Conditioning Pt. 01

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Holly signs up for a clinical trial into conditioning.
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Holly was twenty-six and lived in London. Having grown up in a small town in the North of England, she had applied and been successful for a scholarship at the famous Kings College London. After three years study she graduated with a 2.1 degree in sports physiotherapy. She had grown accustomed to city life and the idea of moving back home to a small town with her parents and younger siblings, all in the same house did not appeal, so she had found a reasonably priced one-bedroom flat that she was able to afford. Her job working at a physio clinic was interesting and allowed her to help people who were injured playing sports and she hoped that in time she would start to meet higher profile clients which would lead to better paying opportunities.

Holly had been out of university and working for three years when things started to spiral. The pandemic meant her work decreased and she got by with her meagre savings and government furlough schemes, but once the world started to open back up, she was struggling for cash.

Living alone with her available cash running out, she came across an advert in the university free newspaper from a company performing a paid clinical research trial into behavioural conditioning.

These were the kind of things where they got you to stop biting your nails or craving chocolate bars, plus when she got there, if it was anything weird she could just walk away.

Holly called the number and after speaking with what sounded like an excitable young intern, she had an appointment the next day along with several other applicants to discuss the trial at an orientation meeting and see if it was for them.


The building was one of many identical looking modern buildings with several floors. These seemed to be popular right now where lots of businesses could share the building. As she entered the building it seemed pretty sterile, all white and glass with a central reception desk, a few seats, pretty much what you'd expect from one of the new stylish office buildings.

Holly walked over and greeted the receptionist, "Hi, I'm Holly, I'm here for the 2pm orientation group."

"Hi, the other applicants are all through in our meeting room over there, feel free to head on in." the reception said whilst gesturing towards a plain white door.

The room had a round table and five other girls sitting around it. Standing at the far side of the table was an older guy in a suit who was smiling and clearly making small talk with the other applicants.

"Ah, this is our final applicant for this session," he said, "so we can begin."

"My name is Doctor Rick Turner and I'm going to go through our investor presentation on what we're trying to do and why, I'll explain what this trial will include and the stages linked to successful candidate payments. At the end we'll have a brief one-to-one private discussion where you can ask any questions. If there is anything you aren't comfortable with or have changed your mind, you will be welcome to leave at that point. If you are still interested in participating, we'll ask you to complete a pretty detailed survey about your lifestyle, habits, routines, hobbies and the like, then give you some paperwork to sign, non-disclosure agreements, waivers, renumeration contracts, that kind of thing."

He pressed a few buttons on a clicker and the lights dimmed and a projector began displaying a presentation on the wall behind him. The presentation was typical corporate logos and some scientific images that the host spoke along with.

"As I'm sure you're all aware we have a number of both, issues and frustrations within our society that only affect some people and can be managed usually by willpower alone, but sometimes can be helped with hypnotherapy. The kind of issues we would like to help are wide ranging from simple things like breaking bad habits as simple as nail biting and diet management, to more complex issues like low confidence, managing phobias and social anxiety. We here at Drontech are looking at an alternative approach. An example of what we're trying to achieve is when mothers of new-born babies can become conditioned to start lactating purely from the sound of their baby crying. Those mothers form a kind of response to the audio stimulus that makes the body ready to start providing milk for their baby. We are investigating which stimuli can become the triggers and which behaviours can be elicited."

"If you can imagine, instead of needing to rely on your own self will, or instead of needing to see a hypnotherapist, our goal is be able to send you a custom headset, which looks pretty similar to a standard pair of music headphones so no one else needs know what you are listening to or what goal you are trying to achieve, which you could listen to during your daily commute or whilst you're at the gym or even whilst you sleep. We could deliver the messages directly to your mind without interrupting your day."

The screen had been showing images in line with each example. When he mentioned the headset, a picture of a sleek modern pair of headphones appeared on screen. If he hadn't said these were his company's technology, they would have been ignored as looking like any other pair of headphones you see being worn out and about.

Dr Turner pressed the clicker again and lights came back up and the presentation switched off before he continued.

"For those who participate, we operate a blind study so as not to influence the results, for example if we told you we would aim to put you off coffee, you might choose to just not drink coffee so knowing what our goal was can affect the results. Instead, we review your survey and determine the best fit against your responses. Then we perform the initial treatment here and over the next two weeks we ask you to complete a weekly targeted survey to see if you've noticed any changes. After the third week you come back in and we discuss your final survey in person. A number of our participants will be part of the control group where do nothing."

"I appreciate not knowing if you're in the control group or what was attempted to be conditioned can be disconcerting, but that's why this is voluntary on your part and that the payment for successfully completing the months trial and providing feedback will see you rewarded with a thousand pounds in cash. That is a lot, but when rather than if, this technology hits the market we will make that back and you will know your contribution helped countless others."

"Right ladies, that's my sales pitch. We'll move on to the one-to-one discussion part of this process and for those who are happy to participate we'll get you started on the survey and book in your sessions."

