Dr. Jane Blaine, Sex Therapist


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7.I decided to try something super risky. Maybe it would work; maybe not. It might, however, lead to a breakthrough either way. Alternatively, it could be an unmitigated disaster. I was on thin ice, and quite nervous. It contributed, perhaps, to my looking vulnerable.

"Hello, Dave," I said to welcome him to the session, sniffing and holding back tears.

"Are you okay, Dr. Baine?" Dave asked.

"Of course," I said. It was obvious that I was holding back tears. "These sessions are about you; they're not about me. I want to see if we've made progress vis à vis your premature ejaculation problem, so please strip naked."

As Dave was undressing, I added, "Once you're naked, try undressing me, and we'll see how far we get, okay?" Usually, Dave squirts once he gets my bra off, but one time he got all the way to pushing his erect penis against my vaginal opening. I wanted to see if we could get to that point again. This would be the sixth test of this kind. The score was one time naked and up against my vagina, one time he got me naked and then squirted into the air, and three time he squirted once he saw my naked boobs. I was hoping he could recreate naked and up against my vag. I planned to help him with some clever speech.

Dave was naked and unbuttoning my blouse when he said, "There's clearly something wrong with you today, Dr. Blaine. Excuse me for asking, but do you want to talk about it?"

I could see Dave already had an erection just from seeing me in my bra. As I turned around to let him more easily unhook my bra, and as it fell off of me, exposing my boobs, I said, "It's just that I had a bad date last night. Let's not talk about it. I see you're already erect, and probably hard."

"I'm sorry. You turn me on, as you know. It's not just because you're a woman and I've got you half naked. It's because you're you," he said.

"That's sweet David, and normal for a man with a female therapist," I said.

"I'm sorry to say this, but it turns me on to see how vulnerable and upset you look today," Dave said.

"Do I look like your sister Joanie, after she had a frustrating date?" I said, as Dave was removing my skirt. I was now only in panties and heels.

"Actually, yes. Want to feel how hard my cock is, Dr. Blaine?"

"Well, I really shouldn't, you know, but, well, ... okay," I said, and I delicately wrapped my hand around his cock and gave it a gentle tug.

"You want to taste it, too, don't you," David said, in a more confident, even aggressive tone. It was a tone I had not seen before. This was interesting!

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

Dave got irritated that I answered a question with a question. We had discussed it before, and I had explained it was part of the therapeutic technique, but he was nevertheless quite irritated just then. He shoved me onto the couch and ripped off my panties, spreading his legs. He positioned his hard cock at my entrance.

I was pleased at how far Dave had come. Maybe the anger held some obscure clue?

"Tell me about your date, Dr. Blaine. I want the blow by blow," he said.

"No. First of all, it's unethical. Second, these sessions are about you, not me. Third, I want to congratulate you for getting to this point, nice and hard, and without ejaculation," I said.

Dave moved me onto my stomach; quite forcefully too. "Tell me about your date," he said.

"No, I explained that. I can't," I said. David slapped my naked ass. It was a forceful, hard slap, and it stung.

"Tell me, or I'll spank you until your ass is raw," Dave said.

"Don't be silly, Dave. We're not children," I said, although I knew of course that spanking is a fetish related to CNC.

Dave was silent but he began to spank me. That's when I learned that a man spanking me was a huge turn-on. As he spanked I got as wet as the Hudson River. It began to really hurt; his blows were getting harder and harder. I had to stop this. I tried to get up, but he was holding me there. I asked him to stop spanking me, but he silently just continued. We both knew what he wanted. Finally, I humiliated myself and begged him to stop spanking me, but he was relentless and just continued. I was in serious pain, and disgustingly wet as I felt my juices on my inner thigh. I was leaking my vagina lubrication fluids! How embarrassing.

"My date was tall, and handsome," I began. Dave stopped spanking. I knew I shouldn't do this, but at this point I felt I had no choice. "He was everything I wanted. We had dated for a while, and I was hoping last night would be the night."

I was silent, hoping that was enough, but Dave said, "Continue," and his tone of voice made clear he would brook no compromise.

"At the end of the date, which was romantic and perfect, I invited him into my apartment. I offered him a drink. He chose a Scotch whisky straight up, and I had nothing, since I was already tipsy. We discussed politics for the first time, as we made out and he undressed me, and then he said something unforgiveable, and I kicked him out. I had to literally kick him in the balls, or he would have fucked me at that point," I said.

