Early Retirement


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That evening Amy called me. She had settled down. "Ed, why did you send those photos?"

"Are you in trouble because I sent photos to David's wife?"

"Not yet, but I may be later on, apparently she has shared them with the hospital."

"You do realize everything will come out in the divorce court. I'm charging you with adultery and this type of divorce can get very messy. The photos plus all the details will come out in court."

"David's wife has left him and he was fired today."

"That is one of the reasons I sent the photos!"

"Do you know he has three kids still living at home?"

"Have you forgotten we have two kids of our own? You seem more concerned about David and his troubles than about ours. Why is that? Have you forgotten your actions have broken up our marriage?"

"Of course I'm concerned about us but David and his family are younger and I feel sorry for them."

"So why did you fuck him if he is married with three kids? Looks to me like you may have broken up two marriages. Couldn't you see that he was just a sexual predator?" I simply hung up the phone.

I didn't hear from Amy the remainder of the week but found out she had been served. I put a deposit on an apartment that I could afford and finally got out of that expensive hotel. Now I was back to cleaning again, but actually I did very little cleaning. I really didn't care.

With my time my own I hit the gym twice a day and boxed in the afternoon. I was getting hit less while my punches were finding their targets. My body was becoming toned and I was developing some serious abs. I was on a strict diet that included no alcohol and was finally at my goal weight. The gym threw a party for me and we all celebrated with carrot juice.

The weeks passed and through the grapevine I discovered that Amy was about to lose her job because of the affair. There is little tolerance for anyone in her position to play around, especially with another employee. I didn't really care because since I was unemployed I didn't think the court would force me to pay alimony. I made a note to check with my lawyer.

We had been separated about three months when she called and asked if we could talk. I agreed and we planned to meet at Starbucks the following day.

Amy looked good, maybe a little thinner, and I complimented her weight loss. She thanked me but again never said a word about my weight loss. Here I was standing in tight fitting clothes with bulging muscles. I had lost six inches in the waist and nearly fifty pounds in weight, and she was clueless.

She started crying and telling me she had lost her job and had no job prospects. I told her to move out of the house so we could sell it and reminded her that she had a lot of money in the bank. Maybe not enough to retire on but enough to live on for several years. I knew she was hinting for me to come home but I never took the bait. For now, I was happy doing what I was doing.

Then she started talking about David again. He too had lost his job as well as his family. I said, "good now he can fuck you whenever you want and you won't have to hide what you are doing."

"I haven't seen him since that last conference and have no plans to. I understand what you told me about him and now I just wish I had never met him."

"I have somewhere I need to be, and I didn't come here to talk about David. What do you want?"

"Please come back home."

"I don't trust you anymore. I don't think I can live with you again. You deceived and lied to me so much that I am finished. You care more about David and his family than about us and our family. I put my family first but apparently you don't. When you want to talk and won't mention David let me know. I do not want to hear about the guy you fucked!" I got up angrily and left.

The divorce was finalized and almost a year passed. And no, because of our assets, cash in the bank, and because we were both unemployed I didn't have to pay alimony. My lease on my apartment was coming to an end and I needed to find somewhere to live as I didn't want to stay there. I had not heard from Amy although my children kept in touch with her. They kept me informed concerning what and how she was doing, which apparently, wasn't too well. I asked if she was seeing anyone and they replied no as she was too hurt and upset, besides she was still in love with me. However, I was pleased to hear that she was seeing a counselor.

During my search for a place to live I found a large 100-year-old fixer upper on the edge of town, which in a few years, would be a ritzy neighborhood. The house had been on the market unsold for two years so although I knew nothing about working with wood and renovating old houses, I put a low bid on the house and to my astonishment my bid was accepted. I had a thorough professional inspection done which highlighted what needed to be accomplished and or replaced. I had five pages of work!

With a house that needed so much work I was only able to go to the gym once a day, however, I was no longer trying to lose weight, just maintain my current weight. I just threw myself into working on the old house.

I worked on the house from the time I got up till I went to the gym in the evening and I was sleeping better than ever. My body stayed sore all the time but I was in good condition but working on the house was using different muscles groups. My body became even more toned and muscular.

The roof needed to be replaced and I had it done professionally as it was too big an undertaking for me. The same with the electric wiring and plumbing. I also had a new air conditioning system with ductwork installed. Those jobs have to be done by professionals and I was happy to pay what they charged. The downside to all this was that I had overspent my budget so further renovations had to be done as I could afford them.

I realized I needed help but couldn't afford to pay very much, which ruled out long-term professional help, so I placed an ad in the local paper. Responses were few and far between. A couple of responses were from men in their seventies and one from a high school student.

A few days later I was working outside, and it was very hot and I was wearing baggy clothes and a hat, when a car pulled up and Amy got out. "Hello Amy, how have you been?"

"Well, not so good. You know I lost my job. In fact, I'm having problems finding work."

"Yes, someone did tell me you had lost your job. But you have enough cash and investments to live a long time, you don't really need to work."

"I would like to volunteer to help you renovate the house. At one time we worked really well together as a team. We did everything together." I wondered how she found out then realized our children must have told her.

