Cowboy Up but Not Down


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"Aren't all of your clothes in the Master bedroom closets?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to ask you about that."

"Ann, starting tonight you are going to be my wife again." I took the divorce paperwork from my rear pocket and tore it into several pieces.


Ann and I continued to work the ranch with Ann becoming even more involved, not so much as a worker but as an owner. I no longer had trust issues and never once did I catch her lying about anything. The big house was something that for years Ann and I only dreamed about, now we often hosted a huge BBQ for our family and the families of the vaqueros. Our grandchildren all learned to ride horses, and they all grew up loving the ranch as much as Ann and I and when allowed spent their holidays there. One of the benefits my grandchildren had over me was they learned to speak Spanish at a young age. I hope I did as well as my grandfather teaching them the skills he taught me.

Miguel and Maria, our two most trusted friends, were allowed to stay and live at the ranch until they were no longer able to look after themselves. Ann and I built them a home, their first home of their own. We were so indebted to this couple we could never do enough for them and made sure they would always be taken care of. Their children grew up working on the ranch and remained there after their parents moved to an assisted care facility.

Did Ann and I have a perfect life? No, there was too many memories and lies, but we learned to live and work together and make it work. Ann never went into Dallas on her own, but always accompanied by someone, usually Maria. We resumed our sex life, and for me, it was excellent, but I wondered about Ann. She was still proactive, but I often wondered if she missed Anderson's big cock. She never commented about that, but the major win for me was her devotion and love for me, our family, and the ranch.

Jim Anderson? I filed a lawsuit against him and his investment company. The lawsuit was settled out of court for enough to pay my lawyer's fees but Jim Anderson lost his job because of his affair with a married woman and having sex in his office. His company had a strict morals clause which he broke. That was my retribution.

The ranch is now a family limited partnership (FLP), and we will no longer have to pay death duty or estate taxes or be forced to share the ranch in case of divorce. I hope it will stay in the family forever.

Ann's Story:

Eric and I have always had an excellent marriage. We did everything together, even working side by side through all the hard work at the ranch. I always enjoyed working at the ranch and together we had dreams, of raising rare horses and building a large house just above the big lake.

I was happy with my job and working from eight to five meant that I was always home by 5:30 and had dinner started by the time Eric got home at 6:00. Life was good, we did and shared everything, and our sex life, for our age, was awesome.

Everything changed when I got promoted to vice president and was given the duty of representing the bank at all the charity events held in the Dallas area. Most of these events were on Friday or Saturday night, and Eric always left for the ranch Friday morning since he didn't have to work. We did actually have a conversation about me going alone and if he would go with me but Eric countered with "do I have to?" I never mentioned it again.

I had been to a few of the events on my own and didn't enjoy them. Most were black tie, and the women were expected to be in formal evening attire or cocktail dresses neither of which I like wearing. I always drank wine but was very concerned about driving home after drinking.

One day I was taking a break in the coffee shop next to the bank when a rather handsome man asked if he could sit with me. I was flattered and naturally said yes. His name was Jim Anderson, and he was the manager of a well-known investment company which was located on the floor above the bank. He asked what I did at the bank, and explained to him I was the bank VP and additionally was expected to represent the bank at charity events. I explained that I had to go on my own since my husband was too busy to accompany me. Jim asked if he could escort me to the next one and again I found myself saying yes. That was the beginning of his magical hold he would have over me.

Jim was an excellent companion, he always knew exactly what to say, and he dressed immaculately. He had soft hands with manicured nails. Eric's hands, from working at the ranch, were hard and calloused. Since Jim drove, I didn't have to worry about drinking and most likely always had a couple of glasses too many. I never realized drinking would be part of his seduction. When I danced with him, he rubbed his hard cock against my stomach, and it felt enormous. He always dropped me off at home and kissed me for about a minute, and I soon found myself returning his kisses. That was a big mistake.

