Days in the Woods


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"Yes, she is. She's also is straight as a laser beam, sweetie, so calm down."

"Jen, that's not fair. I wasn't getting hot for her, but Chaska will! He's been looking for years." Mina handed the phone back. "Jen, I don't want to upset you but when I'm out here I like to be naked with nature. I won't do it if it will make you uncomfortable." Mina looked at Jen with genuineness written all over her.

"Ah. OK. Mina, I've been a little worried about how you'll react to my body. Might as well find out now." Jenny slipped her shoes off -- she didn't have boots with her -- and unzipped her jeans. She stopped to watch Mina remove her boots and jeans also. Jen admired the long, lean legs. Mina pulled her shirt over her head and stood before her naked and, in Jen's eyes, so very sexy. This was so much better than she had even expected. Mina was perfect -- tall, slender, with womanly curves and a stunning face. Jen froze with fear as she unbuttoned her Pendleton shirt. Now the time was here: She awaited the look she had received so many times. As her torso was uncovered, she let her eyes fall, afraid to see the horrified look she expected. Jen reached behind and unhooked her bra, letting it drop onto the pile of discarded clothing. She slowly lifted her gaze and saw a look of amazement on Mina's face. Mina was taking all of her in. She was beguiled.

Mina felt it was necessary to speak. "You are so wonderful, Jenny! Were you worried about the burns on your chest?" Jen could only nod. She was totally speechless. No woman had reacted this way to the massive scarring. "What happened to you? It must have been traumatic for you!" Before Jen could answer, Mina handed her a cold beer, which she gratefully opened and took a long pull from.

"It happened when I was in Afghanistan. We were on patrol when our Humvee overheated. I jumped out and opened the hood to see if there was an obvious reason for it. As I was draped over the front, enemy machine gun fire hit directly into the radiator. I was covered in scalding fluid. From my upper chest down to my navel was burned badly through my vest. But I was in charge and had to keep it together. We returned fire and they disappeared. I had to lead my guys out before I could get help. That antifreeze just added to the burn. I was sent to a hospital in Italy for treatment, but there isn't much that could be done. So here I am. I'm hideous and I know it, Mina. I should never have thought I could have you or anyone else." Jen hung her head, knowing in her soul that Mina was turned off.

Mina came over to Jenny and took her in her arms, drawing her in and hugging her tightly. "Jenny, darling. You know I was raised Sioux. We greatly honor bravery in battle. I respect you and find you beautiful. My brother is scarred all over his body from his service in the army. I do not shun him as I hope all women don't."

For Jenny, Mina's arms around her released demons that had haunted her for years. "Mina, I was in the Marines. In a Force Recon unit doing a direct action mission. I was a gunnery sergeant leading a squad in the hills out in country. Can you really live with me the way I am?" After her injury, Jen had convinced herself she was not desirable anymore. She had not tried often to find out if that was true.

"Let's sit down and I'll convince you." Mina put the blanket out and sat down holding her hands up to Jenny, who took them and sat next to the tall woman. Mina slipped a finger over a nipple on Jenny's right breast and rubbed in a circle, causing the slightest stimulation. Jenny had not been touched by another woman sexually since her injury. This was ripping through all her defenses. Had she found a girl who would still love on her? Would she remember how to satisfy another? Mina broke her thoughts with a deep kiss, their tongues exploring each other. Jen tried to keep going but needed oxygen. Mina pulled back and stared deep into Jen's heart. She saw what she wanted. There were things she wanted to know. What did Jen like in bed, what didn't she like -- everyone was so different. Mina remembered a lover who would not allow oral sex performed upon her. Another would broach no kind of insertion in her pussy. She had known one woman who did not want to be touched at all if she was nude. Mina herself did not ever want a strap-on used on her. That had cost her her last girl, who wanted to fuck her every night with one.

"Jen, what do you like to do in bed? And what do you not like? I ask so I won't do the wrong thing if we make love. I so want this relationship to work." Mina reclined to listen to Jen's response. Jen started with a sigh.

