Dannii - A Kinky Night In


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"Good girl," she said with a smile, her hands sliding to Lucy's hips, touching her properly for the first time that evening, just lingering a moment before she slid her hands up to cup the luscious rack before her, pushing up and firmly squeezing the pert C-cups in front of her. She graced each one with a simple kiss, which made Lucy tremble, feeling her pussy wetten in her rubber underwear as Dannii just teased her before pulling away.

"Would you hand me my drink please?" she cooed, glancing past the girl on her lap to the glass. Lucy looked back to it, just playing with Dannii's dreadlocks before she turned on her lap and reached out for it, grasping the shot and turning back with it, holding it just in front of the sexy Aussie. Lucy gave a little smile, looking sideways and down to Dannii before turning fully and offering the glass to her lips, pushing her luck a little since Dannii was well and truly in charge. Dannii however welcomed it, since it was good fun, opening her mouth a little to invite it, which Lucy did, pouring the vodka carefully into her waiting mouth, the blood red lipstick smearing the glass a little she drank before Lucy stood it down, immediately covering Dannii's mouth with her own to kiss her, their tongues battling powerfully as Dannii's hands continued to grope and squeeze at her breasts, Lucy grinding herself down against Dannii's hips, squeezing with her strong thighs…

Walking the last few steps to the club, the escort Dannii had hired wondered if he was really in the right place to collect someone like her, but headed in towards the main entrance, figuring someone would know where she was. He thought back to how he'd got this privilege, which had been him happening to answer the phone when nobody else had been to hand. Dannii had immediately introduced herself and then asked if there happened to be any fans of hers working there. After a moments pause of shock, he'd managed to answer that he wasn't sure on the others, but he sure was, hoping that didn't sound like a cheap attempt to bed her.

Dannii had assured him he'd do her just fine, at least she hoped he would, for the following night if that were possible. He knew enough about the deskwork to check the schedule but was fairly certain he wasn't booked, which was clarified when he found it, informing Dannii that would be just fine. She'd been happy with that and asked him to collect her at this particular club, which was where he was standing right now, reaching the desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for Dannii Minogue?" he said politely to the girl behind the desk, quite pretty herself, sporting tattoos down her arm and a few piercings. She just gave a slight, knowing smile.

"May I ask who you are?" she said politely. He knew this was policy, after all anybody could just walk up and ask for someone like Dannii Minogue by name. He reached for his wallet and showed his ID card given by his agency, which was known to the Club, so she recognised it and just gave a smile.

"Thank you. One moment, let me check," she said, having not set eyes on Dannii herself when she arrived, she knew where she'd be if she was in. She picked up the phone and pressed a speed dial button, waited a moment before getting an answer.

"Hey David, it's Anna downstairs. Is Dannii up there?"

"She most certainly is," he replied, Anna able to tell just from that that Dannii was looking fine tonight.

"There is a gentleman here for her," she said.

"Send him on up," David replied, knowing that as soon as the world "gentleman" was used it was someone from an escort service.

"Thanks," she said, and put the phone down.

"Miss Minogue is on the first floor, the lifts are just down there on the left," she said to him, indicating with a hand and a smile.

"Thanks," he said, smiling back and walking down to the lifts, waiting just a moment for one and then riding up to the first floor where he was greeted by David and his bouncers, only with less enthusiasm than Dannii had received.

"Good evening sir, may we just see some identification first please?" David said. He once again produced it, David just checking it and then nodding.

"Thanks, procedure you know. Dannii's booth is just over there," he said, indicating with a hand. He tucked his wallet away and thanked David, shaking his hand just out of courtesy and then heading towards it, feeling a little out of place wearing a suit as he looked round the various dancers and guests wearing fetish outfits. As he got close to the booth, he could hear little giggles and mumbles, his heart just increasing a little despite the fact this was his job. It was Dannii Minogue after all, and it certainly sounded like she was busy. He reached out and knocked on the side, the curtain closed for privacy.

"Come in," Dannii murmured breathily with little hesitation. He pushed the curtain aside and stepped in, freezing in his tracks as he got an eyeful of Dannii Minogue, done up as a full Goth, romping with a gorgeous blonde dancer, who was currently squeezing Dannii's delicious breasts whilst grinding herself into Dannii's hand, which was resting down the front of her rubber thong. He was unable to speak for a moment, taking in Dannii's look; the thick dreadlocks cascading down over her shoulders, heavy make-up and false eyelashes, her tight laced corset squeezing her body perfectly, and the tiny black PVC skirt which showed off her tiny, semi-sheer knickers, before sliding down into the moulded black rubber stockings and fearsome boots, just so utterly sexy in a way he couldn't pinpoint.

