Chinese Takeout Ch. 05


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"Property... of ... Round-Out." The asshole's voice was one long gasp of pain.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU ASSHOLE... SAY IT FUCKIN' LOUDER." Everyone was watching. Everyone. Nobody moved. Not the asshole's buddies. Not any of the bikers. Not their Old Ladies. Not the waitresses. Not the Manager. Nobody.

"PROPERTY... OF... ROUND OUT." The asshole sounded desperate now.


"...NOW,..." Keith turned his head to look out at the Café. "WHO THE FUCK IS ROUND-OUT?"

"YOU ARE," half the Café roared.


"SHE IS." Another roar. Almost everyone in the Café.


"YOURS!" Jesus, I was almost deafened. Even those rice rocket riders had joined in on that one.

"You got that, Asshole?" Keith's face was in the asshole's. Eyes glaring, narrowed, cold. I shivered. Mind you, the asshole looked a lot more scared than I felt. Guess he wasn't that much of a dumbfuck.

"I got it ... I got it, man... ah didn't mean to dishonor your Old Lady man..." The Asshole's eyes looked away. I could tell he was scared. Scared and hurting. Everyone could tell he was scared. He stank of fear. Among other things.

"Good. That's real fuckin' good, dumbfuck. Now fuck off outa here. If you're still here in thirty seconds you're dogmeat. If you ever come back here, if me or my brothers ever see you here again dumbfuck, your fuckin' dogmeat." Keith didn't wait to see if the Asshole did or he didn't. He simply let go of the asshole's hair, turned, one arm round my shoulder, walking me back to our table as the asshole collapsed to his hands and knees on the floor. I was still carrying the tray with our order.

In an instant, the Ace Café was back to the way it'd been. As if nothing had happened. Guy's talking, girls laughing, waitresses behind the counter taking orders, the clink of china and cutlery and coffee mugs on tables. I placed our tray on the table, sat down next to Jenny. Then my hands started to shake. But only when they were out of sight under the table. Keith sat back down next to Joker.

Seth, Greg and Steve were outside with Danielle, standing by the SBC Harley's. Joker gestured with his head. "Told Seth to keep an eye on the sleds, make sure that asshole doesn't try and fuck with 'em on his way out the door. Those other two guys keeping him company, you know 'em?"

Keith looked, nodded. "Yeah, seen 'em round, invited 'em along on the run next Sunday, seem keen. We can check 'em out. See what they're made of. Saw 'em coming down the aisle with Seth, good attitude."

Joker nodded. "Yeah, saw that too."

Me, I saw the Asshole dragging his sorry tail out the door. He glanced back towards me as he walked out, saw me watching him.

He wasn't sorry enough though. I didn't hear him, I read his lips. "Fuckin' gook slut." Asshole.

Keith had his back to the door, he didn't see. Neither did Joker. Tunes did. I saw his head jerk up, he looked around towards us, saw Keith's back, saw Joker's back, his eyes met mine. He said something to the two guys he was with. One of them, that guy that'd said he was a Prospect, he was on his feet and moving, following the asshole out the door. Tunes was right behind him, pulling on a pair of gloves.

The asshole glanced over his shoulder, saw Tunes and the Prospect; started to run. Tunes was past the Prospect, said something. That Prospect stopped dead in his tracks. Tunes, he was on the Asshole like a tiger. The Asshole had been bigger than Keith. He was way bigger than Tunes; he had to have six inches and fifty pounds on him. I watched in awe as Tunes beat the absolute crap out of him.

I wasn't the only one. Half the Café had windows seats. Almost everyone was watching as Tunes worked the guy over. Swiftly, methodically, effortlessly, viciously, his fists a blur. It took him sixty seconds. Tunes walked back in the door as calmly as if nothing had happened, peeling his gloves off, leaving that Prospect outside, standing by the Satan's Harley's. Tunes wasn't even breathing hard. He gave Keith a single nod before sitting back down. Keith nodded back. He and Joker looked at each other.

"That's a bit of a fuckin' surprise," Joker said.

"No shit." Keith still looked surprised.

I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what I felt. I'd never seen anybody beaten up like that, not so viciously, so badly. I watched out the window, feeling just a little ill as the Asshole slowly worked his way up to his hands and knees, then to his feet before staggering across the parking lot. He looked a bloody mess. I felt sick but I didn't feel in the slightest sorry for him. Asshole. Keith and Joker were both watching the Asshole through the windows.

"I knew it," Joker laughed, "a fuckin' cage. He hasn't even got a fuckin' ride. Loser."