"What was the unforgivable thing he said?" Dave asked. He gave my ass another slap to show he wanted an answer.

"He said the holocaust, the murder of six million Jews, Gypsies, gays, and communists, was all a hoax. That it never happened," I said. Dave was silent. "I'm Jewish, myself, and have relatives who were murdered during the holocaust. So, in a sense, it's personal."

"So, the upshot is that, among other things, you're sexually frustrated, right?" Dave asked.

"I'm upset about my judgment that let a racist like my date last night get to the point where I was seconds away from fucking him," I said. "And yes, now I'm horny, to boot. Now let me up, Dave. You've done well about the premature ejaculation. Good for you. Now let me up!"

Dave said nothing. He continued to hold me there, naked, vulnerable, and on my stomach, as he slipped his erection inside me. Holy shit, I thought to myself, he's fucking me! I've played this all wrong! This is a disaster. It's going to mess up his mind.

Dave was fucking me, from behind, and it felt wonderful. He was thrusting into me perfectly. His cock was the normal size, but I'm a normal girl, and I loved it. I could not help but moan as he repeatedly, over and over, fucked me deep and hard. The eros was wonderful, yet still, during it, it occurred to me nevertheless, that I wasn't family, and he had successfully got to the stage of fucking me without any premature ejaculation! Of course, he was kind of raping me, but he probably thought it was CNC, like with his two sisters.

Whatever Dave was thinking, I was thinking wow, wow, wow. This man can really fuck! He was even lasting a long time with his fuck, and it was his first. What am I thinking? This shouldn't be happening and there will be no second! I'm not his sister Joanie, or his sister Mary! Nope; I'm Doctor Jane Blaine, a highly unethical therapist who is 'letting' her patient fuck her, and who is enjoying it to the max!

Oh shit! I felt a climax building in me. Damn, damn, damn! My own patient is not only fucking me, he's driving me to a climax! This is so humiliating. I should never have told him about my date; it's the same structure as with his sister Joanie. This does help to untangle the incest issue, however, and ... oh my God! "YES!" I cried out as my climax swamped my brain with endorphins. The endorphins easily crushed the opioid antagonist the spanking had contributed.

Even though I had climaxed, and I knew from experience that my Kegel muscles had erotically squeezed Dave's penis. Dave remained hard, and he continued to fuck me. I had collapsed onto my tummy, and Dave flipped me onto my back. "I want to enjoy your boobs while I fuck you, bitch," he said.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" I asked incredulously, as Dave pumped his cock inside me.

"Yes, Dr. Blaine, I did," Dave said, as he grunted out his thrust.

"Oh," I said, as Dave's fucking began to get to me. No man had ever fucked me this well before. I was a puddle of hormones, and it was all I could do to meet his thrusts, and to push back. What a wonderful fuck!

Dave finally launched a volley of thrusts, and I had a second climax as he grunted out a loud moan of satisfaction. He lay quietly on top of me, as both of our minds raced around at 90mph. He lazily played with my left boob, gently twisting my nipple.

8.We had discussed our fuck for several sessions, and how fucking patients is strictly verboten, as Freud would have said. I felt guilty having Dave pay for sessions where I gently (and yes, affectionately) scolded him for having taken me by force that day, even if it was the best fuck of my 32 years of life.

This session was different. Trying to forget about our fuck, I wanted to go to the heart of Dave's issue with premature ejaculation, and an inability to enjoy sex without an element of CNC. I had asked him to bring family pictures this time, especially when he was around five years of age. It was based on some things he had let drop in previous sessions.

He brought a few family portraits, from when he was 4 , 5, 6, and 7 years old. He was a troubled boy in the pictures at ages 5 and 6, but he looked more normal at age 7, but I was inferring a lot, probably too much, from single pictures. I asked to borrow the pictures, until our next session. I asked him to try to remember a time in his childhood of those years when he was particularly upset. I told him it was probably a memory he had suppressed. Maybe his older sister Joanie could help him?

9.I had scanned the pictures, and uploaded them to my computer, and I broadcast them onto a white wall of my office. The people in them were now life-sized. The people were a bit pixelated, but it was not a big problem. I explained to Dave that I was now his new mother. He was to interact with me as if I were his mother; was that okay?

Dave agreed, and we talked for a good twenty minutes as mother and son. I asked him when he was going finally to marry and give me some grandchildren. He smiled, and said he was working on it. His understanding was he needed a woman to provide grandchildren. I smiled wanly.