The same occurred at the next event, and by the fourth party that Jim accompanied me to, I was ready to hop in bed with him. At that moment in time, I have never desired anyone so much in my life, not even Eric.

The first time we had sex Jim started kissing me in his car after the party. We kissed for ages and his wandering hands found my breasts and squeezed and pulled on my nipples. He suggested we go to his apartment to continue, and I was so aroused how could I refuse? He had no more closed the door when he resumed kissing me and then I felt myself being maneuvered to a large leather armchair. He turned my body around and pushed me face down over the arm. He pulled up my dress and pushed my panties to the side and thrust two fingers inside my vagina. I said enough teasing just fuck me. He lined his cock up and must have taken eight or nine thrusts to fully enter me before he bottomed out pushing into my cervix. By this time, I was on another planet as I have never experienced a cock this size. He was not only much longer than Eric but at least twice as wide. I was totally stretched and came after only a couple of thrusts. He continued to pump for another ten minutes then he started coming, and I felt his hot juice hitting the walls around my cervix. Needless to say, I had never been fucked like that and from then on I was hooked.

He withdrew, I turned and looked at him and asked, "when can we do that again?"

"As soon as you can get me hard with your mouth."

I quickly stripped off my clothes and got on my knees and started blowing him. I could barely just get the head in my mouth, so I used my hands to jack him off while I blew him. He was hard in no time, and I suggested using his bed. I needed no warm up but straddled him and rode him, cowgirl style. I felt he was deeper inside me than anyone had ever been and I knew from this position I could control everything including my own orgasms. I came twice before he erupted again.

I dismounted and grabbed his dick which was getting soft and cleaned my juices from his dick and tried to get him ready to go again, but he said two times was all he could handle without using Viagra.

Since he was unable to continue, I told him it was late, and needed to be home. I called a taxi since he had picked me up and on the way to my house, I realized I had just cheated on Eric for the first time. I felt guilty as Hell but also at the same time, I couldn't wait to fuck Jim again.

Jim texted me the next Monday and proposed we have coffee together, so we met next door. He suggested that once his staff had left for the day I should come to his office and we could have sex before going home. That was the start of my daily after work sex.

Eric asked why I was later than normal, and I said I was preparing for my next charity but I was actually fucking Jim. That night Eric was expecting sex, but I managed to put him off.

From that day on Jim and I had after work sex almost every day and then after the weekly charity party, and even most Saturdays. I was well serviced by Jim and was mostly putting off Eric at home. At home, we went from sex three or four times a week to maybe three times a month and then only on Sunday. I felt guilty not giving Eric all the sex he needed, but I found myself not responding even when we did have sex.

Once in a while, Jim and I had extended lunches so that we could have sex in a nearby hotel. Once Eric came to the bank wanting to take me to lunch just as Jim and I were going out to fuck. We gave a weak excuse about meeting a group of investors. We were almost caught and even then, I think Eric knew what we were doing.

I guess I was feeling guilty but figured Eric was watching me like a hawk, so Jim and I reduced our sex to only a couple times a week unless Eric was out of town, and even then, we were very careful. I feared that Eric, knowing money was not an issue, had hired someone to watch me full time so from that point on we never went to Jim's apartment. I never realized until the affair was over that Eric never had me watched.

I knew there would come a day when Eric would find out, but Jim and I talked about that day and the need to reduce everyone's pain by saying we had only sex one Friday night after I had been drugged. Jim often talked down about Eric, but I always reminded him that I was married to Eric and although I had cheated on him I still loved, respected, and admired him.

I was caught off guard about a few weeks later when Eric asked if I wanted a divorce, he even had the paperwork ready to be signed. That was the furthest thing from my mind. I was shaken from it, and from that point my relationship with Jim started to unwind. Of course, I didn't want a divorce, but I sensed Eric knew more than he revealed. After that, I was even more nervous having sex with Jim, so we slowed down even further. My mistake was continuing to have sex with Jim up to my retirement party.

