Caught! Pt. 15

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Margeaux demonstrates how to be the best possible girlfriend.
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Part 15 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/22/2022
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The Roving Photographer

"I don't understand your feeling that Margeaux wasn't using you to live out a cuckold fantasy," Dr. Robins said. "If she was actively working to get other women to have sex with you, that seems like something a cuckold would do."

Jon had never thought of Margeaux that way. "It seemed to me that she was telling the truth when she said she wanted me to be happy. I believed it when she said she wasn't the jealous type. As time went by, I got to learn more about her relationship with her girlfriend, and they had a real emotional bond. If she wanted to keep her girlfriend, she felt she had to let me have girlfriends, too."

Dr. Robins still thought it was very unusual that two college-age people had the kind of relationship Jon described. Was he telling the truth? She thought he seemed like a sensible person who knew it made no sense to lie to your therapist. "So you're convinced she didn't have any other agenda?"

"Oh, she definitely had another agenda," Jon said. "She just loved the whole idea of being a celebrity. She was constantly doing things that called attention to us as campus personalities. I think she imagined that people in Hollywood had open relationships, so she wanted us to be seen as being like that.

"Besides, most of the times I slept with other women it happened because of a project Margeaux started for reasons that had nothing to do with sex."

"I'm dying to hear about that," Dr. Robins said.


Jon wasn't surprised to learn that Margeaux was very active on social media, but he hadn't realized that she was making a significant income. Margeaux had a video podcast that focused on hair, makeup, and all things girly. It was good, and she had a lot of followers. She demonstrated lots of products which she sold on her website. Cosmetics companies sent her samples of new items they hoped she'd promote, and they paid when she did it. She had a presence on all the major platforms, and her audience grew steadily.

It was obvious why. She was good. Margeaux seemed to know everything about her subject, and she expressed herself as well in text as she did in video. One day she let Jon watch as she made her podcast, and he was impressed. She tried to be professional, and she succeeded. Mainly.

Margeaux knew all about cosmetics, but she didn't know much about photography. Jon wasn't a professional, but he'd attended photo workshops and had worked hard.. He understood the fundamentals of lighting, shutter speeds, depth-of-field, composition, and many other technical issues that an average person like Margeaux knew nothing about.

He pointed out clutter in the background of her podcast, demonstrating how much better it looked if she removed a few distracting items hanging on her wall. The light was coming from the wrong direction, and when Jon fixed it Margeaux's complexion looked much better. She was shooting her pictures and video with her cellphone camera, which had an autofocus feature that focused on the wall behind her. This left the subject of the image - Margeaux's face - slightly out of focus. He showed her how to fix that. Jon also suggested that she use his camera, which was of much higher quality. He moved the camera closer so Margeaux's face filled more of the frame. With all these improvements, the results were much better.

"Wow. Jon, you really know a lot about photography," Margeaux said.

"I'm OK for an amateur," he said.

Margeaux realized Jon could probably solve a problem for her. The website where she sold products looked amateurish. The main image on the first page was a simple selfie of Margeaux. It was a nice selfie. She'd taken time to apply a nice filter that made her look like a model. But it was too plain. She'd had an idea for something better, but she hadn't been able to take the picture alone.

Margeaux wanted one of those pictures that showed her nude, but had her body in a position with her arms and legs blocking the view of intimate areas. It's a very common type of illustration, and Margeaux had used the self-timer on her cellphone to try to take one, but she couldn't get it right. Could Jon try?

He had her sit in her desk chair and wrap her arms and legs around into a posture that showed she was nude, but still concealed her private areas. The resulting images were far better than anything Margeaux had imagined. She was thrilled.

But Jon thought they could do better.

"Let me make a suggestion," he said. Jon had Margeaux lay on her bed. She laid on her belly, rose up on her elbows, and crossed her arms in a way that let the camera see the tops of her breasts, but not her nipples. She bent her legs at the knees and crossed them at her ankles. Jon took the photo from a low angle so her head and face blocked the view of the crack of her butt. It showed a lot of skin, but was still G rated.

"I like this better because the picture is horizontal," Jon said. "A computer screen is horizontal. The best web pages use horizontal images."

