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An exact double, crossdressing fantasy, and a sexy prank.
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This story could fit into several categories. Strictly speaking, it is not Incest/Taboo, though it may appeal to fans of that genre. It is, at its heart, a Transgender & Crossdressing tale and that is where I have placed it, though I toyed with submitting it as a Sci-Fi & Fantasy story. Hopefully that does not put you off, the Sci-Fi element is in the style of the Twilight Zone -- grounded in reality with a twist, and hopefully a little humour. If well received I may do other stories on this theme, appearing in different categories.



Do you ever wonder what would happen if you met your exact double? Not just a person who looks like you but an exact copy of you, right down to your memories, thoughts, and life experiences.

On the night of the 1st of November 2023 something odd happened, right across the world. A massive electronic pulse rippled around the world's surface, temporarily causing power outages, distressing birds, and stalling the motors of e-scooters everywhere.

For the vast majority of the world's population, even e-scooter afficionados, it was a temporary inconvenience that was quickly forgotten. But for a few people dotted around the earth there was another consequence, a much stranger consequence.

This is the story of one if those people.


It wasn't every day that Alex took an evening shower, but today he needed it. It was 7AM when he arrived at the garage, and almost 9pm before he got home. With many staff members missing, he was left to service half a dozen cars by himself, and none of them were straightforward. Even through the overalls and the gloves his body had the unmistakable odour of motor oil and sweat.

Alex had planned this as an evening to himself, and an evening for his hidden hobby. Beneath all the hard work and manly occupation, Alex was something of a contradiction, because in his spare time he liked to transform himself, into a woman.

Now Alex may have been, mostly, straight, and a mechanic, but he was not a big man. At 30 he had a slight frame, girlish hands and feet, a predominantly hairless body. He had been crossdressing in private for years. Enraptured by his ability to transform into an attractive girl, it had become an obsession, and in truth his relationship with the fantasy girl he could become interfered with forming real world relationships with women. He was his own dream girl, one who would pose for photographs and create custom porn for him. How could another woman compete with that?

Ultimately of course it was a deeply unsatisfying relationship. Alex was alone. Too ashamed to share his female side with others, he craved attention, touch, and proper sex.

Stepping out of the shower, Alex glanced at himself in the mirror above the sink. Then he looked again. Then he stared. Something was grabbing his attention, but what it was he could not say - it was his reflection, but it felt like a different person.

His stare was broken as the light flickered, once, then twice. "Bloody hell" he mumbled to himself. Alex grabbed the bathrobe and made his way towards the door, but before he could - zip - the light went off completely.

Alex felt around for the door handle, made his way to the hallway and then towards the fuse box. Some seconds later he heard a crashing sound coming from the bathroom, 'Crap' he thought, 'I must have knocked into something on the way out'.

He found the fuse box and there was just enough light to see that this was not the problem, clearly there had been a power cut. He found his way to the door of the living room, but as he did, he swore he could hear another noise - like something moving. He thought little of it at first but then he heard it again. It was big - not a mouse, not a rat -- a person.

In the dark, with fear anxiety overcoming him, Alex was frozen. Another sound - definitely a footstep - another - a door opening - there was somebody in the apartment!

Quietly, and gently, Alex made his way to the doorway of the living room to try and get a peek at his invader. He was completely unarmed but given that the invader seemed careless about making noise he reckoned he had the advantage of surprise.

Finally, he spied the outline of a person carefully finding their way across the room, too dark to make out their face. It was time to pounce.

Alex lunged at the invader, who let out a stunned shout. Quickly, he managed to pin them on the ground, the imposter surprisingly not overly aggressive for a home invader.

"Get off me, please, leave me alone!" yelled the man, "take what you want, leave me alone."

"What the hell, get out of my apartment!" yelled Alex, straight into his face.

"My apartment!" The man retorted.

It was at that moment the light came back on.

It took a moment for Alex's eyes to adjust to the light. Leaning backwards he looked down at his unexpected guest. The man had his arm in front of his face, but despite this Alex intuitively knew something was up, and all he could do was stare.

The stare was met by the man, they studied each other, speechless, for about two seconds.

"What in the name of fuck?/Who in the name of God are you?" it was a jumble of words, and neither could tell you who said what.

The man pushed Alex off him and stood up. "Is this some kind of prank? How did you get in here?"

