Cum To The Mud-Wrestling With Me!

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Pin & Fuck wrestling's a part of the show!
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Pin & Fuck Wrestling's a part of the show!

It was the second bout of the night that I had been pinned down in. The first one, I had just lost my bra. That was Tiger Lil! v. Diamond Vixen, that's me folks! Tiger Lil, the bitch, bit both my nipples even though I had submitted. Of course the crowd cheered her on and screamed at her to take off my knickers and fuck me. When I threatened to kick her teeth in, she stepped back and saluted the crowd and was announced the winner and she bowed out and was booed out of the ring. Guess she forgot to pack her strap-on, or she didn't fancy me!

This last bout was against a new girl, Jenny the Blitz! She was 12 pounds of muscle heavier than I was. You know the type, built like an Amazon.

As all mud-wrestling bouts do, we started on our hands and knees in more mud than usual. My bikinis are especially made with Velcro fastenings, so it is easier to rip off, in fact my opponent had borrowed a knickers and bra set off me. We had discussed strategy and had practiced ripping the panties and bras off each other to give good effect. Obviously this turned us on so much we kissed and fondled each other lovingly in the loo. A not uncommon practice among women mud-wrestlers as it puts us in a mood for what lies ahead in the ring. Lot's of people brand us as lesbians, but they are far from right. Bi-sexual maybe. I can't wait for my Husband to get his penis into me when we get home from a show. That usually happens in a hot relaxing bath. When I wrestle with men and end up getting pinned and fucked by them, it is not with the morals of a lesbian.

So, getting together with our opponents meant that we did not go in the ring cold towards each other. It was the type of wrestling where we did not require skill or aggression, because basically it was a strip show to tease and tantalize the audience so that they go home and fuck their partners. The sexual overture at the end of the bout was more to reward the winner than the audience, although the men in the audience will tell you a different story. That is the way it should be. It's what brings the people flocking to see us. When Larry wrestles with men and he knows that it is going to end in sex with that man, whether he is the Victor or the loser he has to be prepared to put on a show, just as the Gladiators did in the Roman arenas. It does not make him homosexual. Although, my Larry does not mind losing.

The ring was in a huge barn out in the sticks. The ring itself was on the boarded floor with a sorbo rubber sheet which is covered with a heavy polystyrene six foot square sheet and the thick gooey mud was a beige colour, something like cream chocolate in colour. Don't ask me where they get it from? I haven't a clue! What I do know it tastes salty, because of the amount I have had stuffed into my mouth. Getting back to its origin, I only know when Larry and I put on a private show at home he gets it delivered in large drums. We sent to America for this two metre square tray with soft rubber ridged sides, It cost more for freight than the trough, I think it's called. Once the mud is in it, it's brilliant. We can also put the mud back into the drum for later use. Naturally, we do not let anyone else use it, for sanitary reasons.

The rules? There wasn't any except standing up with your opponent isn't allowed. Sex, if any has to be agreed by opponents and managers which in my case is my Husband, Larry. Fleeing out of the ring is classed as a win for the person who remains in the ring. The loser has to go back in and take her punishment. In some Japanese and some Mexican rings, the winner wears a strap-on cock. Saying all that, if you are out in the sticks as we were today, anything goes!

Before the whistle for the, 'Off'' Jenny and I had snarled and spat at each other like alley cats. Coming up onto our hinds and clawing at each other, never contacting. It stirs up the crowd. Sex is a paramount attraction for the crowds to these shows and they are really awaiting the last four bouts of the evening which I was booked for two of. It was against men and it is always a guarantee for the female to be pinned and fucked to completion. I was billed for the last show of the evening where I'm to take a fall and get screwed anally. The first bout with a guy was a free for all where the winner asks the audience what they should do with the loser? If I win they will call for me to fuck the guy with a strap-on. Guess you can guess what they will call if I lose. By that time they usually know what size of cock the guy has! I have never yet met a male mud-wrestler with less than eight inches of cock! Most of the wrestlers in the fuck-bouts are chosen for their cock size rather than there wrestling skills. Eight inches is considered to be little! Larry has a thick nine inches of highly usable meat. I love to watch him fucking his losers. To see the look on their faces when it first goes into their assholes.