Dr Turner called out a name and a dark-haired girl stood up and followed him out. Whilst he was gone, two more of the girls that looked uncertain gathered their things and left. After thirty minutes and two other girls following Dr Turner out, he came back in and sat down to chat.

"Since it's just you and I," he said, "we can chat in here."

"Have you any questions?" he asked

"Can you give me some examples of the kind of things you can try to condition for in the study, even if you can't tell me my specific one?" Holly asked.

"Sure, some of things we might be test based on your survey responses would be to not take sugar in your hot drinks, to spend more time fussing a pet or even to say hello to one person each day you don't already know, assuming they look safe." Dr Turner replied.

Holly thought about it for a few minutes, whilst it sounded a little odd, she had friends that had done psych studies during their university time and they said they were easy money and once she thought about money, her financial situation hit home and she said she wanted to proceed and after skimming through the expected documents, non-disclosure, liability waiver and payment agreement, signed all three documents.

With a smile on his face, Dr Turner opened a folder and handed over a tablet pre-loaded with questions.

Holly started completing the survey, which took over an hour. It asked about everything starting with simple stuff like food preferences, habits, routines and clothing styles before moving on aspirational stuff like if you could change one thing and who would you class as your heroes and why. There were a couple of uncomfortable sections that asked questions about whether she had a partner, her sexual preferences and her experiences, but each time she thought the questions were weird, she reminded herself about the thousand pounds payment for completing the study.

Eventually finished, Holly handed the tablet back and Dr Turner looked at a summary page to see the overall results. With a smile on his face he spoke, "Everyone is different and these questions let us identify the best kind of trial to learn the best results for our study. I'm pleased to say that your responses indicate we could definitely benefit from your participation. In fact, if you like, we can conduct the initial treatment this afternoon before you head home?"

Seeing as how she had client meetings for most of the rest of the week and it would save her having to pay for another round of train costs, Holly quickly agreed.

Dr Turner led her through the building to a room with a chair that reminded Holly of a dentist's chain. Semi reclined with armrests and all in white. Asking Holly to take a seat he moved over to a cupboard and brought out a pouch from which he extracted the headset device.

"If you could take a seat, please Holly," he said, "I'll place the headset on you and begin the treatment. This should take about 45 minutes, so we would like to you sit there, relax and think of this as taking some time to forget the worries of the world. It won't matter if you nod off, the treatment will still work."

Holly sat down and noted the seat was really comfy and could totally see herself nodding off.

Dr Turner fiddled with the headset and his tablet before turning to face Holly.

"Ready?" he asked.

Holly nodded and Dr Turner placed the headset over her head.

Whilst Holly wasn't sure what to expect, it was a little surprising that there was no sound, no movement, and just barely a little warmth from the pods over her ears. The doctor said he would be back in forty-five minutes and left Holly alone.

It seemed to Holly that no time had passed when Dr Turner was gently shaking her shoulder to wake her with a smile on his face.

"Hi there, Holly, you nodded after all, but you're all done and it's been forty-five minutes," he said.

After rubbing her eyes and getting her bearings Holly slowly stood up, not quite believing that it had been so uneventful and non-invasive that she had slept through the time. She gathered her things and allowed the doctor to lead her to the lobby and exit. He handed her a package explaining it had instructions for completing her weekly surveys and contact details for Drontech in case she needed to speak with them should any concerns arise.

The train journey was slow and busy as it was the latter stages of rush hour and it took over ninety minutes till she reached home. The journey home was spent pondering whether she was in the control group or what conditioning they had tried to elicit. Not knowing for certain left her in a state of heightened awareness and each twitch, sniffle, touch sensation or food craving set her mind racing.

When Holly got home, it was mid evening so she set about preparing her dinner and looking over her patient intake document for the next days' work. Before she knew it, it was ten-thirty, her usual bed time and she began her nightly routine. The only thing she noticed was that as she changed into her pyjamas, a matching set of sleep shirt and shorts, the silky material sliding over her nipples felt really nice and sent mild sensations lower down. Playing this off as her imagination running away, she ignored it and relaxed into sleep.


The next morning Holly had expected wild dreams or some hint as to what and was starting to lean towards the idea that she was in the control group. After showering, she started to get dressed for the day, which was her regular outfit for the physio studio, loose fitting sports trousers with a scrub style top over knickers and a sports bra. Whilst sliding the bra over her 32C breasts the chest band on the bra scraped over her nipples. The sensation was way more intense than dressing normally was. She had to stop and grab her breasts to stop the bra scraping further.

"Oh my god," she gasped.

She realised the sensation had another effect, she could feel her pussy getting damp.

Uncertain at the change and needing to get ready for work, she carefully finished pulling on the sports bra and getting dressed. After grabbing some break5ing to get ready for work, she carefully finished pulling on the sports bra and getting dressed. After grabbing some toast for breakfast, she headed out the door.

Work was its usual busy time from the moment Holly arrived till knocking off time, so she didn't have time to ponder the mornings incident and before she realised it was home time. So, with nothing untoward having happened she made her way home.