Keith grinned. "Gotta go wash my hands, that dude's hair was greasy man." He smiled at me. Only at me. "Be back in a second Jay-Lin. You okay?"

I nodded. "I'm fine, really." I was. With Keith there, everything was good, I knew.

I watched him all the way to the washroom door. Jenny grinned at me, one arm went round my shoulder, gave me a hug. I needed that hug. "Jesus, Blue, the way you two look at each other, it's so fuckin' sweet. I thought Round Out was gonna kill that dude, the look on his face. I never seen him move so fast."

Joker nodded. "I have, long time ago, back in the day. And yup, if that asshole hadn't backed down right away, Round Out woulda turned him into dogmeat alright. I guess Tunes had his reasons too." He smiled at me. "You look after Round Out girl, I never seen him like this over anyone. Not ever."

Jenny nodded, looking serious now. "Round Out never had an Old Lady before, Jay-Lin. Plenty of girls, but never an Old Lady. You hang on to him real tight, girl. He's a keeper."

I knew that. "I'm going to." I smiled. "He's not getting away, not from me." Not ever.

Jenny gave me another hug. Joker gave me a nod. God, he even smiled at me. One of the other waitresses placed our coffee mugs on the table along with cream. "Here you go Blue, need a refill, just bring your mug up." She smiled at me. "First time at the Ace Café?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I like it." I did, apart from the Asshole, but he'd got his and I was happy about that. Served him right.

She grinned. "Good, and sorry about that Luther dude. Don't usually have anyone get outa line like that, do we, Joker?"

Joker laughed. "Naaah, fuck knows what he thought he was doing, Betty."

Betty laughed. "Round-Out sorted him out fast enough. Guess Tunes had a beef with him over something too."

I didn't say anything, but I knew why Tunes had worked the guy over. He was Keith's buddy from way way back and he still had his back, even if he was in another club now. And I was Keith's so he had mine. Tunes. Joker. Those other SBC guys. Keith's brothers. Close brothers. That made me feel good.

She smiled at me again. "You got yourself a keeper there with Round Out girl, hang on to that guy."

I found myself smiling back. "I will, thanks Betty."

"You're welcome, sweetie."

Then she was gone, off to the next table and Keith was already back, smiling down at me. I smiled back, glowing as his hand rested on my shoulder for a long moment.

Jenny laughed. "You two, you're so sweet together."

Caught in mid-gulp, coffee sprayed out of Joker's nose. Keith looked at him and started laughing. I couldn't help it, it was just so funny I had to giggle. That started Jenny off.

"Fuck," Joker spluttered, laughing and wiping his face with his sleeve, "Round-Out, sweet? You got me there, Jen."

Jenny and I looked at each other. We both started laughing again.

* * * * * * * *

"God, I love these damn ribs." I could tell he did, the way he was eating them. They were good, I'd stolen one from him, that sauce was delicious. And it was all over Keith's fingers.

"I love that damn sauce." I smiled across the table, reached out as he finished the last rib, took his hand, drew it across the table towards me, staring into his eyes, arching one eyebrow as I sucked his fingers clean, one by one. Jen glanced at us and grinned. Joker smiled. I was on the last finger when a shadow loomed next to us. I glanced up as I slid my mouth down Keith's finger, teasing him with my tongue. Tunes. Laughing. At me. I slid my mouth of Keith's finger with a little pop, grinned up at Tunes.

"Oh man Round-Out, I gotta go or I'm gonna end up kicking my own ass defending your Ol' Lady's honor, dude." He grinned right back at me. It was hard to believe this was the same guy that'd beaten that asshole to a pulp half an hour earlier.

Keith grinned, standing. "Hey Tunes, maybe we should grab a beer sometime soon, really has been way too long. I'll bring Blue along to meet your Ol' Lady." They did that biker hug thing, arms around each other. I could tell Keith really liked this guy. So did I. After what he'd done to that asshole.

"Let's do that man, I got your number, I'll give you a call, set something up." They separated, gave each other a slap on the shoulder. Tunes nodded to Joker. "See ya round, Joker. Jen."

"Tunes." Joker nodded back. Jen nodded, said nothing.

Tunes smiled down at me. "My Ol' Lady'll like you Blue, she likes girls that stand up for themselves, you did good up there girl, cool as ice, didn't bat an eyelid. Not bad for a newbie." He grinned at Keith. "Got yourself a keeper here, dude."

I stood up, gave Tunes a little hug. I was almost as tall as he was, on my tiptoes, I could whisper in his ear. "Thanks Tunes. For everything."

He gave my back a pat, his reply a whisper as quiet as mine. "Anything for Round Out's Ol' Lady, Blue, you remember that."

