Can There Be Peace Ch. 07


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"Of course," Karen replied digging it out of her bag. "Would you like me to put it on you? Or would you do as your sisters did, put it on themselves."

"Would you do it?" Janet asked in a childlike voice.

Karen patted the seat next to her and the girl hurried and sat with her back to her. She placed the collar on the girl's neck and buckled it. Bending forward she whispered, "I take you as mine." She kissed Janet's neck tenderly and as the girl turned, kissed her lightly. "No matter what, you will still be mine dear. Stay all the time or part time, your soul and mine are bound together. Only you can decide what is right for you. I'm sorry I upset you outside."

"You didn't upset me Mistress," Janet said reaching out to caress Karen's face. "I was confused, now I understand. I understand you want me to be sure. I know what I want to do. I was simply afraid to admit it to myself." She started to get up, "Can I ride with you home? I don't have a car and want to tell my ride I don't need her to come get me."

"Yes you will ride home with me," Karen replied with a smile.

As the girl started to leave Cat said, "Sister, after you call her can we talk a bit more... perhaps outside?"

"Cat it can wait." Karen interjected.

"Okay Mistress," Cat replied pouting.

"I don't mind Mistress," Janet said with a smile. "Cat has been a big help to me."

"And she wants to be a big help to me now dear." Karen said. She motioned Janet to come closer and pulled her down so she could whisper in the girl's ear, "She wants to take you outside, tie you up before ravishing you."

Janet smiled and looked at Cat, "I would love that sister, can it wait until I get off?"

Cat blinked and nodded, "It would be my pleasure little sister."

Karen giggled as Janet almost skipped off happily.

"What did I agree to?" Cat asked

"I told her you wanted to take her outside, bind her before ravishing her." Karen said.

"That works for me," Cat replied with a smile.

"Meanwhile, go see if you can find a convert for the goddess."

"Now no running off to drink alone Mistress. Promise me or I will sit right here no matter what thoughts you plant into my head." Cat said crossing her arms.

"If you were going to stay here, you wouldn't be sitting with crossed arms, you would be under the table worshiping my lonely honey pot." Karen replied with a smile. "Lick lick lick..." she added with a giggle.

"You don't need to plant that one in my mind Mistress. I love your taste already and would be happy to spend the rest of my life there." Cat replied. She tilted her head, "So convert hunt or make love to you. You know that is a tough one to answer. I would enjoy doing both so tell me which would you rather I do?"

"Goddess first dear, I want each of you to get at least one tonight for experience." Karen replied. She looked around and then smiled, "See the blond with the hair down to her butt dancing alone."

Cat looked around and saw her. Her aura was already a rich ruby red. With a smile she got up and went over and started dancing with her. She bent forward kissed her lightly on the lips. She smiled and added, "Let's go somewhere a little more private, baby." Taking her hand, she led the girl to the bathroom and into one of the stalls where she kissed her passionately. Unzipping her hobble dress she smiled as the girl sank down onto the toilet seat.

Karen smiled as Darkstar came up with a woman. She looked at her and then looked again and motioned them to sit. "I know you from somewhere," She said. "Where have we met?"

"You don't remember me Staff Sergeant?" the girl asked surprised. "I'll give you a hint, I know all about your Corporal and her special blend of coffee she kept giving you even after her little joke."

"Dr. Katlan?" Karen asked not believing her eyes. Dr. Katlan had a serious stick up her ass the whole time she was at the firebase. "I don't understand... What are you doing up here?"

"Looking for a patient who a week after having brain surgery went AWOL with several armed women. One armed with a pistol happened to be her Corporal and the other, with a shot gun a certain Major who holds the CMoH." She paused, "So I asked myself, if I just checked myself out, where would I go? So here I am."

"I think you stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting me to go back, Dr. Katlan. Nor do I believe you care to follow the goddess. You strike me of being wound too tight for that." Karen countered.

"The MP's outside might have something to say about the first part. Your little friend makes an interesting case for your goddess and given another time, I expect I might take her up on her offer." The Doctor replied.

"You can't touch me, I'm out of the service."

"As your doctor I can say you are delusional and they will throw away the key."

"You might want to go have a dance or something Darkstar while I tell this nice lady things she won't like to hear." Karen said. She watched the girl flee and turned back to the doctor. "You can't touch me. Would you like to know why?"

"Why is that Staff Sergeant," the Doctor replied coldly.