He has two fuck bouts too. The first one, he has to take a dive against a mountain of a woman by the name of Amazoniac. She has a very painful looking, very large strap-on. The second he is to win, against a woman by the name of Fairy Mammoth. She has huge powerful thighs and only men take her on. She has a ridged strap-on which can be painful to take up an already well fucked ass. On the way home tonight he is going to stink of cunt juices.

I would love a private bout with Fairy Mammoth. She always shaves her pussy before a bout. Come to think of it, I do too! Or Larry does it for me. It saves mud matting in your pubic hair. The female attendants always wash the wrestlers down before they fuck each other. A chore they really enjoy! They always bring a dais into the ring and the fucking is done on the raised dais.

The crowd often call out for the loser to be strapped down and gagged. A woman in the audience usually provides her knickers for the gag. I think some of the women must wear their knickers 24/7, they are rancid with fuck juices. I have to admit they taste better than the mud.

As the matches are advertised on the net, people come from far and wide paying hundreds of pounds for ring side seats. Quite often there is as much fucking going on in the audience than there is in the ring.

Larry and I usually earn 2,000 pounds for a match, sometimes more. I can get a 1000 for taking on two guys, with me getting a DP at the end of it. They are usually carried out in some rich guys house where he invites his elite friends.

In these parties you start off naked once you have removed your comic outfit. Members of the audiences take part. Both men and women of the elite strip off and jump into the ring with you. In these cases I always use my strap-on cock up them.

Larry and I have travelled all over Britain, America, Mexico and Japan. We are booked to go to Germany next. In parts of Japan, women wrestlers are allowed to wear strap-ons to fuck the losers whether they are male or female. The internet spreads customs all over the world at the speed of light.

I often train with Larry who is an ex-free style and Greco-Roman wrestler, but went for the mud wrestling because you have less chance of getting hurt and there is a lot more money in it. Larry loved it when I did my anal training with him. It is all show and planned out to incite the crowds.

Larry and I were both raped when we did an American show. The crowd grabbed all the contestants when we lined up at the end of the show. At least I was taken on the mat. Larry was held over a chair. Two guys had him. After I was fucked I managed to break free and ran for the dressing room. I locked myself in there until Larry turned up some time later. In our business, rape is when you don't get paid for the sex you get at a venue.

Getting back to the bout with Jenny. I pulled her onto her belly and dragged her around the rings corners where the mud was always the thickest. At one point she made a grab for my knickers and narrowly missed them. That had the crowd ranting, 'Rip them, off!' Already I was turned on because the whole show is sexual love play from beginning to the end. It gradually works both the contestants and the crowd to a frenzy.

Any women who goes to our shows gets fucked, and they want it as much as the guys do. I know that to be true because I have been to Mud Wrestling shows as a member of the audience. I was fucked twice at the last show I went to with Larry. The two guys who I was with wanted to give me the double, but I wasn't in the mood to take them both on together, so one went for a walk while I did it with his mate. Then I was fucked by the other guy. Larry fucked a woman in the back of a couples car and was in turn fucked by her husband. Larry really does love cock up his ass.

Here I go again, losing track! Any way I put my favourite leg lock on Jenny and then pulled her over so that her back bone was racked on my knees and I held her arms down to my sides, but the mud was that wet and slippery she managed to wriggle out of the hold and she wrapped her thighs around my mouth, same time pulling the crotch of her knickers to one side. This was planned to tease the crowd I munched her pussy, making a feast of her juices. I ripped her panties off just as she did the same to me. I felt her tongue in my slit before I pushed her off, grabbing for her bra tab and connecting. The ripping sound of Velcro is so loud! The crowd were on their feet now shouting for a, 'Pin and fuck!'

She elbowed me in the midriff, knocking the wind out off me and tore my bra off. We tussled in the mud, finding it hard to get a good grip of each other. I felt myself weakening and her extra weight to much for me.

She whispered in my ear, 'Go down! Bitch! I want to fuck you!'

I wheezed back, 'So you have a prick, do you Jenny?'

'Never travel without one, Honey. I am going to put it in you under the shower.'

I allowed the bitch to distract me, didn't I?