"Mmm you look better than you sound," Dannii mumbled, looking over with a sly smile, Midnight not stopping what she was doing. This had happened before, and Dannii had always told her to keep going so she just did it now without a thought.

"Thanks," he said, finding his voice and catching the gaze of the blonde on Dannii's lap very briefly, seeing a little jealously in it.

"Have a seat," Dannii said, gesturing with her spare hand. He sat down, still watching, trying not to eye her up too much even though that's what this was all about. It was still his job after all, and business had to be done. After a moment, Dannii pulled her hand out of Lucy's underwear, raising her fingers to blonde stunner's busy mouth and pushing them to her lips. Lucy didn't even pause, sucking Dannii's fingers into her mouth and hungrily licking and sucking them clean until they were withdrawn, Lucy going back down onto Dannii, quickly giving her a peck on the lips before nuzzling and sucking lightly on her neck, making Dannii giggle a little and smile.

"Sorry, she's very good," Dannii said to him, making Lucy inwardly beam, shivering a little at the compliment. With her free hands she found her bag and reached in, pulling out a legal document and a pen, before handing it to him.

"What's this?" he said, reaching out for it, Lucy, looking sideways to see what it was out of curiosity.

"Non-disclosure agreement. It's nothing personal, but I can't take the risk that you'll talk to the media," Dannii said, turning her attention back to Lucy for a good kiss.

"Ok then, fair play. I brought one as well, company policy with high profile clients," he said, reading through the document quickly, just checking for anything that shouldn't be there. It was almost identical to the one he'd brought, industry standard pretty much.

"No signature, no pussy," Dannii said with a giggle, making him give a slight laugh.

"All looks ok to me," he said, and signed it. He tore off the carbon copy for himself and then handed the original back to Dannii, who fumbled for it as she slid down in the seat a little more under Lucy's energetic ministrations. He couldn't keep his eyes from Dannii's pussy, the little thong barely covering her mound, the bottom part solid but top half of it sheer so he could see she was waxed smooth.

"Thank you," she mumbled, folding it and stuffing it back into her bag with the pen, sitting up a bit more again and pushing Lucy back slightly with a stroke of her soft hair. Lucy was a little confused for a moment until Dannii reached for the vodka again, not bothering with a glass and simply uncapping it and taking a quick, neat slug of it. She offered it to Lucy, who took it and did the same. When you worked in a place like this, hard drinking just became a way of life. It started as a way to calm the nerves and just went from there, though Lucy was always a little nervous with Dannii, afraid she'd fail her somehow. She gave it back to Dannii, who offered it to her escort. He thought a moment and then took it, deciding to calm his own nerves just a little as the girls locked together for a passionate embrace, tongues battling each other as their hands roamed, Lucy taking in Dannii's slim, corset-squeezed waist as Dannii groped her firm, naked breasts, just teasing the nipples with her thumbs.

"You'll get that soon enough," Dannii purred, looking at him sexily from the corners of her eyes, having caught him eyeing her evident pussy.

"I…sorry. Did you have anything in mind for this evening?" he asked, since she was hiring him.

"Beyond good hard sex?" she said with a smile, Lucy shifting on her lap and hunting for a kiss, which Dannii rewarded her with, sucking at her tongue in the process.

"Well of course," he said with a slight laugh, "but I wondered if you had anything specific in mind?"

Dannii just paused a moment, letting Lucy tug and suck at her lower lip with a breath of contentedness before pulling away and turning lazily to him, Lucy delving to lick at her magnificent cleavage again, the leather of her tight corset creaking as her back arched.

"I just have a few basic rules, the rest is up to you," she purred, smiling devilishly.

"Ok then, sounds good, let's hear them," he said with a smile, thinking of the fun of having freedom in the bedroom with Dannii.

"Well I wanna get a bit kinky. Not as kinky as this outfit would suggest, I'm not after that tonight, but a good bit of kink…and a bit nasty as well. So that's what I want, it's up to you to give it to me, but you're not allowed to go too far. A bit of pain with pleasure is fine, but you can't hit me. Don't go getting too rough with me. Use your common sense," she purred.

