Dream Siren


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Raising herself up, she wrapped her mouth around his cock. Eric forgot all about his dark mistress and wrapped his hand through his dream siren's dark hair, encouraging her as her lips slid back and forth on his shaft.

She smiled as she looked up and saw how much her mouth was pleasing her Master, and flicked her tongue gently against the underside of his cock as she pumped his shaft with her hand.

Pulling her back onto his cock, Eric held her head with both hands as he fucked her mouth. She moaned around his length and tried to relax her throat as he went deeper and deeper.

Eric felt her fondling his swollen balls as he tried to force as much of his cock as he could between her soft, wet lips, and both of them knew he was about to come.

She bobbed faster and faster on his cock, pushing him toward the edge, and as he tightened his grip on her hair he knew he didn't have to ask, she was his slave.

He squeezed his eyes shut and with a groan he flooded her mouth with cum, feeling her cheeks tighten as she sucked and sucked, draining his cock of every drop.

Desperate not to let any escape her lips, she struggled to swallow his load. And as she did, Eric could hear his heart pounding in his ears...thump, thump, thump.

* * *

Thump, thump, thump. Eric woke with a start. Thump, thump, thump! Someone was knocking at his door.

He looked at his clock and, when he realized how late it was, knew it was Daphne. He went to pull back the sheets and saw they were stuck to him.

It had only been a dream -- a wet dream. A load of cum was stuck between him and the sheets. He quickly wiped his cock on the sheet and hid it under the blankets; he'd have to clean up the sticky mess later.

Daphne's fist was swinging back to bang again when he opened the door. "Fuck, I slept in again. Sorry!" he said.

Daphne didn't say a word; she was speechless as her eyes drifted down between his legs. Eric had been so rattled by the wet dream and the realization that he'd slept in again, that he'd answered the door completely naked.

She leaned in to watch his ass as he ran to the bathroom to get ready. As she entered his apartment and shut the door behind her, she heard the shower start.

Daphne walked in the front room and saw the messy bed. Figuring she may as well make herself useful while she waited, she pulled back the blankets to make it for him while he showered.

She froze when she saw the mess beneath the sheet, knowing instantly what it was.

Daphne looked toward the bathroom, listening as Eric sang in the shower, and wondered if he'd been thinking of her when he'd made it. She'd made a similar stain on her sheets last night when she'd made herself come dreaming of him, but hers hadn't been nearly as messy.

As she pulled the sheet up, she could see his cum was still wet and sticky and knew it hadn't been on the sheet long. Was that why he didn't answer? Was he still jacking off while she was pounding on the door?

Daphne lifted the sheet from the bed and looked at the sticky mess. Sweeping her long auburn hair over her shoulder so she wouldn't get any cum on it, she held the sheet close enough to take a sniff and, when she couldn't smell anything, turned to make sure Eric was still in the shower.

She flicked her tongue out and took the tiniest taste of his cum. Her eyes went wide in surprise. She'd swallowed cum before, but none had ever tasted like this.

She took a long lick, scooping a thick glob of cum off the sheet with her tongue. The flavor was amazing...so sweet. She didn't know what Eric had been eating to make it taste so good, but she knew she didn't want to share it with anyone.

Daphne licked and licked until it was all gone, cleaning his cum from the sheet, and then desperately wondered how she could get some more, preferably right from the source.

Eric came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and grabbed his clothes.

When he saw the bed was made, he turned to Daphne. "Oh shit...the sheet...did you -- "

"I cleaned it all up," she said, sliding the tip of her tongue across her lip. "The sheet is in the clothes hamper. I hope you were thinking of me when you made that mess."

"Daph," he said, as he went in to the bathroom to change, "I told you I just want to be -- "

"I know -- friends, we're just friends," she said as he shut the door.

She walked over and listened at the door as he dressed, and said, "But friends can still be close to each other...make each other feel good...instead of getting yourself off, you could call me and I could come over and lend a hand...or a mouth..."

"What did you say Daph?" he cried. "I can't hear you with the fan going."

"Nothing," she shouted, and leaned her forehead against the door.

* * *

Eric was pleased when Daphne told him that she'd asked Saul out for dinner on Valentine's Day and he'd accepted, but she didn't seem pleased that he seemed pleased.

