Can There Be Peace Ch. 14


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"The third disappeared after I was airlifted to Atlanta with a bleeder," Karen countered.

"Yes I know. The others took their frustrations out on her before they turned her into a mindless fuck toy."

"How do you know all this?" Karen asked softly.

"Research and intuitive deduction," Jane replied. "After spending time away from you, I know what they did to her and why. Being apart was killing them. Now are you going to rush me or shall we talk about why we are really standing out here."

She thought about it for a moment and shook her head. "What is my real fear?"

"Why are you afraid of punishing others for their failures?"

"Because I will find I love pushing them deeper into painful pleasure," Karen answered. "I already know that Jane."

"That's not why Karen. Look in yourself and say it."

Karen said slowly, "Because I'm afraid they will love it and pull me down with their desires."

"Close but no cigar," Jane said. "I know you can see it Karen. If I can see it, you can too."

Her eyes got large as she whispered, "I'm scared they will love the dominating Karen and not the gentle Karen."

"Almost there..." Jane prompted.

"I'm afraid they will love my mother instead of me. Just like Sandy did." Karen said in horror as she realized the truth.

"Bingo," Jane replied. "Both Sandy and Marie are in love with Karen, not your mother. Oh, I know Sandy picked her back in high school. But, she has matured since then and finally realized the mistake she made. I'm only surprised she didn't kill herself."

"She tried but mother stopped her," Karen said without thinking.

"That was just before you made her disappear," Jane said softly.

"Yes," Karen said looking down.

"You're scared that you will follow her footsteps because of how much you enjoyed killing her," Jane said softly.

"Yes," Karen whispered.

"And when you went to the middle east, did you enjoy killing then?"

"No," Karen said looking up.

"What about this morning?" Jane asked.

"No. You should know better than to ask that Jane," Karen said.

"So why did you enjoy removing your mother and not the others?" Jane asked.

"Because she stole Sandy from me." Karen sobbed.

"No Karen. Work it though. If you found joy in taking revenge the first time, then the last you would have felt joy too. But you didn't, did you? I saw how much it tore you up even as you did what had to be done. So, revenge is out." Jane paused, "If revenge was not the reason what was it? What caused you to snap?"

"Her supposed death in Philly with dad," Karen said.

"That only set the time. You were ready and just needed the opportunity. What pushed you to the edge? Give voice to it Karen."

"It was the day after I was forced to watch her destroy a woman while Sandy pleasured me. She asked me..." Karen's voice dropped to the barest hint of a whisper. "...asked me if I wanted to watch her do Sandy next." She stared hard a Jane, "I told her I would kill her if she ever touched Sandy again. For my back talk, I was thrown to the wall and whipped. When she asked if I had enough I managed to stand and stare at her and said I can take anything she dished out." Karen laughed slightly, "She broke a broom stick and used it to beat me half to death. Even broken I stared at her with murder in my heart and she knew it."

"Good girl, we are getting there. Now can you answer why you made the reply to her you did?" Jane prompted tenderly.

"Because in the one evening, Sandy didn't make love to her Mistress's and lover's daughter. She made love to the woman she loved and we both knew it." Karen said. "To answer your next question, "I killed her to protect my own. Hurt me all you want but don't touch what is mine."

"Family takes care of family," Jane replied tenderly. "When your slaves forget that you come first it tears you apart." She paused, "I know what you want Karen. I know what you feel you need to keep sane. The question is being you at the point where you will listen?"

"Yes..." Karen said finally. Instead of Jane speaking she just looked at her. "What?" she asked. In reply Eva came walked out.

"Eva, soon you and I will have our little chat. But before then I need to push Karen to her breaking point," Jane said looking at Eva.

"Sister I would rather you didn't use me," Eva said backing up.

"Would you rather I use Rachel?" Jane asked her.

"Jane what are you doing?" Karen asked worriedly. "Please don't... I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't Karen," Jane replied. "You won't even raise your hand. Must I prove it to you? Must I summon each while you watch? You said family takes care of family. I thought you believed it. Damn it Karen, you're as bad as the rest." She looked at Eva, "Go inside sister, Karen is not ready after all."

Karen watched Eva run back inside. "What were you going to have her do? Kneel before you and betray me again?"

She slapped Karen and said, "If I forced her to walk over and kneel just as I made you stand and come with me. Is it a betrayal on her part or yours?"

"Touch me again and I will kill you," Karen said coldly.

"No, you may try but you will lose Karen," Jane replied. "I find it troubling that you think she would have betrayed you even if she had no control over her actions when you could have stopped it by distracting me." She smiled coldly, "Sandy come on out. Karen needs to face herself."

"Oh hell no," Sandy said from the corner of the building. "Don't suck me into this game Jane." She turned to go but found herself marching forward, "Damn it! Let me go or I will seriously fuck you up."

