Crazy Arms

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Lost my girlfriend to my brother.
16.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/20/2009
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Note from Jake Rivers:

This is my sixth semi-annual "invitational." The initial one was based on the Statler Brother's song, "This Bed of Rose's." The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: "El Paso" "El Paso City " and "Faleena." The third had stories based on the various versions of "Maggie May" or "Maggie Mae." The fourth invitational was based on any Country & Western song and the fifth on songs by Merle Haggard.

The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by Willie Nelson.

I chose the song 'Crazy Arms' for the Invitational. It is also my entry in the Nude Day contest. A big 'Thank You' to Mistress Lynn for editing this story and making it a much better read. I hope you enjoy it.

DG Hear


"Ralphie, hurry home, I have a big surprise for you."

"What is it, and why are you calling me Ralphie?"

I was working late when my live-in girlfriend called. The only person that always called me Ralphie was my older brother Jake, so that made me really curious.

"I'm not saying but hurry up and get here; I can't wait much longer."

We have only been living together for three months. I asked her to move in on kind of a revenge impulse. I wasn't really in love with her and I'm sure she wasn't deeply in love with me. Why did we move in together? She wanted stability in her life and I wanted; hell, I don't know what I wanted, but it was one of the stupidest decisions I ever made in my life. Now I was living with it.

"I'm about finished for the day. I'll see you in half an hour."

We don't even say I love you after a conversation anymore. I knew I made the wrong decision even before we moved in together, but I just didn't care. I had lost the woman I loved to my brother and it all caught up to me. I guess I just wanted to be miserable.

I had to wonder why she was so excited. It's probably the happiest she's sounded since we got together. Shit, why do I keep talking like this, always looking at the crappy side of things? Who knows, maybe something good is about to happen, even though I doubt it. Damn, there I go again.

When I arrived home, I received the surprise of my life. There, standing in the living room was my dear girlfriend Sylvia kissing my brother Jake. Not only that but she had her jeans unbuttoned and he had his hands slid down inside of them gripping her ass.

"What the fuck is going on? First you take Trudy, and now my girlfriend. I've had enough of both of you; how could you even do this to Trudy, let alone your own brother? You can have Sylvia too. Fuck both of you, I'm out of here." I was so pissed at both of them right then.

Then a voice called out from the kitchen. "Ralph, please wait." Trudy walked into the living room and said, "Please don't go."

"What in the hell is going on? Trudy, I can't believe you're part of this mess. You stand there while Jake has his hands in Sylvia's pants. She's a slut, I understand that, but you Trudy, I don't get it. I really did care for you till you decided to fuck my brother."

"Easy there Ralphie, she's here for you bro. I told her I wanted to start swinging and she kept refusing. When I told her that I was coming over to see Sylvia, she agreed to come. I guess she has a thing for you," Jake said and then laughed.

I looked at all three of them. Jake and Sylvia were smiling. Trudy had a very serious yet sad look on her face.

"I can't believe you would think I'd go along with this. You are all fucking nuts. Sylvia, I'm moving out. You can have the damn apartment for a month and then I want your ass out. I'll have to pay the lease for the rest of the year because my name is on it.

"You'll have a place to fuck my brother and your friends for a month. You won't get another dime from me."

Jake took his hand out of Sylvia's pants, but didn't move away from her. He just stared at me.

"Jake, this is low even for you. I can't see how you and Trudy can do this to David. He deserves a lot better parents." David was Jake and Trudy's baby boy.

"Trudy, just so you know, I cared for you, I really did. It took me a long time to get over you, if I ever have. Now, I see that just maybe Jake did me a favor fucking you. I guess I'm more disappointed in you than the other two put together. I knew they had no morals and were sleazier than shit, but you, damn you, for making me care for you."

I headed for the door, with Trudy yelling for me to stop and listen to her. I just couldn't do it. My feelings for her were all topsy-turvy. I honestly didn't know what to think anymore.

Right now, I just wanted to get away from all of them and out of this mistake in my life. Mixed emotions had me so confused. As I got into my car, I saw Trudy at the door still yelling to me. I think I was actually crying as I drove away.