Whilst getting changed she took care whilst removing her sports bra, so it didn't scrape over her nipples. Once the girls were free of their confinement, she reached up to massage her breasts before planning on putting on her comfy casual wear for the evening. When she touched her nipples, they felt extra sensitive and she didn't expect the shock that travelled from them almost directly to her clit. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she continued to played with her breasts, paying extra attention to her nipples, which she usually considered to be of average sensitivity. She enjoyed when her previous boyfriends had played, licked and squeezed them, it had added to the foreplay and the sex but they had never felt this sensitive or responsive.

Scooting back on the bed so her head was on a pillow she continued fondling with her breasts. Reaching down one hand to play with her pussy she was shocked to find she wasn't just a bit damp or even wet, she was positively soaked and the two fingers she went to insert between her lips slipped in effortlessly.

With one hand alternating between her nipples and the other pushing in and out of her pussy it didn't take long before she was breathing hard and could feel the orgasm building.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Holly moaned loudly as she came.

It took her five minutes for her breathing to calm down and her wits to return. Living alone Holly had developed a habit of talking out loud to herself.

"Where did that come from?" she asked herself. "I know it's been a while since I had a boyfriend, and about a week since I had some alone time, but that was great."

Eventually deciding to try and salvage some time in her evening she carefully put on her pyjamas and went to cook something simple before settling in front of the tv. Her silky sleepshirt rubbing over her nipples sent small aftershocks through her body and she was grateful when she could sit down with a bowl of pasta and not have the shirt rub her nipples constantly.

Holly just about managed to get lost in the tv show she was watching, but each time she moved, her shirt lightly slid over her nipples eliciting a feeling that if she was being honest, was very nice.

Eventually it was bed time and she managed to get herself to bed without too much distraction, though sleep was hard to reach as the thought that this might be what Drontech had conditioned her to respond to set her mind to worrying. Eventually she managed to drift off.


The next morning Holly's alarm bleeping woke her. She might have written off the night before as some kind of pent-up need for some alone time leading to over sensitive nipples, except when she woke up, she had one hand idly gripping her left nipple and the other hand between her legs over her labia.

She stripped off her pyjamas and used the bathroom. The shower was warm and washed the sleep from her mind. The water felt pleasant over her breasts but no where near the sensations she had experienced the night before.

Still somewhat cautious, she dressed carefully and the reassuring firm pressure of her sports bra meant she was able to finish getting ready for work without her nipples moving much. She grabbed some fruit for breakfasted and headed to the clinic.

Her day was pretty mundane, with six patients seen and the various aches and pains addressed. Her final patient of the day was a youth footballer who had reportedly signed for some premier league club. He had injured his shoulder whilst bouldering in the lake district and when he had been assigned to Holly, she'd had to give him a routine of physio exercises to build up the strength in his shoulder and arms. As usual, he hadn't done the exercises because he wanted to play football and didn't think he needed his arms.

Holly had dealt with this kind of stubborn patient before and had to use her stern voice, which colleague had said reminded them of teachers having to deal with disruptive pupils. Once she had admonished him for his lack of effort and extracted a commitment for him to keep up with her instructions, she let him go and began to finish up for the day.

Arriving home, Holly went to get changed. Standing in front of the mirror in just her underwear she admired her body. Still slim and toned, as was expected for a physiotherapist.

"Who'd put their faith in a physio who couldn't keep themselves in shape," she said to herself.

Looking at her breasts her nipples were clearly visible through her sports bra. She reached up and stroked one through her bra. The sensation even through the bra was strong and made her legs wobble. "Fuck it," she hissed out loud and hurriedly dragged the bra up and off.

She dived on to her bed and using both hands began to squeeze her own breasts. The sensations making her moan and make appreciative sounds.

Not sure where the idea came from, she rolled on to her front and lifted herself to her hands and knees. First one hand reached up to continue kneading her breast, then she had to lower her shoulders so the other hand could reach down between her legs and play with pussy through her now rapidly dampening knickers. With her face pressed into the pillows, her moans were muffled, "oh god, I love playing with my tits and pussy!" Her knickers were soaked when she eventually came so hard that she gushed into them. She lay in the afterglow for a few minutes before rolling over and preparing to head to the bathroom to clean up. She pulled up short when she saw her clock, it read 10.15pm. When she got home it was a little after 6pm and she'd gone to get changed shortly after.

"How the hell have I lost four hours? There is no way I spent that long playing with myself." She said.

The only reasonable explanation of what happened that she could come up with is that she had drifted off after orgasming.

Still disturbed at losing most of her evening, she decided it was too late to eat, and she wasn't hungry now and that it would be best to try and sleep.


On waking the next morning, she threw back the covers to get up and paused, she was naked. She never slept naked; she always wore pyjamas to bed.

The previous evening had really done a number on her if she had lost several hours and then forgotten to get dressed for bed. She had to get her act together.