Coquettish Etiquette Ch. 01


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Gods, he wanted to cum so badly, though.

She gyrated, giggling as a low whine escaped him. "Aww, see?" she said smugly, eyes settling on his tented trousers. "It's already happening. You're already turning into a stupid brainless stud. There's my nice, obedient bull."

"N-Nuuuh" he gasped, mind and vision and smell and sound totally drowning in Mijya, drowning in her hot body, in the heat flooding the room, flooding everything he knew. Her tits, so soft and pillowy, so smooth, so easy to grasp and squeeze if only he—but he couldn't! He couldn't touch her, couldn't breach decorum. He clung to this.

"You're gonna cuuuum," she teased, bouncing her tits rapidly before letting them fall before his hungry gaze. "Gonna cuuuum those adorable brains out." Her expression turned sly. "Not like you were using them anyway, I bet." She swung her hips in time with the music, eyes shining with predatory lust. "You're gonna cum like a good boy, and I'm gonna watch as your eyes get so very pretty."

Pretty. He whimpered, staring into her pretty eyes.


Oh, crap.

If he came... he knew this. The Heart Eyes effect. If he came while under the power of a goblin, she could... she could make him hers. Forever.

Worse, if he came in his pants like a stupid, horny bull, the insult to his king and kingdom would be so terrible they would likely disown him immediately. He'd be abandoned. Left for whoever wanted him.

Left for Mijya to toy with.

His heart raced and eyes widened. His cock throbbed against his trousers. No. She couldn't. It... it was impossible, right?

Mijya clearly didn't think so. She licked her lips, bouncing closer, and he couldn't look away from those hips, from that perfect ass, round and pert and perfect for jumping up to wriggle into a needy bull's lap and grind him into brainless bliss. His heart raced. It would be... would be so easy to just reach down, to scoop her up—

No! He whimpered aloud, helpless. He couldn't do anything. He just had to sit here and watch. It was fine, wasn't it? It had to be impossible. She couldn't do what she was threatening to do. He just had to keep his wits about him.

That is to say, what little of his wits could survive the blazing furnace of his growing lust. He felt hot enough to melt dragonscales. And she stoked the flames higher, swaying her hips slowly from side to side, locking her eyes with his as her hands rose to ever-so-softly caress her perfect breasts, as her delicate fingers toyed with the silks, as if to undo them...

"I'm gonna make you cum," she said sweetly, smugly, knowingly, as if she'd already won, "your adorable human brains out. Until you beg to be mine."

"Y-You..." The words were like trying to scoop up dripping wet cement in his fingers. "C-Can't..."

"And I'll coo," she went on, giggling and twirling, "and act all flirty, like oh my gosh, I dunno, I'm already loooving you as this cute needy bull, maybe I should share you—"

Her eyes locked with his, smoldering heat filling him, and Balsam felt his heart race like lightning to a lone pine.

"I dunno if a cum-dumb bull," she said, her voice light and innocent as she danced for him, "is really marriage material, y'know, m'lord?"

She batted her eyelashes. He whimpered as his cock throbbed. She couldn't. It wasn't. Wasn't possible.

"But your eyes are gonna be sooooo full of hearts," she went on, beaming up at him again, dancing in circles around him so he had to spin his head to keep her in his vision, "and you're gonna be sooooo in love with me, aren't you?"


"Gonna cum." She leaned in close. "Your." Her eyes blazed with lust. Her lips savored the words like they were the sweetest pleasure she'd ever known. "Heart away to me!~"

She giggled and bounced back as he stared dumbly at her, his eyes dropping almost immediately to her hands as they ran over her tits.

"You're doing so well," she cooed, giggling as he whimpered and tried to shake his head. "Such a good boy. Good bull." Her fingers toyed with the silken top, and her eyes shone like stormclouds. "Aww, look at those big, pretty, helpless eyes of yours. You're just helpless for me, aren't you?"

He panted. He was positively drooling.