"Jon, this is wonderful," Margeaux said.

"Well, it's an improvement," Jon said. "But we could do better. If we want to do this right, we should shoot these pictures in a studio. We could use a plain black background and set up perfect lighting. I'm sure we could find one in town that we could rent for a couple of hours."

It was Margeaux's turn to have a better idea. "The School of Art has a photo studio that students use," she said, explaining that art majors take pictures of their projects in the studio, and that fashion design majors shoot models dressed in their creations. "I can reserve that place any time you want," she said.

By the time they actually got into the studio, Margeaux had thought of several projects she wanted Jon to shoot. She had him take pictures for her web businesses, but she also had him take pictures of her wearing some of her best clothes. Margeaux knew that real models have portfolios that show them wearing everything from formal wear and lingerie to athletic apparel and swimsuits. As she posed for Jon, he realized that she'd been standing in front of mirrors and pretending to be a model since she was a little girl. She knew exactly how to position herself for the camera. It was remarkable. Shooting Margeaux in a real studio made it obvious that her ambition to be a model was not some impractical dream.

"While we're here, there's one other kind of picture I'd like you to take," she said.

Margeaux removed all her clothes. "I think my boyfriend should have pictures of his hot naked girlfriend," she said. "Every girl I know sends naked selfies to the guys they date. This is a much better idea, don't you think?"

Jon certainly agreed. Margeaux posed with some of the props available in the studio. There was a couch, a very simple chair, and a large mirror on an antique-looking stand. It was very exciting. The only reason Jon didn't get an erection was that he had to concentrate on the task of getting perfect images.

"I love these pictures," Jon said. "I read once that the very best nude photographs are ones that straddle the line between the erotic and the pornographic. These are very erotic photos. You look incredibly sexy and beautiful."

"But they aren't pornographic?" she asked.

"No. Raunchy porn sites publish pictures that are very different."

"Really? Something like this?" Margeaux sat on the couch, spread her legs as wide as they would go, and gave the camera a devilish look.

Jon took the photo. "Yeah. I would say that's pornographi."

"How about this?" Margeaux said, turning around and kneeling on the couch while spreading her knees enough to put her most intimate parts on display. She turned her head to look at the camera and tried to look like she was beckoning a man to take her from behind.

It didn't matter that Jon had to think about how to use the camera properly. He got hard anyway, and he stayed hard as he took one filthy picture after another. Beaver shots. Close ups. Provocative facial expressions. Obviously, Margeaux had viewed plenty of online porn.

"I know something we can do," Margeaux. "Come over here." She sat on the couch, beckoned Jon to her side, and unbuckled his pants. "Why don't you take a picture of me doing this?" she said, sucking his cock into her mouth. Jon took several pictures before it became impossible for him to keep aiming the camera. Margeaux sucked his cum down her throat, then kept sucking until his cock went completely soft.

As always happened when Margeaux gave him a blowjob, it left her very aroused, but unable to do much about it until Jon's cock had time to recover. Jon was too nervous to eat her pussy in the studio, so they packed up their gear and hurried back to Margeaux's room. Her need was urgent by then, so they had sex quickly, and afterward Jon got out his laptop and began editing the photos of Margeaux as she looked over his shoulder.

"I look hot," she said.

"You certainly do," Jon replied.

"Do I look like a professional model?"


"I might include one or two of the erotic ones in my portfolio," Margeaux said. "Supermodels pose nude all the time. Agencies need to know I'm willing to pose that way."

It took Jon a bit of time to figure out exactly how to process the photos. He found a way to make Margeaux' skin look slightly lustrous and shimmery. Luminous. Tweaking the background to make it out-of-focus made it appear that Margeaux was posing in front of a pure black space, forcing the viewer's attention on her instead of what was behind her. He cropped the image so Margeaux filled the frame.

Things went quickly after Jon got the first image perfect. The same settings worked for all the pictures because the lighting, subject and background were virtually identical; all that changed were Margeaux's poses.

"Jon, you made me look beautiful," she said.

"I'm pretty sure you get the credit for that," he said.

