Darrel's Hole Card


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When Bill came out of the bathroom he slid into my pussy and Darrel took my ass. They were working me hard when the room phone rang and I told them to stop.

"It is probably Hal and I need to take the call."

I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi baby. Did I wake you?"

"No. I've been up for maybe thirty minutes."

"Sleep okay?"

"About as well as can be expected when you are all alone in a hotel room."

At the "all alone in a hotel room" Bill and Darrel 'high fived' and began to slowly fuck me. Nothing that would make my voice give away anything over the phone, but just a slow in and out.

"I just wanted to let you know my flight leaves in ten minutes. I should be home around one-thirty. Can't wait to see you."

"The same goes for me."

"Got to go. I love you. Bye."

"Love you too baby. Bye."

I hung up the phone and snarled, "You bastards! Fuck me damn it; go ahead and fuck me."

And they did. They swapped back and forth until ten-thirty when Darrel called a halt to things. Bill wanted to go one more time, but Darrel told him no which was good because I probably wouldn't have.

"She has got to be home when Hal gets there and that means that she needs to shower and get going."

Bill grumbled, but he dressed and left. He was no sooner out the door than Darrel had me on my back and was fucking me and I had my legs around him and was fucking back at him. We both came and then Darrel said:

"You are one hell of a pretend date."

"You going to let me move in with you when Hal tosses me out on my ass?"

"Why would he do that?"

"You have to be kidding me. He's been gone for two weeks. You think he isn't going to want to make love when he gets home?"

"So fuck his brains out."

"After what the five of you did to me last night? You don't think he won't know that something isn't kosher when he puts his cock into the loose sloppy hole you guys have given me? Fuck!!! I still don't know how it happened. I've never cheated on Hal and I've never wanted to. I've never even thought about another man let alone five."

"Simple. We decided that we wanted you and kept filling you full of booze so your resistance was down and then we took you. You never had a chance. I knew when I saw you strut into the dinning room last night that you were on fire and ready to fuck. We both know it was supposed to be Hal, but when he called and said he wouldn't make it we decided that with some luck we could get you."

"Yippie! It's good to know I'm an easy slut, but that still won't help me with Hal."

"How close are you to your period?"

"A couple of days."

"Does it ever come early?"

"Once in a while."

"Then let this be one of those times. Does Hal ever make love to you when you are having your period?"

"Never has yet, but I don't believe we have ever gone two weeks without making love before so I don't know what he might do."

"Ever done anal with him?"

"No. He thinks it is too dirty."

"You mean....."

"Yes indeedy. Last night was the first time."

"So convince him that your period has started and then tell him that since you are both so horny that maybe you should try anal to relieve yourselves."

"But I'm just as loose there."

"Maybe, but if he has never done you there he won't know that it isn't your natural state. Or you could take care of him orally. You are extremely good at that by the way."

"Oh gee thanks. That is just so good to know coming from someone not my husband."

"Look babe; be as pissed as you want, but the bottom line is that you loved everything you did last night. It shone through. You spent most of the night begging and pleading for more and wanting it faster and harder. You got so into it with Phil that you told him that he could have both you and your daughter and you would both have his babies. At the same time."

"I have to be pissed damn it! I've never cheated on Hal before. I never expected that I would. Did you stop to think when you did what you did that Hal might show up at your office with a gun looking to do bad things to you, Sam and Phil?"

"He will never know."

"Don't bet your life on it. Oh wait – you already have. I just might end up breaking down and confessing. I honestly have no idea of how I am going to be able to face the man and be able to look him in the eyes after last night."

"Self preservation babe. You love him and don't want to lose him so you will suck it up and get on with life. Last night will just be a memory that you will keep to yourself. Right now all you have to do is convince him that your period came early."

"Easy for you to say."

"Yes it is. You use Kotex pads or tampons?"

"Depends on the situation."

"Just get whatever you use and stain it with some red food dye and when he sees it he will accept that you started. He might not be happy about it, but he will accept it. Now go take your shower before I get hard again and drag you back down on the bed."

I reached for his cock as I said, "I'm going to have to go for a week or more without so I guess one more won't hurt. After all, I am a begging, pleading slut, right?"

Hal did buy the early period story and wouldn't go along with trying anal which was a shame because now that I had done it I liked it. He did settle for head and – bless him for the thought – was sorry that he couldn't do something for me to relieve the hornies that he thought I still had. When my actual period was over – and Hal never did wonder why it was a bit longer than usual – we made up for lost time. I did actually try to fuck him to death as a way to ease the guilt I felt over the night at the company dinner.


A month went by and I had pretty much put the night of the dinner behind me when I got a phone call from Darrel. He told me that he needed to talk with me about Hal and would I meet him for lunch. Hal was on a three day trip to Dayton so I asked Darrel if Hal was okay and Darrel said:

"Yes and no. That's what we need to talk about and I don't want to do it from here on the phone. I don't want anyone to accidently overhear. Anton's at twelve?"