Now having him thinking of me as his mom, I finally changed the tack to when he was a five-year-old boy. I put him under, using hypnosis. Go back, go back, I softly said. He was lying on the couch, with a blindfold on. I led him, slowly, into the past. I led him to his mother's bedroom, to the closed door.

"Was my door locked, Davey?" I asked. I was pretending to be his mother.

"Yes, but there were strange noises coming from the room. A thumping, a regular thumping, and some moans. You seemed to be in pain, Mommy," Davey said.

"You had figured out how to unlock the door, hadn't you?" I asked.

"Yes, Joanie had showed me. That way I could unlock both her door and the door of Mary's room and watch them secretly when they undressed," he said.

"Was it really in secret, or do you think they knew?"

"They knew," he said.

"How do you know they knew, Davey?"

"Because Joanie told me. They were girls, but they didn't have boobs. I wanted to see real boobs," he said.

"Of course, you did. And who had real boobs?"

"You did, Mommy."

"So, you unlocked my door and silently snuck into the room, didn't you?"

"Yes. You and the man were too busy to notice me," Davey said.

"The man?" I asked.

"Yes, Daddy was on a trip, so the man wasn't Daddy. He was on top of Mommy making her moan. I looked closely, and he was sticking his peter inside her! He seemed to like that, and so did Mommy, too!" Davey said. "It looked like fun."

"Holy shit, I got an erection, just watching. I was only five!" Dave exclaimed.

"That can happen. What did you do about your erection?"

"Nothing, at first. I just watched you and the man. Both of them were making faces," he said.

"So, you saw the face of the man?" I asked.

"Yeah. He was Uncle Jack," Dave said.

"Your Mom's brother?" I asked. "My brother?" I corrected myself.

"Yes. He wasn't being nice, though. He was calling you names and slapping your face. You were saying things like "No, stop," but you didn't mean them," Dave said.

"How did you know I didn't mean them?" I asked, still in my role as Dave's mother.

"Because sometimes you would say 'Yes!' or 'Don't Stop' and one time you said, 'Harder, Faster!' It was all very confusing," he said.

"Did you wish you could be in the role of Uncle Jack, fucking me?" I asked.

"Yes, totally!" Dave replied.

"You wanted to fuck me?" I asked. "At age five?" That's a classic desire of a young boy, I recalled just then.

"Yes, Mommy. Very much."

"What else did you notice about Uncle Jack fucking me? Was I saying anything?" I asked, still playing the role of Dave's mother.

There was a pregnant silence, as Dave tried to remember. He gradually said, "Yesss."

I made a gesture to get him to go on.

"You were moaning, as I said, but you were also saying, "No, no, no," and "we shouldn't be doing this. What about Marvin? You're my brother! Bad, Jack, bad!" and then you would moan in pleasure and say, "Don't stop, you bastard."

"I was worried about cheating on Marvin, your Dad," I said.

"Yes, I guess so," Dave said.

"Was I taken by force? Or blackmailed into the sex?" I asked.

"I'd have to guess, but now that I know a lot more, I'd say it was CNC with Uncle Jack. Consensual non-consent. She was definitely of two minds about what they were doing," Dave said.

"Did they continue their affair?" I asked.

"Dr. Blaine, their affair is still going on today. Dad still doesn't know about it!" Dave said.

"Are you angry with me?" I had resumed playing his Mom.

"Yes, very."

"Do you want to punish me?" I asked.

"Yes, I am consumed with the desire to punish you," Dave said.

"Well, we've made progress today, but our time is up," I said. I indicated he should leave.

Dave got a strange look on his face, and he attacked me, stripping me naked remarkably quickly, and over my cries of "No!" he pushed me down on the couch and spread my legs. I was naked beneath him, caught unawares by his surprise attack.

"Stop!" I yelled. "I'm your doctor, Dr. Blaine! I'm not really your Mom!"

"I know that, Dr. Blaine," he said, as he pushed into me. God it felt good. "I'm not a fucking idiot."

"No, not a fucking idiot, but you're a fucking man, fucking me, and I didn't give you fucking permission, Dave. This is a fucking rape!" God, but it felt good. It felt fucking good!

"So, give me permission, Doc," he said.

It was a done deal. He was fucking me, and I was fucking loving it. "Okay. [moan] I give you permission, even though [moan] we shouldn't [moan] be doing this."