Jane looked at Karen the whole time Sandy marched up and saluted her while cussing up a blue storm. "You want family to fight for family. You expect it out of the others but won't do a damn thing to protect them." She looked at Sandy, "I am sorry I accused your branch of service of being pussies. I was wrong and please forgive me. I only said it to make you mad."

"I know that now Jane," Sandy replied. "But if you ever control me or my sisters again I will kill you."

"Yes you would," Jane said finally. She paused and then asked, "Now will you do me a tiny as your sister under the Great Mother? Will you go all the way back to the door? I would really hate to make you kiss my boot and tell me Marines are better before I make you march back."

"Only because you asked nice," Baby Girl said. "But first..." She moved to slap Jane and found herself on her back. "Well shit I know I have been here before."

"While you're down there my boot is close..."

"It will be a cold day in hell," Sandy said rolling over and getting up. She turned to go but stopped and turned back, "One of these days you will push someone too hard and find yourself sitting at the Great Mother's table."

"Could be, but I use the tools I am given," Jane replied. She waited until the other girl was out of sight before saying, "How dare you stand by and do nothing." She slapped Karen. "Not even for Sandy? What the fuck is wrong with you Karen?" She slapped her again. "My god have you turned into a coward and not even willing to fight for your family?" She raised her hand and then lowered it. "No I don't believe the last bit. You fight when they are hurt, but not the rest of the time. Why? Why won't you fight for your family?"

She was so mad she was shaking, "Because I don't dare. I'll lose control and go for the kill."

"Bull shit," Jane replied. "I know you too well. You may go for the kill but lose control? No, I don't think so. What happened to you Karen? How could you become so lost that you won't raise a finger to fight for your family? When you are ready let me know... I'm going home."

Karen watched Jane walk away. Turning she punched the truck and heard Jane say, "That's a good way to break your hand."

"Come back here, we're not done yet," she commanded and heard Jane's mental laughter in reply. Following Jane, she reached the street and turned towards the entrance of the club. Seeing Baby Girl standing there she walked up and said, "Which way did she go?"

"Who?" Baby Girl replied.

"Don't fuck with me Sandy, I'm not in the mood." Karen snarled.

"Willing to get nasty with your own but not others? Tisk tisk tisk," Karen heard Jane say from behind her. She spun around and saw Jane leaning against the corner of the building by the parking lot. That Jane waved at her only made her madder.

Reaching Jane, Karen hissed, "Fuck with one of mine again and I will kill you."

"Talk is cheap...Shall we see with Tiff? Find a nice older man and watch them hook up in the back of the truck?" Jane asked with a lilt in her voice. "No, I wouldn't do that to Tiffany. How about mother? I bet you'd love to watch her be nice and passive while a young stud fucks her brains out." The attack when it came was for her throat so she simply blocked and helped Karen fall to the ground.

Karen looked up at Jane and growled, "You better hope you knock me out before I get to the shotgun."

"How about I help you instead?" Karen found herself standing and walking over to the truck. Without any control of her body, she pulled out the shotgun and turned to face Jane who was now not five feet behind her. "All you have to do it pull the trigger Karen," Jane said.

She carefully put the shotgun back and closed the car door. "That's what you wanted wasn't it Jane?"

"No, I am willing to die for what I believe in and to prove a point." Jane said.

"What point is that," Karen replied not turning to face her. "That I'm a coward?"

"No, that you will fight but not kill unless you need to. Just like with Joyce. You gave her every chance before ending it. Me, I would have blown her brains out and washed my hands. But you tried to find a peaceful solution." Jane stepped forward and rested her hand on Karen's shoulder. "Sister, you have to fight for your sisters if you expect them to fight for you. You have enough control to not go for the kill, unlike Sandy or even Cat. Trust yourself and guide your sisters, fight for them and do what you must when you must. To thrust it all on them is not fair to either of you."

Karen turned and clung to Jane crying. After a minute she got it under control "You know before morning you will be wearing my collar," she said still clinging to Jane.

"I wish..." Jane replied. "But before I can kneel before you I need to heal the others."

"No. You will kneel now and then heal your sisters. But before then you will be mine," Karen paused. "No, you are already mine, all that remains is for you to put your collar on and receive my gift." She pointed to the ground and waited.

"Are you ready to fight for what you believe it Karen?" Jane asked. She suddenly felt herself falling backwards with Karen still clinging to her. Landing on her back she looked up into Karen's smiling face and said, "To quote Baby Girl...well shit." She kissed Karen and added, "Where will I find an owned collar this time of the night?"

"I know just the place," Karen laughed. "Get in," she added as she walked around to the other side of the truck. As she drove by Baby Girl, Karen waved. It was only a couple blocks to the Foxy Lady where Karen went in with Jane following. Going over to the counter she looked at several before pulling one down with a giggle and buying it.

Jane followed her back out to the truck and said, "Do I even want to know?"

"You'll see," Karen giggled. "While I normally make you girls buy your own, you're special."

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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