Damned If You Do

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Next door neighbor's wife ensnares couple.
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If I hadn't forgotten that damned folder of papers I would have never known. At times I wish I had never known, but in the end what did it matter? The disruption in all the lives that my one unexpected arrival caused could be one for the record books too.

The path I chose to follow after my discovery may have been the wrong one, but that path revealed more than just that one forgotten folder could ever have been worth.

We lived in a decent enough neighborhood. A large city has few enough of these as it is. My wife, Drew, worked for an advertising agency and I worked at a local utility. No, I'm not some up and coming hot shot manager type. I actually just fix and maintain the equipment in the plant.

Yep. I had come to work here only a few months before, having left another plant for... well, reasons I won't discuss here. Those reasons don't apply to my story. What I will say is that I left that job on very good terms (luckily) and now, looking at the way things have gone, I may have to try to get back on there, if I can.

It all started with my boss. He had been given a 'directive' to start a training program. He came to me and another guy in the department and asked us if we'd help him out. My boss, while a great guy, was not, nor ever had been, a mechanic. He had worked his way up from the operations side of things and one day found himself in charge of the maintenance department - like it or not.

My co-worker and I talked it over between us for a few days and finally decided to help him out. Had I known just how much work on the computer it was going to take I'd probably not have volunteered to be a part of this effort.

Not only were we writing a training program, we ended up having to come up with the testing and information necessary for a full fledged apprenticeship type training plan. Not what we had bargained for. Anyway, it boiled down to my having to work at home a couple of hours a night for a few months gathering the necessary information.

Then my car broke down. Always something happening it seems. I ended up having to use the wife's car that day, and figured on using it the next day as well, so I'd put my work clothes and the folder in the back seat.

That evening the garage called me and told me they'd have my car at home before I left for work the next morning. So without thinking about it when they delivered it, I jumped in and headed to work... forgetting the work clothes and the folder in Drew's car.

I arrived at work and after checking in I remembered what I'd done. I had to have that folder for certain, so I told my boss what had happened and then I headed right for my wife's place of work. I got there and found out that she'd called in sick.

That surprised me. Drew was hardly ever sick and she hadn't said a word to me about not feeling well. Matter of fact, we'd had some pretty good sex the night before. That good sex was one of the reasons I'd forgotten all about the clothes and folder. I drove home, expecting to see her car parked out front, but when I got there... no car. I called her cell phone and it went to voice mail. I tried again a few minutes later and Drew answered.

"Hey Drew, what's happening? I'm home looking for my folder in your car. Where are you?"

"Oh Matt, I'm so sick. I'm at the doctor's office right now."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. What doctor are you at? I forgot that folder in your car last night..."

"Oh, I took that and your gym bag of work clothes out and they're in the living room on the coffee table."

"Do you want me to come over to the doctor's and drive you home honey?"

"No. I think I'll be all right. I mean, I can drive okay. It's just... well I have a slight fever and I'm achy all over. Probably just the twenty-four hour flu, but with that walking pneumonia going around I thought I'd better see the doctor just in case."

I was worried, Drew sounded like she needed me to be there for her. I knew the inflections in her voice and she sounded like she just didn't feel good at all, but she didn't want me missing time from my new job either.

I hung up after saying 'love you' and 'get betters', and then went inside to get the folder. I was thirsty so I walked straight through to the kitchen which is at the back of the house, and grabbed a soda.

This is where all those lives and my whole world started to change right before my eyes. Over the fence by my neighbors swimming pool there were three people. The woman was naked, lying on a lounger as the two men were stripping off their clothes.

I didn't charge right out there to ask them what the hell they were doing because I knew them. One man was a next door neighbor to the North, and the woman was the next door neighbor that owned the swimming pool. The third man was a sometimes golfing partner of mine, and we played every other weekend at a local club. He lived on the other side of the street.

The way the fence between our homes was, I could see into her yard clearly. There was even a gate there that we used often when sharing barbeques or having parties.

As I watched, the men finished getting their clothes off and moved in close to the woman. She laid back and spread her legs, teasing them.

