Dawn and Marie


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"Are you getting impatient?" she asked with an obvious smile in her voice.

"Actually, yes."

"So am I, let's make this next one the last of the night. I think she may be ready too, I could smell her pussy when she got close."

Marie came down the stairs again. From the sounds, she must have been practically running. "We selected this one with you in mind." Was all Dawn said.

Chocolate brown in color, this one had the smallest of straps supporting half-cups that presented her nipples in all their pink glory. The panties rose from between her legs; just a slash of color over her hips, and as she turned we could see it dividing her globes. As she started from the room, I called her back. Anticipation was in her eyes and she was licking her lips. I too could smell her pussy; noticeably different from Dawn's -sweeter, perhaps.

I ran a hand over a hip, down along the thigh and then up along her waist. I circled over her belly; causing a sharp intake, and then up to just under her breasts. Placing both hands on her hips, I drew her between my legs until I could lean forward and taste her skin with my lips. She was quivering, and when my lips touched her skin she moaned and sagged to her knees. This put us lip to lip, and I eagerly sucked hers in.

Meanwhile, Dawn had leaned over to Maries left breast, pushed the material aside and inhaled it. Marie moaned into my mouth even as she fumbled in my lap; trying to open my pants. I stood, unbuckling my belt, and at the same time sending them to the large throw rug in front of the fire place. They sank to the rug as I threw the last of my clothes aside.

For the moment, subtlety was forgotten. Dawn had Marie on her back; the bra gone and a hand in her panties, frantically strumming. Marie was calling our names, asking for more, telling us how great she felt, urging Dawn on. And she was pawing at Dawn's tits; trying to get her mouth on one while clawing at the other.

I watched for several moments, my rod throbbing, the head turning purple, a drop of pre-cum at the tip. Suddenly I dove in, pushing Dawn to the side and inhaling a tit; Dawn was still working the other one, and Marie was arching and rolling, unable to resist the need to move. I nipped and nibbled down her stomach, through her navel and down to the soaking wet panties. I pulled them down in one swift move and drove my tongue into her overflowing pussy. Her pussy was so small I could take both lips into my mouth at once, my tongue beating a tattoo on her clit. Her legs clamped over my ears and she lifted me up as she arched. From a distance I heard a strangled yell which had to be her coming.

Gradually we returned to the floor, and I regained my senses. I was amazed at her strength in lifting me as she climaxed and looking up at Dawn her face reflected my amazement. Marie lay quietly; Dawn still hovering over a breast and me between her legs. Finally her eyes flickered open; "Um, that was...I don't know...what was that? I've never done that before...what happened?"

Dawn leaned in; "You just had an orgasm. Was that your first?"

"The first that way, and the first that strong. Can we do that again? I could get used to that."

"We're going to give you a lot of those. And you'll give me a bunch too. But somebody else has to be taken care of...and he's soo ready for you."

Marie turned, looking at me, then her eyes dropped to my cock; it was red, hard and dripping. "I'm supposed to take that?"

"Yes you are. But not if you can't, I not here to hurt, just give pleasure." And with that I slipped my tongue back into her pussy. Even with all the talking, she was still soaking wet and I was drinking her juices as fast as she was producing.

"Dawn, come try this." She knelt to the pussy, took a deep breath, and a tentative taste, and then engulfed Marie. She was totally sucking both lips in at once and you could hear her slurping pussy juice. After several minutes Dawn moved aside; "She is so ready now."

I moved back into place; lifting Marie's legs over my hips, Dawn reaching in to guide my cock. She teased Marie; drawing my cock head up and down her slit. She tried following my cock, but I held her hips even while gritting my teeth; I really wanted to drive in, and knew in some deep part of my brain that I shouldn't. But I really wanted to. After what felt like hours Dawn placed the head at Maries opening; it didn't look near big enough to take me, but Dawn placed a hand at the small of my back and gently pushed. The gap slowly widened, and as my head disappeared, I felt her pussy grabbing me. I stopped, looking down at her closed eyes. After a moment they flicked open and slowly focused on my face; "More, a little bit more please."

