Can There Be Peace Ch. 08


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She looked at Baby Girl who was gripping the table edge and said, "You proved yourself to me, when I cum from your wonderful tongue you can cum too and pass out. Go get the towel and rope Baby Girl." She caught sight of Carol coming in and said, "Hold that thought." The girl looked like hell as she staggered over to her. "Well hello Carol have you come to say something?"

"Please..." Carol whimpered.

"Have a seat and tell me what's really on your mind." Karen commanded.

She sat down quickly and after a glance at Sandy that could freeze water said, "Please Karen... I can't cum."

"Sounds like a personal problem to me," Baby Girl said softly.

"Why do you think I would even care about that Carol. Remember high school you treated Sandy and I like shit? It's your turn to suffer." Karen said before the girl could snap back at Baby Girl. She smiled coldly, "But I can cure your problem if you really want me to."

"Yes... I give you anything... just let me cum." Carol begged. She was beyond caring.

As sex crazed as the girl was, it was child's play to take control of her mind and make her passive. "Baby Girl, will you take Carol out to the truck and see that she is bound harshly. You can get your pieces of rope while there. I'll grab the towel for you." Karen looked at Carol, "Go with Sandy she will tie you up properly and once done you can have a tiny orgasm for being a good girl. But that will only make you more sexually excited for me." She paused and then added, "You need to be a good girl and do as I command don't you.

"Oh yes... need to be good girl," Carol replied.

She got up with Sandy and Carol and walked with the pair back to the front where she stopped and stood with John. Though the club was hopping there didn't seem to be a line outside. "I thought this place got crazy on the weekends."

"Some weekends are more than others Karen," John said looking around still on the job so to speak.

"I like you John, you put up with more shit from my girls and I than anyone should have to. I know you're on duty but if I get Cat to cover for you, can you come have a beer with me?" Karen asked. She knew she could compel him but she really did like him and wanted to do right by him. She saw him wavering, "Come on, one beer won't do you in and she can cover the door."

"Okay Karen," John said. He paused and then asked, "Why can't I turn you down?"

"Because you are good people," Karen replied. She touched his hand and smiled. As she walked away she suddenly realized why they connected so well. Without stopping she went to the bar and asked, "Got a spare bar towel?" Wordlessly the bartender handed it to her and she smiled her thanks. She mingled and managed to touch each of her girls and tell them that they were good. When she got to Cat she said, "Come sit with me for a minute dear."

Cat followed Karen to the booth and sat down as if expecting to hear her pet cat died. "How may I serve you Mistress?" she asked softly.

"I will need you to take over watching the door while I have a chat with John. He has been too nice to us and needs a reward." She saw Baby Girl coming in with the rope and smiled, "And here comes part of the reward now."

Cat looked at Baby Girl in surprise and watched as the girl crawled under the table. "Sister what are you doing?"

"Tying myself up for Mistress's pleasure." Baby Girl said as she bound her ankles together. "Sister will you tie my hands for me?" She turned around and offered her hands behind her back.

"In front," Karen said handing her the towel to kneel on.

Cat bound Baby Girl's wrists before her and looked at Karen confused. "Mistress, how is she going to get the required amount?"

"I won't sister, don't worry about it we worked out a deal where I can stay down here and pleasure her all night long instead." Baby Girl said with a smile.

"And anyone else I say who sits with us," Karen added.

"Of course Mistress," Baby Girl said with a smile.

Karen looked at Cat and smiled. Cat returned the smile and as she stood broke out into a giggle. "Have fun sis," she said laughing as peaked under the table.

Baby Girl looked up at Karen and asked, "Why is she laughing? More importantly what does she know that I don't?"

"Nothing for you to worry about love. I won't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do." Karen replied. She paused and then said, "Pleasure me pet." She could hear Baby Girl mumbling to herself as she felt the lower zipper opened on her dress. Then her magical tongue made thinking hard. It took less than ten minutes before she screamed behind closed lips as an orgasm ripped through her. To her surprise every follower of hers orgasmed also. She had to tell Baby Girl to stop otherwise the girl would have continued driving her crazy. Looking down she said, "I love you so much." There was more she wanted to say but she caught sight of Tom walking towards her.

"Evening Tom," Karen said as he came up to her table.

"Karen..." he said in the way of greeting. He paused and tilted his head, "Did you change your hair style? You look radiant."

"No, I have Cat and Baby Girl doing my makeup now. They have been doing a wonderful job." Karen smiled. "Have a seat and take a load off."

"No, I'm just checking up on something for Jack Owens. You went to school with his daughter Carol."

"Is something I can do?" Karen asked.

"He gave me a call this morning about his daughter ranting and raving and generally making him look bad." Tom looked around and sat down. Lowering his voice, he continued, "He's the mayor now and she is becoming a liability. Do you think you could do something with her?"

