Dominate Shifter Ch. 01

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Godiva becomes a Shape Shifter.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/15/2022
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To my faithful readers: This is a different kind of story for me, but one requested by jwooz. I always asked for new ideas and this story was spawned from that request. I can't help myself and, in the end, it winds up being a love story, but it has lots of twists and turns getting there.

I have received many other requests and Medieval fantasies, continuation of Venus Ascending and Scandalous Schoolgirl are all in the works. Other ideas are welcome even if you remain anonymous. I love your positive feedback and thank you for reading.

Dominate Shifting

Chapter 1

The big cat crouched in hiding. Its senses cranked to high and its muscles like coiled springs waiting to explode into action. Its prey, a doe deer, was about 30 feet below and so far, completely unaware of the danger poised above. The cat listened for the sound of the deer's feet moving in the leaves or the sound of it pulling leaves from the ground with its teeth.

The doe was below the cat in a ravine that had a small creek that ran through it. The water gently tumbling over the rocks made it slightly harder for the big cat to hear but nowhere near impossible. The sounds told it exactly where the deer was, and the cat knew the deer had positioned itself badly. The steep banks of the ravine allowed for only one way out once it needed to escape.

The cat quietly began to move to its position of attack. It slowly and deliberately crept towards a small rock outcropping about 10 feet or so above the ravine bottom and a few feet ahead of the deer. When the cat was in position, she used her back right foot to gently nudge a few rocks loose to get the deer's attention just to even the odds a bit. The rocks rolled down the side of the embankment and the deer immediately went on high alert.

Just as the deer turned to run the cat exploded off the ledge and was on the deer's back and shoulder before it had taken two steps. The cat used its strength to pull the animal over on its side as its jaws gently closed around the deer's throat. The cat was careful to not break the skin even though she was perfectly poised and positioned to tear the doe's throat out with one bite.

Godiva held the deer down for a few seconds until it gave up the fight and became still. At that point the cat released the deer and allowed it to run away.

No drug could produce the high that Godiva was experiencing. Simply becoming the big cat was a rush but experiencing the strength and quickness it possessed and then the hunt, the chase and the catch was exhilarating. But more than anything, being the most dangerous beast in the forest and sensing the fear from every animal around ... the feeling of the deer submitting to its fate was an intense sexual ecstasy! She was hungry for a really powerful, carnal experience and needed to shift into her original form.

As she rose up from the catch she returned to her human form. The process took less than a second and she was once again standing upright. This was always her favorite feeling of the whole event. How the characteristics of what she shifted into affected her for a short time after shifting back. Anything covered with hair caused her hair to grow. Anything aerodynamic left her leaner... thinner. Becoming the big cat was her favorite shift as her hair grew longer and her body became strong with well-defined muscles. Her senses were all still at level 10 and she was aware of the sights, sounds, and smells around her.

She had let the deer live as she always did. She neither wanted to nor need to kill. Sometimes when she hunted with her shifting partner, he did kill. Not often, but occasionally. On those occasions when he did kill, it excited her as she knew the inevitable sex they would soon share would be ravenously furious!

Tonight, she had been the cat long enough for her hair to grow down to her ass cheeks and her muscles had become the same as those of a finely tuned Olympic athlete. The senses of the cat were always the last to go away and she loved the ability to see in the dark... to hear every animal. To hear their hearts beating and their breath quicken as they realized danger was near. But what always excited her most was to feel their fear of her.

She felt the wind rustle her hair, caress her nipples, belly and hips. The exhilaration of the hunt left her horny, and her hands automatically followed the winds delicate caress, but her caress was more forceful and insistent. She stroked her nipples then the pleasure nub between her legs while the fiery passion roared through her ... only her body demanded more.

She was wet and throbbing now and her thoughts went to him. Her uncle Mark was the one who had given her this amazing ability. He was the one who explained how this ability would connect her with him forever. He had explained to her that the most intense shifts would make her hornier than she had ever been before and then she would always desire him over anyone else at those particular times.

Mark had been completely honest with her about the gift before he passed it to her, and this certainly wasn't the first time that she had been here experiencing these feelings. Once again, she had told herself that she wouldn't put herself in position of needing him tonight but deep inside she knew she would. The truth was that she knew exactly how the process would end even as her conscience was telling her it shouldn't!

