Chinese Eyes


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"Uhhh... uuhhh... uhhhhh." I cried out again, sobbing groans that echoed the rolling waves of pleasure that his pounding cock released within me. Waves of pleasure that washed through my entire body, a release so intense that the world seemed to spin and crash around me.

When it was over, when the world steadied, Alex was still fucking me with those deep hard strokes that felt so good, thrusting, thrusting into me, deep, hard, his groans of pleasure echoing through me. I was totally possessed, totally taken, totally Alex's.

"Charlie ... Charlie... I'm going to... I have to... Oh fuck Charlie I love you..."

His fingers dug into my hips, pulled me back hard as he thrust deep, his groans of pleasure filling the night as his cum spurted out inside me, those hot jets of semen bursting out inside me, filling me. Filling my soul with such an intense happiness that nothing else mattered as I sagged down onto the blanket, Alex half collapsing over me, panting, his cock sliding out of me, his cum flowing down my inner thighs.

We lay together for a long long time, panting, our bodies slowly cooling, the fading fire warm against my skin and in the background, that distant music played on.

"I like that song," I said at last, his arms around me and I'd never thought that just sitting on the beach with someone could be this much like heaven and there was only a couple more weeks before we were flying home and I wanted to stay like this forever and I could hear music in the background, music pounding out in the distance and in the night it carried clearly.

"Who's the band?"

"Australian Crawl," Alex said. "Old Aussie surfer band from the eighties. Cool huh?"

"Totally," I said. "They just slay."

"Chinese eyes," Alex sang in my ear, singing along with the song "You know it wasn't just a holiday fling." He nibbled on my ear. Little shivers rippled up and down my spine and I wished it wasn't.

I turned my head, looked sideways and up, drinking in his face, lit by the moonlight shining down on us. "Is it just a holiday fling, Alex?" Kind of sad, coz yeah, in my heart I knew it was and I didn't want it to be. I wanted it to be more.

Lots more.

His lips brushed my nose and he wasn't smiling. "You're no takeaway chow mein, Charlie. I wish you weren't leaving." He kissed me then and I turned in his arms, vining mine around his neck. "I love you, Charlie Cheung." His lips brushed my eyelids. "I love your Chinese eyes."

His nose brushed mine. "I'm going to come to America for you, Charlie Cheung, and I'm going to bring you back here with me. You'd love Melbourne. It's a great place to live."

"I love you, Alex." I looked up into his eyes, big and round and in daylight, I knew they were that bright blue that matched the tropical sea under the midday sun. Now though, shadowed in the moonlight, they were dark pools that begged me to drown myself in them.

"I'll wait for you." I added, then kissed him hard. "If you're serious." I knew I was.

"I'm serious, Charlie," he said, and I knew he was. "Wait for me." He smiled, kissed me again. "Hey, emails, texting, it's not like we'll be out of touch. You're going to hear from me every day, girl."

"I better," I said, and I was on my back on the beach towel and he was over me and my arms were round him and he was taking me again, hard, urgently and I welcome that urgency, forgetting everything in that taking except that there was him and me and in the background there was the roar of the surf, the hiss and swish of waves on the beach and that was all the music we needed.

* * *

Day after day, night after night. Together. Surfing, sun, sea, sand, sex. Alex and me. Me and Alex and day by day, that final day, the day I'd have to leave drew closer and closer and my need for him, my love for him grew.

Lying together a few days before we were leaving. Surfing the break at Coolangatta, dancing at the pub on the beach, leaving the others behind, driving down the highway in the Sandman, turning down a sideroad. Parked by the beach, a small cove, just us, Lying together in the back of the Sandman. Not making love, just holding each other, the siren's song of the sea an ever present background, the rush and hiss of waves on the beach, that was part of my life now, just as Alex was my life and how could I ever part from him. Held in his arms, his face touching mine, I lifted one hand, stroked his cheek, kissed him, buried my face against him.

"I love you, Alex. I'll always love you."

"Charlie." He didn't have to say anything else. Everything was in the way he said my name. His love for me, his need for me, the pain he felt, the same pain I felt because there were only a few more days and then I'm returning home with Mom and he's off back to Melbs and who knows if we'll really see each other again. He says he will and I say I will but we'll be half a world apart with no way of seeing each other and how long will that love last when we have no idea if we'll see each other again and I'm sad. I'm so sad and I want him to make love to me, because when we make love I forget everything except him.

"Alex." I kissed him and his arms held me. "Alex, make love to me. Please. I need you." I needed him to help me forget.

In a sudden rush, I turned, kneeling, pushing him down on his back and kneeling over him, taking him in my mouth and sucking and licking him until his cock was rock hard again.