He knew she had a major crush on him, but he just wasn't interested in being anything other than friends. And now, as he sleepwalked through his day unable to think of anything other than his two dream sirens, he wondered how any girl could interest him again.

Eric barely remembered the drive home, dropping by Daphne's apartment to get some leftovers she'd saved him, or even what they were. The world around him seemed secondary to the dreams that would come, and he was anxious to close his eyes and see who tonight would bring.

After undressing for bed and neatly folding his clothes, he was halfway under the covers when he stopped. He looked at the near wall where the full-length mirror stood sentinel, and felt as if he was being watched. Was he already dreaming, or was the dream real?

Traffic murmured from the streets below as he walked toward the mirror, and tentatively reached out a hand toward it.

Nothing. His fingers found nothing but cool glass. He pressed his face against it, hoping he could see something on the other side, but only saw his reflection. As he stepped back he saw the marks his hands and nose had left on the glass, but then those too faded away.

Crawling into bed and closing his eyes, he let sleep overcome him

* * *

Eric sat upright, more than half asleep, and looked around his apartment. He knew what time it was before he even looked at the clock -- three thirty four.

The streets below were silent as he swung his legs out of bed and checked the room. He was alone. Tonight he hadn't dreamed at all.

He walked back to the mirror and tentatively reached his fingers out. Just before they touched the glass he stopped, listening. He heard something, like a whisper.

Eric pressed his fingers against the glass and watched as they passed through as if breaking the surface of a pond. Stepping forward, he fell into nothingness, into the beyond.

He was on the other side of the mirror, with a thousand upon thousand doorways beckoning him. He found Daphne's by memory and saw her sleeping soundly. Drifting to another, he saw the dungeon he'd been in the night before.

A naked woman was bent over the table in the exact same position that Eric's slave had been, and a man was behind her with the red and black flogger in his hand, thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy as she moaned with each stroke.

From across the beyond, he heard the sirens' song, and he knew they were calling him, summoning him to his dark mistress. But he hesitated, as a far away window beckoned him.

Drifting to the doorway, he saw he was looking through a reflection of a pool far under the earth. Someone was lying on the edge of the pool.

As Eric focused his eyes he could see it was his slave, slumped on her side with an opened golden box lying empty beside her.

Was she dead? Eric went to step through the portal but it moved away from him. He glided toward it on invisible wings, but the golden doorway moved even further and further away.

And then Eric realized the doorway wasn't moving away from him, he was moving away from the doorway. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that he was being pulled toward another opening, and he knew who was waiting for him.

He fell through the doorway and rolled as he hit the floor hard. Lying on his back and trying to catch his breath, he heard the sirens' song stop.

"We have found him," they whispered. "We have found him for you Mistress. And in atonement we have brought him. Are you happy?"

As the voices echoed around him, desperate for an answer, Eric saw her step out of the darkness.

Her body was as stunning as he remembered, but her outfit was different this time.

She was wearing black high heels with matching stockings, and black garters that stretched up to red, satin panties. From the waist up she was completely naked, and her long blonde hair was in a single ponytail that trailed down her back.

As she strutted toward him Eric went to get up, but she drove her foot into his chest and forced him back to the cold, stone floor, her high heel biting into his flesh.

"You will learn not to hesitate when I summon you, slave."

When Eric didn't answer, she ground the point of her heel into his chest.

"Yes, Mistress!" he answered, wincing in pain.

"And where is your collar, slave?"

He touched his naked neck and realized it was still with his own dark-haired slave.

"I'm...I'm sorry Mistress, I don't have it."

She smiled down at him as she shook her head in disappointment. "It doesn't matter, I have another; collars are like slaves, easily replaceable."

As she pulled her hand from behind her back and Eric saw the silver collar she held, he wondered if it was the same one, wondered if she'd retrieved it from his slave.

"Did you do something to her?" he said. "Did you give her that golden box?"

She tilted her head down toward him and her eyes turned cold. "Who is this girl you speak of?"

Eric wondered if he'd said too much, but then realized he couldn't, he didn't know anything. "I...I don't know."

"And who are you, Neverborn?" She leaned closer, searching his eyes as if she could find the answer there.

