Chemistry Ch. 02

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A new chemical might do the trick.
12.6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/10/2024
Created 03/04/2024
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Authors Note: chapter 2 of 3. Thanks to some of the feedback. I made some adjustments based on feedback to chapter 1.

There is no BTB, RAAC. All characters are 18 years or older. I'm sure that someone will nail me on insider trading, corporate acquisitions, and the process for researching chemicals, I wanted to keep things simple, so kept the story around these areas simple.

Thank you to Vintage_DM, BumblingFool and Gamblnluck for their feedback.


Chapter 2: A new chemical might do the trick


After my confrontation with Heather and my mother, I headed out of the building. I saw Jennifer heading towards me.

She grabbed a hold of me. "What happened?"

I told her I resigned and that I had broken up with Heather.

Jennifer looked shocked. She didn't know my plans. I felt I could trust her, but knowing that she worked for Heather, I didn't know how far I could trust her.

"Where are you going?", she asked.

"I'm not 100% sure, but I have a few ideas.", I responded.

"Can you meet me tonight for a drink?", Jennifer asked.

I looked at her. She had a hopeful look on her face. "Sure," I said. "I am staying tonight at the Hilton. I have a few errands to run and then I can meet you at the bar. Say at 10:00?"

She got a big smile, kissed me on the cheek, and said she would see me there.

As I headed to my SUV, my phone rang. It was Heather. I didn't want to talk to her right now, so I turned off my old phone and turned on my new phone with my new number. I figured that I might need a new phone number for a possible new life.

I jumped into my SUV and drove to the storage location where I moved most of my stuff. It showed how detached Heather was from our relationship that she didn't notice that I had slowly been moving my things to the storage unit for the last few weeks. I didn't care about most of the things in the apartment, just my clothes and mementos. In the back of my SUV were the items that would have been most obvious that they were missing. Things like the degrees hanging on the wall, a few pictures that I wanted to keep, my remaining clothes, and my computer. I dropped those off at the storage unit and put the signed agreement giving me ownership of my research and copies of my research in a lockbox that the storage company also provided.

I then drove to the hotel. It was 9:00 pm, so I decided to start on my future. I pulled out the report about my father's family from the genealogist and called my father's sister.

I was a bit nervous when I heard the phone ring. Finally, I heard a woman's voice pick up the phone. "Hello, Susan Hogan speaking."

I cleared my voice. "Hello, I know this will be a bit of a shock, but this is Thomas Prentis, I mean Hogan. Your nephew. Please don't hang up. I just want to say a couple of things before you respond." I took a deep breath. "I know that my mother had shut you and the rest of my father's family out of my life. That was wrong. I had a genealogist search for my father's side of my family and she gave me your contact information. I want to connect with my father's side of the family. Would it be possible for me to meet you?"

There was silence for a moment. "Wow, Tommy, it has been so long. The last I saw you was at the funeral. Yes, I would be delighted to meet with you. Where are you, when can we meet?"

I let the breath out that I had been holding. "I am in San Francisco. I can fly down to LA tomorrow. We can meet for dinner tomorrow night if that works for you?"

She replied, "That sounds great. Would it be too much to meet me at my place and have dinner with me and my husband?"

"That would be wonderful." I said. We then confirmed that address and the time for dinner. I then finished the conversation saying "Thank you. See you tomorrow."

That had gone better than I hoped. I didn't know how that would have gone over. I had forgotten that my father and his family always called me Tom or Tommy. It felt good to be called that again. I looked at the clock and realized that I would have to book my flight after talking to Jennifer.

I went down to the bar. Jennifer wasn't in sight, so I got a table where I could see the bar entrance to keep an eye out for her.

The waiter brought me my drink and I lifted it to take a sip when I saw her. Wow. I had never seen her dress like that before. She was wearing a killer red dress with high heels. I saw a few heads turn as she walked over to me.

She giggled as she sat down. "You can close your mouth unless you want to catch some flies."

"Wow" was all that I could manage.

"I thought that after the day you had, I should dress up and maybe give you a visual distraction."