"So, what are you guy's getting all naked for anyway? Oh, I see, you think that by my being here naked that I'm available huh? My, my, things are popping up all over here."

Their cocks were hard and sticking out like flag poles as they moved in on her. Her hands went out to stroke them and draw them ever closer.

"So, they aren't pickles in your pockets after all are they? That's good though. I'm horny as hell and in dire need of some hard cock. Two of them as a matter of fact."

"Oh yeah? Well, why doesn't your hubby take care of you then?"

It was my neighbor to the North, Hal. His graying hair was messed up as if he'd already had some 'quality time' this morning. That, or he'd not brushed it when he got up. This was not like him at all. I'd never seen him with a hair out of place. Of course, I'd never seen him naked, getting ready to fuck my other neighbor's wife either.

"Oh, all he's interested in is his work and making the almighty buck to have any time or energy for me."

"His loss is our gain. Stupid fuck though. I mean, having a hot little number like you at home and not playing with you... that's stupid."

This came from the golfing partner, Pete. He had a little paunch, and for the life of me I couldn't see what Gloria, our neighbor, saw in him at all. Now I was interested in seeing just what was developing.

As I watched they got into their little tryst and pretty soon Gloria had Pete's cock in her obviously wet pussy, while Hal was getting a superior blowjob. I mean that too... Gloria was sucking on Hal like he was the last man with a cock on earth. Like her life depended on giving him pleasure.

For just a tiny bit I was jealous. She is a very nice looking lady and I'd be lying if I said I'd never had a stray thought about her here and there. I soon got over that though when I remembered how Jim, Gloria's husband, was a great guy and not deserving of this.

I knew how I'd feel if I caught Drew fucking around on me, at least I thought I knew what I'd feel like, and it wasn't a good thought. I couldn't understand why Gloria would do this to Jim, and I certainly hadn't had any inkling at all that she was this way.

I'm not a voyeur type of person, and seeing people I knew fucking around on their spouses as these three were made me kind of sick inside. I quietly turned and went back through the house gathering up my folder and clothes and headed out the door.

I debated calling Drew to let her know about it, but then figured she'd be in with the doctor by now, so I decided to let it go until I got home. Hopefully the trio would be done before Drew got home and felt she had to deal with it.

This was probably my first mistake, although in the scheme of things it wasn't anything at all. Had I called Drew and warned her about the threesome going on in Gloria's backyard, she would have reacted to my news and things would have probably been totally different when I got home that night.

On my way back to work I debated what to do with this new found knowledge about my friends and neighbors. I finally decided that it was all their business and I didn't need to be involved. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't, but I felt the damned if I didn't could be the lesser of two evils.

I could always feign ignorance about what I'd seen. Nobody knew I was there and saw them, not even Drew for all practical purposes. I'd never have thought that my friends would cheat, let alone with others in our circle.

At work I started to wonder about Drew and me suddenly. Did she know about Gloria? They were awfully close and shared lots of things with each other. Would Drew fuck around on me? I doubted it. I truly did. We had both been faithful, as far as I knew, to each other for the entirety of our marriage.

Drew wasn't built to cheat. It wasn't in her make up, I was certain of that. I had been tempted several times in the past, but always remembered that what I had at home was far better than any temporary gratification could ever be. So I'd never cheated on Drew either.

Later that morning, I called Drew, and when she answered I could hear the intercom in the background at the doctor's office announcing someone's name.

"Are you still at the doctors?"

"Yeah. They took some tests and they're keeping me here until the results come back from the lab."

"Oh honey, are you sure you don't want me to come stay with you?"

"No Matt. You need to be at work. One of us has to bring in some money for the day. I'll be all right. If I don't feel well enough when it's time to go home I'll call you for help. Not until then though, okay honey?"

"Drew," I was worried about her. "I can be there in a half an hour or so. I think I should come."

"No Matt. I'll be okay, I promise. Besides, you can't be here that quick without driving way too fast, and then I'd worry about you being in a car wreck or something. Just stay at work and if I need a ride I'll call. It'll be a while though, so don't worry, okay?"

"Well, okay Drew. Look, I don't like not being there for you, but if you're sure that you'll be okay, or if you're not, that you'll call me, then so be it. I love you baby."