I sat back down. I would.

A wave, another back-slap and Tunes was gone, that other guy he was with waiting by the door. The two of them walked out together, the Prospect standing outside joined them as they swung onto their sleds. Harley thunder filled the air, crescendoing as they pulled out, fading as they pulled away.

"That Tunes," Jenny shook her head, "he's one scary dude."

"He seemed really nice," I said, "What's with all those little crossbones he's got tattooed everywhere?"

They all looked at me. Keith looked a little concerned. Joker shrugged, glanced at Keith. "Better if she knows, bro."

"Those little crossbones?" Keith said, "Tunes, he's a debt collector for the Satan's Slaves. The Slaves, they're hardcore, deal meth, coke, horse, guns, you name it. They got ties in to the big boys and the cartels. Tunes, if any of their dealers short them, he collects."

Okay, so he ran around collecting money people owed. Drugs, guns, not so good, but I could understand the debt collecting thing. Jesus, this was like being in a movie or something. Except this wasn't an act. Tunes was real, so were those guys he was with and they were scary. They made those guys the Chua bitch hung out with look like kiddies playing.

"It's how he collects the money," Jen said, "you better tell her, Round Out, there's some dudes you gotta be real careful with and Tunes and those Slaves, you don't wanna put a foot wrong with them."

I guess I was still looking puzzled. I was puzzled. I mean, I got these were all hard core dudes. They were bikers. Not pussies. I already got that. They already scared me. But I was with Keith. He'd look after me, I knew.

"Well, drug dealing, it's a real cut throat business," Keith said.

"Literally," Joker added.

"And the rip-offs, they happen a lot, dealers short their junkies, try and rip off the sellers every now and then, spend the money and say it got stolen. Tunes, he collects, got his handle coz he can make anything sing. He's got a good ear, plays a mean guitar, he can just listen to your bike running and tell you if its outa tune, says he can tell from the sound. So you saw him out there, he's a tough little mother, when he got out he started riding with us but then he decided he wanted the hardcore one percent life, he patched over to the Slaves.

No hard feelings 'bout that, every now and then an SBC brother decides he wants something different and hell, we're a social club, we're hardcore but we're not one percenters and we don't do territory or shit like that, we co-exist with those guys, we respect them, they respect us, so when one of us patches over, well, they're gone but it's not such a big deal for us. One of those things, you gotta decide where you wanna go, what you wanna be. We get on with the Slaves, we're not a feeder Club for them or any shit like that, but they're the dominant one percenter Club around here, we give 'em respect, we don't tread on their turf, we don't deal or shit like that, we're a social club, so when a brother patches over to them, we give 'em a farewell party, wish 'em well.

So Tunes, he patched over a few years ago, he likes the violence, not the drugs. He's a psychotic little fucker, you shoulda seen him in the 'Stan. Couldn't hold him back. So the Slaves, they put him on enforcing to start with. Got himself a way with wayward dealers, he teaches 'em how to sing out and pay up. Does that by chopping their fingers and toes off with a bolt-cutter. Each of those little crossbones he got, that's for each person he's chopped fingers or toes off of."

I felt a little ill. He had lots of them. Maybe a hundred. Maybe more under the cut that I hadn't seen. That was a lot of fingers and toes. "He seemed like such a nice guy," I said, not sure what to think. He'd been so nice to me. And he'd beaten up that Asshole coz he'd been rude to me. He was a friend of Keith's? There was just so much I didn't know about Keith. I swallowed.

"Oh, he's a nice guy," Keith said, "couldn't find a better brother. Loyal to a fault. Patched over to the Slaves, but still treats any SBC brother like a brother 'n he doesn't have to do that but he does. Just don't owe the Slaves money and don't cross 'em, that's all. You do that and they send Tunes after you, best pay up right away. The fucker's ruthless. Nice about it though, unless you don't show any respect and you don't pay up. Anyhow, word's got around, he's not so busy these days."

Joker laughed. "Yeah, he's the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Slaves, they moved him up now he's not so busy collecting. One of their brothers gets out of line, Tunes gets sent to tune 'em up."

They both laughed, Keith and Joker. I sat there feeling a little disoriented. Out of place for a moment. In my world, people didn't get beaten to a bloody pulp for being rude even if they deserved it. In my world, people didn't deal drugs and guns. In my world, people didn't get their fingers and toes cut off with a bolt-cutter by a smiling psycho for owing money. In my world, guys likes Tunes didn't get sent to tune people up. In my world, stuff like that wasn't funny.

But I wasn't in my world was I? I was in Keith's world. Round-Out's world. And Tunes had Round Out's back. Mine too. God, now that was a scary thought.