"Because if you do, you will trigger a bloodbath and the first one to die will be you."

"You and your rubber dress is going to seduce me?"

"No the Corporal holding a shotgun behind you will. In addition, the MP's if there are any are already out cold or dead." Karen said just as coldly. "There you had the home court advantage. Here I have the advantage. If you are lucky, you will make it out alive. Frankly with your attitude, you are dead and don't know it yet."

"No MP's, she came alone Staff Sergeant," Baby Girl said. "Imagine my surprise when I am outside having a friendly romp and see the good doctor show up. Still trying to get your hands on her money?"

"Oh?" Karen asked. "We hadn't got around to the bribe part."

"Yea the good doctor wanted a fat retainer to make sure nothing happened to you." Baby Girl said.

"Time to take it outside," Karen said getting up. "This way Dr. Katlin if you please." She took a hold of the woman's arm and they walked out side by side with Sandy following behind them. At the door she said, "Would you believe she tried to shake me down John?"

"Stupid bitch," he said shaking his head.

Going out to the truck, she took the shotgun from Baby Girl and said, "Gag and bind her tightly. Oh and strip her too." She watched Cat come out followed by the others including Janet. "Guess who showed up Cat?" Karen gestured in the bed of the truck.

Cat looked in and then crawled in saying coldly, "You bitch, I told you if I ever saw you again I would kill you. She punched her hard in the kidney.

Karen looked at the others and focused on Janet. "Ten days ago I had a brain bleeder and nearly died. They airlifted me to Atlanta for treatment. This cold hearted bitch of a doctor tried to shake the girls down for protection money to keep anything from happening to me."

"What are you going to do with her?" Janet asked. She was crossed between being enraged and horrified.

"What would you do if someone tried to hurt the high priestess?"

"Kill with a curse and damn the price," she said coldly without emotion.

"What would you do if someone tried to hurt your Mistress?"

"Hurt them bad, I don't know if I could kill by hand," Janet said. She looked at Red, "Could you?"

"I didn't think so but I know better now. To protect Karen, I would do what must be done, even if it is taking a life." Red replied.

"I had thought about binding her tightly, driving her in the trunk to a bad part of town in Atlanta and leaving her in the trunk with the keys in the ignition. However, I have a better plan now. "She will be a guest in a very small box overnight. Then tomorrow she will be given a special blessing." Karen looked at Red, "You know the one I mean. You heard most of the curse one night not too long ago."

Red took a step back in fear, "Better to bury her alive in a box filled with fire ants."

"What curse is it sister?" Janet asked.

"Death of the soul, then the mind and finally the body." Red said softly as if speaking about it would bring the curse down upon her.

"Find her table and her purse," Karen said. "Darkstar, you stay while the rest go back inside." She watched as the others went in with little looks in their direction. "I want you to know she read good to me too." She paused and then added, "After me you have first choice on what to do with her. She deceived you too and I want you to get your licks in."

"Thank you High Priestess," Darkstar said looking towards the bound woman. "I would like to think on it."

"That is fine dear. Could you keep an eye out while I have a few words with her?" Karen smiled. "Oh and put the shotgun up." She crawled in and said, "Close me up please. I'll let you know when I'm done and you can open up when it's clear."

"Yes Mistress," Darkstar replied. She closed the back, returned the shotgun to the rack and locked it. She then leaned against the bumper and waited while thinking dark thoughts.

She crawled up to the bound woman's head and said, "Some say there is no magic left in the world. I know better." Karen bent down and whispered the excitement without release spell into the woman's ear. She looked into the doctor's wild eyes and said, "I bet your feeling the excitement. She ran her fingers over her body lightly and added, "Cum now... Harder than ever before."

Even with her mouth taped shut, Doctor Katlin's scream of pleasure came through loud and clear. The orgasm was not just stronger than anything she had felt before but it also seemed to last forever. When she finally came down, her body screamed for more. Her eyes found Karen's in the darkness and she watched as the woman smiled down at her.

"By morning you will tell me anything I want to know just to be allowed to cum again." Karen said softly, "You will be a good girl for me and lay here bound tightly and loving every moment of it." She cupped the woman's breast, "If you are good, I'll let you cum before we head home. Would you like that? Do you want and need to be my little slut?"

She whimpered and closed her eyes as she nodded. She tried begging with her eyes.