The next day Margeaux put some of the pictures on her cellphone and showed them to some of the Fashionistas. Every one of them had taken nude selfies, but none had pictures nearly as good as the ones Jon took. "I'm envious," said a girl named Angelica, but who preferred to be called Spike. She was a lipstick lesbian who wore edgy fashions that combined butch elements with sexy femininity.

"I'm sure Jon would do pictures for you," Margeaux said. The women had heard Margeaux say her relationship with Jon was open, but it still seemed a bit odd that she'd actively encourage her friends to pose nude for him.

Brenda - who'd let Jon take nudes with her cellphone - decided she wanted him to do studio shots. They'd made love several times, enjoyed each other's company, and he made Brenda feel like the sexiest woman alive. Margeaux noticed Brenda looking at the pictures intently. "Jon would do this for you, Brenda. You'd look great," Margeaux said.

Apparently, Jon had told the absolute truth when he told Brenda he'd keep their private activities private. His own girlfriend clearly didn't know she'd already posed for Jon, thought not in a studio.

"Have you thought about entering any of these pictures to one of those online contests for nude photos?" Alicia said. "You could make a lot of money."

Money? "I never heard of contests like that," Margeaux said.

Alicia used her cell phone to show Margeaux one of the websites. "Most of the pictures are pretty amateurish. Guys take pictures of their wives or girlfriends. It's charming. Most of the women are pretty average looking. You are much prettier, Margeaux, and Jon is a much better photographer. Lots of people enter these contests, but I'm sure you could win."

Later that day, Margeaux spent some time looking at the website carefully. It was very erotic. In places, it was pornographic. Most of the pictures were of ordinary women in ordinary settings, but a few featured women who may have been professional models shot by professional photographers. These women tended to win the competitions.

Margeaux immediately wanted to enter. She showed the site to Jon and asked for his help deciding which pictures to send. Jon noticed that a lot of the women looked away from the camera so they didn't show their face. Others blurred their facial features. "I could do that with your photos," Jon said.

"Why would you do that?" Margeaux asked.

"So people couldn't recognize you," Jon said.

"But I want to be recognized," Margeaux said. "I want to do modeling professionally someday. This is one way to let people know how good I am."

They chose 10 of the erotic photos to send to the website; the explicitly pornographic pictures were for Jon's eyes only. The site which posted the ten images online two days later. Voting started immediately, with Margeaux polling near the top. She showed the entry to the Fashionistas and asked them to vote for her. "Tell everyone you know," she said. "Wouldn't it be cool if a girl from this college won a global nude modeling contest?"

And that's what happened. Within days virtually every student on campus found social media links to the contest, and most of them gave Margeaux the highest vote possible. The guys were astonished that they got to see what a girl as gorgeous as Margeaux looked like naked. The girls were impressed with Margot's courage and Jon's skill. When she shot to the top of the polling, viewers all over the world checked her out. No woman in the contest was sexier than Margeaux, and none of them had higher quality photographs. Winning the top prize only added to Margeaux and Jon's growing reputation as the sexiest couple on campus,

Inevitably, lots of other girls wanted Jon to take pictures of them, and a few wanted to enter the contest themselves. Margeaux saw this as an opportunity to do something especially nice for Jon while simultaneously repeating the message that they had an open relationship, just like Hollywood celebrities.

When girls told Mageaux they wanted to pose for Jon, she gave them all the same advice. "Bring some cute matching bras and panties so Jon can give you some pictures you can show to anybody," she said. "If you have any lingerie you particularly like, take that too."

And one more thing. "When Jon took these pictures of me, I got very aroused," Margeaux said. "I got so turned on I made him fuck me right there in the studio.

"Look, Jon is a very sexy man. He knows everything there is to know about the ways to satisfy a woman. If posing like this excites you as much as it excited me, let Jon know you want to have sex. He's a gentleman who isn't going to make any lewd suggestions or say anything dirty. But if you tell him what you want, I'm sure he'll give it to you. You're a nice girl. You deserve it."

