of coffee that she peed in. It was so utterly wrong that it was funny."

"We all helped," Tiffany said softly. She took a sip of coffee and smacked her lips, "It does add a different flavor to it."

"You'll get used to it," Karen replied. "Tiff, I need you to trust me and not fight anything I do. You may not understand at the time but always remember you belong to me and I would never hurt you."

"I trust you, Mistress," Tiffany said softly. "I know you know what is best for me and see the big picture." She sipped on the coffee when Karen did and smiled, "It does grow on you."

Karen was about to answer when Little Bit passed by. "Little Bit!" she said raising her voice. A moment later the girl returned jogging in place, "We're going up to the grove, you four come join us but be quiet when you do."

"Okay Mistress," Little Bit replied smiling.

Standing Karen said, "Come with me, bring your coffee dear." She led her up the path and to her grove. Sitting down she leaned against a tree and patted the ground next to her. Once Tiffany sat she said, "This is my grove, a safe place to come to get away from the world." She took a sip of her coffee, "I want you to feel this is your safe place too. Here, put you head on my lap and rest." She said taking the cup from the girl's hands.

"It's beautiful here," Tiffany said as she laid her head on her Mistress's lap.

"Close your eyes dear, listen to the sounds of the wind in the pine needles." Karen ran her fingers through Tiff's hair tenderly. "Smell the scent of the evergreens and feel how soft the pine straw is. Let your mind take in all aspects of my grove." She led the girl down into a deep relaxing state. "You love it here. Love being here with me. So if I say come to my grove you will rush back to this relaxing state once more. You know I love bringing you here. If I love it, you need it." She woke the girl up with an orgasm and took her down again. Time and time again she brought her to wakefulness and down into a deep sleep until she could go deep without extra prompting.

Finally satisfied, Karen continued, "Remember the feeling of being on your elbows and knees as you are being fucked slowly. You love the feel of the cock sliding in and out of your cunny, pushing you closer to an orgasm." She smiled as the girl's hips rocked slightly. "You look over your shoulder and see it is me making love to you with a strap on as you orgasm. Cum without waking." She let the girl come down a bit before saying, "Look back with a smile to thank me and see one of your sister's now making love to you. Cum for me, you hear me say from your right side. Orgasming you see your sister orgasming also. Cum without waking."

She saw the others kneeling and smiling at them. Making undressing motions she gestured for them to then lay on their back with eyes closed and not speak. "Still being fucked slowly, passionately, you smile at your sister and see a different one now mewing in pleasure also." Karen ran her through all four sisters and herself making love to Tiffany and bring her to an orgasm. "Making love to your Mistress or making love to your sisters is the most sublime experiences in your life. The pleasure, the love, and yes the roughness is what you crave." She let that sink in, "Pleasuring your sisters or Mistress brings you more joy than being on the receiving side. It's better to give than to receive." Karen paused again and then ended with, "Orgasm as you wake up... always orgasm as you wake up my sweet. Wake now."

Instead of one mew of pleasure she heard all five girls orgasm and their scent filled the air. When Tiffany woke up she turned her head and looked up at her Mistress, "I love you so much Mistress."

"I love you too Tiffany. Time to go back to my grove," Karen said. She watched as the girl's eyes slammed shut. "Everyone is in my grove, safe from the outside world. In your mind's eye, stand and look down at your body and your sisters standing over theirs." Karen closed her eyes, "Then look towards me and you see my spirit, sitting cross-legged a little deeper in the grove. Without thinking about it you are drawn to me like moths to a flame and sit in a circle with me. As you sit we join hands and I say, 'The circle is complete,' and you feel a shock travel around the circle.

"I didn't know you were a wiccan," Red's spirit said in surprise.

"There are a lot of things you don't know...yet," Karen replied. She wasn't sure if the girl really spoke or she imagined it. "Each of us have memories, some good, some bad. Some we barely remember and others we wish we could forget. These memories are a big part of who we are." She paused, "Today, you will see the monster I keep caged and perhaps my experiences will allow you to open up about yours. If not a little prompting on my part will."

Karen paused and looked around the circle in her mind, "You spoke of being branded with my chop. Well this is the same thing with your spirit. When we finish, your soul, your spirit, will contain a little part from your sisters and myself and we you." She paused, "Let's start with a joyful memory I still remember as if it happened yesterday. Fifth grade lunch, sitting alone because I didn't fit in with the rest of the class, my mother had just started me on my training and I didn't feel like I fit in. In walks this girl carrying a brown paper bag. I remember thinking to myself I wanted to explore her body with hands and mouth. She was beautiful and took my breath away. Her hair in pig tails and a smile that could brighten the darkest day. She came over and asked,

"Can I sit with you?" Sandy said. "Sisters, you should have seen Mistress back then. Even then she had a commanding presence and I wanted to be close to her. It was love, puppy love at first sight."