"Mina, I first made love to a girl when I was 14. She was, too. As you might expect, we were not very good and mostly just rubbed each other. I did like that and still do. As we got more involved, we learned about kissing, both mouths and, later, pussies. I loved it and still do. I like to trib and use a vibe when I jill off. I have never had anything inside of me other than fingers, and I hope I never will. I was approached by a stud Captain in the Corps. She gave me two choices -- take her strap-on every time she wanted or get out with a dishonorable discharge. I had been warned about her and had recorded her threat. I went to the MPs and turned her in. It was very messy. She had a lot of friends up the command but, when other grunts found out what I had done, more than 40 came forward. She got the dishonorable discharge but I was sent to Force Recon training, where they assumed I would wash out. But I loved it. The men tolerated me well because I pulled more than my weight, and we became really close. I am willing to do anything for you but that strap-on thing."

Mina listened to every word closely and knew Jen was being truthful. "We are totally compatible sex-wise, Jen. I don't do dildos at all. I love the smells and tastes of women but have not been very successful out here in this small town. I learned when I was in middle school that, in this place, you'd better not go around hitting on girls. The people will not tolerate it with their daughters or sisters. I love my family so I stay. But it would be easier in a larger city. I will say that no one will give you crap about being gay. It is very live-and-let-live in the country around here. Can I kiss you some more, Jen?" Jen answered by rolling on top of Mina and giving her a mouthful of playful tongue, much to Mina's delight. The two just stayed attached at the mouth for a very hot, long time. Jenny was rubbing her wet puss on Mina's long leg. Eventually Jen lost control and humped the leg to a shattering climax. She did not slow down and started for seconds. Mina, beginning to feel left out, grabbed Jen's waist and spun her body 180º, burying her face in her new love's wetness. Jen greedily started to suck and lick Mina, savoring the scent and flavor of her. It had been years, and she was going to catch up as quickly as she could. But the two were not in a race. They took time to learn about each other; everyone has her own hotspots. Hands explored bodies; noses, ears, and eyes took in responses to stimulation. Two women twitched and shuddered, each in the joy of the other. First times are not always this magical, and they both knew it. When orgasms came, they destroyed all rational thought. Both erupted with a severity that was new to them, perhaps brought on by a year or more of lust without release. They rolled apart, gasping for air. Jen had shock-like spasms for 30 seconds after she rolled off Mina. With each one, she let out a high-pitched grunt. They looked over at each other with passion. It is intensely wonderful to find your other half is also completed by you. Mina spun about to hold Jen to her so each could gaze into the soul she had just possessed. Two smiling lovers held each other until Mina thought of something.

"Hey, Jen! Are you hungry? I've got cold fried chicken, on Thunder in that picnic basket, as well as some sides. It's packed with freezer packs. My sister Kimimela (butterfly) brought it over for us earlier. You see, you are now a family project for us! I'm waiting for a call from my Mom any moment now." Mina broke up laughing at that last statement.

"Jeez, Mina! And all my family has to offer is Josie -- I didn't tell you but that was my mother's idea."

"I'm sure my brother will thank all of you, my darling Jen. Now answer -- would you like some food?"

"Yes, my provider! I need energy for what I have planned for us later. I'll take another beer, too, if you have one, Mina. I just wish I could clean up a little."

"Jen, the river is cold but tolerable. I brought some soap and towels. They're in your saddle bags. I'll join you in a sec." Mina watched Jen start for Dotty and saw a movement in the grass. "Stop now! Jen, there's a snake where you're going! See it? Between you and Dot!" Jen looked but saw nothing. Then she heard the distinctive rattle and froze in place. She watched as Mina went to Thunder and pulled out the rifle. She didn't want to kill the snake.

"Mina, are you going to kill that animal? It has a right to be here, too."

"That depends on it. If it moves on that's fine. But if it wants to strike I'll shoot it. I was bit when I was fourteen -- not a fun experience. Prairie rattlers don't usually kill people, except for kids and the elderly." As Mina spoke, she closed ground on the reptile and slipped the muzzle of the gun under the body of the beast, flicking it well away from them. Jen saw it land. It slithered off, away from them. Mina put the rifle back in its saddle scabbard and went back to putting out lunch, as Jen got the soap and towels. Jen walked back and put the towels by the river. She stepped into the painfully cold water.

"Damn! This water is ice cold, Mina! I'm not waiting on you! I gotta get done and out!"