"Yes, I remember. But that was before you took over the job as Chief of HR. After that you became a changed woman and had little regard for our marriage."

"I have apologized a thousand times. I really don't want us to get upset and argue, I didn't come here for that. I would like to work with you on the house and don't really care about the pay, whatever you can afford."

"I do need help and haven't been able to find anyone so I accept your offer, however, we are divorced and I have no intentions of taking you back."

"Ed, I understand and accept whatever terms you think fair."

"Ok, be here at 7:00 in the morning and wear old clothes." A year and a half had passed since the last time we spent time with each other so I was nervous. Deep down I felt like she was trying to get back in my good graces, however, my hurt, although serious at one time, had largely disappeared although I was determined to stay single. We had always been a good team when working together but I needed help so even though I was reluctant to work with Amy I agreed.

Amy actually showed up at 6:30 the next morning and she was dressed for work. I was shaving when she arrived so I just shouted down to help herself to coffee. I was wearing shorts and tee shirt when I entered the kitchen. Amy took one look at me and dropped her cup of coffee.

"Ed! What happened to you? I have never seen you looking so buff and when did you start shaving your head?"

"I started working out when I retired but you never took the time to notice. In all I have lost sixty-five pounds and six inches in the waist. I have been lifting weights and now actually have a six pack." I lifted my shirt to show her.

"Oh my God, Ed! How could I have been so blind not to have noticed? Have you been learning how to fight too?"

"Yes, I have been boxing since I retired too. If you had taken the time to notice you would have seen bruises on my body and face when we were still together."

"I've often wondered how you took on David, especially after he laid you out on the floor. You were able to come back and beat him fair and square. I've never seen you lift a finger against anyone and I thought that was so out of character for you."

"Well I thought I was fighting for my woman, the love of my life. I had luck on my side because he was pretty slow. I've improved a fair bit since then. He wouldn't stand a chance with me now."

"I feel so stupid, was totally blinded when I held the top HR job. I thought everyone was below me, including you, so I shut out everything and everyone that meant something to me."

"I thought you were a different person when you were promoted. You were also wrapped up with someone else so even though we were married and living together, you never actually saw or listened to me."

"I am sorry I was so selfish. I've been going to a counselor and hope you will be able to see a changed me."

We cleaned the spilled coffee, sat down, talked about the house and what work was required. She talked about always wanting a house like this but we never had the time, money, or skills to renovate one. I replied that I still questioned my skill level and if I had the money. Renovating an old house is terribly expensive. We both agreed the house would be wonderful when finished. Amy saw things differently from me so having her input was welcome although I still questioned how we would work together.

"Just so you know upfront. As far as I am concerned this is just a job and I will make no promises when the work is finished. We are divorced and I aim to stay that way." I had told Amy this yesterday but I needed to reinforce my intentions.

"I understand. I just want something to keep me busy. I can get by without pay but I want to feel useful. We've always worked well together and this is really important to me. I would like to see your renovation to the end. I will have no expectations when the job is finished, I promise."

"Ok, we are going to start by painting the outside walls and windows. Then we will start inside, but before we do anything the outside walls have to be prepped."

Amy was much more agile on the ladder than me so I turned over the higher areas to her and she did a wonderful job. She could climb up and down that ladder like a monkey. She was also a much quicker painter than me.

We spent ten days painting the outside of the house. The days were hot and I usually painted in just my cargo shorts. I caught Amy staring at me several times. I think she saw a different person but I wasn't sure if she liked what she saw or not. Amy started wearing less too. Gone were work clothes replaced by gym shorts and halters. She was as beautiful as ever.

Our working relationship grew a little each day. We laughed and shared good memories from the past. Amy packed a picnic lunch each day for both of us and we would sit under the big oak and share our food. I hate to use the word romantic but our lunches were and I started looking forward to them.

We worked a long day from 6:00AM till 6:00PM only stopping for lunch or a cup of coffee. With two of us working we were able to accomplish so much more. Not to mention that Amy worked quicker. We were a good team.

Amy started volunteering to stop a few minutes early to make dinner before she went home. The food was delicious and naturally I had to ask her to stay for dinner. This became a regular thing for us. I did not want to admit that we were getting closer as a couple. We never argued, had cross words or spoke of her past indiscretion. I had mixed feelings about Amy. I enjoyed her company, she was an awesome worker, and true to her word she never mentioned the bastard she fucked nor did she ever even suggest us getting back together. We just enjoyed each other's company.

We had been trying to sell our house that we had shared for so long and finally it sold, after a year and half on the market. We had thirty days to close so we had to empty the contents. Also, Amy had to find a new place to live because she was still living in the family home.

Amy suggested since the furniture was half mine I should buy out her share and furnish the old house with our furniture. I thought that was a good idea as all of our antique furniture would fit perfectly in the 100-year-old house so that is what we did.

We painted and decorated like crazy for two weeks then hired a moving firm to deliver the furniture. Amy's things were packed and stored in my garage.

The house still required a tremendous amount of work and the interior rooms were not completely finished but we moved the furniture in anyway. We both admitted the house felt like a home and were both pleased with our efforts.

"Amy go home, shower, put on some fancy duds, and we will go out to eat to celebrate."