I sank in, maybe an inch, and waited. Her eyes never left my face; she waited a bit then nodded and I moved in another inch. We kept doing that until her hips closed on me; "No more, I can't take any more."

Glancing down I was surprised to see she had taken more than two thirds of me. I looked into her eyes, and when she nodded, began a slow in and out motion; only moving an inch or so. She was so tight; my teeth were clenched together with the effort of not coming. Sweat was dripping to her breast, and Dawn was licking it up. Dawn's hand was still on my back; she could feel me fucking Marie, and could feel the tension in my muscles. We gradually picked up the pace until Marie was pushing up against my downward thrust; grunting and clawing with her effort. After only a short time we both came; her fingers digging into my back, legs wrapped around my back as tight as an anaconda, grunting and groaning. All I could do was hold her to me and push in as far as I could go. I froze. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, I couldn't do anything but come.


Dawn washing my face with a cloth brought me back. I blinked, looking around; Marie lay next to me, curled into a ball. Dawn softly washed her face. "Is she alright?"

"She will be in a minute. That's the second intense orgasm for her tonight. She'll be ok, but probably pretty sore."

When she woke, we carried her to bed, and then I took Dawn to our bed where I poured as much love into her as I had poured lust into Marie. Dawn took me in, holding me to her as she cooed how she loved me and hoping Marie was going to fit us. I assured her; I was certain she would.

Just as we drifted off, I felt a weight on the bed, and Marie joined us; cuddling against Dawn's back.


I woke to the quiet sounds of them kissing and whispering beside me. Rolling over, I watched them for several minutes and then answered nature's call; heading to the bathroom. After a shower I made coffee in the kitchen, sitting back and waiting with coffee in hand. Maybe half an hour later they joined me; hair wet and smiles on their faces. None of us had bothered dressing and when they came to kiss me, both had hands feeling my cock. Yes, I got semi-hard quickly, and I returned the favor by running fingers through both pussies. No, I didn't waste that either, I made sure to very visibly suck their juices from my fingers. That earned me several more, very deep, kisses and lots of tits rubbing against me. We played a little longer, but hunger got our attention, and we put off further playing until later.

Breakfast became a prolonged conversation; we talked about anything and everything, the weather or ourselves, the economy, politics, work. What happened to the Mariners? What was going to happen with the Seahawks? Marie was a big fan of The Storm and Sue Byrd. Finally, she asked what attracted us to her.

I let Dawn answer first; "I was first attracted by your beauty, I've dreamed about a woman just like you for over a year; she had your hair, your figure, even your height. Only the face wasn't distinct. But when I saw you in the coffee shop...my heart stopped, I couldn't believe you were real. But you are, unless I'm just dreaming all this. But now you're here and there is even more to you than I imagined and as silly as it may sound...I'm glad there's more, I'm going to enjoy learning about you."

Marie turned to me with an inquiring look. "At first I was humoring Dawn in her desire for you, but by our third visit, I'd determined there was a lot of brain hiding under that blonde hair. And a woman's brains attract me almost as much as her body. I find your innocence exciting, and at the same time look forward to the days when you'll know what you want and how to get it. Now, what about you? Before we propositioned you...What did you think of us?"

"There was an aura about you, something that made me want to know you. And you treated me with respect. I served you coffee, and you said thank you. Both of you. Most people, men or women, that come in, they don't see anything beyond the cup in my hand. But you guys ... you looked in my eyes, acknowledged me as a person. After that it was just watching you together, seeing the affection you have, and then feeling you were extending that affection to me. I didn't know how to respond when you invited me here, but when Dawn ordered me .... Well ... I almost wet my pants."

Dawn slipped in behind her and nuzzled her neck while cupping those delicate looking breasts. "I almost wet my pants when I ordered you here. I was holding my breath 'till you came to the door."

"I'm glad I came ..."

"We're all glad you came, but it's time for some cumming. Let's go try out our bed."