"Could something like her moving away and never to be heard of again work?" Karen asked. "I think given the right persuasion I can guarantee that happening."

"How much?" Tom asked.

"Sell me half interest in this club, let me remodel, run it my way and I will make the other happen." Karen said after looking around.

"One hundred?" Tom asked.

"Instead of me saying fifty and us dickering around, let's call it seventy five K. Or you can sell it to me for two hundred with transfer of all titles and licenses." Karen replied. She saw hesitation in his eyes and said, "You could cut me a break, I mean Tiff would have only brought one tenth of what I gave you on the open market. She paused and then added, "Instead of making her disappear, I could always talk to her about becoming a special assistant for you." She saw the gleam in his eyes and knew she had him.

"I think that is more than fair," he replied. "What do you need from me?"

"I'll take care of everything," Karen replied. "I'll see you Monday morning. How does trailer trash slutty sound?"

He licked his lips, "Yes..."

"Good deal," Karen said offering him her hand to shake. They shook and he left.

"I thought I was going to have to give him a blow job to seal the deal," Baby Girl said from underneath the table.

Karen looked down, "I wouldn't do that to you. John maybe but not that slug." She paused, "Are you going to have a problem turning her into a trailer trash fuck bunny for him and the town elders?"

"Not a one. Can you arrange it so she knows what is happening to herself but unable to stop?"

"Not in two days." Karen replied. "I don't want her there longer than I have to have her." She saw Darkstar come over with a worried look. "What's wrong dear?" she asked as she motioned for the girl to sit.

"Mistress, did he come to get me?" Darkstar asked worriedly.

"No and he never will pet. Tom came in to talk to me about a job." Karen replied. She looked around and added, "Be at peace pet. Take a break so your bound sister can lick you clean and bring you to a mind blowing orgasm." Karen pulled her close and kissed her roughly. "Okay Baby Girl, you're on."

She slid out of the booth and as she stood zipped down the dress to just above her knees. Walking up front she went over to John and said, "I just bought this place. I want you to work for me."

"Karen there is something you have to know," John said not meeting her eye.

"I already know," Karen replied. She looked around and caught Cat's eye and the girl came over. "Can you watch the door for John?" She looked at him and said, "Come with me." Without waiting she went out to the parking lot where they could talk without interruption. "I know you're a transsexual. What I don't know is do you want to finish the transformation or like it as you are."

"I can't afford or even dare to finish it Karen," John said not meeting her eyes. "The problems with post operation patents are horrendous."

"But if it were possible, would you want to be female?" Karen prompted gently.

"More than you could ever know," John replied.

Mentally Karen said, "Mother, give me the ability to help John. He is a good person and deserves this gift."

"I knew this joining would be good for you. Through Karen you will learn compassion and she a reason to live." The answer came instantly.

Suddenly she understood what she must do and how to do it. "Thank you mother," she said softly. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as she touched him on the hand.

John felt odd. It was as if the world took a step to the left all of a sudden. "Did you feel something?" he asked. His voice seemed to be an octave or so higher, "Testing one two three. She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

"Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers," Karen replied with a smile. "How do you feel?"

"Odd. It's like everything changed in an instant. You know what I mean?" John asked. "Even my voice sounds different to me now."

"It's because you are different now." Karen said expecting John to freak out.'

John felt between his legs and said softly, "How did you? What are you?"

"Your DNA has been changed to that of a female. Because of that change, your body followed suit. As to who I am, I'm the same woman who found compassion and had the wisdom to ask my mother how to give you what you wish." Karen replied. "Come on, you look like you can use a drink." She wrapped her arm around John and asked as they walked to the club, "What name do you use other than John?"

"Umm... Jane," David replied still dazed and not understanding.

"Keep Covering Cat, if you need get Red to help you. Baby Girl is still tied up," Karen said walking in. "We'll be at the table for a few more."

"As you wish Mistress," Cat said. She saw John was a sister but didn't understand why the goddess would allow a male worshiper.

Going to the table she sat down and pulled Jane down to sit next to her. Looking down at Baby Girl she said, "Baby Girl, please give this poor stressed soul pleasure."

Baby Girl looked up at John and then Karen and sighed. Putting on a smile she moved over so she was between his legs and said, "Hi John, this is your lucky day."

Not really thinking Jane said, "You have no idea BG." She took the glass of Jack Danial's and drank it down. Gaping and coughing she said, "I picked a bad day to quit drinking."

From under the table Baby Girl said, "I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue," and giggled.

"Karen I understand if you can't tell me. But would you at least say so instead of I am who I am line?" Jane asked.