"Gotcha, I'm not like that anyway. So, you ready to go?" he asked, casting an eye to her beautiful dancer.

"Yeah I am," she said, immediately feeling Lucy tighten up, grasping her waist firmly and pulling a little closer to Dannii, something she didn't miss. Dannii just gave her a moment, sliding her hands up the sexy dancers sides to her breasts, just squeezing them firmly before moving up to brush her fingers through the soft blonde hair.

"Lucy, I have to get going now," she said, locking lips with her for a good kiss, just giving a little nip to Lucy's lower lip before they broke apart. Lucy reluctantly let go of Dannii and climbed off her onto the seat beside her, casting a glance to the waiting escort as he stood up. Dannii stood up and straightened herself out a little, brushing her dreads away from her face and tugging her tiny skirt down, just enough to cover herself as she walked. Settling her dainty feet in her boots a little more, she plumped up her breasts in the blood red leather corset, stretching herself towards the ceiling with a little murmur before looking to him with a smile and stepping towards the door as she picked up her bag. She looked back to Lucy, who sat looking down dejectedly at the floor, clearly having trouble just accepting this was her job when it came to Dannii.

"Could you wait for me at the lifts please?" Dannii said to her escort. He didn't argue, just giving a little nod and stepping past the heavy curtain, his footsteps diminishing as he walked away towards the exit.

"Lucy, I'm sorry it's not you I'm taking home tonight. You danced great," Dannii said, stepping towards her a little and extending a hand to her.

"Well it's my job isn't it," Lucy said unconvincingly, unable to conceal her disappointment, reaching up for Dannii's hand.

"Tonight I'm not in the mood for some pussy, I need some cock, and I know you understand that. It's not you, it's not because I don't want to, you're still my favourite," Dannii said with a smile, pulling Lucy to her feet as she fished a wodge of money from her bag with her spare hand.

"Have a great night Dannii," Lucy said softly, smiling slightly as she looked into Dannii's eyes, seeing the sincerity. With a little smile, Dannii pushed her hand down, sneaking under the front of Lucy's little rubber thong and pushing her hand into the strippers black fetish underwear, pushing the thick wad of bank notes down against her moist pussy.

"And you have a great weekend," Dannii purred, smiling slyly to Lucy, whose knickers had just been stuffed with around £700, a very good tip.

"Thank you," Lucy whispered, smiling a bit wider as Dannii just drew her close for a deep, soft kiss. Their tongues sensually caressed each other, Dannii just holding Lucy's hip and round her shoulder before they broke apart with a smooch.

"Maybe next time," Dannii said with a smile, just giving a little cock of her eyebrow and a sexy wink before turning and walking out through the curtain, her boots thumping on the floor as she strode away toward the lifts. Lucy breathed out, feeling exhilarated and turned on at the very thought, sitting down and picking up the vodka bottle that had been left for a good swig…

Reaching the lifts, David stepped forward and offered a hand.

"I trust you had a good evening?" he said with a smile.

"Very, Lucy was impeccable, thank you," she said with a smile, taking his hand for an almost non-existent shake before leaning up to give him a quick peck on the cheek, pulling away as David was handed her coat. Offering her arms behind her a little, he slipped the coat onto her sexy form and let her slip into it, closing the long black leather coat and tying the belt. She glanced back with a smile and then walked over to her waiting escort, between the bouncers who all eyed her with only one thing on their mind.

"Bye boys, I'll see you all again very soon," she cooed, looking round at the bouncers with little waves of her fingers and a pout as they checked her out, all of them gazing at her arse as she passed them to the lift, eyeing the chunky, dominant boots as they flashed past the coat which flicked up as she walked. After a moments wait for a lift, she and her escort stepped in, Dannii giving a smile and then blowing a kiss with her ruby lips just as the doors slid shut. As the lift descended, Dannii glanced up to take in her escort, who she had to admit looked hot. Short dark hair, around 6 feet tall, a nice, distinguished profile, sort of ruggedly handsome, and he looked well built. Certainly good to keep her up all night she thought to herself with a private smile.

"So, do you come here often?" he said, breaking the silence. Dannii just gave a little giggle, sliding her slender hand into his, which dwarfed hers.

"I think you can tell that I do," she said, just pressing herself a little closer to him as the lift stopped and the doors slid open to the public ground floor.