Suddenly she slammed me on my back and sat her cunt down onto my mouth, holding me down for the count of three. I felt, rather than saw her waving her arms above her head in victory! Her thighs were too tight to my ears for me to hear the referee's count, or the cheers and calls from the crowd. I wasn't interested anyway. I was too hot and horny! The feed I was getting from Jenny reminded me that I was hungry. For food too! The crowd beyed for my pussy to be fucked and Mary came forward and allowed Jenny to step into her strap on which had been fetched from the dressing-room. I was strapped to the dais where Jenny gave me a good fucking, it felt good and she knew how to use it as if it was a real cock! She screwed me hard and fast until I cried out that I was cumming!

On the way back to the dressing-room we were arm in arm and we were accosted by a pack of horny guys. The bouncers tried to protect us, but they were under orders to let at least one guy have us and that guy usually gave the bouncers a bung to let them fuck us. Jenny and I held hands while she got it in her pussy and I guided the cock I was offered to my asshole. I like to keep my pussy sacred for Larry. This after match fucking, is in our contracts, so we really can't say no. Not as I ever want to. After a match, I am usually that high and hot to trot, I am anybodies. Jenny had her way with me in the shower again. Her 'cock' is fantastic! It's a life-like strap-on and it glided into me as if it was made to fit my cunt. Well, she made it fit my cunt, we must have been in at least five positions before she finally screamed out to the world that she was cumming. My tits were sore with the mauling she gave them, both in the ring and out.

We were both coming too, panting for breath when my name was shouted out. One of the attendants was standing getting an eyeful

'The boss wants to speak to you Vixen. I have a few minutes to spare, Jenny if you want to continue with what you were doing. She sidled past me into Jenny's open arms, guiding Jenny's cock to her pussy as they fell back onto the bench. I put on my robe with nowt else on and went to the Office in the main house. My agent was in their with the Farmer and his son. All three of them were leering at me as I they knew I was naked under the robe.

'Hi Vixen, sorry to upset your rest period, only we have had a female wrestler drop out and we were wondering if you would step in for us. It's all-in-free style. It has a five hundred quid tab and if it goes to double penetration you could net a thousand. In fact I will guarantee that figure. I know it means you doing three fuck spots, but you would be helping us out of a fix.'

'Who am I in with?'

'Dangerous Dane, he is a push over if you maul his balls.'

'That man is a psycho case, I will do it for a certain fifteen hundred, no less. He could put me off the circuit for months. He has the biggest prick I have ever seen.'

The young guy stepped up to me and put his hand on my pussy. 'Why don't you let me warm you up for the bout, Vixen?'

'Why? You want me to put my strap-on cock up your arse? That is what the Dane will be getting.'

'No, Vixen! You were not listening! We want you to roll over and take the double.'

I just let the boy finger me, he was only playing.

'Okay, If that is what you want. But if the Dane comes on too strong, I will punish him! You had better tell him to behave himself, or else.'

The girls were there waiting to help me on with my fox fur cape and fox-head hood. It had cost me 2,000 US dollars, made to measure, but the notoriety it had brought me had been worth it. That with my foxy tricks in the ring of course! As usual the girls were tapping me up and I was getting a feel of their pussies to get me heated up for the bout. I really had a thing for Mary, one of the girls. Could not resist tasting her juices every time I tapped her up. I kept asking her to come to our place with Larry and I, always promising her a good time, but she had yet to take me up on our offer. I say ours, because Larry fancies her too. I have seen her looking at him so I know she is being tempted and she is the loudest cheer-leader when he is in the ring. One day we are going to have her, I can't wait!

As with all fuck-bouts, I was naked under my cape. Same as Dangerous Dane would be under his. We stripped our capes off in the ring after we were introduced by the referee, the arbitrator of my pussy and asshole fate in this fight. I loved the crowds response when they saw me naked, the whistles, the cat calls and the many lewd calls. They all turned me on and made me hot and horny. I made a few lewd gestures of my own which whipped up the young and the old randy males plus a few ardent lesbians.

The women in the audience screamed when the Dane removed his horned hat and fur trappings to reveal his monster cock which he was brandishing to all four corners and at me. I felt my asshole muscles tighten up painfully and my pussy juices running down my inner thigh. I knew I was about to be seriously fucked. I had never taken a prick that size! It was all of twelve inches and thick as my own wrist. The knob itself was smaller and tapered like a bull's pizzle, it was red and there was no foreskin. His head, chest and his bollocks was a mass of red hair. Thick and unkempt where ever it grew. It hid my target, his balls. I had to get them in my fists at all costs.