"You definitely did that. I apologize for the drool coming out of the side of my mouth."

She picked up a napkin and made a show of wiping off the imaginary drool. The waiter came over and she gave her drink order.

"OK," she said, "What happened in there with your mother and Heather."

I gave her the overview of their "plans". Then told her about getting the agreement to transfer the ownership of my research and how it went down with me resigning and breaking up with Heather.

"And you just happened to have these agreements and your resignation ready?" She asked.

I explained, "Well, I could see the writing on the wall. In my mother's eyes, Heather's research was the 'future' of the company. Once she had her completed research, she didn't need my research. Heather and I had been drifting apart and she had checked out of our relationship in favor of the relationship that my mother had put in her head. So, I met with a lawyer a few weeks ago to start writing up the agreement to take ownership of my research. I then also made plans to get my name off the apartment lease and utilities so I could move out."

Jennifer said, "It is my turn to say 'WOW'. Why didn't you tell me any of this?"

I grimaced, and said, "To be honest, this is probably the first time in a long while that I have taken control of my life. I knew that I could probably trust you, but you do work for Heather and I just had to be sure that nothing was going to interfere with my plans." I looked down and said, "I am really sorry for not including you."

Jennifer reached across and took my hand in hers. "No, I understand." She then lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips. "My turn to apologize. I have wanted to do that for a long time. Look, I want to put all my cards on the table. I really like you. I saw how Heather was treating you, which is why I went out of my way to ensure that the communication between the projects continued. I enjoyed our lunches and dinners together and want to make sure we don't lose touch. I am hoping that I can stay in your life."

I stared at her for a second, thinking of our time together over the last couple of years, and got a big smile. "I would really like that." We then hugged each other.

"So, what are your plans?" she asked.

"Well, I will first contact my father's side of the family. I reached out to my Aunt. I hadn't seen her or any of the rest of my father's family since my father passed when I was 4. After I go back to my room, I will book a flight so I can fly down to LA tomorrow to have dinner with them tomorrow night. I am a bit nervous, but I need to sort out my life before I can move forward. The short-term goal is to get into a situation where I can complete the research on my fuel. I think there are only a few more months of work left."

Jennifer asked, "Would you like some moral support when you meet your father's side? Just in case it goes sideways? Can I go with you tomorrow?"

"Thank you, that would be great. I appreciate the support. I will book a flight and hotel for both of us. By the way, I have to give you my new phone number. I got a second phone as I turned my old phone off to fend off Heather and my mother if they were trying to reach me. I just need a break from them until I get things sorted out a bit more." We exchanged numbers.

"Great, this has been a long, emotional day for you. Once you have the tickets booked, text me the details and I can pick you up on the way to the airport." We then stood, Jennifer came over and gave me a big hug and a kiss that I won't forget for some time. She said, "See you in the morning."

I sent a text to Susan asking if it was OK to bring a plus one and she texted back "The more the merrier."

I went back to my room, got the plane and hotel bookings in place, and then fell asleep thinking of that hug and kiss.


Jennifer picked me up the next day at the hotel and we flew down to LA. Her place was in the opposite direction of the airport, so it made more sense. We checked into our hotel. I had booked us separate rooms.

Jennifer had called Heather to ask for a few days off. She of course pretended that she didn't know anything that went on after the celebration. Jennifer told me that Heather sounded like she hadn't gotten any sleep and had asked her if she had talked to me. Jennifer told her that other than seeing me leave in a hurry last night, she had no contact with me. Heather had asked her if she had heard from me to have me reach out to her. Jennifer just agreed but didn't press further.

Before going to Susan's, we met in the bar of the hotel to have a drink and settle my nerves. Jennifer knew most of my past, but I gave her a few more details about my mother clearing all evidence of my father including changing my last name. She held my hand and reassured me that no matter how the evening went, she would be there for me. I hugged her.

The taxi dropped us off at Susan's house just before the appointed time. I bought a bottle of wine and some flowers as gifts to hopefully show my good intentions.