With confusion and shock, Alex's only reply was to laugh. Who set this up? For the man facing him looked just like Alex, spoke just like Alex, was dressed in a dressing gown just like Alex.

"Very good, where did they find you? Is Dave behind this?" quizzed Alex, impressed by the effort being put in. "Where's my phone? Dave will be sending his Nelson Muntz 'HaHa' gif any moment now."

"That's exactly what I was thinking," replied the man who was doing act of pretending to be shocked, "he clearly briefed you well. I have to say, Dave is usually much cruder and crueller, I'm well impressed."

Alex laughed again, more anxiously than before. Then he noticed the little things; his hands, his complexion, the barely visible scar on his cheek, the way the rope on his dressing gown was tied, the way his hair was tussled. Everything, everything identical. Everything except a loose thread hanging from the left cuff of the man's dressing gown. Awkwardly Alex fidgeted with his left hand, then looked down at his palm - Alex had an identical loose thread.

Alex slowly looked up and realised the man was studying him too. Simultaneously they reached out, and touched each other's hand, each now accepting this was not a prank, but believing it may be a hallucination. They locked fingers, stared at one another, then without another word rushed to the bathroom mirror.

Identical. Exactly identical.

"I was in here, looking at this mirror, when the light went off," the double explained, "I eventually found my way to the living room when you assaulted me."

Alex replied, "Steady on, I thought you were a burglar. Anyway, I was here too when the light went off."

"So, are you Alex, or do you have another name?" Alex enquired. The double walked to the kitchen table, lifted his wallet, then took out his driving licence, 'Alex Maguire.'

"Funny, I thought I left the wallet on the TV stand," Alex pondered, then found another wallet right where he left it by the television. Alex opened it, checked for the three €50 notes he had in it and laughed. The double, also laughed, having had the same thought, "I should have.../Ya, filled it with cash!"

**** Author's note: Alex and the double continue to refer to each other as Alex, but from here on we will use the two names that Alex had, at various times used for his crossdressing alter ego, we call the original Alex 'Freya' and the double 'Nicole'****

"So do you remember everything?" Nicole asked.

"Who sat beside you in sixth class?" asked Freya.

""Brian Dunne," replied Nicole, "how did you pass that literature project in first year of college?" he retorted.

"I plagiarised part of Loretta's brother's thesis," Freya admitted. "You know everything?"

Nicole raised an eyebrow, "Everything."

Freya knew exactly what Nicole was thinking because he was thinking it too. "Maybe we should look into this, contact someone," he suggested.

"Ya we probably should," smirked Nicole, already moving towards the hallway, "but you know we won't."

"Well, we don't know that this won't revert, or God knows what this could be the start of the Apocalypse, anyway, do you want to die wondering?" reasoned Freya.

"Exactly," was all that Nicole had to say.


Freya emptied the entire contents of his crossdressing stash on his bed, and immediately Nicole started to grab his favourite pieces.

"Hey, come on, I want the long blonde wig," Freya pleaded.

Nicole handed it to him. "Fine," he said. "I'd rather see you look as sexy as possible anyway," he replied.

Freya smirked. "Hey, I guess we can do each other's makeup," he suggested.

Freya grabbed the makeup bag and began beautifying Nicole's face, who then returned the favour. Each then went to separate rooms to dress and complete the look.


Freya was the first to enter the room, perching herself on the velvet covered seat by the window. Nicole opened the door and for the first time saw before him the fantasy girl he had created, complete in the flesh, not just in the mirror or computer screen.

"Cute," was the first quip from Nicole on seeing Freya. She wore a light dress covered in a pattern of burgundy, scarlet and cream flowers. the dress was long sleeved and high cut - a band around her neck help support the back which was bare but for a few light straps holding it together. It was sexy if not overly revealing, but short, very short, barely covering her bum. The dress perfectly framed Freya's stunning legs which were clad in what initially appeared to be sheer black tights, but on closer inspection actually contained a fine fishnet.

The gaps in the netting bulged over Freya's curvy but fit thighs and ran down her shapely legs to the delicate stiletto sandals, beautifully shaping her delicate feet. Freya smiled up at Nicole, that cheeky grin beaming between the long blonde hair draped over her shoulder.

'Holy crap, do I look that good?' Nicole wondered, and she soon had her answer.