Karen smiled, "Goddess, accept this offering to you." She bent down and whispered another spell to add to the last one, "Each orgasm will make you more submissive. I want my very good girl to start cumming on command. Cum now without moving, each orgasm flowing into another as your mind melts."

She watched the woman's hips twitch and her eyes roll up for a moment before going and knocking softly on the back window. After a moment, Darkstar opened the tailgate and she got out. Linking arms with the woman she said, "Let's go in for a few and make an appearance."

"May I ask what you did to calm her down?" Darkstar asked softly.

"I told her to be my good girl and to orgasm and keep orgasming without moving." Karen replied. She looked at Darkstar, "She will continue even after she passes out."

"Do you think I could try that sometime Mistress?" she asked getting wet just thinking about it.

"If you want to, yes. But the side effect is that you will be very submissive and need my strong control. You would not be able to pick something to wear without asking yourself, what Mistress would like to see me in." Karen paused, "You are about already there aren't you pet."

"Yes Mistress very much so," Darkstar replied. "We all are, even Red. Without you we were lost and took our frustrations out on that woman." She looked down, "Why doesn't it bother me?"

"Because you did what you know I wanted you to do," Karen said after a moment. She smiled at John as they made it to the door, "Anyone flip out over Baby Girl and her shotgun?"

"A few did but I explained it was a joke on an old army buddy." He paused and then added, "Was that okay?"

"Yes dear, thank you." She motioned for DarkStar to go on in and then added, "I had a little accident and had to be flown to Atlanta for treatment. Can you believe that bitch had the nerve to try and shake down the girls? She said they were to pay her to make sure nothing bad happened to me."

"And then she came here to try again?" John shook his head. "Some people are born stupid."

"No joke." Karen replied. "Funny thing is that if she had just come to me and said, "I need fifty thousand so I can get a new car because my old one is falling apart. I would have given it to her. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't a friend or anything in the army. She was a bitch and tried to tell people their jobs." She looked at him, "You on the other hand, I really have come to admire. Is there anything I can do for you to make your life easier?"

"Not really Miss Karen, I'm able to pay my bills." John replied.

"Well if you think of something, please let me or any of the girls know." Karen paused, "Question, does this place make money? I was thinking of buying it because it looks like we will be here about every night."

"It does alright on the weekends but Monday through Wednesday are deader than a door nail." John replied. "I don't know if it makes money but Thursday through Saturday is really busy."

"Thanks hon," Karen said and went in and to the booth. She sat down next to Cat and looked at her sprite. "We need to make sure her car goes back with us instead of leaving it here."

"What are you going to do to her Karen?" Cat asked softly.

"Other than orgasming constantly until her mind melts?" Karen replied.

"That doesn't sound like punishment."

"Funny, Darkstar said the same thing. She asked if I could do it to her sometime. Shall I put your name on the list?"

"My heart says yes but my mind wants to know what the catch is." Cat replied. "There has to be a catch."

"The catch is you will end up submissive. Very submissive." Karen replied. She turned and looked at Cat, "The other catch is I wouldn't do it to you. Can you see the path we would end up following if you lost the will to speak up or even disagree with anything I decide to do?"

She was quiet a long moment before nodding. "I see what you mean. While there is a big downside, it would be nice not to be the voice of reason now and again."

"I'll put you down on the list then. I want you to be happy more than I want me to be happy." Karen said. She looked at the bottle and then said, "I could really use a drink about now."

Baby Girl came up lugging a large and ugly purse. "Found it finally," she said as she sat down. "What did you do to her?"

"Ordered her to cum until her mind melts." Karen said.

"That works for me," Baby Girl said reaching for the bottle.

"I'm going to take her back to the house and make sure she is secured for the night. I'll be back in an hour or so." Karen said resting her hand on top of Baby Girl's. "I'll take Red and Little Bit. You two and Darkstar hold down the fort."

"How about I go instead of Little Bit," Cat said.

Karen thought for a moment and said, "Let Janet know and tell her we will be back before closing." She looked at Baby Girl, "Snag Red for me please." When Red and Cat returned Karen went out with them, At the truck she motioned for Cat to ride in back and said, "I know you would like nothing more than to fuck her up Cat. But I want you to just make sure she doesn't get hurt bouncing around back there."

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I gave it 5 stars...

But it still had some spelling and grammar errors in it. Not an overly huge deal, but it did interrupt the pace and flow of the story. I’d also LOVE to see all of what Karen and Red do to the good Dr.

Looking forward to more...

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