"Neverborn? What does that mean...why do you call me that?"

She ground her heel down, and he was sure she was going to break through the skin. "I'll call you anything I want, slave. But if you thought you deserved a name, what would it be?"

"I do have a name...Eric."

She leaned even nearer, all her weight on her heel as she pinned him against the floor, and he felt as if her eyes were also piercing him. "Is that your real name? Or are you hiding secrets?"

Before Eric could answer she stepped off of him, and he clamped his hand to his chest, groaning as he massaged his palm against the indent left by her heel.

The dark dominatrix signaled with her hand and, even though Eric had never seen the signal before, he instinctively knew to kneel.

When he did, she stepped forward and lifted his chin. "Why do you dream of pain, slave Eric? Do you think that pain will bring you pleasure?"

"I...I don't know, Mistress."

"Well it will," she answered. "I have spent half my existence in pain, and I can tell you that when you finally feel pleasure again...it's intoxicating. I've also learned that the greater the agony, the greater the ecstasy, and when I'm done punishing you, the simplest comfort is going to feel like rapture."

No one heard Eric's screams, his cries of agony. His dark mistress dished up exquisite tortures in her dungeon, increasing the pain with each new torment so that his previous suffering almost seemed like joy.

But he could have stopped it if he'd wanted to. She'd whispered a word to him, and told him the pain would end as soon as it escaped his lips.

But Eric wouldn't break and, not counting the sobs, cries and screams that burst forth from the depths of his soul, didn't say a word, as every twist, every slap, every sting, every blow, every agony pushed him closer and closer to the breaking point, but never quite far enough.

His dark Mistress knew exactly how to slide him along the razor thin edge of pain, giving him all she knew he could handle but not an ounce more. He screamed, yelled, squirmed, winced, grimaced and panted until the only thing he felt was the absence of pain.

When she finally released him he pooled to the floor like liquid, every muscle of his body numb with suffering. He knew this couldn't be a dream; no one could have slept through a nightmare like this.

She stepped across him, her legs straddling his battered body, and he groaned, "no more..."

"I'll tell you when I'm finished, and I'm not finished yet, but I think you've earned a reward. After taking all that punishment you deserve a little pleasure. And after all the hard work I did, giving you what you needed, I think I deserve some too."

Eric leaned over, wincing in pain as he moved, and kissed her shoe. "Thank you, Mistress."

As she lifted her arms above her waist, palms up, invisible hands slid her panties down and she stepped out of them. The same invisible hands caressed his body, their soothing touch easing his pain, and as they moved down to his cock and stroked it, he grew hard for his Mistress.

She smiled approvingly at his thick cock, standing straight up like an arrow and aimed at her pussy. Squatting down in her high heels, she grabbed his shaft and guided it to her opening. To keep her balance she placed one hand on Eric's chest and he winced, his entire body still consumed by pain. But as she lowered herself onto his cock he felt the pain wash away.

Pleasure cascaded through his body as her tight pussy slid down his pole, and his Mistress moaned as her ass rested on his thighs, and every inch was inside her.

"By the gods," she said, her head slumping forward as a tremor of pleasure shuddered through her, "It's been so long."

She lifted her hips and slowly started to bounce on his cock. Eric groaned in response, she was so tight, so warm.

"What do you say, slave Eric?" she moaned, as she rode his thick stick.

"Thank you...Mistress."

And she was right, after all of that pain, the pleasure was almost too much to bear. Eric was in ecstasy as she plunged up and down, impaling herself on his cock. He grabbed her hips and drove her down even harder, fucking her even faster.

"Ungh," she grunted, as he went deeper than she expected. "Do you like fucking your Mistress, slave?"

"Oh, fuck...yes...yes." Eric tilted his head back and closed his eyes, lost in pleasure as she rode his swollen cock.

"Then say the words, Neverborn."

"What?" he said, looking up as she increased her tempo, rocking back and forth on his big pole.

"Say you choose me."

He'd almost forgotten about his own slave, forgotten how she'd asked the same question.

"What do you mean?" he moaned. "What do you mean 'choose you'?"

"Choose me," she said. "You want pain, and I can give it to you. Choose me and pain and pleasure like you've never known will be your reward for eternity."