I headed to a motel close to my office for the night. They gave me a weekly rate, which was good. It would give me time to put my life together and figure out what I was going to do. Realizing I didn't take anything with me, I called the house to talk to Sylvia.

"Ralphie, did you change your mind?" Sylvia asked when she answered.

"Sylvia, you're nothing but a fucking slut. We never belonged together and you fucking my brother just put the last nail in the coffin. I know you've been cheating on me since the day we met. I'm not the fucking wimp you think I am. Our being together was just one big mistake and I'm tired of paying for your living expenses, so you can fuck everyone including my brother.

"I need a few of my personal belongings. I'll be there in a couple of hours to pick them up. I don't want to see either you or my brother there. I'm not in the mood for a fight or even an argument."

"Fuck you asshole. Why should I give a shit what you want? You want your fucking clothes, then come and get them or wait till tomorrow when I go to work and get whatever the fuck you want. I'm not your fucking slave. Besides, I might fight this division of assets. You should have to pay me something."

"Are you fucking crazy? According to the law, I just have to give you a thirty-day notice before evicting you. You received your fucking notice tonight. If you fight it, I'll have your ass thrown out immediately. There is more than enough proof that I paid for most everything and that you have been unfaithful. It's your call." I hung up the phone.

Shit! I guess I would have to call in work late and go get some of my belongings tomorrow. There was no way I wanted to go back to the house tonight with everyone there.

I made a few phone calls letting my boss know that I would be out of the office the next day but that I did have my laptop and could get some work done. I then called my friend who was a lawyer and made an appointment to see him the next day.

I know this is odd but I felt like a weight fell off me. I knew I was in a bad arrangement, even if it was only for a few months. My head was finally clear enough to think, though I was still very confused about Trudy. I just couldn't believe she was into wife swapping.

I was getting ready to settle in for the night when there was a knock at the door. Opening it, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Trudy standing there. I wondered how in the hell she'd found me, and what she wanted.

"I heard your conversation with Sylvia. While the two of them were busy, I took two suitcases and packed some of your belongings. May I come in and talk with you? You have the wrong idea about me and I need to tell you the truth."


My brother Jake is almost two years older than I am. I guess while growing up we were quite the opposite other than both of us being blond and blue eyed. He was dad's favorite and I guess I was moms. I'm not saying that our parents didn't love both of us, it's just each parent seemed to favor one. Our parents named us after our grandfathers. Jake got the manly name, after my father's dad. I, on the other hand, got my name from my mom's dad, Ralph David Brady.

Being called Ralph wasn't all that bad but after the movie 'The Christmas Story' came out, Jake started calling me Ralphie. He has been calling me that ever since, as a way of embarrassing me.

Jake has always picked on me. If I got a nicer toy, he would try to break it. Whenever we got the same thing and he broke his, he would take mine. Telling on him wasn't a good option. He was stronger and bigger than I was, and beat me up quite a few times. When I told dad, he would just say that all brothers fight and it would just make me tougher.

Jake liked sports from a very early age. I could play but I just didn't enjoy it, so I found other interests. I started taking piano lessons and did quite well. When I entered junior high school, I played the trumpet and joined the band. My mom was very proud of me.

He was into football, baseball and basketball, and was good enough to get a college scholarship for football. Like most college athletes, Jake dreamed of becoming a pro, but it never materialized. I think one reason was he was too much of a playboy.

Some days I hated Jake and the way he teased me. Then there were the days that other guys would pick on me and my brother was there to knock them on their ass. He told them he was the only one who could tease me.

When we were younger, he didn't like it when he was forced to take me with him anywhere, like the park or to the movies. He always told me that I'd better never tell mom and dad what he did or I'd regret it. Other times he needed an excuse to get out and he offered to take me along. I learned just to keep quiet about what he did.

When we were teenagers, he would drink beer with his buddies. Every now and then, he'd give me one. After I turned sixteen, he liked to use me as a driver while he had sex with girls in the back seat. He was the popular one. Some girls were nice to me just so they could get near Jake.