She raised her arms above her and stretched. Her brunette hair fell over her shoulders, down her back and she loved the feeling of the now thicker and much longer hair. She loved her hair covering her back and laying over the soft skin of her butt cheeks. Her sleek, toned, firm body shivered with the leftover wildness of the shift. She loved the way she felt after a shift, and she loved the way her body felt.

She reached back and ran her fingers through it and the touch reminded her of how he liked it. How he used it to hold her in place and in control much like a rider would with the reins on a horse. She thought of how they both liked it when he would wrap a handful of it up in his big strong hand and pull her head gently but forcibly back as he fucked her from behind.

As the heat pulsed between her legs, it was he that she thought of. He was her uncle and just like so many times before, she wanted him desperately. Mark was older than her with her being 30 and him in his mid-50's. He was tall and he was handsome with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He wasn't muscled up, but he was strong. And he had the most beautiful cock she had ever seen in her life. It was long and thick... circumcised with a perfect head. She thought of how it swung from side to side as he walked. His big dick was a perfect specimen of manhood that she needed again. Tonight!

She allowed herself to fall forward and shifted back to the big cat just in time to land on all fours. As she trotted back through the forest towards the back door of her home, she thought of how she got here. She thought about the night her uncle Mark came over and had a few drinks with Godiva and her roommate, them told them he had a gift for her. How he asked her if she believed in magic. How she laughed as he got up and laid his hand on her friend's shoulder and how she stopped laughing as her friend, Karina was instantly gone only to be replaced by a pile of clothes with a puppy climbing out of the pile. How he touched the puppy, and it became a bird. Another touch and it was a snake. Another touch and it was her friend on all fours on the floor in front of them -- completely nude.

Her girlfriend had no clue how she got down on the floor or how her clothes came off. But Godiva certainly did! She had watched it all. Karina was her roommate, friend and lover. Her uncle Mark had just reduced Karina to his plaything and strangely she was more interested in him than what he was doing to her girlfriend.

She remembered how her girlfriend tried to get up, but her uncle touched her and turned her back into a puppy. He then took her hands in his and held them as he talked to her. How he told her this ability to shift herself and others was the gift he wanted to give her as she stared down at the big brown puppy standing still beside her leg.

She remembered how he willed her girlfriend to lay down and go to sleep, then how the two of them talked for over an hour. He explained it all to her... what she could and couldn't do. How she could shift into anything alive and retain her thoughts for as long as she wanted. How she could shift anyone else and allow them to be aware of what was happening to them or to remember absolutely nothing of it. How shifting someone else was only temporary for them and would never last more than a couple of hours but how you had complete control over them during that time. How they were completely at your mercy... or your vengeance.

She remembered how he asked her if she wanted to try it. She remembered how her girl fell out of her clothes and knew Mark would be seeing her naked. But something about him seeing her naked was exciting and exhilarating. She nervously had undressed in front of him as she prepared for him to shift her.

Her first shift had been a golden retriever. She thought of how good it felt to experience the dog's body as she ran around in the yard. It had amazed her to learn that they could communicate through thoughts. She tried several different animals and finally, when he shifted her back, she had asked him what his favorite shift was. It was the big cat and soon that's what they both were as they sprinted through the darkness of the forest.

She got her first of many lessons in hunting that night and was both thrilled and excited to watch him take down a large deer. They were in the forest for hours and when they returned, her friend was herself again and sitting on the back porch as they walked towards her.

Godiva remembered the terror in Karina's eyes and how she froze as the two big cats approached. How the terror turned to shock as the two cats shifted back to their human form. She explicitly remembered the instant primal heat enveloped her the second she returned to her body. Her pussy was soaked, and her engorged clit was throbbing. Her nipples were hard as rock. She had never felt the need to be fucked so badly in her life and she knew it had to be him. She no longer cared that Karina was there, nor would it have mattered if anyone else was there. She had to have him now. This was what it was like to be in heat!