"Oh, shit you're hot!" was the reaction from Freya. If Freya had gone for cute but sexy, Nicole had gone for sultry and sexy. A dark brunette bob, a tight-fitting black dress with lace sleeves, V-necked and low cut, showing ample cleavage. The dress hugging her curvy but slim figure, ending mid-thigh, showing a brief flash of bare pale flesh above knee high black stiletto boots.

At that moment each of them felt a tingling sensation, a buzz. It was that mixture of excitement, nervousness, and horniness.

"So, what now?" asked Nicole. For all their skill in dressing, until now it had been a solo affair for Alex. Never before had he been dressed in the presence of another person (yes this wasn't really another person, but never mind). And neither had Alex ever been with a genetic male - but s/he had often thought about it.

"Wouldn't it kinda be incest?" asked Freya.

"Well, that's arrogant," joked Nicole, "thinking I'd fuck you. Anyway, I'm not related to you, I am you!"

Freya smiled, "I suppose so. Anyway, you're wearing come fuck me boots - so come fuck me," she purred.

Freya stood up and the duo walked towards each other. Simultaneously they reached out with their right hands, placing them on the others' shoulder, pulling each other together. They were nervous. Nicole giggled, Freya bit her bottom lip. "What the hell," said Nicole, rushing in for the kiss.

They locked lips for a few seconds, Freya's tongue pushing out to meet it's equal. They briefly broke. "I always wondered if I was a good kisser. I gotta say I am pleasantly surprised."

Locking lips again their hands started to wander. Nicole had one hand under the long blonde hair, gripping the back of Freya's neck, pulling her tongue deeper into her mouth, while the other hand was positioned gently on the small of her back.

Both of Freya's hands were lower, reaching under the skirt to the bare flesh of Nicole's thighs. Her smooth supple flesh, yes it was the same as Freya's own, but this was so much better.

Still though, there was something a bit off, and breaking again Nicole put her finger on it; "It's pleasurable, everything is good, but... it's like kissing your sister."

"Oh, you'd know about that!" Freya smirked, referencing an experience from her youth. Catching her partner by surprise, Freya slipped her hand under Nicole's lacy panties and squeezed her butt cheek.

"Aaggh!" Nicole released a little shriek, then pushed Freya back onto the bed.

The making out became more intense, Nicole pinning Freya down beneath her while feeling up her fishnet clad legs. Freya then flipped Nicole over onto her back and worked her tongue down Freya's face and neck.

"Great job on the boobs, is that the new stick-on bra?" Freya quizzed.

"Yes," she answered breathlessly as Freya nuzzled her cleavage.

By now they were both feeling a swelling in their lace panties, And Freya wanted more. she unzipped Nicole's boots, pulling them off with a bit of a tug, then slipped out of her own stilettos.

Just the thin material of Freya's fishnet tights separated the bare flesh of their legs, now intertwined on the bed. They were intermittently kissing and necking one another, the pure oddness of the situation increasingly overpowered by their arousal.

Nicole felt hands inside the waistband of her panties and gulped for air as she felt them slide down her bare legs. She glanced down to see her double facing her groin.

And what a curious sight it was for Freya. One so familiar - but never from this angle. Before today Alex had never kissed another genetic male, nor had she touched another male's privates. But again, was this another man?

Freya cupped Nicole's balls with her left hand, then gripped Nicole's firm penis with her right. The feel was familiar, but the feeling was strange. Nicole was now pining for relief and started to gently thrust her hips so that Freya would stroke her.

Slowly Freya moved her face closer and closer to Nicole's cock until she could recognise that slight scent, that taste on the air, so familiar it could only be her own. The girls locked eyes as Freya moved her red painted lips to the tip of Nicole's penis. Nicole released a little yelp as Freya's tongue flicked the slit on the head of her cock and began to drip saliva over the shaft. Opening wide Freya sank the member into her mouth, noting the unusual texture of soft flesh on the firm rod - a curious first for her.

Nicole loved a blowjob, and this one was so unique, but before it got going, she was interrupted by a cough.

"Sorry," explained Freya, "it's actually quite hard to get more than the head in. Girls make this look so easy, but it's not."

Nicole would not be deterred. "Let me try."

Her rigid cock held up in pantyhose, Freya began to tug the material down.

"Careful," pleaded Nicole, "don't tear them, they're my favourite pair!"