Things came to head the night of my retirement party. Eric was supposed to be in Montana and never in my wildest dreams did I think he would show up. Jim was all over me on the dance floor and was pushing his cock into my stomach at every opportunity. We were both looking forward to sex after the party, so we were blind sighted when Eric showed up.

Someone tapped Jim on the back and asked if he could cut in. I immediately sensed Jim's anger as he turned to look down at my cowboy. He said, "Who the fuck do you think you are, this lady is mine tonight, and I'm not sharing."

I said, "Jim, this is my husband."

Jim took a step back, and sucker punched Eric. I thought cowboy down but not out because I knew my husband would be back up because nobody is tougher than Eric. Eric dropped to the floor shaken, but within seconds he was back on his feet and said: "come on you motherfucking wife stealer, get it on, I'm going to kick your ass!"

Jim is so much bigger than Eric, but my husband would never back down from anyone. I felt proud of him because he was fighting for me. Shame and guilt overwhelmed me as I saw David taking on Goliath.

Jim rushed Eric, but my husband side stepped him and connected with a one-two combination. This seemed to have no effect on Jim who by now connected several times with Eric. There was no way Eric could trade punches with Jim and come out the winner. Jim momentarily lost his concentration or maybe something distracted him, so Eric took advantage and kicked him in the balls with his pointed boots causing Jim to double over and scream in pain.

While Jim was doubled over Eric held his head with both hands and pulled up his right knee into Jim's face. Even from where I was standing I heard his nose break and then, just like that, the fight was over. From start to finish the fight lasted only seconds.

I didn't want to face either of them, so I found a taxi outside, and went home and only paused long enough to change clothes then back on the road again.

During the drive, I realized several things; my affair was over, and to minimize damage to my marriage the less I told Eric, the better. If I had realized that he would soon know everything I would have been totally upfront. How stupid could I be?

Eric arrived at the ranch not long after me and wanted to know the details of my affair so after I told my story about being drugged which I knew would validate what Jim had said, so Eric immediately forgave me. We slept in the same bed that night and the next morning, feeling very guilty, I took the initiative and had sex with Eric.

The next day Eric asked for my cellphones and read all the messages and email. There was nothing incriminating but after recieving a text from Jim I found myself coming forward and telling Eric more about the affair and admitting it took place over a two-year period.

I asked for his forgiveness and said I was finished with Jim and only wanted my husband in my life. For once, I was telling the truth.

Eric wanted me to return to the Plano house because he needed to think. I was so afraid of him divorcing me and also the possibility of Jim coming to the house. Jim did call, every night, asking to resume our affair. I kept telling him we were finished, and the only man in my life was my husband. My affair was a big mistake.

The next day Eric called and told me to return to the ranch. He was going to give me another chance, but I would have to sleep in the guest bedroom.

I knew this was a big step for Eric, and I was only too pleased to be back into his life. He set some conditions, which were easy for me to comply with. No cell phones, no contact with Jim, and if I left the ranch Maria would go with me. I liked Maria and got along well with her, at least before the affair which I was sure she knew about. She was great and acted as if nothing happened and we were able to resume our friendship. Thankfully, Miguel treated me the same way.

A few days later I asked Eric if he would go with me to the Plano house because I needed a few things that I had forgotten. My sticky situation got even worse after Eric listened to the messages on the answer phone. They were mostly all from Jim, reminding me how good the sex was and also reminded me it been a long week since we had last had sex and that he was ready for more sex. Eric, again, knew I had lied to him because I continued to have sex with Jim right up until my retirement party.

Eric called Miguel to come after him then he told me I could now fuck Jim all I wanted, in fact, I was free to fuck around with anyone. I said all I wanted was to be with him and live on the ranch. Eric said I could follow them out, but I would be in the guest bedroom, but he didn't know how he could ever forgive me, especially since I had lied and deceived him so many times. My world was just shattered. I knew I had brought everything on myself and should be thankful for Eric to even allowing me to return to the ranch, however, he made me sign that damn divorce paperwork saying he wouldn't file unless he caught me in another lie or in communication with Jim.