Wow. That was food for thought. Most of the girls who decided to pose for Jon went to the studio thinking they weren't interested in having sex with another girl's boyfriend. Others were undecided. But taking off their clothes and posing was just as stimulating as Margeaux said. Almost all of them made love with Jon on the couch in the studio. They did it again when Jon delivered the photos, and some of them got in the habit of inviting him to their rooms when they were both free.

There was one girl who seemed to be mainly interested in sex with Jon; having him take her picture was just a pretense to made that happen. Freya Birkie was born in Germany to parents of Norwegian and Danish ancestry. The family moved to America when she was an infant, so she spoke perfect English. Jon imagined that Viking women must have looked like Freya. She was very tall, very blond, and very lean. Her hair was almost white with just the slightest hint of gold, and Jon thought she must have dyed her hair. But when Freya removed her clothes, Jon saw that she didn't shave her pubes or armpits, which had hair exactly the same shade as on her head.

She posed for Jon, following his directions, but she didn't seem all that interested in the pictures. Jon was less than half finished before Freya announced that she thought they'd taken enough photos, and that she'd rather have sex. Jon was happy to put down the camera and give her what she wanted.

She wanted a lot. One of the first things she did was wrestle Jon onto his back so she could climb on top and ride him. Once she got started, Freya was ferocious. She went up and down on his cock as fast and hard as she could. It looked beautiful and erotic as Jon watched the muscular, small-breasted Freya squeeze her eyes closed, grit her teeth, and pound away like she was competing in an Olympic event. It took a while, but she made herself cum, then continued with no interruption. Freya was one of those women who got very, very wet, and soon her inner thighs were slick, and so were the places on Jon's body where her skin rubbed against his. The room began smelling strongly like sex, and Freya's whole body was shiney with the sweat of exertion.

Jon did his best to keep from cumming, but all the stimulation was too much for him. Freya made herself cum a second time, and that was all Jon could take. He came forcefully, but Freya kept pounding on him until his cock slipped from her pussy. She didn't seem disappointed, though. She laid down on Jon's chest and rubbed her hands up and down his body. "That was very nice, Jon. You have a very nice cock," she said.

They packed up to leave, and as they walked out of the studio Freya looked at Jon and said "Can we go to my room and do it some more?" Jon was pretty sure his cock would fully recover by then. "Sure. I'd like that," he said. So they went back to Freya's room and enjoyed a session of lovemaking that was almost exactly like the first. Jon wished he'd gotten a chance to eat Freya's pussy - he loved being able to taste different women, and he loved the way they reacted when he did it. But Freya was determined and relentless, so all he could do was hope she'd give him a chance to go down on her sometime in the future.

He did. Freya invited him to have sex a couple of times a week for the rest of the semester. She was blunt about it too, sending texts and telling him what she wanted in the most explicit language possible. Freya said she was on birth control and wanted to stop using condoms.

Jon was a little unsure about that. The only things he knew about Freya was that she looked great naked, and she liked having sex that doubled as an aerobic workout. But he couldn't think of a gentlemanly way to explain that he didn't trust her enough to go bareback. They dispensed with condoms, and it turned out that Jon had no reason to fear catching a disease from Freya.

More and more coeds asked Margeaux to arrange photo shoots with Jon, and he was eventually having sex so often he had to shower two or three times a day. He was determined to make sure he was never in a situation where a nice girl wanted to suck his cock, and would end up tasting another woman's pussy. He was young and healthy enough to be able to satisfy multiple women in a single day, and he made sure that Margeaux always got plenty of attention.

They never discussed Jon's interludes with other women, and they didn't talk about Margeaux's time with her girlfriend. They were very close and committed to each other, but they both felt most comfortable with their "don't ask-don't tell" agreement.

But they both knew exactly what was happening, and Margeaux was delighted by it. She did make a sly comment one day after Jon had a particularly active schedule. He'd spent the previous night with Margeaux, having sex before sleeping, then again after they woke. He had sex with Brenda after class, took another shower, and had sex with a girl named Linda, who'd gotten to know Jon when he took nude photos of her. Jon took another shower, had a quick meal, then went back to Margeaux's room to spend the evening with her.

It was getting to be challenging to maintain his studies.