"Good point, you certainly seem to have plenty of fans here," he said with a smile, since she'd asked on the phone if any of the escorts were fans. Dannii just smiled, giving a little wave to the girl on reception as they headed out the front doors onto the dark street, a light breeze just moving her long, thick dreadlocks. Since it was still quite early, there was no shortage of taxis, and a well-placed hand had one pulling up at the kerb almost immediately. He opened the door for her and she slid into the back seat, carefully manoeuvring her hefty PVC boots, the driver casting a roving eye over her as he got in next to her.

"Evening, where to?" he said, glancing at them in the rear view mirror. Dannii asked him to take them back to her posh flat, giving him the address, which he set off for. As they got moving, she turned slightly towards, not needing to spread her legs at all to offer him a good view up her skirt to her barely hidden pussy, which drew his attention.

"So, am I what you expected?" she teased, shuffling a little closer to him on the seat.

"You're better than I expected," he said with a smile, leaning down to kiss her, feeling her tongue slip eagerly into his mouth.

"Oh really, how?" she mumbled, pulling away slightly, her hands sliding up his side under his jacket.

"This outfit of yours for starters," he said, reaching out to slide a hand to her hip, resting it on the warm, tight leather of her corset. It immediately slid up the pinch of her waist, flowing straight on up to her ample chest, where he cupped her large left breast, forced up tightly out of the corset, begging for it. Dannii just gave a murmur, casting her eyes forward to the driver, who was watching in the rear view mirror, quickly pretending he hadn't been and looking forward at the road again.

"Anything else?" she purred, giving a naughty smile.

"Your hair, your make-up, everything. You're a complete package," he said his hand brushing her dreadlocks back from her face before sliding down onto her leg now, brushing over her silky thigh and onto the smooth black rubber of her stocking, now warmed by her body.

"Well, I just hope you can handle me," she said with a grin, giving him another kiss. His hand went to slide back up her thigh but Dannii swatted him away.

"There'll be plenty of time, just control yourself," she scolded playfully, slapping his hands away from her now and turning her legs back so her tiny PVC skirt concealed her again. It only made him more eager and ready for her, which she was only too aware of, being a master tease. During the rest of the ride she swatted away sneaky hands he tried to lay on her, her leather and rubber creaking sexily as she did, giving him come-to-bed eyes as she did, which only served to heighten his want for her. Though the ride wasn't particularly long it felt like forever, for both of them, Dannii now painfully horny and wanting to get busy. Arriving at her building, Dannii produced a twenty and handed it to the driver with a smile and a foxy look he could feel as her escort got out.

"Thanks for the ride," she purred, giving a little giggle as she slid across the back seat and co-ordinated her hefty PVC boots onto the kerb, giving him a sexy wink and then exiting the taxi, shutting the door and taking the hand offered to her by her man. The taxi pulled away as they walked into her building, into the well-illuminated lobby.

"Where are the lifts?" he said, glancing round since they weren't immediately obvious.

"We're not taking the lift, you're going to follow me up the stairs," Dannii said thickly, undoing her coat and slipping it off, just reaching down to suggestively tug her tiny skirt a little to make sure it was in place. He didn't say anything else, simply letting Dannii guide him to the stairs and then slide ahead of him, her hand slipping from his as she started up them, her shiny PVC boots thumping heavily on the steps. Dannii gave a little glance back with a saucy smile through her dreadlocks, fluttering her fake eyelashes and wiggling her hips enticingly, arching her back as she stepped up, her lovely arse peeking out from under the black PVC. The tiny thong was just visible concealing the back of her pussy, barely managing that as she stepped up, giving a little smirk as his eyes locked on her arse. She flicked her hips a little, not that the stiff PVC skirt moved but it just gave the invitation, which he gladly accepted, following her up the stairs almost in a trance as she pouted, wiggled and giggled her floor, strutting the corridor to her door.

"Here we are," she said with a smile, unlocking her door and stepping in, flicking her lights on as he followed, Dannii quickly shutting the door and locking it again, yanking the key out and grabbing his hand, walking determinedly towards the bedroom, hefty boots almost threatening as she walked. Entering her room, he was struck by the sweet perfumed smell of her private space as she cast her coat over a chair, glancing round at it, since it was quite a special place to be after all. There were a few pictures of her cats, a pass from an F1 race, usual make-up at the mirror on her dressing table. There was only one special thing in the room that mattered though, and that was the delectable lady herself, who turned to him with a self-assured smile and pressed a finger to his chest to stop him.