She pulled her top down, and his heart raced as her tits bounced free, oh, gods, flawless and indulgent and so gorgeous as, for just one moment, he saw her nipples—

And then she pulled it back up and smirked, her eyes darting down to his lap. She licked her lips and met his gaze again, her expression sly, triumphant. And he realized she'd spotted a tiny spot of precum darkening his trousers.

"And you're already loooosing," she cooed, her hands playing ever-so-close to his imprisoned cock.

Balsam's head swayed and swam and sloshed like he couldn't hold it upright. His brain felt like it was turning to goo. To lovey-dovey melty dribbly putty. His thoughts were melting into his cock and all he could do was whimper.

And her smile widened.

She pulled back, swayed and twirled around him, forcing his gaze upon the sumptuous delights so-nearly within reach. The goblin laughed and danced with a knowing glint in her pretty eyes. "That's right, stud," she purred. "Just watch me dance. No harm in watching me dance, is there?"

"Nn." He squirmed. "Mm. Um. But."

"No harm in watching my tits," she cooed, bouncing them before his eyes, pushing them together and letting them fall. "You're a big," *squeeze* "strong," *smoosh* "man."

He was drooling. His mind begged him to tear his eyes away, begged him for a merciful break in this endless temptation, begged for release.

His cock begged for a different, far more tempting kind of release. He squirmed.

"There's no way," the Princess went on, batting her eyelashes, her voice sugary-sweet, "that the royal diplomat would let some silly goblin girl make him cum his horny bliss-brainless cumdumb thoughts away, is there?" She swung her ass in rhythmic circles.

"Buh." He stared fuzzily. She was agreeing with him now, he realized after a long moment.

"No harm in watching my ass." Around and around. Back and forth. "No harm in watching me."

"... nuh..." He felt himself nodding, head swimming with dreams. Dreams of reaching forward. Of gripping that perfect, flawless, plump ass and... and... he was positively drooling at the thought.

"Isn't that right?" her sugary voice chimed in his ear, and he almost swore her lips grazed his cheek, but then she pulled away, writhing and wiggling, and all those thoughts began to dissolve into molten putty.


"You're in complete control," she purred. Her tits jiggled. Her ass swayed. The memory of her nipples hung in his mind as his mind melted between those delicate fingers of hers... "Aren't you?"

He stared into her deep, glimmering rosy eyes. His lips fumbled, realizing Mijya wanted a response. What... What was the question?

"Cuh. Cumplete... control..." He nodded dizzily, eyelids lowering.

"You're not getting sleeeeepy," she teased, swaying her hips. Slowly. So slowly. Lullingly.

"Sl... sl..." Words were hard. Hard when he was so horny. So sleepy. So... so in control...

"Sleeeeepy," she purred. Her tits jiggled. Squished together. "Sleepy boy. Sleepy. Sooooo sleepy."


"Not even a little sleepy," she continued, almost singsong, giggling as his head lolled. "Sleeeepy? No, no. Not sleepy." Her eyes seemed to swirl. "Even though it feels so goooood to be sleeeepy."

"Guh. Good." He could manage 'good'. 'Good' was an easy word. He nodded dreamily.

For some reason, this made her giggle again. "That's right," she said sweetly. "And a good, sleepy boy..." She danced closer, her mesmerizing voice dropping to a quiet purr, as her fingers played with the straps of what little cloth covered her luscious, pert ass. "... would never be tempted to touch himself. Or me."

He watched the silks slip down. His thoughts spun and swirled. The music seemed to pulse around him, a low, steady rhythm, a beat, a beat so familiar he ached with every cell in his melting brain to reach between his legs and pump to the rhythm...

"Because he's a good boy," she said smugly. "A good, sleepy boy."


She beamed. "That's right!" The silks dropped lower. Her scent flooded his sluggish senses, and his heart started to race. "And a good, sleepy boy doesn't need me to touch him." Her voice lowered. "To fuck him."

"F-Fuck..." He blinked blearily, struggling at that new word. That word he longed to hear more of. The way her plump lips seemed to savor it, like an exotic delicacy, a rare, sweet, juicy fruit...