He was a real pussy hound. He wouldn't stay with just one girl but was always having sex with someone new. I asked him why he used the girls like that, since he never really loved any of them.

Jake laughed and said the girls got as much out of it as he did. Then he reminded me that he never forced any of them, but he couldn't help it if he was pussy whipped.

Jake and I both had smarts only he never used his except for sports. I actually did some of his homework for him since he was busy with sports and girls. I did join the cross-country team just to make my dad happy. It was non-contact and it helped me stay in shape. Often I finished toward the top also.

When he left for college, I became more popular. Everyone knew me as Jake Brady's little brother. I actually got dates because of it. I remember the first time I had sex with a girl. Before that, it was mother thumb and her four daughters. I just wasn't used to asking a girl for sex, and I didn't feel right about it since I didn't love them.

My first time was the weekend of my eighteenth birthday, and Jake was home from college for a few days. I had asked a girl from school to go to the movies. Jake said we could double date, since he was taking one of his old girlfriends out.

My date, Barbara, and Jake's date, Sheila, barely knew each other since they were two years apart in school. It was a warm night and they both wore shorts. After the movie, Jake told me to drive up to Knob Hill. It was the make-out place overlooking the town.

We had taken dad's big four-door Mercury since it had a lot of room in it. It had full bench seats in it, so Barbara sat next to me as I drove. As I was driving up to Knob Hill, I could see Jake making out with Sheila in the back seat. By the time I parked, he had her blouse unbuttoned and her shorts unzipped.

I parked the car, put my arm around Barbara, and kissed her lightly. Leaning away from me, she looked in the back seat and saw that Jake had Sheila's shorts off and was fingering her.

"Oh my god, they're going to have sex," said Barbara, staring at them.

While she did, I began to play with her breasts. I was getting a hard-on rubbing her. As I unbuttoned her blouse, she told me she was a virgin and that I could play with her breasts but I couldn't go any further.

Jake had started pumping into Sheila and Barbara still watched them. I could see she was getting horny but wouldn't let me do any more than suck on her nipples. I even told her it was my birthday but she wouldn't give in.

Jake shot into his condom and looked over at Barbara. "Damn girl it's his birthday," but Barbara wouldn't budge.

Sheila spoke up. "Come back here Ralphie and I'll give you a present."

Jake laughed and said, "Come on little brother, she's waiting for you."

I have to tell you I was all hot and bothered at this point. I knew I was thinking with my dick. I switched places with Jake and got in the back seat with a naked Sheila.

Jake handed me a condom and said, "Always use a condom little brother. We're out to have fun not to make babies."

In no time, I was having my first fuck. I couldn't believe how good it felt. It was ten times better than giving myself a hand job. I looked up and Jake was kissing Barbara. I couldn't believe it when he got her to take off her shorts and began to finger fuck her while she was watching me and Sheila.

Jake just had a way of talking to women. He'd be a damn good salesman. The way he was with words, he could sell ice cubes to Eskimos.

I came making big grunting noises as Sheila squeezed my cock with her pussy. Damn, she was having an orgasm, and a really big one according to the noises she was making.

When we finished, I had to rest a few minutes. I left my cock in her and kind of laid on her without putting all my weight down. It was then I looked up and Jake was fucking my date. Barbara was letting him fuck her. He was sitting and she was on his lap facing him.

What could I say? I had just fucked his date. I was a bit pissed at Barbara for telling me no and then fucking my brother. That was the way it was with Jake. He always wanted what I had and usually got it.

After he and Barbara came, the girls got dressed and I stayed in the back with Sheila. I kissed and hugged her all the way to Barbara's house. Jake kissed Barbara goodnight and she looked at me with a kind of apologetic look. We then dropped off Sheila. She kissed us both good night and wished me a happy birthday.

I did have sex with Barbara about a month later. I followed my brother's advice and used a condom. Oh, something I wanted to mention. Sheila told me I could call her anytime. She said I was a better fuck than my brother was. It made me feel good, so I called her twice before graduation, but I never did tell Jake.