"I love you too Sweetie."

Of course, all I did for the rest of the day was worry about Drew to the extent that I got absolutely nothing done. I might as well not come into work at all. Except now I had the other breaking news to deal with. I now had information on my friends and neighbors that I really wished I didn't have.

In my worry about Drew, I had forgotten to warn her about Gloria, Pete and Hal. I figured that I'd talk to her about when I got home, if she felt up to it. That was in my thoughts when I pulled up in the driveway at home that night.

Walking in the door I heard voices in the kitchen, so I strolled on back to find Gloria and Drew talking. Drew was in a robe, and knowing her, pajamas underneath. Gloria was dressed in a bikini and had a lounging robe on.

Right away I saw I couldn't say a word about what I'd seen that morning. We made small talk, and Gloria was her normal happy self. I couldn't believe that the woman I'd seen that morning, acting like some Whore of Babylon, was sitting in my kitchen chatting like the highlight of her day was talking to Drew.

Uncomfortable with the situation I excused myself to go hide out. Well, I told Drew and Gloria I needed to work on the 'project'.

"Okay honey. I'm feeling a quite a bit better now, and Gloria and I will just quietly chat out here. You stay away from me though I don't want you catching what I have."

"Okay Drew. Love you. See you later Gloria."

"You know Matt, if Drew stays sick more than a day you can always come to me for comfort. I'll be more than happy to take care of you."

Gloria's lewd wink and smile offset what I knew now was a real danger. Drew was laughing even as bad as she must have been feeling being under the weather and all. I'm sure I was blushing beet red too.

I couldn't believe Gloria had said that in front of Drew. Suddenly I almost felt a need to mention what I'd seen that morning, but looking at Gloria and the look on her face, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Gloria had made such comments before, and I'd just brushed them off as friendly teasing. Drew and I had talked about it a couple of times and Drew was confident that Gloria was just 'that way' and not dangerous. Just friendly flirting was all.

If Drew only knew what I knew now, she'd probably not feel so confident. I planned to tell her later that night once Gloria was gone and we had some alone time. Of course, the best laid plans of mice and men... by the time I realized that Gloria was gone Drew had gone to bed and was sound asleep. I had missed my shot that day all the way around.

The next morning, Drew was up and gone before I got out of the shower. She'd been upset over missing work the day before, and felt good enough to go in, so she'd showered early and took off while I was showering. I heard her as she left, hollering at me to have a great day.

I wondered who would be in my neighbor's backyard today while nobody was home. I was sure now that Gloria was nothing but a slut and it was hard telling who all she was fucking. I briefly wondered about Jim. Did he have any clue whatsoever about Gloria?

Again my day was taken up with 'the project' and worrying about what I should do with my knowledge. In the end I started up a conversation with a buddy.

"Hey, you ever know anybody who was married and cheating on their spouse? I mean, did you know when the other spouse might not have?"

"Oh man. Yeah. That was a nightmare. I knew this couple a few years back. Good people. He was fucking around on her. I saw him with his little honey one night while his wife was home tending to a sick kid. I knew that he had told her he had to work on a special job."

"Oh yeah? So...what did you do with that knowledge?"

"Well, I debated for a few days over what to do before I finally decided that in her shoes, I'd want to know if my spouse was cheating on me. I went and told her."

"Did it help?"

"HELP? HELL NO. Man, she tore me a new asshole. 'Her husband couldn't possibly cheat on her. He never had the inclination, time or opportunity.' I was possibly the biggest asshole in the world for trying to bring trouble to her doorstep. Later, he got wind of what I'd done and he was all in my face, wanting to kill me for trying break up his marriage. We had one hell of a fight and he actually kicked my ass too. I learned a lesson in all of that. NEVER EVER be the bearer of such news to any married couple. EVER."

"Oh. They blamed you for it all then?"

"Oh hell yeah. Later on she caught his worthless ass out and about with that little honey and they ended up divorced. Neither of them ever would talk to me again though. I never got an apology or nothing."

"Wow. Sorry to hear that."

"Why? You know something about some couple and need some advice?"