Hard and eager as I sucked and licked him, making sure he's hard, that his desire for me is urgent before I moved up and straddled him and his fingers touched me, teased me open, exploring my slick wetness, butterflying across and around my clitoris and in that moment I had what I wanted, nothing but him and me in my mind and that was enough and there's that moment where I braced myself with my hands on his chest and his fingers brought me to my climax and I squealed as those sensations rippled and washed through me and he smiled up at me as I shuddered on him.

"Ohhh ... ohhhh .... Alex...Alex" I looked down, helpless under his fingers and I couldn't wait, I wanted him inside me again and I reach held him upright, lowered myself onto him, impaling myself with shuddering slowness.

"Charlie," Alex groaned, looking up at me as I pressed myself down on him, all of him inside me. "Charlie" and he moved, thrusting up at me from below and even though I was on top, seated on him,he was totally in control of me, his hands grasping my hips, pulling me down onto him, his cock impossibly deep inside me and he rolled me onto my back beneath him, taking me hard.

Everything was forgotten in that hard love-making. Pinned beneath him, his cock slamming and pounding and jackhammering into me, there were those wet wet sounds, that steady slap slap slap as his body met mine, as he had me, as I gave myself to him with total abandon and there was nothing except him and me, on and on, our bodies together and this was everything I wanted and he knew what was happening to me, and he smiled, he kissed me and it was enough to send me over the edge and I sobbed as those wild pulses built and washed through me to a crescendo and then he lost his own control.

He came the way I wanted him too. Hard, his cock throbbing, his cum spurting out inside me in hot jets that filled me as I did my best to milk him, squeezing down on him, my ankles crossed behind his back, fingers digging into his muscled shoulders as he emptied himself convulsively within me.

"Oh fuck, Charlie," he groaned, sagging on me, his weight suddenly heavy as I cradled him between my thighs. "Oh fuck," he sighed, his head sinking down beside mine and his voice was sad. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Let's walk on the beach," I said at last, and we did, hand in hand along the waters edge, no words, only that touch, my hand in his, his hand holding mine, the two of us together in the darkness and we sat on the sand and he held me and I slept in his arms and when that first grey light came, he woke me and we slipped our wetsuits on and paddled out to ride those perfect dawn swells, slow and even, perfect spacing, alone on the water, just the two of us.

We rode the breaks through the dawn, as the sun rose, catching those incoming swells, riding them, weaving along the face, kicking out, paddling back out, again and again until the sun came up.

"I better get back," I said, not wanting to but Mom would worry if I wasn't there and we rode that last wave in, walked up the beach, looked at each other as we peeled our wetsuits off and then he was peeling my bikini off and we were on the mattress in the back of the shag wagon and we were shagging.

On my back on the mattress and he didn't wait, he needed me and I didn't care that I wasn't ready because his need for me was there and I took him inside me, fast and hard and I cried out and I held him as he possessed me. Fast hard thrusts and I was slippery for him now, wet for him as he fucked me and he was fucking me and I held him and cradled him and gave myself to him as he thrust and then he came, a pounding culmination, emptying himself inside me in hot bursts that had me shuddering as he filled me.

"Charlie... Charlie." Saying my name over and over again, shuddering on me and I was holding him as he buried his face in my hair and it was time and we had to go back and after I'd slipped my bikini back on I sat beside him as he drove back towards Surfers, neither of us talking because being together was enough and there was that happiness in being together and the sadness of our imminent parting.

* * *

"Charlie," Mom looked up as I walked into the apartment and she didn't even ask where I'd been all night and why I was wearing nothing but an itsy-bitsy black bikini and some guy's tee-shirt at eight in the morning and what had I been doing, which was pretty obvious coz I'd come straight from the beach and I hadn't exactly showered or anything and I could smell the sea and the sweat and that scent of sex was still on me.

"Mom?" I said, thinking oh my god, I was for it now. "Isn't that dress a bit formal for breakfast?" Diversion. Diversion. Coz she was wearing a little black number and she kind of looked like she hadn't slept all night either.

"Would you like a coffee?"

"What do you want to say, Mom?" Coz Mom never asked stuff like that and when she did, she didn't sound so nervous about it. Then, kind of grudgingly coz if she'd been going to give me a hard time she'd have started by now. "Yeah, I'll have a coffee. Thanks Mom."

Coz I hadn't actually slept much and if she was going to rip me a new one, I'd need the coffee coz I was, like, totally buggered, mate. Mom looked kind of happy though, and she didn't look happy like that when she intended to rip me a new one, even if she did look nervous. I did kind of wonder what she'd been doing though coz I'd barely seen her the last few weeks. Sometimes in the morning if she got up early before I headed off with Alex and the others mostly.