She thought for a moment and then, "do you mean go out as in a date?"

"Yes, ok. I will pick you up in an hour."

We both thought and then realized our old house no longer had furniture or clothing as everything had been packed. Amy had intended to check into a cheap hotel until she could find an apartment.

"Let's get your suitcases out of the car and you can stay in the guest bedroom until you can sort out a place to stay. You can use the shower in the hall opposite your bedroom."

I am not sure what clothes she had in her suitcases but when she came downstairs she was dazzling, not slutty but definitely sexy and classy. "You look wonderful. I had forgotten how well you clean up."

"Thanks, I don't have a lot of clothes to choose from as I had not expected to be going out to dinner."

We shared a bottle of wine during dinner and although we both ate I think we were too nervous to appreciate the good food. There was a band playing in the bar so after we finished eating we found a table in the bar area. The band was playing golden oldies which were perfect for dancing and I soon found Amy in my arms. She commented on how hard my body was. I asked if it was a good thing or bad. "Oh, it's good, believe me!"

We returned to our table and I excused myself to use the bathroom. I half expected to find Amy dancing when I returned but she was still at the table. I asked her if anyone had asked her to dance and she just replied a couple of men had approached her but she told them she was waiting for me.

Even after I returned men were asking Amy to dance and she always had the same reply that she was saving her dances for her me. I got up to refill our drinks and a woman at the bar started flirting with me. I talked to her a minute too long.

Amy approached the lady and said, "honey, this man is mine, go put your hooks in someone else."

On the way back to the house Amy thanked me for a wonderful evening and apologized for ruining it.

"You were acting like we are a couple again. I wanted to show my appreciation and take you out to eat and you assumed we were together again. I am not sure what to make of the situation."

We didn't say much the remainder of the night but the next morning she got up and went looking for an apartment. For the first time in weeks I was working on my own and I discovered I missed my partner.

Amy came back later that afternoon looking dejected. She had not found an acceptable apartment and was going to check into a cheap hotel that had weekly rates.

"Amy, I've spent the day thinking. I would like you to continue to sleep in the spare bedroom. We can bring all of your things in tomorrow and unpack them. This is a huge step for me so please don't make any assumptions and just give us some space. I know you aren't seeing anyone but if you do I ask that you not bring a man into this house."

"I will take you up on your offer. I had no luck today and didn't realize how hard it would be trying to find an apartment. I understand about the space and totally agree. As far as bringing anyone back to the house, I have neither dated or had sex with anyone since I cheated on you at that last conference. I have undergone months of counseling since then and I am not the same person that I was then."

"I have realized since the first day you started working with me that you've changed. You are more like the Amy I was married to before you got that promotion. I like the current you much better."

She agreed to do the shopping, cooking, and laundry in lieu of rent. That was an even trade in my book.

We continued to work on the house. If a room that needed work contained furniture, we moved the furniture to another room. We retiled the bathrooms and refinished the hardwood floors. We weren't working quickly but we were meticulous.

I continued to go to the gym in the evening. My trainers were impressed with my boxing and encouraged me to enter an amateur boxing competition that was approaching. Because of my age I would be boxing in my age group, not by weight.

I have never done any competitive sports at all and was more than nervous. The match was scheduled during the day so Amy and I took the day off. Amy was more nervous than me and wouldn't stop fidgeting. My trainer became my manager and assisted in my corner.

My first opponent, although in the same age group, was larger than me but not as agile. The match was only three rounds and I took a beating in the first two before laying out my opponent in the third. He didn't have the stamina to do three rounds and I made him suffer for it. I was exhausted when declared the winner but I was still standing while my opponent was on the floor being treated.

I was given two-day break before my next opponent. He was a better boxer and gave as good as he got, and we were both standing at the end. The judges ruled in my favor by one point.

After another two day break I was back, this time for the championship title. My opponent had been a semi-pro boxer in his teens but then dropped out and only returned to boxing recently. He was a year older than me and in great shape but proved to be a worthy adversary. I was on the floor during the first round then I had him on the floor during the second round. In the third and last round we stood in the middle of the ring and just duked it out, neither of us giving or taking an inch. After a full sixty seconds of this he dropped his right hand giving me an open target and I connected, sending him to the floor. He was out cold, I had won!

The crowd erupted cheering and shouting. Suddenly Amy was in the ring hugging me and wouldn't let go. She had been very frightened for me to even take part and now she was the proudest woman in the arena, my biggest supporter. I scanned the audience and realized that many of the cheering crowd were our friends or relatives. I had not told anyone of the competition so she must have gotten the word out. Even our children were ringside.

My match was the last in the competition so the awards followed. I was crowned champion for my age group and received a large trophy. Amy immediately congratulated me with a big hug and kiss.

She had, without my knowledge, arranged a party afterwards at one of the larger restaurants. This was the first time since our split the we were both, together, in the company of our children and their families. There was no awkwardness at all. There were many friends I had not seen because they just dropped off the radar after the divorce but everyone congratulated me and showered me with compliments. Most remembered me as a pudgy fat guy. None recognized me as I entered the ring, except of course, my ex-wife.