It was a surprise that Dave fucked me. I hadn't intended to let that happen, and as a consequence, I had not inserted my diaphragm. After that session when he fucked me, I always inserted my diaphragm, no matter what. I had tried birth control pills, but they did not agree with me, so it was condoms and diaphragms from then on. Unfortunately, it was closing the barn door after the horse had bolted.

I never told a single soul, including Dave, who the father of my baby was. To be brutally honest, I didn't know. It was probably Dave, but it could have been his Uncle Jack. Uncle Jack had come to see me, when he heard Dave was in therapy. I think he was worried Dave would tell me about his initial rape of his sister, Dave's mother, and their subsequent ongoing affair.

When I refused to tell Jack anything at all about what Dave had, or had not said, he got angry. When Jack got angry, I became aroused. Jack was a handsome man. He was even more appealing, for my taste, than Dave was, and that's saying something! Jack began to undress me, in order to spank me, but I resisted. It was a false resistance, but Jack didn't know. Jack also didn't care.

Jack got me over his knees, stripped bare below the waist, and his strong arm held me there as I flailed about. He spanked me hard. It was harder than Dave ever had, and it really hurt. I imagined my ass was getting good and red. I felt his penis growing underneath me. He was getting aroused. He felt my pussy while he was spanking me, and he obviously found I was good and wet. He knew that I, too, was aroused. Being aroused doesn't always mean yes when it comes to sex, but it did for Jack. Anything would have been a yes, for Jack.

Jack flipped me onto my back on the couch, and when I lied and weakly told him "No!" he happily ignored me and gave me a fantastic fuck, even better than the one Dave had given me.

After my CNC fuck with Jack, we had a brief affair, but I ended it when I discovered he was fucking Dave's sister Joan on the side. Jack did not take well to my ending the affair, so I called on my brother Brad for help. Brad moved in, basically to protect me, as Jack would come around, and often he'd arrive drunk, and belligerent. Jack was a bully with me, but he was terrified of Brad, and for good reason. Brad was an awesome man.

I don't know exactly how it happened, but one evening Brad and I were just sitting around. The TV was on a Law and Order marathon of reruns, and it was a show about incest. Brad asked if I ever had patients in my sex therapy practice who were incestuous. I said yes.

"Were they ever incestuous with their sisters?" he asked.

"Surprisingly often," I replied. Brad got a strange look on his face. He was staring at my breasts. I was in my nightgown, and I don't wear a bra with it, nor panties. The fabric is a thin cotton, so naturally I wondered if he could see my boobs. I was fairly sure he could not, the fabric being opaque, but something was clearly interesting him.

I rose to go to the kitchen to get a drink, and I asked him if he wanted a glass of water, or a soda. He surprised me again when he asked for a glass of Scotch whisky. While in the kitchen I looked at my reflection in the window and was shocked to see that my nipples were hard, and seriously poking at my nightgown. So that's what Brad was staring at!

I got the whisky and decided on a glass of wine for me, and rejoined Brad in the sitting room. I gave him the Scotch whisky, and I thanked him for staying with me, and protecting me from Jack's unwelcome attention.

"What happened with Jack, anyway? He does not seem to be your type," Brad said.

"He's the uncle of a patient," I began, and with minimal interruptions from Brad, I told him the whole story about Jack, excluding the confidential therapy details about Jack's nephew Dave.

"So, Jack has an ongoing affair with his sister, the mother of your patient?" Jack summed up. "And he added you, too, as one of his conquests, and then also his niece? He must be quite a guy!"

"Jack knows exactly what erotic buttons to push on a woman. I think he could seduce anyone," I said.

"I wish I knew what erotic buttons to push for you. Is one of them near your fantastic nipples, Sis?" Brad said.

I have no idea why I said this, and believe me, I've thought about it a lot! But nevertheless, I said, "My nipples would be a good place to start."

That was all it took, and fifteen minutes later I was naked, on my back, lying on my plush living room rug, with my legs spread wide, and Brad in between my legs. He was pumping his big, thick, hard cock in me, over and over again. I was already six weeks pregnant, so I told Brad to cum inside me, and boy, did he ever cum! I was incredulous that I was doing it with my very own brother. Incest seemed to be contagious, and worse than the Omicron Variant of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

I had said no, repeatedly. I was ill at ease that I had let it happen. I had reminded Brad it was incest, and I told him it was not a good idea, but he ignored me. He fucked me lovingly, nevertheless. He seemed to know my protests were out of some sense of obligation, but that I was secretly hoping he would ignore them. I scolded him, afterwards, telling him he had raped me.