"Can anyone else hear your sister?" Karen wondered

"Of course, Karen," Cat replied.

"Ahhh puppy love," Tiffany said with a smile.

"I can't remember what we had but I remember sharing a pair of peanut butter cups with her." Karen said with a smile. "We were like twins up until tenth grade.... Just before the Sadie Hawkins day dance. I knew Sandy was up to something because she was giggling all week." She paused and her voice was choked with emotion as she continued, "Hearing a noise in the living room I rushed down the hall just in time to see my twin, best friend and heavy petting lover kneeling before my mother and begging to be allowed to be her slave. She then hands mother a rose and kisses her foot. Mom looked at me and smiled coldly as she smelled the rose."

"I went to ask her if I could ask you to the dance," Sandy said with a cry. Her mind played out the whole thing about Karen's mother saying she wasn't worthy and her reply of let me prove it. How did she know the witch was going to make her into her slave?

Karen heard gasps from her side of the story and then reliving Sandy's memories. "But I didn't know any of that. I only saw the woman I loved give herself to my mother. Memories flashed by of the next year and a half, Sandy pleasuring her mother under the table while they ate dinner. Sandy following her around like a trained puppy. God the rage boiled over until she knew she was going to kill them all. Every waking moment was filled with plans and the unholy joy she would have destroying her mother.

She suddenly realized she was losing it and unable to stop it, the phone call from the police about her father and an unknown woman dying in an accident. Telling them it had to be her mom, they went on a trip to Philly together. It played out like some sick horror movie from start to end in graphic detail. But when it came to killing Sandy, she couldn't do it. She still loved the girl.

Throughout it Sandy's memories would flash in and her own feelings of despair and worthlessness when her best friend turned away from her. Her attempted suicide and failure at that also bubbled up.

That triggered Tiffany past and her sexual abuse at her first father for years until she attempted suicide. Then the one-upping spiral with Patty that ended with her trying to get Karen thrown out of the club.

"Oh my god..." Karen said softly aloud. "I remember I was eight or so when my father showed me his pee pee and had me kiss and suck on it." The memory hit full force and she wailed as she went to her mommy and told her she got to kiss his pee pee and as soon as she become a woman she would be able to make love to him." Her mother's slap and red face made her realize she said something wrong. Being sent to bed without dinner and then listening as they argued far into the night. She heard her mother yell, "If you touch her again I will bury you with the others."

"She lied in the letter," Patty said softly. "God Damnit, I thought it was sweet and her trying to make amends from beyond the grave."

"She was jealous of you Karen. Had you been anyone other than her daughter she would have killed. But she took you and warped your mind. Took the one thing you loved and destroyed it. Just to make sure, she mind fucked you some more and wrote a letter of lies." Red paused and looked to the heavens, "Great Mother... Give us strength to destroy the witch that is attacking our sister and coven from beyond the grave." Mentally she said after a moment, "You are not the only wiccan here."

"You younger sisters have not seen the horrors of war. Forgive me but you must." She looked at Cat, "You start Marie, yours is stronger than Sandy and mine."

Cat whimpered, she knew this was coming the moment Mistress started the flow of their past. "I loved my boys..." she said as that night unfolded. So many dead, everyone except her wounded, most would die in the end and she lived through it all. Every gut wrenching moment of it. Even to the night after the president placed the medal around her neck and sitting in her hotel room. She was still in dress uniform, Congressional Medal of Honor around her neck, and thinking it was her thirty pieces of silver. Taking her pistol, putting the barrel in her mouth and tasting the break free and metal as she said mentally, "Forgive me." But she lacked the courage to pull the trigger. She tried and tried but her finger refused to move.

Her memories jumped forward to her selling everything and donating the money to the Wounded Vets Project. Her last two dollars spent on a lottery ticket. God laughing at her when she won. "It was like him saying, you can't die yet. Not like I let Judas die without paying his penitence." Cat said. The memory of her putting it into the bond market and ignoring it as she went to Mistress Sally and begged to be allowed to become a slave. "She knew what happened because I had to tell her everything before she would brand me. Then six weeks later, a Staff Sergeant walked in with the same look in her eyes, as I knew I had. She had seen too much and lived. I saw her Distinguished Service Cross and understood that this must be the one that god made me wait for."