Nicole positioned herself between her twin's legs. She helped to slide down the tights until the cock sprang free.

"Doesn't it look so yummy?" asked Freya.

Nicole ran the tip of her tongue from the base of Freya's cock, and quite quickly gulped down on the head. Within seconds though she too was gagging; "I guess we need practice," she said.

"Okay then maybe we will practice something else," suggested Freya. "Turn around."

Nicole followed orders and went on all fours, propping her cute round ass up in the air. Within seconds Freya had the head of her cock at Nicole's asshole.

"It's very tight," Freya explained. "We need lube. Where have I left the vaseline?"

"Bedside locker," Nicole quickly replied, her memory working a little quicker.

Freya rummaged, pulled out the vaseline, smeared some on Nicole's asshole and rubbed some on her cock.

"Are you ready?" asked Freya.

"What do you think?" replied Nicole. Freya needed no further invite, thrusting forward. the initial resistance needing an extra push.

"Oh shit!!!," screamed Freya. "Ah, ah, ah, not so fast!" she pleaded.

"Sorry, sorry," gasped Freya, settling into a steadier rhythm, her hands gripping the flesh on Nicole's smooth hips, guiding her bum along her shaft. But Freya could only keep this up for so long, with an orgasm building. Thrust by thrust she pushed deeper and picked up the pace again.

Nicole was now screeching with every thrust, the noise punctuated by the slap of Freya's groin against her bum. Nicole gripped the bedsheets and held on as her exact twin exploded inside her, releasing a loud groan in the process.

Freya's thrusts slowed to a stop, then collapsed on top of her new lover, cum leaking around her shaft that was still buried in Nicole's rear. With a kiss she tasted the sweat forming on Nicole's shoulder, then posited; "maybe we should try this in public?"

Breathless, Nicole replied, "Okay but we need to do some online shopping."


Lounge 66 was a busy late pub popular with millennials. With a cosy front bar, a lively middle area and big dance floor, it attracted all kinds, from guys watching sport, to gangs of girls glammed up for a night on the tiles.

This suited Dave, a man's man who could nurse a quiet pint at the bar then watch the talent totter by in short skirts and high heels. And here came some proper talent.

Twins? They must be. Both blonde, both wearing thick rimmed glasses, they were the same height, same cute figures, and same beautiful long legs. One was wearing a cute pink chequered costume; extremely skimpy it showed her bare stomach, and the skirt hem was so high it exposed the bottom of her bum cheeks. Her sister wore a red dress, finishing above the knee. It had a plunging neckline that exposed her cleavage, and the look was rounded off with a pair of strappy heels. Just watching these girls Dave was getting aroused.

"I nearly feel naked in this!" Nicole pleaded with Freya, "why do I have to wear the sexy farm girl costume?"

"You were the one that picked it out!" Freya explained. "Anyway, you said that you didn't feel comfortable wearing the stick-on bra, you can't have it every way!"

"I'm telling you; the glasses will be enough to save us from being recognised," Nicole continued to argue. "That combined with us being girls, and you know, there being two of us, nobody would suspect a thing!"

"But you can't be too certain," Freya countered, "if eyes are on our bodies, they won't be studying our faces."

Nicole was not convinced, "That's easy for you to say you don't look like a reject from a cheap porno, I think I might..."

Freya cut her short, "don't turn around, don't! Fucking Dave is here."

Nicole stopped herself from turning around. "That dirty bollocks, I bet he's just here to perv on girls... because that's what I do when I come here with him," she added sheepishly. "Has he spotted us?"

"He's staring at your cute little ass right now," Freya advised, then turned towards the wall, "he's coming this way!"

"Shit, just look down at your drink and he'll pass by, Dave is a horndog but no good at making conversation with girls, he'll avoid it if he caaaa...ooow!" yelped Nicole as she felt a hand slip up her thigh and grab her bum cheek. She spied Dave walk past and avoided eye contact. "I was just felt up by Dave. Fucking Dave."

Freya had enough. "That's it, tonight is the night we get Dave back for all his 'pranks'. Wait here I'm going to the bar."

Freya stepped towards the bar and tried to catch the barman's attention. She leaned forward pushing out her bosom. The man, who she recognised from previous visits as Alex, quickly took notice. "Can I have two gin and tonics, and can I also buy a drink for that guy over there?"