"Could be."

"Well, let me tell you. Leave it alone. Don't mention it, don't tell, and don't acknowledge it. Just ignore it. Nobody wants to hear from another person that the love of their life is cheating on them. Nobody. Forget whatever it is you know and leave it lay."

After that eye opening talk I decided to not mention what I knew to anyone. I would try to feel out Drew though. I felt she needed to know about her supposed friend. After all, my knowledge would or could destroy their friendship, so I wanted to be damned careful on how I approached Drew on this. The last thing I needed was for her to be angry with me.

That night Drew and I were chatting as I fixed the salad for dinner.

"So Drew, what do you and Gloria talk about?"

"Why? It's just woman stuff. You'd probably not be much interested Matt."

"Just curious I guess. You two seem to be close friends. Gloria ever talked about other men? You know..."

"Oh. Just curious. Yet specific. Matt, is there something on your mind?"

"No really. I mean... Gloria kind of caught me off guard the other day with her 'taking care of me' comment."

"Yeah, I noticed. Boy was your face red. It was cute."

"Has she ever mentioned that she... I don't know... messes around?"

"Matt, are you interested in Gloria as something more than a friend? Is there something I've missed between you two?"

"NO. I mean... no. It's just...well... the other day I saw..." The ringing of the phone caused me to stop telling Drew about what I'd seen that day. It was Gloria calling to chat with her so I ended up going up to my home office and working on the project some more.

Later Drew walked in and sat on my lap.

"So, what were you going to tell me about earlier Matt?"

"Oh it's nothing. Really. Her comments just made me feel that she was more than teasing."

"Oh honey Gloria wouldn't mean anything serious..."

"Yes she would. Drew, I know that Gloria is one of your closest friends and all but you need to know that she's not quite the person you may think she is..."

"Matt, Gloria is my best friend."

Drew's eyes were focused on mine and I could see that she was troubled suddenly with how I was acting.

"Matt, what's wrong? You have that look. You need to tell me something but you're afraid. What is it?"

My chance was here at last. Now... if I could only get it out right without upsetting Drew, I could get it all off my chest. I had been losing sleep over this whole mess since discovering them out there as I had.

"Drew... the other day while you were at the doctor's office I went to the kitchen to get a soda. While there I looked into Gloria's yard. By her swimming pool and saw her there with Hal and Pete. They were... um... naked and I heard them talking too."

I was getting flustered because Drew's face had suddenly taken on a look I didn't like. I knew this face. It was her 'disbelief' look.


"Don't get upset Drew. I'm just telling you what I saw them doing, that's all. I don't think Jim is aware of it and..."

"Matt, are you jealous of Jim? Is that it? You want Gloria so since you can't have her you've come up with this story?"

"Look Drew, I didn't want to see what I saw. I never knew and I never expected to see them... like... that. It's what I saw and heard. I thought you needed to know just in case well, I know that you think the world of Gloria and all..."

"I can't believe this Matt. Gloria isn't some whore. She's my best friend. Yes, she is a bit more sexual than most women, but she has it and there's no reason for her to hide what she's got. Just because you may not like her teasing you like she does is no reason for you to go off like this. My God Matt, how could you say such terrible things about her like this?"

"Drew, it's what I saw. I'm not making it up. Hal, Pete and her had sex right out there on Gloria's lounger by the swimming pool."

"You know what? I'm going to talk to Gloria about it Matt. If she says its bullshit, then we are going to have some serious issues to talk over when I get back."

"You don't think she'll admit it to you do you? Come on Drew hear me out okay? Gloria doesn't know I saw them. She'll deny everything to you or anyone else. Just take next Wednesday off from work and not say anything to her. I think they get together every time Jim is out of town, and he's going to be gone next Wednesday. You'll see."

"Gloria? With Hal and Pete? Come on Matt, Gloria could do far better than those two old goats. You know what? Because I love you and I think... mind you... THINK you love me, I'll not say anything at all about this to Gloria for the time being. Next Wednesday though, you had better be right about your claims. If she isn't doing something wicked like that over at her place, I'll go over there and tell her all about what you've told me."