I was on my way to college on a scholastic scholarship, taking computer programming and repair. I loved the challenge it offered, and learned everything I could about them.

I chose to go to college year around, figuring I could get a bachelors degree in three years if I took extra credits. Learning was enjoyable and college was fun for me. I studied hard and dated a few girls that I met at parties.

My brother wasn't completely out of my life. We were both in different colleges but in the same city, so I just saw less of him. A lot of girls at the college would ask about him. News traveled fast about him being on the football team even though it was at another college.

He made it a point to visit me at college for two reasons, pretty much. The first was for me to help him with his studies and the other was to check out the girls at my school. He had this way of attracting women. I can't tell you how many dates he probably took away from me. He'd smile every time he bedded down a woman that I mentioned I was interested in.

It got to a point that I really didn't want all his sloppy seconds anymore. Big brother or not, I wanted my own woman. I really wanted one I could date and go steady with, while we discovered our likes and dislikes together. Maybe fall in love, get married and start a family.

I wasn't like Jake. He saw women as objects to conquer; the more he could bed down, the prouder he was.

In my so-called junior year, I met a girl named Trudy. We actually met in one of our computer classes. She was having a problem and I could tell she was getting mad at the computer.

"Can I give you a hand with something?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"Do you know anything about these stupid things? They make me so mad."

I smiled. "They can get to you if you don't understand them. Kind of like a pretty woman."

Trudy smiled back at me. We had been in the same class for a couple of weeks and I was looking for a chance to really talk to her. She reminded me so much of what you would call the girl next door, pretty but not overly sexy. She had a nice body but didn't really have to show it off. Now I was talking to her, I could see that she had a personality that made me feel good.

Even though she was mad, she tried to hold back her temper. It really made me want to get to know her better.

"So, what am I doing wrong?" she asked.

I looked at her with a slight grin. "This is going to cost you if you want me to help you out here."

"What do you mean? You're going to charge me instead of just telling me what I'm doing wrong?" She looked disappointed.

"No, I would like to take you out to dinner. In return, I'll explain what you are doing wrong and show you how to correct it."

She was now smiling again. "What if I let you show me how to fix the problem and I renege on the date?"

"We'll both lose on what could have been," I said.

I did show her what she was doing wrong and we did go out to dinner. In fact, we went out on dates the next three weekends. I knew I was falling for her.

On our third date, I kissed her passionately. We had goodnight kisses before that but not like it. She invited me into her dorm and we started making out. When we got to undressing, she told me that she wasn't on the pill. She was off them for a month but would start again the following week, for regulating her cycles.

I carried condoms thanks to my brother's advice. Being with Trudy was nothing like any of the other women I had been with before. She seemed to be so much more real and passionate. I started very gentle with her. We kissed and I began to rub her breasts.

I worked my way down to her tummy and began kissing it. I started with my fingers and I felt how hot she was getting. I spread her legs and slowly inserted my cock in her. We started slowly and before long, we began going faster. She was so hot and seemed to love it.

This is what I wanted in a woman, not just a quick fuck but passion and desire. I used two condoms that night and ate her out after finishing the last time. It was the first time I had ever given oral sex to a woman. I guess because most of the others I dated I met at parties and probably were with other men. I wasn't about to eat some guys cum out of anyone.

I thought I'd found the girl I was looking for. Then I made the mistake of telling my brother about Trudy.

When talking about Trudy I did mention that I thought she was different than most of the women I met. She seemed to really like it and put her all into it. I didn't mention anything about having strong feelings for her. I didn't want to look like a wuss in front of my brother. He was so much more experienced.

The following week on Friday, Trudy and I went to a movie. We were going out on Saturday but I told her that I'd promised a friend I would stop by and repair his computer. I didn't want to miss being with her so we just went out a day early.

The truth was my brother's fraternity was having a Nude Day party. They only had it one day a year and it was this coming Saturday. I knew about it months ago, but there was no way that I was going to ask Trudy to go to a nude party with me. I had no idea what to expect since I'd never been to one. Jake just told me that I would never forget it because people got quite wild.