"It is a little brisk for a city girl. When you get done, toss me the soap, OK?" Jen was not amused by Mina's quip -- she had waded ice-melt rivers in the Marines many times. When she was done soaping herself up, she turned to find her sexy lover. Mina had come up directly behind her, startling her. She just handed over the lavender-scented bar with a kiss to the lips. Jen proceeded to rinse off and shuffled out of the water to grab a towel and get dried off. She saw that Mina had laid out a lunch of fried chicken and potato salad. There were two small berry tarts for dessert. There were also two cold beers. "I hope it's enough to fuel your plans for later." Jen jumped. It was the second time in less than five minutes Mina had snuck up on her. We're going to have to talk about her stealth approaches.

They ate lunch slowly, as they also ate the vision of each other between bites. Mina was in a special frame of mind: She had never had this much emotion for another person. It was intoxicating! Jen was also floating in a happy cloud, engulfed in a mixture of lust and love she had not experienced in her life. Jen thought that she had to settle the one issue that had popped up.

"Mina, please stop sneaking up on me -- I haven't gotten over combat quite yet. I might strike out if you surprise me, sweetie. I need to get used to you, as well as just being with someone."

Mina and her siblings had always played sneak-up games as kids. She remembered the first time she did it to Chaska after he came back from Iraq -- he almost killed her out of reflex. "Jen, you're right. I should know better. My brother responded very violently when he came back after Iraq. I swear it was done in jest. Besides, I'm sure you're better at it than an injun like me." Mina grinned.

"I doubt that, my sexy baby. I never did it on a whim, and in country there are always background sounds. To give me time is all I ask. We can play other games in the meantime. Like, you know, bedroom stuff."

"I can go for that. Not to break the mood, Jen, but I want to get you in good with my family and I have an idea. Do you mind if I catch some fish for them while we are here?"

"Well, you have to make up for it later? Where is your pole?"

"In my saddle bag, I hope. Unless my brother took it out. He likes it a lot and fishes more than I do." Mina went to Thunder, scanning for snakes as she walked. "Aha! Eureka! Here it is." She pulled out a red rod case, the reel, and a case with flies. "This rod is just the ticket for the big fish in this waterway. It's a LL Bean pocket fly rod, five weight. Do you fly fish, Jen?"

"Yup, but I don't have that good quality tackle. I guess you need it if you ride a horse or bike to go fishing. I'm going to get licensed as soon as I can. What do you hunt, babe?"

"Deer, ducks, geese, pheasant, sometimes turkey, sometimes elk. I would try moose if I can get a ticket. I'm lucky. I can hunt on the reservation land, also, a little easier than you. That's in southern South Dakota, so I don't go as often. If I had time I could hunt bighorn and mountain goat, but it's a lot of work. And I love their majesty, so I don't."

"I'm gonna need a lot of licenses to keep up with you. I'll have to bring my guns from home. As well as my bike."

"You just need a fishing one for now, Jen, and I've got all the tackle you could want at the house. Not having a girl gave me a lot of free time. Got everything set up. Let's see if the fish are hitting flies." The nude woman stood up and handed Jen a collapsible fishing net that Thunder had also brought along. "Do you mind netting if I get lucky?"

"If you've got a knife, I'll clean them also. While you were getting ready, I saw several hits a little upriver."

"Good! That's where the big guys feed." The sight of the tall woman using the circle eight cast was enticing to Jenny. Mina was elegant and put the line down upriver of the deep feeding pool. On Mina's second cast, she hooked a large fish. She played it well and brought it to Jen at the bank. Jen easily netted the big, large mouth bass -- it was at least 16 inches. The next cast brought a brown trout, also 16-17 inches, followed by another large mouth bass. This guy was a monster, at least seven pounds. In a short while, Mina had landed her daily limit of both bass and trout, with three of each. Jen, true to her word, cleaned them all and packed them in to where the cold packs were.

Mina was all smiles. Jen had an admiration for the skills of her new lover. Mina called her brother, sister, and mother to invite them to share in her bounty. The ladies broke down the tackle and packed up the horses, then got dressed and headed back to the stable. They talked along the way about themselves and what they hoped to share. When they got back, Mina's brother was waiting for them and helped to unload the equipment.

Mina was excited. She looked at her younger brother. "Hey, kiddo! You want a fresh fish for dinner? They were hitting fast and hard at the river."

"Show me, Sis. Did the big ones come out to play?" Mina opened up the picnic basket holding her catch, wearing a smug expression. "How long did this take? Look at that big sumbitch! I might run out there right now!"