"To get up in his lap," she husked, swaying sensuously with the rhythm as the silks fell away, "and ride that boy's brains out until he's a heart-eyed. Lovey. Dovey. Cum. Dumb. Bull."

He whimpered, bucking instinctively, her every word lavishing attention on him like a long, agile tongue. Her lips drew the words out longer, longer.

"Aw." She giggled, continuing the slow, endless sway as her top finally fell away, fluttering to the ground forgotten. "But a good, sleepy boy doesn't neeeed any of that, does he?"

"Nuh. Need." He drooled, panted, stared longingly at the gorgeous goblin girl, bucking mindlessly up in the air. "Cum-dumb."

"I can already see the hearts starting to appear," she said sweetly, twirling and locking eyes with him. "Wow, and so many of them, too!"

He couldn't breathe. He just whined like a dog in heat, bucking like the horny cum-dumb bull he was. She... she couldn't, a tiny lucid part of him pleaded. It was impossible.

"In fact," she purred, eyes glowing, "I think he's gonna cum for me the second I ask him to!"

He whimpered and shook his head slightly, even as he kept bucking. No. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be possible.

Even though a part of him longed for it. Thirsted for it. Melted and drooled and rolled over and nodded like a good boy for Mijya at the miniscule possibility it was true.

"Awww." She tutted, shaking her head slightly. "That's right! Because he's just a silly, dumb boytoy." She put a finger to her lips, mocking a curious expression. "Goodness... what ever will his kingdom think?"

"Nn." He panted. His mind was mush. Her tits filled his vision. Her voice filled his mind. Mijya filled his heart with thick, heavy, sticky rose-colored honey. He bucked and moaned, a helpless, hopeless, fuck-dumb lovey-dovey bull...

"I don't expect they'll have much use for a horny loveslave," she said sadly, shaking her head and pouting as if this was a terrible tragedy. "He was supposed to be a clever diplomat, but goodness, cumming his brains out for a pretty girl?" She giggled.

He was ablaze, blushing like a sun, panting for a breath that wasn't full of her scent. But as the belly dancer twirled around him, circling him again and again, as if wrapping him in layer after layer of her perfume, her bewitching pheromones settling upon him, he was drowning in it. Drowning in her.

"They'll have no more use for him," she said softly, "and the Witch Queen has plenty of spies already..."


"Why..." Her eyes lit up. "I suppose he'd be easy pickings for any pretty girl who wanted him!" She beamed up at him. "Doesn't that sound wonderful?" she cooed.

He squirmed helplessly beneath her irresistible gaze. Her voice, like sweet syrup, poured onto him, lathered him until he was drinking it in eagerly, hanging on every word, and he found himself giving...

... the tiny nod to damn himself.

"It does?" she asked innocently, putting a finger to her lips. She paused in her dancing. The music stopped. The gorgeous goblin Princess stared up at him, eyes shining with delight, lush green lips curving up ever-so-slightly in triumph. "That sounds nice? Being a pretty girl's boytoy?" She winked. "A pretty goblin princess's breeding bull?"

He squirmed. But there was no escape. She pressed closer, eyes glowing like lamp posts in an endless murky mire. "Maybe," she suggested, cocking her head adorably to the side, "a pretty goblin princess's cum-dumb, lovey-dovey, pampered, obedient... husband?"

He stared dumbly at her. For some reason, everything around her seemed to be filled with... pretty... pretty pink...

She smirked and gave a little sway of her hips.

He followed the motion senselessly with his heart-filled eyes.

And her smile widened.

And Princess Mijya commanded—with a voice of pure sugar, her thick eyelashes fluttering, her eyes shining with triumph—"Cum for me, sleepy boy."

Balsam trembled, whimpered, and came.

Pure exquisite pleasure rolled into him like a windswept thunderstorm, and he rocked and squirmed and cried out in wonderful bliss. His eyes locked on hers as he felt the orgasm claim his body, mind and soul—and as the goblin smirked and rocked her hips slowly back and forth, grinding, miming the most tantalizing of lapdances, he felt the Princess claim his heart as well.