Already the crowd was chanting, 'Fuck her! Fuck her cunt! Fuck her asshole! Give it to her good, Dane! Then came a woman's scream, 'Bite his balls off, Vixen!' They did not want to see us wrestling, they wanted the fucking to start right away. In a way, I did too. Soon as it was done and all over, I would be pleased. It was my toughest bout of the night! He was like a big gorilla growling at the crowd and menacing the women in the front rows with his huge cock. They loved it! Half of them were not wearing their knickers and those who were, were taking them off and throwing them at him. He grabbed one pair and turned towards me and pointed to my mouth. My juices flowed again. In that second I decided to go along the fuck route. I wanted that prick inside me! I wanted to be pinned and fucked!

There was no sign of Larry. It was the very first time he had not attended one of my fights. It made me nervous. Too late the referee cautioned us and blew his whistle We dropped down to hands and knees in the mud and the whistle blew again and I darted under the Dane and made a grab for his balls. He evaded my clutches by springing up onto straight legs and fastening steel claws onto my nipples and squeezing them hard. I screamed at him and he grabbed me and turned me on my back like a rag doll. He pressed the butt of his hand hard onto my nose which made me scream with pain again. The fingers of his other hand were groping my pussy that hard and that deep he was lifting me up out of the mud with every thrust. Next before I could recover from that, he had my ankles and forced them up over my head. His cock found it's own way into my cunt. I screamed again, but it was drowned out by the crowd as he rammed his prick fully up me. The pain deep inside me meant that he had entered my womb. It was agonizing. He just lay on top of me. His full weight squashing the air out of my lungs. He was grinning down into my face and the tears were blinding me. I had never felt such pain before.

All his actions had caused me acute pain. I didn't fight him or the count. The referee's finger was almost in my face as he counted, '1!-2!-3! Out!' I just lay there. Feeling that huge thing inside me, trying to shut out the noise of the crowd. Dangerous Dane pulled his cock out and got off me. I was his to do what he liked with now. The ref. Raised his right arm up and the emcee announced him the winner and called for the dais to be bought in.

The girls started to wash me down, just my pussy, asshole and tits. I used a flannel to wipe my own face. They squirted gel into my ass and cunt and fingered my orifices. Vaseline was rubbed around my nipples to prevent them being pinched too hard. I was then led back to my place in front of the dais. Dangerous Dane now called all the shots. He didn't ask for me to be tied down. Just for two male lifters. They came and stood either side of me.

The emcee was inciting the crowd telling them that, 'Dangerous Dane had selected someone from the crowd to be the Pussy-Man! When the guy was finally brought down to the dais he was introduced as Walter. The last time I had seen the same guy introduced he was Steve.

'Ladies and Gentlemen you will see the two lifters, Terry and Brian lift the naked Diamond Vixen and place her onto Walters upstanding prick and you will see it on the screens around you as it is fully buried into her hot cunt! You will also see that Walter, like Dangerous Dane as been truly gifted. From what I can see here folks! It must be all of eleven inches of solid fuck shaft!'

Walter was prepared by the two young men who had brought him from the audience and stripped him ready for action. I had seen one of them down on his knees sucking Walter's cock to get him hard. Walter waved his cock at me and allowed the guys to lay him back on the Dais. My lifters lifted me high in the air! Arms and legs spread wide then I was lowered and Mary stepped forward, clutching Walter's cock, she guided it to my cunt lips. I moaned as I was impaled onto it. My shoulders were firmly pushed down until it was inside me. It too went into my womb, but not as painfully as when the Dane did it to me. The crowd, males and females were all chanting , 'Fuck her! Fuck her up her ass! Fuck her in her cunt!'

I felt myself squirting my juices around the cock in my cunt and I was wriggling on it without any brain control at all. Mary and the other girl were both now naked and they were rubbing their bodies up against the Dane's truncheon-like cock. The Dane had a finger in Mary's asshole and she was waggling her bum suggestively on it. What glimpses I had, I could see he was fully hard and ready to come to the dais. I was more interested in Mary liking her ass fingered, which boded well for Larry's luck when she finally came to our place.