Jen answered his question. "It took about half an hour! She's really good with that fly rod! She wants you to pick a fish, and I want you to hold it up so I can take a picture of you two." Chaska complied and Jen took a shot that was soon on its way to her mom and sister. The brother and sister hugged and kissed. Jen got set up to hold the basket on the back of the bike, which she noticed was still hot from Chaska's ride. Mina came over and kicked her girl to life. Jen hopped up behind her driver and they sped towards Kimimela's house. It was a small town so the ride was short. They soon pulled up to a ranch house and a very pretty native woman ran out to greet them.

"Hey, Sis! How was your picnic? Oh, hi! You must be Jenny! Nice to meet you!" A burly man walked up to hug his wife's sister and then Jen, whose eyes almost popped out.

"Damn, John. It's nice to see you both. Where are the sprouts?" Mina asked, just as a little boy and a smaller girl ran out, jumping on Mina, much to her delight. "Wow! It has been like two weeks and they are so much bigger! I brought you dinner, Sis! Pick out two fish -- I figure to keep one for our dinner and the big bass for the elders." John's eyes popped open at the sight of the bass, as his wife pulled out a trout and the smaller bass. Jen had the parents hold a fish in one hand and a child in the other, with Mina in the center. This would be on the way back to her Mom soon. John wanted to know where Mina caught the bounty, and Mina told him all about it, as Jenny and Kimimela talked about Josie. When Jen showed a photo of her to Kimimela for evaluation, John peeked in and blurted out "Damn." That earned him a punch on each arm from the two sisters. They all got a good laugh from it. Mina told her sister she would leave the basket at their Mom's house and off they went to Zonta's house. When they got there, they were greeted by three women, who all wanted to get to know the girl with Mina.

"Wow! The ladies are out in force today. Mothers, this is my new friend and, hopefully more, Jenny." Jenny set down the basket and hugged each woman. Everyone kissed her cheek, which Jen returned. They all migrated to Mina and greeted her exactly the same way. Mina was shining like the moon on a cloudless, cold winter's night. She had her elders pick out two fish, including the big bass.

Zonta looked at Jen and said, "Which one would you like to share with Mina? We could easily make do with this monster."

"I think I'll get in trouble if I were to choose. Why doesn't Ehawee pick her favorite?" The old woman came over to scan the two remaining fish -- she picked the other bass. It was smaller and she knew her Mina favored trout. Jen took a photo with all four generations of women. Mina got a zip bag from her mother and put the fish in with two cold packs, and they took off for Mina's home.

When they got to the house, Jenny texted the photographs to her mother and sister, with a note on each as to who the people were. Within two minutes her phone rang and her mother wanted every detail. Mina sat by shaking her head -- all mothers were alike when it came to a daughter's romances. Then it was obvious Josie was on the line. Mina was handed the cell and grilled about her brother. It was Jen's turn to smile, glad she was not the receiver of the inquisition. She didn't know the man that well. In the end it was a very nice day. Jen was as happy as she could remember, even though they had only sexed each other once or twice all day. She had plans for later. Mina showed her around her little home. She had two bedrooms but just one bathroom. The kitchen was designed for gourmet cooking, with a very large freezer and a separate refrigerator. Mina had a separate large freezer in an outbuilding. It was walk-in that she had bought secondhand from a restaurant that had closed. Her living room was cozy and sported a wood-burning stove, as well as a fireplace with a heat exchanger. It had a large sofa and two recliners and a big flat screen TV. Outside was a huge fenced-in garden where Mina grew her veggies and fruit. The fence kept out any animals wanting to sample her feast. She was thoughtful and did plant a garden for the foragers with spring mix and clover.

Mina lit a fire in the outdoor fireplace and went in to prepare supper. She cut up an onion and several heads of garlic, as well as some country smoked ham. She rubbed the fish down with bacon fat, then sprinkled it with salt and pepper. There were slices of lemon and pats of butter inside. She also put the vegies inside, together with parsley. Mina wrapped the whole thing with aluminum foil. The entire process was made extremely difficult by Jen's fondling and licking all over her exposed body parts. When Jen ran out of places to explore she just uncovered new ones and continued driving the tall woman up the mountain of sexual excitement.