Eric was finding it hard to focus on what she was saying. He could feel his balls tightening and, as if sensing it, she reached behind and squeezed them as she rode his cock.

Leaning down, she whispered in his ear, "I'll let you come if you choose me. And all I ask in return is that you tell me how you did it."

"Did what?" he said, and then groaned; he knew he was going to come.

But she suddenly lifted her hips until his cock slipped out of her pussy. Grabbing his balls, she pulled on them with one hand while her other hand squeezed the head of his cock, preventing him from coming.

"I didn't say you could come, slave!" she growled.

Eric groaned in pain and clenched his eyes shut...her hands were squeezing him so tightly...he needed to come so badly.

"Tell me the path," she whispered. "Lead me to the doorway and I'll let you come."

The pressure was incredible; Eric knew her hands were the only things holding back his explosion.

"What doorway?" he groaned.

"The doorway to your world."

Eric didn't know what she was talking about, he only knew one thing -- he needed to come. His cock and balls ached for release, but she had them gripped like a vise.

And then, unexpectedly, she relaxed her grip. Eric groaned in relief as a shot of cum fired out of the end of his cock, and then another and another.

He kept his eyes clenched shut and arched his back as his balls emptied their load, gasping as she worked her hand up and down his shaft, milking every drop.

* * *

Eric opened his eyes and let out a moan; it was daylight. He knew he wasn't dreaming anymore but he was still coming, he could still feel her warm fist pumping his swollen cock.

But as he reached out his hand and wrapped his fingers through a soft head of hair, he realized it wasn't a hand wrapped around his cock, it was a mouth -- Daphne's mouth.

"Oh, fuck...Daph," he groaned. "What are you doing?"

She didn't answer. She didn't say a word. She just kept bobbing up and down on his cock, sucking down every drop of his sweet cum.

Figuring he'd slept in again, Daphne had brought the spare key. And when she saw him covered in sweat, twisting and turning on his bed in the throes of a nightmare, she knew she shouldn't wake him up.

But as she sat on the edge of his bed watching him, and saw the bulge beneath the blankets...

She'd lifted them up and couldn't believe how swollen his cock was, how purple it was. No wonder he'd made such a mess the day before. She reached her hand beneath the blanket and felt him; he was so hard it must have hurt.

Pulling the blankets and sheets back until his cock was completely exposed, Daphne was surprised to see it spring straight up. She didn't think she'd ever seen a cock so stiff. As she leaned closer, she could see a huge drop of pre-cum oozing from the tip.

Watching Eric to make sure he was still sleeping, she leaned across him and slowly licked the head of his cock.

The taste of the pre-cum on her tongue swept through Daphne like a drug. She closed her eyes to savor the taste, and when she opened them again another huge drop had formed.

Adjusting her position so she wouldn't wake him up, she leaned across Eric again and rolled her tongue around the head of his cock, tasting the tip. But this time she kept going, and wrapped her lips around her best friend's knob.

When she'd first started sucking him she'd barely been able to fit her mouth around his thick cock. But once she'd got the hang of it she was easily sliding her lips halfway down his length.

His cock felt amazing in her mouth, such a perfect fit. She felt like Cinderella.

Eric was still tossing and turning in his nightmare as she sucked him and she started to wonder if he'd ever wake from it. She was also starting to wonder if he'd ever come; her jaw ached from sucking him for so long. But there was no way she was stopping until she got what she wanted.

And now he'd delivered it. A hot mouthful of the same sweet, sticky cum she'd licked off his sheets the day before. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she drank it down; she'd never tasted anything like it.

Her whole body relaxed as she pumped his shaft and tried to get down every drop; it was like a drug and she was addicted...she couldn't get enough.

"Oh my god," Eric said, moaning as he pulled Daphne's mouth off his cock and fell back onto his pillow.

"Daph...you know you shouldn't have been doing that."

"You said you just wanted to be friends and that's all we have to be," she said, licking her lips to make sure she'd got every drop of cum. "But there's nothing wrong with making your friend feel good, is there?"

Eric closed his eyes and tried to gather his thoughts. Had he really been with his dark mistress? Had he really stepped through the mirror? Or had it just been a nightmare, with the pleasure at the end courtesy of Daphne.