He was sitting there waiting for me when I got there. He smiled as I came up to the table and leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek. I was going to lean away to prevent it, but at the last second I decided that it would be wise to go with the flow until I found out what Darrel wanted to talk about. He waited until after we ordered and then he said:

"Bill Thomas will be in town tonight and he wants to see you."

"Absolutely not! What the hell does this have to do with Hal?"

"An awful lot as a matter of fact."

"What the hell is going on Darrel? You told me we needed to talk about Hal, not Bill Thomas."

"I'm guessing that Hal doesn't talk to you about work or you would know what Bill has to do with this. Bill is one of Hal's customers and Hal has been working on Bill to increase his business with us. Bill's company was giving us 20% of their orders and Hal was trying to get it up to 40 or even 50%. Al Meyers is another one Bill was working on. The night of the company dinner they were there because they had come to town to sign contracts that Hal had negotiated. Bill had upped his order to 35% and Al had decided to give us some of his business. After the night with you Bill agreed to change his contract from 35 to 60% if he could get another shot at you and Al said we could have all of his business if he could see you the next time he came to town. I told them they had a deal.

"Hal doesn't know that of course; he thinks he did a hell of a sales job on the two and of course he did get a raise out of the deal and he did get the commissions even though you were the one who earned most of them. To be fair he did get Bill to go from 20% to 35 and he did get Al to commit for 25%, but it was you who took Bill from 35 to 60% and Al from 25% to all of his business."

"And you got all that by promising them me? Where the fuck do you get off you fucking asshole. You meet Bill. Suck his dick and let him fuck your ass. Maybe if you do that he will let you keep his business."

I started to get up and Darrel caught my arm and held up his cell phone and said:

"Before you stomp off you had better look at this."

One the screen was a video clip of Phil fucking me.

"I don't have the speaker on so you can't hear it, but this is the part where you tell him he can have your daughter if he will just keep fucking you. I could be wrong, but I don't really think you would like Hal to see it."

I sat back down, but if I would have had a gun I would have killed the son of a bitch where he sat and damn the consequences.

"You need to know that all five of us took cell phone videos and pictures of you during the night and I have them all. There are no other copies. I worked out a deal with the other four and in exchange for all of their videos and pictures I agreed to see to it that they would all get to spend time with you. With Sam and Phil it wasn't easy because they are here in town and they wanted you right away, but I convinced them they needed to be patient until I could manage to set things up. It was easier with Bill and Al since they are from out of town.

"I've waited until it was the right time to make my move and the right time is now. Bill will be here tonight and Hal is out of town. Your kids will be in school all day tomorrow so Bill can have you for most of the day. He wanted you all night, but I convinced him that you had to be home in case Hal called and he couldn't be there because of your kids. So. You will take care of Bill tomorrow and you will do it willingly and happily. He does not know that you are being blackmailed into it and you had better not let him find out.

"Once you have taken care of Bill we will sit down and work out a schedule that will accommodate Phil, Sam and me. We will probably never have to worry about the looseness issue again because I doubt that the five of us will ever get together with you again although we had better, to be on the safe side, schedule Phil for times when Hal is out of town. Any questions?"

"Yeah. How did you get to be such a low life bastard?"

"It is all your fault."


"Yes baby, yours. If you had not walked into that company dinner looking hot enough to fuck every hard cock in that room what happened probably wouldn't have, but it did and you loved every minute of it and if you doubt that I'll show you all the videos and pictures. You might have been high from all the alcohol that lowered your inhibitions, but you still loved every fucking second of it. By the time that evening was over every man in that room wanted you for his own. Every man in that room wanted to take you home with him and keep you for himself and himself alone."

"Every man? Even you?"

"Bet your magnificent ass sweetie. By the time I pulled my cock out of you for the last time and sent you off to shower I was ready to kill Hal just so I could get him out of the way and make you mine. As bad as it makes me sound every time he is on a trip I am hoping for a plane crash so I can move in on you. But back to what is going on here now. I am a company man. I have given my life to the company and when two huge customers say they will give me most of their business if I will just see to it that they can tap that sweet pussy of yours I am going to find a way to make it happen."

"So now I am the company whore?"

"Yes and no."

"Yes and no? What does that mean?"

"You are a whore for the five of us from the night of the dinner party and that is all."

"Why do I have to do Sam and Phil?"

"Because that is the only way I can keep a lid on things. I can't have them doing anything that might cause problems with Bill and Al. They have both been warned that I will fire both of their asses if they do anything to cause me to lose Bill and Al, That means they stay away from you except for when I schedule time for them. They are to do nothing that will give Hal anything to think about. Besides, given what I saw the last time you were with Phil I don't think you will mind spending time with him at all. My only worry is that his ten inch rod will have you agreeing to see him more often that I think safe. Face it sweetie; you did go nuts every time he did you.