Susan's husband, Nathan greeted us at the door. He welcomed us in. Made a joke that the flowers were for him and the wine was for Susan before Susan arrived at the door. We sort of stood staring at each other. From what I could remember, I could see my grandmother in her face. She broke the ice by saying "It really is you. You look so much like your father." And then came over and gave me a big hug.

They welcomed us in. I introduced Jennifer as a friend who was here for moral support. Susan hugged her and said, "Thank you for helping him come back into our lives."

Susan indicated that dinner wasn't here yet. She apologized for ordering out, but she wanted to spend time with me, and not making dinner. I told her that I understood.

I told her a brief history of my life. I didn't go much into my relationship with my mother but gave them the major events of my life. I mentioned that I had just broken up with my fiancé and had left my mother's company.

Dinner had arrived and we were now sitting around the table. Susan asked, "Tommy, one question, why are you reaching out to us now?"

I took a deep breath and replied, "Well, you see that I need to take control back of my life. My mother had directed me through my entire life. I don't regret or resent where I am, but after some recent events, it was apparent that I wasn't going in the direction that I wanted for me. I don't know if you knew how much my mother had tried to wipe the memory of my father from my life after he left and then passed away. But the fact that she changed my last name from Hogan to Prentis should give you some idea."

Susan spoke up, "Yes, your mother made it very clear that you were hers and that we shouldn't attempt to be involved in your life. She even went too far to threaten our company. You know that we compete with Prentis Chemicals in some markets. She threatened to undercut us and force us out of business if we even thought to reach out to you. It was devastating to my parents. First, they lost their son and then they lost their grandson."

A tear came down my cheek. I commented, "As I saw my life coming to a head, several months ago I reached out to a genealogist to have them research my father's side. When I read the report and found that my grandparents had passed I was so regretful that I hadn't done this years earlier. "

I sighed and Jennifer gave my arm a squeeze in support. I smiled at her and resumed. "I know I can't make up for the past, but am hoping that we have a future together."

Susan smiled and said, "That would be wonderful, we have been waiting. How would you like to come to the company tomorrow? Have lunch with Uncle George?"

I replied, "That would be great. I would love to meet him."

The rest of the evening, we made mostly small talk. Susan and Nathan told us how they met and about their 2 children. Their son, Frank, is a high school English Teacher and their daughter, Patricia, is a chemical engineer. They eventually want to drag Patricia into the family business, but so far she has been resistant.

We said our goodbyes at the end of an evening that went much better than I had dreamed.

Jennifer and I went back to our hotel. We said goodnight and retreated to our rooms.

About an hour after I had settled in, there was a knock at the door. Jennifer asked if she could come in.

She said, "I am so glad that I came. I am so glad that things have gone well. They seem like really nice people. But, I need to get back to work on Thursday and I have to prepare for some exams on Friday. I only have a few months left on my MBA. I hope you understand?"

I held her hands and said, "Just you being here has meant so much to me. I understand. I am still sorting things out, but I do understand. Completing your MBA is important, and you need to keep your job. I am OK. I am looking forward to meeting with my great-uncle tomorrow.".

I then pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. She pulled me in for a hug and then laid another one of those kisses on my lips. When we stepped apart, I looked into her eyes and said, "Look, I want you in my life, but until I sort out my next steps, I can't set any expectations for us. You keep working for Heather and complete your MBA. We will keep talking and get together when we can. I don't know if I will stay here in LA or go back to San Fran or be bouncing back and forth, but in the time it will take you to finish your MBA, I should have a good idea of where things are going and then we can decide on our future."

She looked down to think and then looked back up. "I am going to miss you but keep in touch. I have your new number. I will also keep an eye on Heather and your mother and let you know if anything is coming from their direction that you should be worried about."

"Thank you." I said, giving her another big hug. She then said good night and headed back to her room.

I had my room back in San Fran at the Hilton for a week but needed to extend my stay here in LA for another night. I also canceled my return flight to San Fran in the morning. I will rebook when I know for sure when I am headed back.