"That's right," Princess Mijya sang, giggling as he squirmed and bucked like a brainless bull, "that's right, good boys cum when pretty girls tell them to! Cum their brains out. Cum themselves stupid and sleepy and obedient." She danced closer, beaming with ultimate smug triumph shining in her eyes and her lovely, heart-melting smile. "Good boys," she added sultrily, "cum when their pretty wives call."

His world swelled with pink and his vision swam with hearts. He knew he was cumming in his pants, cumming just from watching her dance, listening to her sweet voice, but he didn't care. He was cumming his brains out. He felt so... so stupid. The world hung so heavy at his eyelids, and his head lolled back as he moaned and jerked as if bound to the chair.

And he was bound. Basically. Somewhere in his vanishing mind, he knew, in a whimpering, increasingly meek understanding, that he had to stay still. Perfectly still. If only he could avoid stroking himself... if only he could resist that wonderful impulse... she couldn't touch him. And he couldn't commit any truly disgraceful indiscretion. She'd made a mistake in promising that.

He was going to be okay. He just. Had. To Stay. Still.

"Good boys," she purred in his ear, causing him to buck once more, "cum. Themselves..." She grasped the arms of his chair. He stared dumbly, mindlessly, drowning in an afterglow that felt like endless gallons of syrup were pouring over him—unable to comprehend, unable to think, unable to do anything but pant and drool as her fat tits jiggled right before his greedy, sleepy eyes, "Into. Love. Dumb. Lovey. Dovey..."

And, with a smirk, the hot little goblin bounced right into his lap.

His eyes widened. Her plump ass ground against his still-clad cock, and instantly he was hard again. She wriggled and batted her eyelashes, giggling at his shocked, despairing, hopelessly pliant expression.

"Husbands," she said sweetly, reaching back, almost as if to pat his cheek.

But instead, she grasped his collar—never touching bare skin—and pushed him down against the back of the chair.

"Isn't that right?" she cooed, squirming with irresistible skill against him

He stared helplessly into her shining eyes, bathing in her smug radiance. He tried to speak, but pure intoxicating bliss was coursing through every ounce of his being.

And so his eyes just dipped down to her gorgeous, perfect, massive, soft tits. He stared helplessly, longingly. Like a cum-dumb boytoy would.

Like an obedient, brainless, horny bull would.

Like an obedient, brainwashed, lovey-dovey titsdumb husband should.

And apparently this was all the answer she needed.

And, beaming in triumph, the goblin began to bounce in his lap.

"Now, then..." she said sweetly, as his eyes widened further and he started to pant and moan, whimpering, begging beyond words, "... let's get started, shall we?"

Never laying a finger on his bare skin, the goblin maid reached over and took the chalice from the platter and raised it towards his quivering lips. Her expression smoldered with lust as the red wine sloshed in the cup with her every bounce, as she cooed every last word like honey into his open, receptive ears...

"I'd hate to keep a guest waiting."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nicole's Note: Thanks so much for reading! This was sort of a request for Carol_J, whom you should also check out because his work with goblin girls puts mine to shame.

This was intended as a one-shot, but if you'd like to see more of poor Balsam's struggles, let me know!

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Hi Nicole, love ypur work so much more than is healthy 😉 so please accept this constructive criticism from a dumbstruck admirer - the pacing on this one felt just a little off? Like she revealed her plan too early then spent too long bringing it to fruition?

Anyway, still loved the story, and followed every bounce of that lucky diplomat's enslavement with jealous fascination! Thank you yet again! - Ted

timytimy10 months ago

Loved It! I think I would have cum a lot sooner!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

ANY stories involving shortstack-goblin-girls are ALWAYS welcome! There is so much visual content of goblin-girls getting with human studs, yet so few writers who make stories about them. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

More of this, it was fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good stuff!

Absolutely loved it! I'd love to see a sequel where Balsam keeps trying to escape but is dumbed down into submission every time.

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