"In a way it is ironic. I've heard about wives who have fucked to get their husbands a raise or a promotion, but you are the first I know of who fucked her husband out of a promotion."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hal was going to be made VP of Sales, but I can't give it to him now."

"Why not? He's earned it."

"That he has, but I need to keep him where he is for now. I need to be able to send him out of town when I need you to be free to take care of business."

"You bypass him for VP and he might just say fuck you, quit and go somewhere else. He might even take his customers with him."

"Not to worry. I'll just say that the economy is making me hold back on filling the position. I'll raise Hal's commission rate and see that he gets enough bonuses to keep him happy. All I need is for you to keep Bill and Al happy and Phil and Sam happy enough to not upset the apple cart."

Darrel had me over a barrel and he knew it.


I did spend the next day with Bill and I did enjoy it. So much so that the next day I spent from nine until he had to leave for the airport with him. Two days later it was Sam from nine until noon and then the following Monday it was Darrel from nine until two. I was fucking Hal so much to assuage my guilt that I finally had to cut back to keep him from wondering why I was practically raping him every night.

Darrel was right on the money where Phil was concerned. Phil was an asshole, but his ten inch cock made me sit up and beg. I went into every session with him determined to just fuck him and leave, but it never worked out that way. When he was in me he could get me to agree to anything as long as he would keep on fucking me. Fortunately it was only when he had those ten inches buried in me that I made those promises. When the session was over I could wait to get away from the slimy asshole.

Sam was always a little on the crude side, but he always treated me like I was doing him the greatest favor in the world to even let him touch me. He was so sweet about it that once I even arranged to spend an entire night with him as long as he never let Phil or Darrel know about it.

I had 'long lunches' with Darrel once a week and twice I spent all day with him when Hal was out of town. I did Bill and Al whenever they came to town which was usually every other month. Once they were in town at the same time Hal was out of town and I spent two days with them in threesomes.


Things went on that way for a little over a year and then changes started occurring. Al got married and surprisingly he wouldn't cheat on his wife. Cheating with me behind Hal's back was apparently all right, but things changed when he got a wife of his own.

Bill's company was acquired in a hostile take over and I never saw him again. Fortunately Darrel's company had such a good record with Bill's company that Hal was able to negotiate an even better deal with the new owners including picking up some additional business from some of their other holdings.

There was one other thing of note that took place. During one of my 'long lunches' with Darrel he asked me if I ever missed Bill and Al. If I had been at all smart I would have exclaimed "God no!" but for some stupid reason I was honest and said:

"Yeah. Sometimes I do. Why?"

"I'm sure that you have been expecting this to happen at some time so here goes. Would you consider spending a day with someone to help me get a contract?"

He could see I was ready to go off on him and he quickly said, "No pressure sweetie. No blackmail. I'd like you to do it for me, but it has to be because you would like to. Saying no is an option."

"Nice guy? Not an asshole?"

"I think you might enjoy the day."

"I'll think about it and get back to you. When?"

"Next Wednesday."

And so it was that at nine twenty Wednesday morning I knocked on the door of room 216 at the downtown Marriott and then spent the next five hours with the second largest cock that I'd ever seen. Jason had eight and a half very thick inches and did that man ever know how to use them. I enjoyed them more that Phil's ten because Jason's didn't come with all the bullshit that came with Phil's. The outcome of that Wednesday was that I saw Jason every time he came to town which was usually once a month.

There was a second outcome of course. Once Darrel found out I was willing he began to ask me if I would mind seeing this customer or that client and more often than not I said yes. Yes indeed, I was the company whore and I was honest enough to admit to myself that I liked it. The only bad part was that the more sex I got the more I wanted and it killed me to have to force myself to keep my hands off of my husband. Hal and I had a great sex life and we went at it an average of four times a week and that was after eighteen years of marriage. Some of those nights we went more than once or even twice, but I had heard that one of the signs of a cheating wife is that she either cuts back on sex with hubby or increases it. So even though I wanted more I had to limit the man I loved to what he was used to getting and that sucked!


As I left the reception desk after getting a room for the night I wondered what the night held in store for me. As had happened the last time Hal had said that Darrel would look after me until he got there. I walked into the banquet room and in the immortal words of Yogi Berra. "It was déjà vu all over again. I saw Darrel at the same time he saw me and he got up and came over to meet me. Behind him at the table he had been sitting at I saw Phil, Sam and instead of Bill and Al I saw two men I'd never seen before and I knew as sure as god made little green apples what my night was going to be like if for some reason Hal didn't show up.

And I smiled at the thought.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I didn’t like this in the beginning, but kept reading hoping that she would get caught and burned, but since it never happened, I gave it 1 star wishing for zero.

oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

Well described, but silly.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 1 year ago

Worthless wife she is and her is stupid moron.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Waste of my time.

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