I looked across the table at Keith, sitting there laughing. Just looking at him, knowing I was with him, I stopped feeling scared. Looking at Keith, I felt good. Good? I glowed. Keith just lit me up inside. I loved him. I knew I did. And he loved me. With him, I felt whole, complete. Something I'd never known was missing was there. I smiled, reaching across the table for Keith's hand, finding it. He gave me a gentle squeeze, his hand engulfing mine, holding mine as I lifted it, pressed it to my cheek.

I was in Round-Out's world now, and I was going to get used to it.

I wasn't just Jay-Lin now, I was Round Out's Old Lady.

I was Baby Blue.

* * * * * * * *

Coming up next - Chinese Takeout – Chapter 06 – When I See You Smile

...and thank you once again for reading all the way through this. The statistics are interesting. Not sure about other writers, but for my stories, about 1 reader in 100 actually gives a story a rating and I get about 1 comment / email per 1,000 views. I really do like to know what you think – your ratings and your comments (even if it's just an "I loved this story" or a "wow" or "this sucks" or "damn, now I have to clean my keyboard") or just a one, two, three, four or five star rating really do help me figure out what works and what doesn't – so if you give me a rating, or better yet, a rating and a comment about what you really like or better yet, what you really dislike or what just grates or doesn't sound right to you, it really really helps me tweak my writing and improve it for you. So pretty please

And I like the feedback via the feedback form if you're too shy to comment on the Literotica website – I do try to reply to emails – just don't be asking me if I "sext" or talk about my personal sex life coz I don't. I don't do photos either. Ask for those and you won't get a reply. But I do love to talk about my stories and answer questions and just chat about writing in general – and I love your comments and suggestions – so on that basis, feel free. And for those hoping this is continuing, yes it is, all the way to the end – about 20 chapters worth similar to this one in length based on the plan at the moment so we're about 25% of the way through. I think. Unless the plan changes. Which it probably will. It always does as I write... Anyhow, Chapter 6 ("When I See You Smile") and Chapter 7 ("Every Beat of Your Heart") are coming along ... not fast, but they're coming ...

So I've said it before, but I'll say it one more time ... thanks again for reading and I do hope you enjoyed ... Chloe

When I see you smile first thing in the morning
It raises curtains on your lazy eyes
Could it be that you and I
Have the greatest love to ever be
How could this have ever been before
It's not for anybody else to know

"When I See You Smile", Bic Runga

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

You have a rare talent - it makes your reader understand the characters you draw. Sometimes it is a reach but always it is interesting. I personally dislike the over-attention to sexual acts (solely my pov but none the less it annoys me) and I frequently skip over all the wetness here and goopiness there. (I do know what sex is like.) Please continue with this sequence. I would love to know where this will lead. P.S. This is the very first time that I've ever given a comment to an author after reading hundreds if not thousands of stories on Literotica. P.P.S. Please use "you're" rather than "your" and "too" rather than "to" when appropriate - the error breaks the cadence of your sentences which are so much fun.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Really would love to read more, it'll be like Christmas again.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hi Chloe

I enjoyed Chinese Takeout but I wish you would have finished the story

rsugiokarsugioka4 months ago

Can't wait for the next chapters, great characters just jump off the page.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Chloe, I've been reading through your material for a couple of months now. I'm not a professional writer, but have done some creative writing as well as editing an organization's newsletter. I am currently coaching a doctoral candidate through his thesis on the side. My wife is Asian so your mixed race stories are particularly resonant because of all that comes with that package.

I am simply amazed at the breadth of the contextual settings you write from. That's what make's your material stand out. It's contextually good enough that either you've done a very good job of researching, or you have personal experience in a wide array of activities. Probably both. From University to surfing to sky diving to bikers to cruises. And a lot more. The way you articulate feelings is well done too. Again, I suspect from personal experience.

True, there are the misspellings, the wrong spelling of a word given the context, switching from first person to third person and back again. But that's simply a matter of tightening up the editing.

Your plots and narratives are really interesting, erotic and occasionally side-splittingly funny. When Olaf showed up at the Catholic girls high school to pick up Jay-Lin in a condom delivery van I laughed till the tears ran down my cheeks. I didn't see that one coming! Then there is the overall cultural/class contrast between Keith and Jay-Lin's worlds, and the irony that her neighbors are old bikers! That's the kind of creativity that keeps me coming back.

I really hope you keep writing. I know creativity can burn out. Life events can either inspire you or leave you totally flat. I wish you all of life's happiness. I sense that it's out of that fullness that you write. We, your readers, are the beneficiaries.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

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