"Oh god, I don't know how to say this, Charlie."

Now I knew something was up, coz Mom was never indecisive. With her, she just out and said it. Especially if she was ripping me a new one.

"So just say it, Mom."

"Your Dad and I, well..."

Jesus, so that was it. "You're divorcing, right?" Coz I knew all about that girlfriend of Dad's.

"How did you...?"

"Know? Mom, I know all about you and Dad." And I know you've been out every night since we got here and sometimes not back until breakfast and you've barely asked me a thing about what I've been doing for six weeks. "So tell me, okay. I'm eighteen. All grown up. Just say it, Mom."

"Yeah, your Dad and I, we're divorcing. We've been talking about it for a while now but we didn't want to do anything until you left home and now we are."

"Okay, so what else is there?" Coz her face said it was more than just that. "I mean, I know Dad's got a girlfriend, Mom. You don't need to tell me about that one."

"You knew that?" Chagrin, thy name is Mom.

"Uh, well, I've known for a couple of years, Mom. Kind of obvious coz her little sister's one of my best friends. And I knew you knew about her, I heard you guys talking a few times. You're not exactly quiet when you lose your temper."

"I'm not, am I?" Mom shook her head. Ruefully? Maybe not.

"So what else, Mom?"

"Uh, well, I met this guy online..."

"And that's why we came down here for a long vacation?" Enlightenment dawned real quick. I should have guessed but hey, I'd had interests of my own since about Day Two here. Interests called Alex. "So what's up? You guys hooking up or something?"

"Uh." I'd never seen my Mom blush quite like this before and I almost giggled. "Well, yeah. We're engaged, he proposed last night and I'm going to move down here. He lives in Melbourne, we're going to do all the immigration stuff and get married as soon as the divorce goes through. I talked to your Dad, he's doing all the divorce paperwork now. It won't take long. Uncontested." She did look kind of anxious. "It's all very amicable, Charlie, but I'm going to stay on here with Bruce while we sort everything out."

"What about me?" I asked. I didn't mind going back by myself but, well, if Mom was staying? There was Alex. I mean, him and me, this was serious and I hadn't wanted to leave him. I didn't want to leave him. Maybe?

"I talked to your Dad. You can go back by yourself and Dad'll help you with your College move and everything." She looked anxious now. "I'll miss you, Charlie, but Bruce and can come down for the vacations or..." Her voice tailed away 'n she looked as if she was going to cry. "I love you Charlie, but you're going to College and Bruce and I... you don't often get a second chance at love, not like this, Charlie... he means a lot to me."

"Where's this Bruce dude live?" I asked.

"Melbourne," Mom said. "I've never been there but he says it's really nice. Best place to live in Australia, he keeps saying that. He lives in one of the old inner city areas, says it's great and there's lots of Chinese there." She smiled kind of nervously. "Maybe you could stay on another couple of weeks and come down with us and take a look before you go back. I can change your ticket."

"You don't want me with you, Mom?" I said, not quite hurt, but okay, if they were getting married, I could understand she wouldn't want me around and I was going away to College anyhow I guess.

"It's not that, Charlie," Mom said. "I'd love you to stay with me, but you know, there's that boyfriend of yours back at home and the college year here is different and everything and it's a different country and there's your friends and...."

"If you don't want me..." I said, kind of plaintively. I could do that one no probs.

"It's not that," Mom said. "I'd love you to stay with us, would Bruce, I'm sure."

"You know what, Mom," I said, doing my best not to smile coz. "I really like Australia. Why don't we change my ticket? I'll come down with you and take a look and maybe I can stay with you and go to college in Melbourne."

"They call it University here, Charlie," Mom said.

"Okay, university," I said.

"Really?" Mom said. "You don't want to go back? I thought you and Rick...?"

"No, Rick's history," I said. "You were right about him, Mom. I did some thinking about that." That, and I met Alex and I'd checked Rick's Instagram posts and he hadn't even bothered to cut me off his feed and yeah, well, the asshole hadn't missed me and okay, I was totally in love with Alex and it might not last but if you never tried it, you'd never know and I knew I loved Alex. Whatever I'd felt for Rick hadn't been anything like this and Alex was sure going to be surprised when I called him. "I'd like to stay here, try it out. Maybe for a year, see how it works out. I could stay with you guys and go to... University. Right?"

"Okay," Mom said, her face lighting up. "I can talk to your Dad."