We spent most of the remainder of the day in bed; Marie learned how to go down on Dawn first, me later. When she first tasted Dawn's juices, she paused while licking her lips, studying the new taste, then a big smile crossed her face and she pronounced it good. And then she dove into the pussy before her. She pulled Dawn's legs wide open, almost into a split, and drove her tongue as deep as she could within the flowing quim. Oh yeah, it was flowing. I've only seen Dawn flow that strongly twice before, but that is how excited she was. Dawn's body was rolling and twisting, her head going side to side, eyes clamped shut one moment, wildly searching about the room the next. Her hands ruffled through her lover's hair, and she kept moaning incoherent phrases interspersed with the occasional; "Yes"...or... "Oh god"... "and sometimes ..."Oh Marie..."

Marie may have been new at pussy eating, but she took to it instantly. Dawn came three, maybe four times before she whispered; "Enough, I can't take any more."

I pulled Marie to me, licking pussy juice from all over her face, and then burying my tongue into her mouth. She was so sexually charged that she responded furiously to my assault, almost raping my mouth in return. I threw her onto her back, kneed my way between her legs and drove into her gaping slit. There was no resistance, no friction; she was that wet. I pushed in until our hips slammed together, forcing the air from her small body. Her eyes popped wide open and her arms and legs surrounded me. "Fuck me. Yes, do it, all of me. I'm yours. I want to be. I need to be. Fuck me, fuck me, and fuck me."

There wasn't anything else I could do. Even if I had wanted to pull out of her, she had me locked in. All I could move was my hips, and I did. First slowly, but soon pile driving into her with all my strength. We didn't last long; maybe three or four minutes, but man, those were intense minutes. We came together; me frozen with my cock deep within her and sperm starting somewhere outside of me and forcing through me. She clasped me even tighter and started a high pitched keening wail. In the back of my mind I knew she was digging nails into my back, but I was beyond caring.

We finally collapsed next to Dawn who had recovered enough to watch our last few minutes; "Ah, guys ... as great as this was, if we keep going at this pace, no one will survive."

She staggered to the bathroom, returning minutes later with a wash cloth. She gently cleaned my face and then moved over to Marie. Even as she was laving, she was kissing, but softly. I was lying on my stomach when Dawn looked over at me and gasped. She reached across with the cloth and lightly dabbed at my back. Man that Stung! Indeed, Marie had laid a series of scratches into my back but fortunately she'd only dug in.


Marie went home later that afternoon, but only after many minutes of hugs and kisses at the door. Dawn was pensive the rest of the day, and wasn't ready to share her feelings. Anyone meeting her for the first time assumes she's a simple person, incapable of deep thought, but she holds a Masters in Business Administration and a double minor in philosophy and comparative religions; I was willing to wait as I knew she wouldn't bombard me with a bunch of worries and questions.

We were cuddling in bed when she began; "I think that all went really well, but I sensed some hesitancy on Marie's part. She may be thinking this is too good to be true. Let's give her time, and if she doesn't call, we'll drop in on her, see how she's doing. I really think she will fit us perfectly, but she has to believe it too."


We didn't hear from her all week. Saturday we dropped into the coffee shop, but there was another girl serving. Dawn asked her quietly about Marie; "I'm not sure. My boss asked me to cover the last three days, but didn't tell me why."

Dawn called Marie's cell, but there was no answer. She left a message; asking her to call.


Three weeks later, at ten in the evening, she called.

I happened to be the one answering, and all I heard at first was someone crying. After twice saying 'hello' and getting no response but crying, I was about to hang up when a little voice said; "Dawn? Ron? Are you there? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I haven't called. Are you there? Please?"

"Yes, I'm here. Are you alright?" About then Dawn came into the room; "Did I hear the...?"

I held up my hand, mouthing 'Marie" to her.

"Oh...no...I'm not. I'm in the hospital in Yakima. My car was hit by guy in a pickup. I hurt. And you guys think I left you. And my dad had a stroke, and I was on my way there and I still haven't seen him."

"Where's your dad now?"

"He's down stairs. My mom has been up here and down there...I don't think she's had two straight hours sleep since I was brought in. She's either with me or dad. I miss you guys. I'd have called sooner, but I just got my cell back from my car."

I passed the phone to Dawn and headed upstairs to begin packing. Several minutes later Dawn came into the bedroom, took one look and pulled out a suitcase.


Stay tuned for chapter two. Surprises awaited us.

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