They went right past Karina without a word, and she went straight to the floor, in her living room on all fours. As the erotic heat enveloped her, she sensed his need develop as well and felt his cock engorge. Her heightened senses let her feel all his primal desire to dominate her and her needful desire to submit to him.

The erotic longing was so powerful and something she had never felt before. She needed him to fuck her more than she needed air to breathe. Godiva's legs quivered as she felt his hands on her hips. On all fours, she wiggled her hips back and forth trying to entice Uncle Mark to take her, but he needed no such inducement. She could feel his steely cock laying on her back and for two seconds he teased her, but that was more than enough for both of them.

She threw her pile of hair over her shoulder and to the side, as he got in position behind her. Godiva couldn't wait for any foreplay; she just wanted him desperately inside her .... Right now. She felt legs bumping her ass and his cock splitting her pussy lips without entering her. The tease of his cock caressing her pussy only made her explode into fiery need. She reached for his cock to get it inside her, but he already pulled back through her womanly lips and had it positioned, with the head of his cock teasing open her pussy lips. She pushed back on his cock just as he pushed it inside her. Godiva's breath left her body in a long, sensuous moan as she felt him stretching her and filling her like no other.

She gasped as his unyielding heat filled her and she quivered in a mini orgasm as his cock scraped past her clit and then G-spot. Quivers and goosebumps erupted over her body as the craving inside her was being satisfied. Her breath caught in her lungs as his cock slammed into her cervix and a massive climax exploded inside her. It was a lightning quick climax and one that rattled her shifted, sharpened senses, sending her body into a spastic response. She lost her breath as she tried to scream her completion, while her back arched in triumphant bliss.

Everything after that was a blur of fireworks, gut twisting orgasms and his domination of her enraptured form. She remembered how he fucked her furiously as she came more times than she ever knew possible. Godiva remembered the first time he gathered hair and used it like reins to put her deeper and harder against his massive trudgen. The blistering sensations that accompanied it tumbled her mind into a maelstrom of rapturous feelings.

He took her with animal intensity, not caring about her massive orgasmic contractions or her body's wildly jubilant spasms. With one hand controlling her hips and the other in her hair, he dominated her with his vicious sex and that was exactly what she craved. It was wild, untamed, petulant, and primitive in its callousness, but it was exactly what she needed.

On the edge of blissful sanity, she felt Mark's hard driving rhythm begin to falter and somewhere inside her she knew he was beginning to close in on his own orgasm. Then he slammed forcefully against her cervix and held himself there as Godiva felt his warm seed as he pulsed inside her. Finally, she knew how it felt when he released and sprayed rope after rope of his hot cum inside her.

She remembered slowly regaining her breathing, senses and suddenly she was aware of Karina standing there watching. Godiva's senses were still razor sharp, and she could sense that Karina was scared but she could also smell her arousal and hear the blood pumping inside her womb. She realized that watching them had aroused her and she wanted to be fucked with that animal intensity. She wanted someone to take her just like Mark had taken Godiva.

Her uncle Mark got up, dressed and left that night whispering in her ear that they would talk again soon. She remembered that Karina never moved or spoke as her uncle walked out the door.

The two girlfriends talked that night and Godiva told Karina all that had happened and what was going to happen soon, as she explained that she would be accepting the gift. Karina cuddled in her arms wondering where this would take their loving friendship. Godiva still felt and smelled Karina's arousal and now she wanted to be the aggressor.

Karina thought of how later they had sex. She admitted that watching Godiva orgasm exuberantly and how the two of them fucked had turned her on. She wanted to be taken with animal intensity and made to climax over and over and over. What she had seen was now her fantasy and she dreamed about it. She understood that it would happen again, but she had no clue how often it would be, but somehow, she wanted to be part of it.

Godiva sensed all of that and knew Karina wanted to be taken just as she had. Tonight, would not be that night, but while Karina fantasized of being taken, Godiva dreamed that she would shift into a dominate shape and take Karina in a primal mating. Godiva wanted to dominate just as she had been dominated. The power she felt when shifting was unequaled. but when combined with the sex afterwards ... well it was like nothing she ever felt before.

Tonight, they gently made love to ease the rampant desire still inside both of them. After Mark fucked her, this didn't even get her close to a climax and she knew her sexual world had been changed forever.

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