"I can do that, Mom," I said. Dad and I, we knew each other. He'd be happy, him and his girlfriend. I'd just be in their way, coz I knew Trixie. "Besides, I'd be going away to College anyhow. It's not like I'd be living at home with Dad." I shrugged. "I can fly back to visit Dad from here just as easily."

"If you're sure, Charlie," Mom said.

"I'd like to give it a try," I said. That, and Alex lived in Melbourne. "When do I meet this Bruce dude, anyhow?"

"Uh, for lunch," Mom said, yawning. "I need a nap now though."

I kind of giggled coz yeah, she was dressed for dinner and her bed was made. Guess she hadn't been back to the apartment either and I wasn't seeing Alex until this evening anyhow. Our last evening. But now? Maybe not.

"Me too," I yawned. "I'm beat. Wake me up, okay?"

"Okay." I don't think she'd even noticed my bikini.

* * *

"Bruce," Mom glowed, "this is my daughter, Charlie. Charlene Cheung. Charlie, this is Bruce. Bruce Chatfield." I kind of shook his hand but it wasn't Bruce I was looking at.

"And this is my son, Alex," Bruce said, but I already knew Alex. And Alex already knew me.

"Charlie's already decided she'd like to move to Melbourne with us, Bruce," Mom said, and I'd never seen her like this before. Radiant, that's what she was. Radiant.

"Great," Alex said, and we were looking at each other and grinning like Cheshire cats and I kind of felt a little radiant myself. "I like Charlie already."

"Alex seems like a great guy," I said, holding back that giggle. "Do you surf, Alex?" I kind of simpered. "I hear there's some great surf beaches around Melbourne. Maybe you can show me round."

"You two look like you're going to get on really well, I can see that." Mom was so happy.

"I think we will, Mom," I said. No think about it needed. I was sure we would.

Abso frigging lutely.

"Yeah," Alex said, like he was considering it carefully. "I think we will." Okay, it was all I could do not to start giggling.

"If you'd like to come with me..." The maître d' was there, an Aussie girl, tall and blonde with an accent you could cut with a knife. Kind of like Bruce and Alex's accent, really. Lovely.

Alex reached for my hand as Bruce and my Mom walked ahead of us into the restaurant's interior. Ahead of us, they were hand in hand, smiling, eyes only for each other and weren't the two of them so sweet. Trailing behind them, Alex's smile was for me, his hand was for me; his whisper was for me. His eyes were for me. My eyes? They were for him.

"Chinese eyes... You know it wasn't just a holiday fling." He sang, softly, just for me.

Me, I just smiled.

Coz I knew for sure that these Chinese eyes weren't no take away Chow Mein. Alex was right. This wasn't just a holiday fling. Not anymore. Not for Alex. Not for me. We glanced at each other again. And again and I nearly walked in to someone. Alex and me. Our eyes met. Chinese eyes and eyes the shimmering blue of a tropical sea. In that meeting of eyes, I knew. He knew. We shared that knowledge in a single glance.

We'd heard the call of that siren's song. I wasn't no take away chow mein. This wasn't just a holiday fling.

"Chinese eyes," he smiled, and I knew this was love.

* * *

Okay, as always, I hope you enjoyed my romantic little tale of love, surfing, sand, virginity lost, Holden Sandman's and happy ever-afters (more or less coz who knows what'll happen after Charlie moves to Melbourne). And okay, I do confess to a fascination with Australia after visiting Adelaide back in 2016. I've only ever been to Adelaide and Sydney, never to Melbourne or the Gold Coast and there's a thousand more parts of Australia I'd like to see. I've never been surfing or seen a Holden Sandman either! Maybe one day.... Chloe

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Dear Chloe, a brilliantly written story, like all that you have written and I have read so far, For someone who has never been to Australia, you have done very well with the geography and local idioms so it it very believable. One very minor criticism- the usually abbreviated word for 'afternoon' is 'arvo', but does sometimes sound as 'arbo'. Now to get on with more of you good works!

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy12 months ago

Never been surfing it’s dangerous, i can’t even stand on a board near the beach …… that was a great tale ….. and fit perfectly in with the relaxed laidback characters aussies are …… wonderful details about how to surf and survive …… and yeah the important detail, lets move to melbs …… smile


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Been years since I’ve been there, thank you for the visuals up and down the Gold Coast.

Good on ya mate

Great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A good effort for someone who hasn’t been to the places described. Lots of small inaccuracies but there was one thing I could not get past: the term arbo is used lots of times. It is not a word. The actual word is arvo with a V - an abbreviation for afternoon . Unfortunately that killed it for me. I could not imagine the characters as real.

mcrr2225mcrr2225over 1 year ago

Loved it! What else needs to be said

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