I was in such miserable shape that Eric made me see our family doctor who immediately put me on depression medication. Looking back, the medicine probably saved my life.

The next few weeks I worked with Maria and also the cowboys that were responsible for the care of the horses. I have always loved animals, especially horses and Eric had only the best horses money could buy and had begun a large-scale breeding program. This was just so much better than working at the bank.

One of the Appaloosas was expecting any day, and I spent most of my time taking care of her and then one-night sensing she was having trouble with the birth, I asked Eric to call the vet. The three of us spent the night with her and with the vet's help the mare was able to give birth to a beautiful foal early the next morning. This was the second Appaloosa birth on the ranch. I fell in love with the foal immediately then Eric told me I could have the horse to raise, train, and ride. I gave him a big hug and thanked him. I felt a barrier with Eric had finally been broken.

Eric had told me I could come and go as I wished but I chose to stay on the ranch and always made sure he knew where I was. I spent the majority of my days with either Maria or Miguel, riding the fence line, or working with the horses, but my favorite job was working with the newborns. All the ranch hands always carried a walkie talkie with them, so they were always in touch with each other even from the most remote sections of the ranch. I asked Eric if I could have one as well so that I would never be out of touch with him and he agreed but said I would also have to carry a gun. I wasn't happy about that, but all the other workers carried one, so I said ok. We had millions tied up in just the horses not to mention the other livestock, so everyone was always on guard against rustlers and thieves.

We always dreamed of having a home overlooking the big lake. Eric had an architect draw up the plans and one night over a bottle of wine Eric shared the plans with me and asked if there was anything that needed to be changed. We studied the plans for over an hour, and he sensed I wanted something changed but was reluctant to ask. Finally, he said, "I know you want something changed so, please tell me before I submit the plans to the builder."

"Eric, I am not sure if you want my input, or you are just being polite showing me the plans."

"Ann, for heaven's sake, if I didn't value your opinion I wouldn't have asked. The last time I checked, we are still married."

"Ok, I would like a high end double door sub-zero refrigerator, a double wide sub-zero gas stove, a pizza oven, and an under the counter wine cooler. I also want a farmhouse table big enough for the entire family. These would require the kitchen to be doubled in size also to include a larger pantry. I would also like to see the master bedroom doubled in size with a gas fireplace and much bigger his and her dressing rooms. The master bath should be increased in size to accommodate a whirlpool tub."

"You've got it, anything else?"

"I know you will put a pool in, but can we have a huge patio with fireplace and wood fired pizza oven and also a hot tub."

"I will add all the things you've requested. Sometimes I need a woman's input for things like this, and you have always given good advice and have great taste. Would you like the furniture from our old house or buy new?"

"Can we have a mixture of both? I would like keep our dining room furniture and kitchen items, but that's all. Eric, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I don't want anything to remind me of the other life I had for two years. I have put those memories away for good and don't want anything to bring them back. So, getting new things is like getting a fresh start."

"That sounds good to me too. The less said of that, the better."

So, we arranged for movers to pack what we wanted from the Plano house which all fit into a storage container then we called Goodwill who happily came and packed the remainder of the house. We had the house professionally cleaned and then listed it. To our amazement the house sold within a week.

Eric and I continued our path to reconciling. I worked hard every day and rarely left the ranch. If I needed to leave the ranch, for any reason, Maria always came with me. Maria and I became best friends and were hardly apart, and we often rode the fence lines together. I know the vaqueros called us Las gemelas or twins, but I didn't care. Eric always found a way of complementing our work which pleased me to no end.

I cooked every day and had food on the table every night at 6:00. Eric never failed to praise my cooking, and after dinner, we would take a bottle of wine and sit on the bluff overlooking the lake and see the daily progress on our new home. Bit by bit the house came together. We were becoming warmer and much more friendly to each other but still not sleeping together or having sex.