"I am Lilith, the goddess of pleasure and painful pleasure, first born daughter of The Earth Mother. Also, I am Karen, Staff Sergeant United States Army Rangers retired. Karen is my High Priestess and mother believes that by us becoming one, Lilith would learn compassion and humanity and Karen a reason to live." Karen paused. "I had to ask mother, a first for me, for help giving what you deserve and wish. It is she who showed me what to do and how to do it."

Jane felt Baby Girl zip her zipper down and her hands reaching in for a nonexistent cock. "Keep looking Baby Girl," She said with a smile. She reached down and unbuckled her belt and then her jeans. She was about to slip them off when Karen said, "She likes a challenge. Don't make it too easy."

"I must say I am proud of you dear. I more than half expected you to completely flip out." Karen said after a moment filed with someone mumbling under the table.

"I might when I get home tonight but I trust you and know you wouldn't hurt me unless you had to." Jane said. She looked down at Baby Girl and sighed, "If you pull the jeans down I will lift my hips. Or you can just give up." She looked at Karen, "Cat told me that BG here made a deal where she would get to have her way with anyone you pick who sits down here."

"And you're it..." Baby Girl said struggling with the jeans. "It would be so much easier if my hands weren't tied."

"Or it could be worse with them tied behind your back," Karen shot back. She poured herself a drink and took a sip before passing it to Jane. "So are you willing to work for me?"

"Sure, there was no question about me wanting to. I just wanted to give you a head's up. It's only fair." Jane paused and then looked around. "Is there a reason a lot of the people here seems to be glowing? Or is it me."

"Those are my followers, your sisters so to speak. No matter where you go, you will always know who has your back and who to help when trouble pops." Karen replied.

From under the table Baby Girl said, "Pink satin?"

Ignoring her Karen said, "For example, that little Morticia look alike working the tables, Darkstar, came up and said I need your help. What would you do?"

"You mean Tiffany? I would help her even though she is a bitch. Family takes care of family."

"What the fuck!" Baby Girl said finally getting the pants down and seeing Jane's sex.

Jane looked down and smiled, "Surprised sister? How do you think I felt a few minutes ago?" She noticed she was cleanly shaven and above her flower was a little round circle scar about two inches across. "What's the scar?" she asked. Before she could show Karen the scar, Baby Girl's mouth latched on to her clit and she moaned loudly. "Oh wow..."

"Before you lose yourself totally. It is my mark, the goddess's mark, every sister has one." Karen said. She bent down and said softly to Baby Girl, "Take her until she passes out and as many orgasms as you can before then and I'll let you pick a riding crop instead of the other." Other than a slight nod and Baby Girl's head turning towards her, the girl didn't say anything. Getting up she said, "Enjoy." She walked up to the bartender and said, "Give me a bud long neck and put it on my tab please."

"You don't have one," he replied.

"I do now," Karen replied. "I'll give my card to whoever is working my booth." She waited until he gave her the beer and said, "I just bought this place. Are you and I going to have issues?"

He looked at her for a second and said, "No mam."

"What nights do you have off now and who is the relief bartender?" she asked.

"I work every night and we don't have a relief bartender."

"That's not right. If I put out the word would you be willing to test them once I do the initial interview? I hate to hire someone who can't make shit but talks a good game." Karen asked.

"Yes Miss Karen. I could do that." He said.

"Don't get the impression that I am looking to ease you out. I expect this place to get lots more business as time goes on and weekends will need two of you to keep on top of the crowd. Also, you are the boss of the bar. If you need something to make your life easier then tell me and I will make it happen. I would rather spend the money and do it right than do some half assed job. Agreed?"

"Yes Miss Karen. I'll make up a list of need and list of things people have asked for that I can't do for you." He said. David paused a second and asked, "Are you sure you weren't an officer? You have more command presence than Cat does and she's a major."

"Don't you know? Sergeants really run the army. The officers are like icing on the cake. We do the real work." Karen said with a smile. She went to the door and sat the beer down on the stool, "Do you think Jane can handle the door?" she asked Cat once she joined her.

"Jane?" Cat asked.

"Yea, Jane. Baby Girl is working her over right now." Karen said with a smile. She watched Cat's reaction and laughed. "Short version is stuck in transition, asked mother for help, mother showed me how to fix her properly."

Cat stared at Karen a long moment, "You asked the earth mother for help and she taught you how to recreate her." She looked at Jane and then back at Karen, "Forgive me Mistress, but why would she help you?"

"Because her daughter half of me asked. Never in her entire existence had she asked for help. But John is special. He is a good person and deserves to be happy. I'm not positive I know all that happened while I was blacked out. But I know Lilith came and her spirit and mind joined with mine. We are two into one. It's so integrated that you can't ask to talk to one without the other being there. There are no voices in my head."

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
To quote a great movie line...

HOLY SHIT that’s awesome!!! I didn’t see the joining coming at all. Great twist and I’m looking forward to more!

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