Jennifer and I met for breakfast in the morning. We just chit-chatted about different things as we usually did at lunch and then I saw her get into her taxi, we had a nice hug and kiss, and then she was off to the airport.

The next thing I needed to do was the inevitable call to Heather. First, I turned on my old phone. It was full of text and voice messages from Heather and my mother. My mother's messages started as threatening, but the later ones were more concerned about my well-being since I wasn't responding.

Heather's messages were pleading and then angry and then wondering if I was OK. It had been about 36 hours since the meeting with her and my mother.

I didn't want to talk to my mother at this point but felt that I did owe Heather a call.

The phone rang and she picked up after one ring. "Oh my God, Thomas are you OK, your mother and I were so worried. Where are you?"

"I'm fine. I just needed to head out of town to clear my head.", I responded.

Heather asked, "OK, I know that the meeting didn't go as planned. I should have included you in our conversations about our future. I am sorry. When are you coming back to the apartment and to work?"

"Heather, I think I said what needed to be said. I am not coming back. Over the last 3 years, we have been drifting apart. You didn't want to move forward with our relationship and only seemed interested in me as a sex toy depending on how your project was progressing."

"But that was just due to the project. It is over, we can move forward. Your mother and I have been making plans...", she responded.

I cut her off, "Yes, the two of you were making plans. What of my plans?"

"Well, why would you have plans that don't include me?"

I sighed. "Look, since graduation, you and my mother have been attached at the hip. You have excluded me from any major decisions and have had your staff babysit me when you couldn't be bothered to go to dinner or other activities with me. I have brought up things like our wedding and buying a place to live, but you kept brushing me off. The only time that we ever seemed like a couple was the few times we went on vacation together and got away from the project and my mother. Now, if you did want me to stay with you, would you be willing to resign as well? Maybe go back to Boston and start over with the plans we had before we graduated?"

I had provided my ultimatum. She was quiet for a minute, and then sounded like she started to cry, "But my project is my baby, don't make me choose."

I knew that this was where things were going to end up. She wanted to see her fuel through to production. "I guess that is why I had to decide for the both of us. Sorry, Heather, I didn't want to stop you from doing what you wanted, but I couldn't follow through on the same route. I need to do something for myself. When you talk to my mother, let her know that one day, I may return to the company. I don't hate her, I just need to be out from under her for a while."

I heard her crying. I then said, "Heather, I will call when I have landed somewhere. Goodbye." I then hung up and turned off my phone.

I sat there for a few minutes thinking of the good times that we had, but knowing that I needed to let go of the past and look to the future.

I got ready, headed to the lobby, and took a taxi to the Los A Chemical office for my lunch with my great-uncle.

When I got there, I went to reception and asked for my uncle. The receptionist asked who she could tell him was waiting for him. I said, "Tell him that Tom Hogan is here for lunch."

She eyed me as she relayed the message. I was sure she was wondering where this "Hogan" came from.

After a few minutes, George came around the corner. He stopped. Took a look at me and gave me a big hug. "I have been waiting for a long time for this moment. I was thinking that it wouldn't happen in my lifetime. You look so much like your father. Come, Susan is waiting in my office for lunch."

We made small talk as we walked back to his office.

"I thought that your mother changed your last name to Prentis?", he asked.

"She did, but I am planning to change my name back. Although I love my mother, she took part of my identity from me when she changed my last name. It is time that I took my identity back."

George beamed when he heard that. "Well, welcome back to the family."

We walked into his office. Susan was already there, just putting together a plate of food for herself. She put the plate down and hugged me. "Glad we didn't scare you away."

We sat, ate lunch, and caught up. My uncle had a lot of questions about my background, my degrees, my plans, etc.

He then asked if I would mind if another person joined us at lunch. I said I had no objections. He picked up his phone and shortly after a gentleman arrived with some paperwork.

George introduced us. "Tom, this is Ted Ferguson. He is our company lawyer. I asked him here because there is still an issue that needs to be dealt with after your father's passing." I looked puzzled and motioned for him to continue.